Manchester Arena: 19 dead in 'terror attack' explosion at Ariana Grande concert

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Those damn white heterosexual men are at it again!


Victoria's jealously has finally gone too far!

Take it to Holla Forums samefag.


Ariana Grande is a mdiget that gets carried by her staff


what did she meant by this?


If we just LOVE Mudslimes more they'll stop killing us!

We have to submit!

There really is no other chance for peace!

I saw your pic and I thought Daisy Ducati was in trouble


Is that real?

Pretty harsh words Victoria, I know you're mad she's more successful then you but is this really the time?

she wants to gas all the mudslimes

Pretty low effort user (through it could deceive some normies).

Just another day in britcuckistan.

R.I.P she was only a kid

But really I'm a European and I die more and more inside everyday.
We're so fucking pozzed here, we're completely doomed. There could literally be a hundred beheadings by Muslims here a day and people would get used to it after a week.




Let sleeping corpses lie

This is obviously the doughnut shop owner getting revenge for the licking incident.

Arianna Grande confirmed for sleeper agent.


Anyone remember me!?

Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? I've never met people as pozzed as Europeans. How did the Jews brainwash you guys to just bend the knee at every turn?


Not him but that's a pretty mighty insult for someone coming from France or Switzerland
The rest are OK, England doesn't count as they are below 60
Plus why are Europeans (western/northern ones) not fighting like madmen? they don't have the "not your land" taboo/moral breakaway the americans have

/pol is that way new friend


60% of Europeans will be dead by 2020.

Remember Hitler? He tried to prevent this when they were just starting their attempts to enslave Europe. Now that was a long time ago, the kikes have been in power since the war ended. Just think about how long they've had to demoralise the European peoples.

Britbongs obviously need more vibrant diversity.

"Great" Shitain now has so many muzzies they should be renamed Britbombs.

The eyes speak volumes. He is a man who is sad, and isn't pleased with how society has moved.


lmao take your historically illiterate ass back to >>>/reddit/


what did she mean by this?

She is hot

lulz :)

what did she mean by this?

everything these liberals say reminds me of the MGS2 codec conversations
like they're the prologue to us having A.I technologies implemented on us for the sake of peace on the internet
I wonder (((who))) is doing this?



it definitely does sound like something you would order

Fun fact: Ariana Grande means "Great Aryan" in italian



At least Arianna is ok. I mean, we aren't losing anything of value by her fans dying, but Ari being hurt would be devastating, I can't fap to dead people.


not with that attitude.

Why didn't you listen?

Dan Schneider is a Djinn.

from her twitter.

The Curse strikes again.



Starting to turn people into golems, not financial or material slavery. I'm talking about the enslavement of the mind that have liberals sucking sandnigger dick harder the more they get blown up by them today.

Diversity Is Our Strength IN HELL!

Gas the lefties.

Where the fuck do you work to have such idiots as coworkers?

I work in a hospital. All of these people have biology degrees.


So they managed to pozz biology too somehow…

This wouldn't happen if Hillary were president.

Psychology and Biology are the two big scientific fields that women flock to and they are also the ones that have the most potential to be co-opted for social movements. If you want to push a certain societal convention, it helps to have biologists and psychologists that will nod and agree that it is healthy/natural/positive

Stuff like physics and chemistry is harder to politicize because it deals with things on such a tiny (and broad) scale. You can't really make hard science like polymerization or nuclear fission into some agenda

>"It wasn't true Islam"

What's wrong with Trump, Hillshill?

It's okay that every major terrorist attack in the past 16 years has been orchestrated by a muslim because some muslims are nice and do important jobs. Stop being such a bigot.


Is that Sam Hyde?


I would be really surprised if Hitler wasn't used to further the agenda of the Jews as a global example of facism, as well as feeding the Jewish victimization. Hes a very well recognized historical figure, just like Martin Luther kind was a boule member.

Plus he was friends with the jewish created Vatican and practicing pagan and theosophy comes from the jews as well.

I'm not intentionally trying to trigger Holla Forumsacks here, but you shouldn't put so much trust into one man who was a piece on the global stage. Like being islamic and worshiping Osama.

I'm not into any cult of personality but that's some straight up goon talk, the kikes made Hitler put them into labour camps and improve Germany to show how bad fascism is? Kek. What I find amusing about Hitler is that leftists can never find something truly bad to say about him other than that he lost the war. Like their only valid complaint is that he didn't defeat the Soviets.

A cult of personality… …to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to divinization
Really? because that's exactly what hes/you're treating him as, someone unquestionable, someone godlike. That's not to talk away from his knowledgeable position.

That's not what i said. I didn't even mention the holocaust. I know the holocaust was a hoax, Read what i post before invalidating it.

What makes me a leftist? I don't really have anything bad to say about about hitler. I just don't trust someone that globally known that's all, especially when hes was so well connected once he come to power.

honestly the only hot one of the whole Disney Monarch crew


I bet that stupid, flat-chested, giant-headed dye job cunt is happy she wasn't in America. Terrorists trying to blow her stupid ass up are a small price to pay not to have to deal with… donut shops providing the option to sell food she doesn't like… existing.



You sound like a jealous fat bitch from tumblr.

Didn't she lick the donuts to prevent fatties from eating it and getting fatter or something like that?

I like small tits too tbh.


Meatcucks btfo!

There's a reason all the kikes say "never again" in reference to Hitler and the rise of Fascism. They came so close to losing their grip that when they regained it they doubled down hard.

Adding to the reason the Europeans are so soundly cucked, and slightly moreso than burgers I don't have much good to say about the US, but you can't deny that they are slightly less cucked is because of just how devastating the second World War was for Europe, especially Germany. There were very few instances where a German company would ever surrender, because they knew what they were fighting for in the long run. Unfortunately with the number of men that died, it left a vast swath of European children to be raised by single mothers or men that didn't fight. Given how fucked up and liberal children of single mothers and cucks tend to be, it's no wonder that they took to the brainwashing like moths to a flame, which fucked the later generations.

In short, kikes double down on demoralisation in a post-war Europe without strong men.

Isn't he a normalfag singer?


He's a faggot, but because he dared to stand up against Islam expect him to either have a sudden change of heart or get thrown under the bus very soon.

I've stopped wonder when the cucks will snap out of it and started wonder if there is actually an if in there somewhere.

Western nations are basically dead, this is just the mudshits beating on the corpse.

Why Jihadis Attack Concerts: Understanding the Manchester Massacre



That's actually a pretty interesting thought experiment, would the libs still care more about the reputation of Islam than people dead in the millions? I'm actually not sure what the answer would be.

Our guy tbh fam

Daily reminder.

What terrifies me is that we keep creating "terrorists" with no end in sight & no thought of the consequences, then blaming everyone else when they attack us. The US is like the world's biggest spoiled baby, with a big orange crybaby for (((president))).

you'll grow out of this phase, kiddo

That shit reminds me of the liberals at Holla Forums.

Liberals want to see all white people dead.

When will you outgrow your goon phase?

you son of



So someone hijacked his account to spew pro-Muslim bullshit?

Who is this literal nobody? In any case, good for him. He went the way he wanted everyone else to.


Call me an edgelord but it's so satisfying seeing these idiots finally get what's coming to them. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

Apparently he's some fudgepacker that went TOTALLY VIRAL on twatter. Never heard of him before either.

When you make your bed and have to lie on it.

Now imagine the backlash of peaceful Muslims should someone drop a nuclear device on Mekka and kill 50 million pilgrims. Compare.


But there's no singular nuclear device on earth that can kill 50 million Americans at once. Even if they blowed up the entire New York State that would only be 20 million deaths.

let's do more than imagine


The point of memes is to be short and get straight to the point. Nobody is ever going to read all of that shit, nor is anyone ever going to repost it except from maybe the angloposter.

Know how I know you're a mainland yuropoor?

Are you a Britbong? You are a Britbong, aren't you?

Muslims wouldn't be able to engage in terrorism if we deported killed them all. Their anger does not matter; they are just parasites who use our own technology to kill us and the treachery of our own politicians to infiltrate our societies. If Whites resolved to kicked them out of our countries, they couldn't do jack shit, no matter how insulted their religious fee-fees were.


spot the Holla Forums users.

what the fuck are adult men doing at an ariana grande concert?

/waifuist/ pedos

seriously though it's probably just dads being roped into taking their daughters

found them


"like a bitch"

also faggots love ariana grande music


It didn't take too long. I haven't laughed so hard at how bad they're trying to silence him. It's almost as funny as when Comopolitan called an Indian Sikh a Muslim. Muslims have slaughtered the Siks in their eastern conquests btw

Morrisey looks like an older Richard Spencer there.


Hey, remember when Ariana was secretly taped in an elevator wishing her fans would "fucking die", and then they did?

Top left: dead ringer for my ex gf
Middle left: Ms. Wojack

No, can I get a link? Or the vid?

I'm a Bong, my man.

My condolences.