The ideas of transhumanism and the "singularity" in the current vernacular are overhyped as fuck...

The ideas of transhumanism and the "singularity" in the current vernacular are overhyped as fuck, but there is something to the idea of machines becoming a standard part of humans in the near future. What do you guys think of the most likely scenarios to fold out as wetware becomes more mainstream, if ever?

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we are fucking humans, we are not yet ready for that shit... we still have fucking primitive problems to solve in general

We never will be, humans are idiots.

Fuck it. Let's do it now. What's the worst that will happen?


We have been tool users since before our current species existed. Humans have always relied on technology, and technology is part of humanity. Nothing about this is fundamentally new.

Does it really make a difference whether I instantly send this message across the world to people I'll never physically meet using my fingers or using an implant?


Why do some people hate the future?

Replacing or attaching things to your bodyparts is just dumb.

We've discovered just how many things you can conveniently stick into a small slab in your pocket, there's very little benefit from drilling it permanently onto your arm.

Even in a hypothetical future scenario where we have holograms and shit, it would still be more convenient to have a ring or a necklace or a piece of headgear that can project shit in front of you, instead of cutting up your body just to install a massive security and privacy vulnerability onto it.

The only scenario where it would be feasible is when our technology can augment the physical capabilities of the human body, like strength and endurance. Until that happens it's just pointless tech fetishism, and after that it's still tech fetishism because you're not going to fucking walk to the store, you're going to drive there with a car like the lazy piece of shit you are.

And no, not really

It'll make "death by self-driving car" for those guilty of wrongthink seem merciful by comparison.


Both of the above are possible and have been achieved scientifically, it's only a matter of time now.

The whole world is fucked.
How can I accept transhumanism with the botnet in control of everything?
I won't even feel safe with a wirelessly controlled pacemaker.
IoT will kill us all.
The only way I could accept transhuman parts is that it is seL4 with no botnet.

Stop talking about things you don't understand. Whenever I see "seL4" on Holla Forums I feel pain in my soul

But not the over used word botnet?
You don't understand it either.

you gotta admit those bionic leg replacers are pretty nice for people who lost theirs in an accident

Yeah it's the tool paradox. You invent a tool to free you from some menial task, but to use the tool you have to break other tasks into tool-usable tasks. Thereby, ending up with even more of the menial task than you started with.
Having instant communication at your fingertips means most people now spend much much more of their lives engaging in pointless small talk than ever before.
Do you think having an implant in your head will make no difference? I would bet that in 5-10 years people would lose the ability to think.

Google BranChip™ augmented reality implants become mandatory to function as a normal member of society. The implant automatically reports violators of hate thought laws to the police and constantly monitors your every sensation, thought, and feeling for advertising metrics, all in order to provide you with a Safe© and Immersive® experience.

Botnet is just a word with a vague meaning (on imageboards), but seL4 is a real thing that really exists. And seL4 is pretty neat, but in the end it's nothing more than a small system part that has been shown to work as designed. It doesn't prevent all kinds of malicious tampering and it doesn't mean that the other parts of the system will behave correctly. Its name mostly gets thrown around as a sort of miracle solution.

the future is looking very bright

In the limited, ancient sense of the word maybe but you are arguing within the limits of old concepts. Maybe it's the concept that is outdated and needs updating? Adaptability is key, not using old concepts to reason with new ideas.

Written language is an outdated concept.

Give me twelve years and a haskell compiler written in brainfuck



smh tbh fam

How will the CIA niggers stay in a job then?

Get the fuck out.

why would they kill a member of society when they can just wipe your memory chip and reprogram you.

women are trying to get sexbots banned and artificial wombs banned, claiming they are demeaning to women and at the same time have had no problem with dildo's for the past 60 years.

It's a Jewish thing.

Good job

The gap between rich and poor becomes irrecoverable as the poor are forced to be 'enhanced' by effectively turning them into obedient highly efficient slaves while the rich remove emotion and guilt and become inhumanely good at manipulating people.

The difference is that one of them isn't inside me.

Idiot. Reduce the image size before uploading. Some of us are trying to conserve bandwidth.

This isn't you stupid fagola.


Obvious fallacy is obvious.

Explain that to a live-saving transplant recipient, or even just a prosthetics replacement patient.

If you squint just enough you can almost read it.


Intelligent Systems of Control

Every single time in history a human went against their own nature it went wrong. Transhumanism will by definition be the downfall of humanity and the only use for technology that can mimic humane nature is for making 3DPD irrelevant.

Can you elaborate?
Also, who are you quoting?

Surely you bait the user with that.

If not, you must have written that post before you existed.

on second thoughts.... GO BACK!

You smell shariablue.

I'm still not sure what you mean. Do you think there's a contradiction in having used tools since before our species existed? Species have an origin, we have ancestors from before homo sapiens existed. They used tools.

Somebody please make a michael bay edit of this

When 3DPD becomes irrelevant then the gays will rule the Earth.