Was Smallville any good...

Was Smallville any good? I like Superman but needless to say I can't get into any of the new super hero shows and I remember hearing that this one was pretty decent.


If it ain't Reeve it ain't right.

Smallvile lasted for too long than it should. The latter seasons are complete shit.

It's definitely a CW show. Had both Jeph Loeb and Geoff Johns as writers. Comic fans, make of that what you will.

Reeve actually cameo'd in it. Also Lana Lang from Superman 3 plays Martha Kent.

Terrence Stamp (Zod) also voices an AI Jor-El in the Fortress of Solitude.

It had cute girls


It was good when they followed the freak of the week formula early on.

It was fine. If you have nothing else to do for a week it might be worth watching

Chloe a cute

You're a small ville.




As it is with all CW shows.

the Reeve movies are fucking garbage

ebin downboat! I'm sending (you) reddit gold!

Yeah, but it is still a DC show. It has typical teen angst and melodrama but it is turned down compared to other shows aimed at the same audience. It also has some cheesy dialogue, hammy acting, relationship stuff, and silly plots but it all leans towards entertaining kinds most of the time. Almost every woman in the show is easy on the eyes, which helps too. First and last thirds of the show are better than the middle one.

First few seasons are freak of the weak/Clark got new power and has to learn to control it + high school drama. Then things move more towards mystery and drama, probably to cash in on success of shows like Heroes and Lost. Towards the end it slowly to moves to DC superhero/super-villain of the week and becomes DCfag fanservice with some drama thrown in.

I kinda liked it. Best Lex Luthor. It is a shit show and the quality keeps dropping until it raches evil versions from parallel dimensions.
But the first few seasons are nice.

Crap, I meant CW show

Who was the best girl?

Chloe Sullivan obviously.

Always wanted to smell her socks.

Lex and Lionel Luthor both really made the show for me. Jonathan Kent was remarkably well cast too.


Stop what?

you know what



i liked that op

I grew up with this series as the introduction to American Live-Action TV Shows. Bloody depressing experience and extremely relieved when it ended.

It is a massive fun, full of mysteries, magic, suspense and wonder. I have no clues of the Superman lore before then, and this shows actually make Superman not boring. Clark Kent is an interesting character. His origins are fascinating and really hooked me on with the direction that Jor-El is a bad guy. Lex and Lionel Luthor are even more interesting, superbly acted and menacing as villians and anti-heroes. Lana Lang and Lois Land are both annoying though, very disappointed not to see them killed off.

For some reasons, the writers decided to darken it and it gotten a lot worse. Clark broke with Lex because of contrived reasons. Lex evil transformation were forced, (its like S1 Walter White turned to S5 Heisenberg in five episodes). Lex became evil was not entirely his faults but mainly because the "heroes" (who acted like a bunch of pure, pristine, self-righteous pricks with no faults of their own) treated him as a virus and push him toward that. Green Arrow, was cringe, the writers obviously falls in love with him, but his face just make me vomits with his self-righteousness and "Disturbed Badboy Persona". Lana Lang and Lois Lang gotten far far far far worse. They acted stupidly, caused destruction to people lives and the stories did not call them out on it. They even ruined Martha Kent by making her as Lionel lackey. Supergirl looked liked she's thirty and older than Clark in maturity. Only Jimmy Olsen was a great addition.

Sum it up, the heroes acted without reasons and accountability. The villains were fucking evil because plot needed to happen. Character development were either non-existent or shit in execution. Mysteries are swapped for shocked plot-point. Jimmy Olsen is a light in the darkness.

Thankfully, the jew who played Lex decided to quit. His character weren't ruined further but the show still continued shittier and shittier. There are really AMAZING AWESOME sequences that lasted for ten minutes for two or three times per seasons. Basically, a longer more depressing Simpsons. At least the Simpsons make you laugh from their attempts at humor, Smallville just shit on it with the same flaws as the previous seasons. The heroes are still destructive self-righteous hypocrites. The new villain to replace Lex are boring and written the ways Hollywood wrote "strong female characters": no accountability. They killed off Jimmy Olsen in order to ship Chloe (the most bearable hero) with "Bad Boy" Green Arrow. Lionel Luthor saved season 10 whenever he in, but he is not enough. The Christ Imagery are liked product placements in Man-of-Steel. I really wanted to quit but couldn't, I dreaded watching it but cannot stop, I just had to see it end despite the depressing state it is. When it did, I breathe freedom.

Here is the biggest flaw: There is no different between Clark Kent in season 10 and the Clark Kent in Season 1. The Guy never grow up. There is no character development at all, he is the same person when he is 14 as he was 24. Not an adult, at least a believable ones.

Sum it up,\ very very few bright spots, but no character developments. Heroes are destructive, self-righteous, retarded, morally-limited hypocrites with plot armors. The best villains are the ones that was recycled from the first season and one new good one in "Toy Man".