A Christian, White, Slavic country is one of the worst enemies of the ((West)). Trust me goy

A Christian, White, Slavic country is one of the worst enemies of the ((West)). Trust me goy.

Can you find your mistake on your own?

For what I heard, Ann Coulter prefers to use "European" instead.

Slav are less Europeans then Fingolians.

t. Paki


I don't mind Russia, but if White race rests their hopes upon them then it's truly sad future awaits.
They're mo asiatic then european, they have different mindset and don't consider them self to be part of Europe.

just genetics m8, Slav have heavy Asian admixture, too much to be considered European.
they're basically happa

This word is so funny lol

Is there anything the Mongols didn't fuck?


yes, monkeys

the west is ok, but america has to die tbh

u wot m8?

Asians are nice tho

better than white woman tbh

У тя роллтон заварился

you obviously never been with a Slavic woman.
like all happas, they're fucked in the head, literally bipolar. they also tend to age horribly.

not trying to turn you away from slavic women, just giving my 2 cent

i want to marry a russian grill.

I've never been with any woman, I'm not a normie like you. And I find Japanese girls the most beautiful, not Russian. But you are clearly a dumb hater.

i want to put babies in a russian pussy.

have fun been with a 30 yo who looks 70 tbh

ill take my chances user….

literally one out of 20 men on earth have Ghengis Kahn's genetics in them. Not his men's, but Ghengis' own DNA.

isn't all that pressure in her head dangerous insofar as skull damage is concerned? can't it potentially like crack it?

oh man, I'd kiss her so hard, if you get my drift. Don't think there's anything anyone could do to stop me kissing her mouth, goddamn