25 years ago, an American president did the unthinkable

He stood up to Israel.

Back in 1991, when the United States was in the midst of a tepid recovery following a recession, Israel wanted $10 billion in loan guarantees to resettle Soviet Jews. George H.W. Bush had the audacity to demand Israel wait 120 days, and to also end construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank as a precondition to getting the loan guarantees. Of course, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was shocked that an American president was beginning to act like the United States was a sovereign nation, and AIPAC went into overdrive in Congress to get support for the loan guarantees, and override Bush's veto.

Instead of backing down, Bush took his case to the American people in a public press conference on Sept 12, 1991. What he said in that conference has never been said by any American president before or since.

Talking about the Israel lobby, he explained what he was up against.

Even in this time before the internet, the American people backed Bush, and supported American interests over those of Israel.

counterpunch.org/2013/09/16/remembering-aipacs-last-defeat/ or archive.is/u4QOP

presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=19969 or archive.is/40jxu

Other urls found in this thread:



Oh look, another DC newfag thread. Nice archive, Shlomo.


Bush eventually gave in as it became clear what an enemy he had made.

So what happened to the money?

fuck off twat
for the past 500 years bus has 3 ancestors with the name "israel" alone


IMHO, the most important lesson from this was that Bush had the American public behind him. The primary electoral support for Israel are a certain percentage of Jews and the crazier evangelicals, which is a small percentage of the population. Israeli power is not really decided at the ballot box, but via media control and campaign donations.

The media is far less powerful today than it was in 1991, and Trump is demonstrating that at least for the presidency, big campaign donors are not that important either.

You can stand up to Israel.

The reason jews don't allow american bases in Israel is because they don't want americans to witness the genocides and atrocities made by jews against palestinians.

Here is video of the speech:


This alters my opinion of the Bush family a little bit, but not much. The outcomes are what matter most. In this case, the outcome is good for Jews, bad for everyone else. It's business as usual on Planet Earth.

Do you get your talking points from the Christians on Holla Forums?

WTF are you even saying.

Bush Senior, not Bush Junior.

This has nothing to do with Bush being a good guy or good president, but rather that he stood up to Israel. He put the question to the American people instead of just allowing a corrupt Congress to decide, and they backed the United States over Israel.

you're trying to turn white nationalists into cuckservatives. if you're going to shill in that direction you could at least study your target demographic for a longer period, you fucking retarded newfag.


I'm not trying to convince anyone with your IQ anything, since you can't even read what I wrote.

E. Michael Jones gives a pretty good history of the neo-cohen take over here.


t. cuckservative liberal

bush sr. was an amazing fellow, if he had an ounce of social conservatism in his body and a shred of socialism he could have been the first american emperor. he was a cruel, brutal bastard who swam something like 20 miles back to his aircraft carrier when the japs shot down his torpedo bomber (through shark infested water) and he also helped run the phoenix project, so he definitely had motherfuckers killed. he was involved with the JFK killing. he was a ruthless motherfucker but unfortunately his ruthlessness only bettered the glory of his family dynasty and the elite class rather than the country at large. my favorite video of him is when a nigger asked him an clinton a question during the debates and bush is so zoned out because he doesn't give a flying fuck about muh racism that he totally whiffs the question because he is probably thinking about the time he drove a dowel rod through a VC fuckers eardrum with a ball-pean hammer

You know that (((they))) play both sides. This was probably staged.

Edgy. If you worship edge fuck off to 4chans Holla Forums


Greatest nation on earth being cucked by a strip of land in the desert.

The Monica Lewinsky situation with Clinton was also related to trying to stand up to Israel.

Oven yourself


And we all know how that worked out in the end.

If people want to talk about Bush historically, that's cool, but probably not the really important message from this whole thing.

That message is how weak popular support for Israel is. Only a small percentage of the population really gives a fuck about Israel. It seems like much more than that, mostly because most media talking heads and cuckservative columnists worship Israel.

Before the internet, before 9/11, before the endless wars in the Middle East started by Bush Jr, and the proxy wars started by Obama, before the general public knew much about the fate of the USS Liberty, before there was even much awareness as to how terribly the Palestinians were being treated by Israel, the majority of Americans were ready to tell Israel to fuck off with their demands.

Both Bushes always were but pawns. Did you never realize that 9/11 was a coup d'etat against Bush BY the neocohens - i.e. the Israelis who had infiltrated the US government? The Bushes were Saudi Oil guys, not kikes, they had simply affiliated themselves with the Neocohens, which themselves again were the attempt of Israel to take over control of the Republicans? (The kikes already did completely control the Dems, obviously)

When the towers fell, Bush Junior realized who he had allied with, and what these guys are capable of, of doing to him if necessary if he doesn't "play ball"

Israel did 9/11, to force Bush to work for them.

Yeah I fail to see how neocons are our friend

They are your mortal enemy. They want you to die for Israel.

Thank you. Good speech.

If this is the standard, then Obongo is based as fuck.

I can say "Kennedi check em" and I bet I would be equally unsurpassed

Hello newfag. Plebbit is around the corner


Bush was based.

Based Bush blew up the twin towers and WTC7 with Israeli help, so based.


Bush Sr. is the one responsible for Neoconservatives taking over the GOP.

Jewish filth.

How the fuck is this a D&C thread Shlomo?

Not defending them, but for the most part but its pretty clear that both Bushes were hapless puppets for the Jews
and its also clear that Israelis and Jews are now trying to scapegoat Bush for 9/11. They could be genuinely bad people but at the same time its definitely possible they didn't realize exactly what they were doing.

Why aren't they called Jewpac or Kikepac?

Actually it's because the "state" is actually a British naval base.

Low energy

next thing people here will be cheering for Reagan

That's not bad, but in the end it clearly didn't matter so there is no reason to praise him for it.

Sorry Bushy, too little too late.

I see that your point in making the thread was to provide an example of an American politician standing up to Israel, but Bush telling the Israelis to wait a few days for their welfare check isn't really a good example.

First of all, no one here is old enough to remember the context of what was going on back then. That's why you're getting all these replies about d&c.

That was all in the run up to the 1993 Israel-Palestinian Peace Accords. Everyone thought history was over. The cold war was over, they were going to get "peace in the middle east" and we'd all live happily ever after in the jew world order.

All that wound up happening was the kikes getting pissed off at Bush 1 and getting Clinton elected. As for "peace in the middle east", no one gave a shit. Everyone ignored Arafat and the kikes wound up pulling their standard "lone assassin" gag on Rabin.


WTF are you even saying.


if you look up his ancestor tree bush yid mixed on both sides

Civic nationalist spotted, the rope goes to you first

Well, in fairness, it wasn't so much telling the Israelis to wait, as almost every modern president has had significant policy conflicts with Israel. It's almost unavoidable, as the Israelis are so arrogant and demanding.

The Israelis could have accepted Bush disagreeing with them. They would have made it business as usual, worked Congress with AIPAC influence, and then had Bush give in when they saw his veto would be overridden.

What they didn't count on was Bush going straight to the American public to gain support against Israel, and raising the curtain a little to see that the supposedly most powerful man on earth needed the American people to back him in facing off against the lobby of a foreign power. For Zionists, that's enough to make Bush Hitler 2.0.

I agree that what Bush was requesting was really trivial. Even if he had said, "No, I'm not giving you any loan guarantees at all, ask for private donations if the money is so necessary to you" it would have been nothing.

All true, and this contributed to Bush thinking the time was okay to break ranks and get this problem sorted out.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Mein Neger!

Is that why his son had to be such a sabbos goy and their (((media))) still attacked him like crazy nonstop? Nothing Dubya said during his running matched up with what he did foreign policy wise.

That's it, I'm #GuacMissile now

Counterpunch.org is owned by natalie rothschild.

this is part of their antisemitic agenda to blame the jews, when it is just a bunch of families who happen to be jewish in a cabal, not all jews that support this.

You all support the Talmud. That is already a death sentence in my book. It is you or me at that point.

Anything else that you do other than completely renounce Talmudism and do work to expose it only confirms the knowledge I already possess through study that you are my mortal enemies. And even if you do renounce it as I describe, that can be tolerated, but don't expect any trust as you have already lost it. Welcome to the politics board

Wrong Bush.

She's like the chick in the club you really really want to hook up with. But in reality, she's a piece of human shit who dresses like a fucking nigger's slave prostitute and fucks with guys in a club

Aryan woman must be embraced and lead by Aryan men!

It's time Holla Forums began to recruit females because Jews hate that!