How did they fuck up a character that is so fuckin easy to do? He's got a death wish, a daughter he cares about...

How did they fuck up a character that is so fuckin easy to do? He's got a death wish, a daughter he cares about, a shitty childhood and generally a 'I don't care' attitude.

It was because they were dumb enough to have Will Smith play him right?

Yeah pretty much.

Yeah. Will Smith, the rich fuck he is, couldn't comprehend the idea of a man killing for money. So he pretended he was a serial killer or some shit instead.

They fucked up because they couldn't be assed to read a comic book that nobody heard of up until a few years ago. What did you expect from the studio that greenlit it on the heels of Dawn of Justice: a faithful character-focused ensemble piece?

Please whats the last film in 5 years he actually had to act in? The guy is one of those A-List actors that is so over-hyped that his name can put people in seats even if he doesn't do shit.

Wasn't Karl Urban originally considered for Deadshot? That would have been 20 times better since I feel he'd actually put effort in. And keep his damn mask on.

Wasn't Will Smith in Bad Boys and Bad Boys II? And Wild Wild West?

Were there no characters in those movies who would kill for money?

Even if you ignore the race swap, Will Smith was painfully miscast

That annoyed me to no end watching Suicide Squad. He had the mask on for maybe a minute at the beginning of the film and then never wore it again.

Well, yeah, obviously.

Get over yourselves.

Trump won

i find it interesting, what pushes people to be insuferable faggots?

Not an argument
t. (((Stefan Molyneux)))

Just filter the namefag.

Wish our mod would just fuckin ban him and Val.

The mask was BS in the film because it served no function besides identity hiding. In Deadshot's first scene I didn't get why he didn't have the mask ON while committing the hit. It would have made more sense to keep it on, trash talk the employer, make the shot then jump off the building and do a face reveal when he got to his car.

In the comics his mask functions as a protection against ballistics and a gas mask in certain conditions. The movie's is latex or some shit which he only wore for the office fight for some reason. In fact where the fuck was he even keeping it?

they fucked up the whole movie what are you talking about ?

They fucked up Deadshot most of all. The movie had a lot of small things wrong with it across the board, but everything about Deadshot was ruined

the problem with Will is that his ego starts to take over. Remember his movie After Earth? That movie was so panned because it's pretentious and horrible I decided to watch it. It IS pretentious and horrible. Will is a Mary Sue character and his son is supposed to be a "hero in training" character but his acting skill was fucking flat. I'm not surprised Deadshot was mangled so badly, I bet Will made demands to change some stuff.

Smith said he "didn't understand the character." Director gave him a criminology book. Smith decided Deadshot was a serial killer instead of a hitman.

More like he did no research. And boasted about how much he understood the character.

Which I like to call Albert Pyun Syndrome.

How did they fuck up a whole movie again by making it just another of many humm drumm comic book movies that has a sky laser?
Assault on Arkham was an infinately more faithful Sucide Squad movie and the ending was more daring and wonderful than anything hollywood would ever make regardless if you count the ending as Deadshot knocking the joker off a building inside a helicopter or Shooting what people would only view as a black woman

Ideally I'd have a live action version of that
with slightly more time spent on origins and explanations of characters
So a movie audience can understand them
and to pad out the movie to a standard run time.

King Shark should look more like a Shark. Harley and Deadshot pairing was a mistake. Joker's "end" just makes him far more supernatural then they intended with him for the Arkham series. Guess he had a few stupid moments in the series. Killer Frost deserved better.

Okay movie. Better than the live action movie. Crummy stuttering animation in some parts but that's a given for DC's animations. Least it's plotholes for the series are most forgiving than the ones in the Arkham comics.

They could have remade Assault on Arkham, replaced Bats with a new hero who needs to be introduced, change the setting from Arkham, and you would have had an amazing film on your hands.

He wasn't playing Deadshot aka "Autistic Lockon Guy", he was playing Will Smith, tough version.

The problem was that they wanted the movie to be DC's answer to Guardians of the Galaxy, with a team of wacky anti-heroes who kind of dislike each other, but bond after some drinking and dancing.

The worst part was that he'd constantly take it out and stare at it. And then put it away.
What the fuck was the point?

Probably trying to be more pretentious.

FYI it's a famous scene from Macbeth. Alas poor Yorick.

TS, Val, Kaziklu and Truteal all need to be purged. Sitewide bans would be preferable, but I'd settle for just Holla Forums.

Are you that """girl""" who complained about skylasers, then got derailed trying to prove you were totally not being an idiot for inserting your gender into all of your posts?

Here is a meme for you sonny jim.

Look at me, Look at me.

WE are Holla Forums now.

Look at your heroes.

We control them now.

YOU are the phonies and the slandererous trolling fellows while we EMBRACE the truth.

THERE ARE NO "OLD HEROES". It will be as those in the 90s laughed at racist Steve and silly talk in the 50s.

You are dinosaurs. You are dying out. We are humans, walking upright and crafting tools. You have two options. Perish or Submit.

I know which I will pick.


Have you ever tried not being a cunt?

That sounds stupid but I don't see any impact of that on his performance

Makes me wonder if Deadshot will show up in Justice League Action.

They are pretty different. Serial Killer have urges to kill people even when they want to stop. Hitman did it for money and if he wants to he can stop anytime.

People read that shit?

I think he meant that it didn't really 'show' in the performance - i.e. Smith is a bad actor

This is subtle, yet effective bait for pretentious fucks like me. Well played.