
Political discussion.

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But what of the rich Jews in the media complex?

the media is the 4th branch of the government, retard


I thought that was the banking system


Media is the fifth, Banking is the fourth


I support the repeal of the 1934 National Firearms Act.

That is my politics for today. The rest is private.

How many fucking branches of the government are there?

We Al capone now? Tommy guns son

8/pol/ raid when?
No seriously, Holla Forums is the strongest board on the site rn. If Holla Forums finds this out,they would spam the ever living fuck out of this one single thread.

Same applies for the commifags

The concept of government makes no coherent sense.

too many.


There's no freedom of speech in America, like people think there is. All the First Amendment says is that Congress with not make a law that will abridge free speech or the exercise of.

So it's just a limitation placed on Congress to not pass an anti-speech law. It says nothing about the courts limiting speech, the executive branch (President) limiting speech, or the state governments or private businesses limiting speech.

The framers of the Constitution would've thought this only meant policy speech, not speech calling for a violent revolution against the American government. John Adams, who was the lawyer among the Founding Fathers, passed the Alien and Sedition Act under his presidency. So you can argue all day long about what the tax on tea ought to be, but you have no right calling for a socialist revolution and the genocide of the white race.

It's also not implying "there is absolute free speech" in any form in America; it could be a hypothetical existence.


Ancap memes are the best.

I know.

Holy shit, I can smell the gefilte fish from here.

The constitution is dead


"equality" as in discriminating against white people in favor of niggers

in an anarchist 'society', it's entirely rational to shoot anyone who physically approaches you or your property.


t. equates anarchism to what a hot topic wristbrand represents
read a book nigger
anarcho-capitalism definintely is fuicking retarded however

Learn some economics, you commie cunt

Thats not not anarchist society, thats some form of mgtow kike reasoning

Trump on the right.

All centrists should die tbh

Calling them "porky" will not make it any less anti-semitic.


Modern day centrists are basically classical liberals. The only reason they are seen as "centrists" is because of the far left and far right divide. Centrists aren't neutral like you believe. They stand by very specific principles. Politics in the US isn't a dichotomy, despite the democratic/republican divide.

The Blood and Soil of the People must be the unifying force in the pursuit of destroying Capitalism. Nationalist Socialism is the future. Fascism wasn't anti-Capitalist, and Communism wasn't anti-Semitic, so we must have a system that hates both Jews and Capitalists.

Russia did not violate any international laws when it comes to Ukraine, nor did they use any military force in Ukraine.
It was all just a referendum.

NATO is the agressor here, constantly pushing war, starting civil wars and backing up terrorist groups.

Video related for explanation behind the truth of the situation in Ukraine.

i always wonder if posts like these are RIDF

i actually agree with most points in the post tho

What is with this ridiculous boycotting to automatically assume that any kind of of argument against the west is some a bot from the kremlin.
It's so ironic and ridiculous!!!

That's because Communists aren't brain-dead retarded.
Jews are fine. Actual Jews. They're no different than any crazy sand-religion cultist.
The "Jews" the far-right deluded cucks scream about are capitalists.
This is made even more clear as they call non-Jews Jews all the time.

Nationalism is literally bullet-tier.
Grow up.

No sir, history has shown repeatedly that the Eternal Jew has to go. And you didn't acknowledge the part about Blood and Soil.

Read Karl Marx "on the jewish question" you'd realize Marx wanted to emancipate humanity from Judaism (going a step further than Bruno Bauer)

I did read it, actually. I'm still reading a great deal of Communist Theory in fact. However the problems with Jews seem too ingrained in their DNA - too many of their behaviors seem a part of their natural being. Either way, killing Capitalist swine means killing a large portion of Jews, and killing Jews means killing a large portion of Capitalists, so why not finish the job and keep history from repeating itself?

Every time "Jews" have been mentioned it has been because they acted like capitalists or simply because the population heard stories of them behaving as such.

Back in the middle ages the merchants were guess who? Jews.
Back in Soviet times who killed off communists and consolidated power? Jews.
Back in early America who consolidated industries and made monopolies? Jews.
Who exploited Germany forcing a Hitler to rise? The Jews.

They all did this not because of Judaism, but rather because they were taught how to make money by their fathers and how to be capitalists that exploit people. They cared not for making Judaism strong in the Soviet Union, but rather to profit and become wealthy powerful individuals with excessive power. Capitalists.
It's the same thing with folks from the slum or from trailer trash homes.
Take them as young young children and raise them as your own in a proper environment and they will turn out just fine. They'll be a bit stupider, yes, as some intelligence is genetic, but they'll be way more competent than the average if raised properly regardless.

I did.
Nationalism is beyond retarded, and tactically for whites it's suicide.
Chinese nationalism is the only somewhat reasonable and responsible form of nationalism that isn't suicide for the nationalist entity.

It'll still crumble in time though. It's only held together by the delusion that they're all HAN and that their country is better than everyone else's.
If they fall behind a little, stop being so isolated, or simply realize they're different ethnic groups it'll shatter the entire country.

I'm guessing you're going by the textbook definition of "Nationalism". I'm not proposing a belief that your nation is greater than every other nation out there, I'm proposing unifying the People of a Nation around their unique identity with Blood and Soil being the foundation for this unity. It doesn't necessitate that only one ethnic group inhabit such a nation, so long as there's a common history and relatively similar culture and heritage. A Pole should find welcome in Germany, but an Arab would be considered an outsider. I don't want brother wars.

Capitalism is a poison that will destroy the heritage of every nation, it must be on everyone's agenda to destroy Capitalism if they care a whit about their cultures, traditions, and ancestry.

That doesn't change the impact it has on you or the culture.

That unity is weak, just as nationalism always is, which is evident by the civil wars that have happened countless times between the same groups and cultures.
Furthermore it promotes irrational hostilities towards "outsiders" which causes wars and civil wars, which is general baboon behavior.

Naturally people seek who are like them and they feel comfortable with and they naturally are less trusting and welcoming of outsiders. You don't need to grain this into a society, and when you try it turns into abominations such as the USA, North Korea, Nazi Germany, Great Britain, etc.
It creates an imperialist mentality and an arrogance amongst the populace, large divisions, etc.

If all governments go away I'm not moving into Novgorod territory where most of my blood comes from. That's not my culture. That hasn't been my land. That doesn't have anything in particular special to me. The only benefit is I find more of the people there on average more attractive. That's it.
This applies for most people in the west, or really anywhere in the world. No gay arab wants to live in Arabia. No Texan, despite being born in China and Chinese, wants to live in China with his blood and land.
These spooks no longer exist but in ultra-nationalist baboons that are typically incredibly delusional, often irrationally racist, and war-supporting against others, not to mention not compassionate to outsiders.

Tribalism is a natural organisation of Humanity and all paths lead back to it, unfortunately. It would be grand if eccumenism could thrive, and we could abandon the predilection to Balkanize, but it simply doesn't seem feasible. If unity among those with shared culture, heritage, sensibility, and geography is "weak" according to you, how can it be considered possible to unify those that don't share anything in common at all? How does this discussion address the economic factors that cause a great deal of disunity?

It's just 4D Chess, Goys

They share fundamental things that all people share as well as benefit from relationships (economical, technological, emotional) and thus will naturally unify together if there is not a reason not to: Nationalism.

It's a weak bond because culture changes, as donees land-rights/claims, as do leaders, as does the genetic makeup, etc, while fundamentals do not.
It's weak because it necessarily requires a "us vs them" justification rather than a "it's good for us all" realization.

When capitalism is eliminated scarcity is also, scarcity for basics that is, being water, food, medicine, shelter, education, transportation.
Just giving an individual this docile's them into not being prone to war or aggression and promotes unification.
A warrior is only a warrior when he has nothing to live for, no money to live, or will have no life to live unless he fights for it.

You could say it docile's them overall, but that's ridiculous.
When you can eat simply because you exist do you no longer desire some exotic foods? Do you not want to travel leisurely and luxuriously? Do you not want to explore, or learn more?
It's the biggest capitalist spook ever made up: that communism stagnates. No, it encourages development and advancement as there's no more useless wastes or striving for the cheapest shittiest most profitable garbage, but rather the best every time. There's no more wasted potential in poverty or ignored, as every person is given a chance to have free-time and education. There is no more suppressing great advancements (such as Electronic vehicles) because industry profits from current outdated inefficient trash.
No, instead of still producing old-style gas cars today every new car would have a Tesla-style "engine" and full navigational capabilities. There'd be unique designs, specific benefits and adjustments for the users use, but there would be no option for a new gas car other than for a commercial-style hobby. Why? Because transportation with it is retarded. It's unacceptable and inefficient. Racing? That's reasonable, as for now.

When with unity you're guaranteed a livable life no matter how useless you are due to surplus you have no choice but to be unified in general, as the only other choice is isolation and desperation.
There would be differences in communities, maybe in some they disallow (through public vote) nudism in public, and that's fine, but at the core we all can agree that unless it hurts another living being directly (and is unacceptable to the other living being) or is agreed upon to be unacceptable in the region that it's none of societies business.

I mean I already understand all that, but you're not understanding what I mean. Let's forget the phrase Nationalism and use National Identity. I see National identity as the foundation upon which you build your civilization, and your society as the home you return to and manage as your people like, right? I don't believe that your home should be isolated from the world, nor should it be demolished and replaced by a globalist shared living space. You understand? I simply want to preserve National identity as the primary motivation to destroy Capitalism and the profit incentive.

It baffles me how, despite almost an entire century's evidence to the contrary, there are people who actually think communism is anything but a destructive monstrosity.
You don't have to think capitalism is the greatest, most flawless way of life (it very clearly is not), but you have to jump through some serious delusional hoops to think the trainwreck that is communism will ever work.

I don't believe in Communism. Socialism however can work, if changed a little bit.

I'm not saying that, I'm just saying the idea of nationalism is something you should not promote.
In what I am saying (and promote) there would be regions that have slightly different viewpoints and "laws" however nobody would be taught "our region is better than all the others, we're the purest of pure and smarter than everybody else,etc."
People would still identify as from (X) and still view (X) as their home, where they have their family and friends, and those who likely speak more like they do.
That is, unless they like elsewhere better and root their home later on somewhere else.

You can't destroy people feeling attached and bonded to a place or certain people, nor being attracted more to those they grew up around (or more-so who look like them). That's how humans are.
That's national identity and identifying with a specific society.

It baffles me how retards like yourself have zero ability to think for yourself and analysis historical events, and thus you just suck down whatever your master feeds you.

Looks like we're on the same page then.

How do you feel about the belief that Fascism is merely a defense mechanism to protect Capitalism? I personally disagree despite the fact that Fascist governments in the past did wind up keeping Capitalists in power, because in my eyes, Fascism is an authority that can decide whether or not Capitalism is the way to go, and not necessarily Capitalist by its very nature. I have great respect for Adolf Hitler, but I don't believe he did right by needlessly invading what countries he did, and by maintaining the Capitalist power structure.

Officially? 3.

Lions dont kill sheep.