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mfw only response is a jew who got banned from the forum

Bulbasaur confirmed for cuck


fuck caps lock







You gotta DM someone for the paypal info. Or D'nate bit coin, I think the link is on TRS.

Fuck off with your aut-right bullshit.

Yeah, I'll tell them they'd better call it quits. user doesn't approve.

Came here just to post this, i been saying he was the one that cucked out for months.

Suck my fucking dick anti-TRS shills, one last narrative your retarded ass can spread now.

Who exactly am I shilling for, faggot? Or do you just call everyone names when they don't like what you like? Sounds a lot like leftist behavior. After all, in the words of Richard Spencer, "the alt-right is the new left."

I don't like Richard Spencer. And TDS isn't my favorite podcast.
Fash the Nation is my favorite.
Also, have you ever heard about punching to the right, and why you shouldn't do it?



TRS is to the left of Holla Forums.

"No punching to the right" means don't go after people more extreme than you, something TRS is guilty of.

He means "the new left" as in the new punk-rock counterculture. What's wrong with that statement?

One thing I noticed was that people lately have been confusing "no punching to the right". Originally it meant what you said, but now people are trying to pretend it means "don't go after people less extreme than you".

Always the first post. Always.

I'd say both sites are made up of users spanning across a wide spectrum of right wing thought. Anywhere from faggots who are still in their libertarian phase, to full 14/88 free helicopter rides, like myself. Neither Holla Forums nor TRS is to the right or left of each other. We both have the same goals, and a lot of the users of each site cross over quite a bit.


So it ranges from lolbergs, to lolbergs who LARP as fascists. Good to know.

I'm quoting myself, after reading your post.

If that's true for TRS, it's just as true for Holla Forums.

I'm trying to tell you, we're both racially aware, doing what we can to save the white race, and take power away from our enemies. Where is the point of contention you're so set on?

No enemies to the right, nothing but enemies to the left.

I know what he means. Thing is, it can apply more ways than one. After all, the aut-right sure loves its faggots.

I like this meme that they're just lolbergs larping as white nationalists.

In that case, I guess I'm just a farmer larping as a white nationalist.


You people are hopeless. The amount of subversion that has been leveled against TRS is ridiculous.
When's the last time you actually went to TRS and checked out the content? Maybe checked out any new podcasts?
It's a big network, that is growing. I love Holla Forums, but what are you guys doing?

No, the TRS and Holla Forums are very different, they just share memes that the former hijacked from the latter. Helicopter autists are tiny minority here (mostly TRSIDF) while they're the majority of TRS.

Farming wasn't started by jews, nor is it inherently anti-nationalistic.

I used to be a Holla Forums loyalist too. There's just not much you can do when you stay anonymous your whole life. The fact the TRS not only encourages, but proves the effectiveness of meeting with your local goyim, explains why it's shilled so hard against.

Yeah, this Pinochet worship is getting old. The guy was an ideologically bankrupt pawn of kikes. His entire purpose was to test out Friedman economics before bringing it to the West.

I'd like to beat Mike Enoch to death with a tube sock filled with frozen Valencia oranges.

I'm actually okay with them shilling because their content is actually pretty good and, for the most part, has been pretty spot on.

These guys are on our side, and I don't get why some people can't quite grasp that. I guess it's difficult to imagine that there are other people in the world who want to gas Jews.

I fucking hate these faggots, they are so fucking obnoxious with their disqus larping and their meme stealing faggotry. not to mention its a huge fagfest

wow you aren't blatant at all faggot.

Learn to branch out and recognize allies when you see them. Our race is dying.

Christcucks man.

They talk big shit, but they're all pussified cuckolds.

Okay, so you have a few guys who used to be libertarian and then pretty much abandoned those views for racialism, and even go as far to say that they're not concerned about economics… And yet, they're still somehow Jewy to you? Lad, you're sense of that's the lens you view things.

Yeah, no. I don't buy that.


You do know NatSoc has an economic part to it, right? It's better than lolbergs who can easily be abused by kikes, which created it in the first place. Semi-restricted economy to cater to the needs of the people while preserving private ownership> Muh free market flooding society with useless crap that is marketed to create an artificial need.

They "abandoned" libertarian in the same way the neocons "abandoned" "trotskyism.

It does seem like a good portion of the far Right has developed a boiling crab mentality. Anyone who tries to go beyond mail order periodicals or edgy memes on a Mongolian finger painting board gets attacked by people who can't seem to muster the same effort against the left.



Most of the guys on TRS started on Holla Forums. Not exactly entryism.

It's pretty clear that TDS is more aligned with 4chan (Holla Forums lite) and FtN is more aligned with 8ch. I've heard TDS diss us on many occasions for being 'too extreme' and that we don't like anything. No, we just don't particularly enjoy 3 hours of nothing but meandering 'ebin verbal shitposting' like the 4chan kiddies seem to like. We just aren't your audience.

These faggots aren't even funny OP.

There's more to TRS than the Shoah.

Which is why I limited my criticisms to TDS in particular.