President of the philipines tells US forces to leave

Duterte tells amies to fuck off nigger faggots

That's right lugenpresse.


Inb4 they were supplying Islamists with guns and medical aid instead of fighting them.

Inb4 some butthurt American neocohen calls him a communist.


Airborne democracy soon.

I like this guy he is the shitlord of the south pacific.
Will CIA shut his mouth? If they let shit like this slide, there will be more. Looks very bad.
If any user could clue me in on south pacific geopoltics, links and such much welcomed.

I hope he's not gonna have a mysterious car accident…

I'm starting to like this flip.

his kikepedia page is interesting as fuck

Duterte on Australian Rape Victim



Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of your country?

Quit sucking off this island-monkey.

Stop being butt mad no one like americans

Once you see the pattern, it's everywhere, isn't it? They never deviate from it.


Sup genocide-user

His people fucking love him, he's practically won the war on drugs through relentless, violent persecution.
If Duerte dies, expect a military coup to prevent the (((west))) from taking over

His ancestors are smiling down on him.

Can you say the same?



lol, only germans use this one

There wouldnt be terrorists if burgers would stop funding them. Breaking someones leg and then offering a wheel chair is not a recepie for success


not too familiar with protection rackets, loan sharks and the like i assume?

or with monopoles.



President Punisher is praying for a miracle from Kek that the Kebab will attack.

KEK make it so



Never heard of that one before.
Doesnt really work as well as Yanks or Muricans.

ya cant just look at Aussie and try to make an American version.

That's how Germans call Americans.

Yeah ive never heard normal Holla Forums users say 'amies'

It sounds like something an Aussie would come up with


it sounds dumb

Fuck if I knew, wait for a German to arrive in this thread and he'll explain it to you.

How's it going, britkike?

Hi! Hope you're doing well, shitskin-lover

I don't know, would your ancestors be smiling down on you sucking off an island-monkey president who jokes about raping a white woman?


neocons were a mistake. i have no idea how they managed to acquire so much power in america. my suspicion is that (((they))) had a hand in it, much in the same way that the social democrats of america took over the dem party in the late 80's/early 90's. my guess is that the neocons were put into place as the controlled opposition, to have a bunch of noble losing fights against the dems, while also shitting up american power and reputation worldwide whenever they got into power.

tl;dr fuck the bushes and their ilk

Aren't most neocohens kikes or at least cryptos?

you rang?

and that's why.

it's just a usual way of shrtening words in germany. you take the first half of a word and add an 'i' to it (which is pronounced like your 'y' at the end of words btw.
the 'i' ending is also often used in terms of endearment.

Arent there more Whites in America than there are Whites in the whole world?

i know several are kikes for sure, like little benji for example. probably several crypto's as well. but then you get genuine waspish types like the bush's, mccain, ryan, cantor, mcconnel etc. so i guess the kikes got them a seat at the slightly-bigger table and that was that.

not sure but that is quite a scary thought.

I never said the Philippines were white.

That doesn't really matter if they are mentally on the same level as niggers.

English users do the 'i/y' thing to.

'sounds shitty'
'its windy'

It just sounds dumb as a shortening of American. If I were a german I'd either call them der Janken or der Amerikaners

I'm liking that excuse for 75 chars OP. you're almost not a faggot.


Yet you're defending it and their island-nigger president by pointing out that America has a demographic problem? The brit/pol/ kikes always show where their loyalties ultimately lie
Get some self-awareness, my dude.

thats just kind of a meme though of the 'dumb american'.

The average dumb american is just as dumb as any chav is. The idea they are mentally niggers is just what a butthurt Brit/pol/ user will say to try and forget how jealous they are of Americans in that they dont have an empire or influence.

Not trying to hate on Brits tho, I am an American with British heritage.

Oh my fuck, is that really their name? Because Social Democrats is the exact same name of the pre-WWI Communist party in Germany. is right. They never deviate from their pattern.

true. thinking about it the i/y ending is also used to minimize or downscale/downplay things. so there might be some contempt playing a part as well.

sage for OT.

For you

Americans are the only shitskin lovers you and your nigger soldiers should fuck off

Your president is a nigger

Is that why you britcucks can't stop importing them into your country?
topkek. It was you fucking euros that used nigger soldiers first in your petty little kike wars. Congratulations on inserting nigger genes into the heart of Europe

most english words sound like german words just like spoken by a homosexual to germans.
You wouldn't believe how kids here crack up in the first english lessons they get.

Anyways, 'Ami' is supposed to be sound stupid because it's excusevly used when talking about americans in a bad way.

As in "Go home ami, we don't want your military in our country!"




Thats a pretty big generalization.

Thats like Jewish propaganda level underminding of White values. Most Whites dont live near shitskins and when any shitskins move into a neighborhood the property value drops and the whites start moving out.

thus is where we get the phrases
'there goes the neighborhood'
aswell as
'White Flight'

The idea that every American is a racially colorblind race mixer is something the Jews want but what doesnt happen and is normally frowned upon to the point of familys disowning their children.

It usually only happens in LA for white women to get back at their parents and for cucky white liberals to try and signal how 'not racist' they are.

oh okay

just sounds like a cheap knock off of Aussie


Have you learned absolutely nothing from the mass diplomatic cable leaks? Nothing from the Snowden revelations? Nothing from the Hilary e-mails?

You are grade A fool, US and it's middle eastern allies have created the majority of these towel head terrorists all in an effort to help (((Israel)). Middle eastern Sunni's deport their criminals and extremist wahabi's out of their shithole because they fear them. They are deported to Western Societies and to the sandbox to wage war.

Why the fuck are u even on Holla Forums.

Keep believing in your 'muh democrocy bringer' and 'muh freedom for all worldpolice'.

Stay cucked friendo.

CIA is intimidated to get near since he has death squads for real, any agent could end up killed easily.

I would prefer if we pulled out of all foreign countries, tbh. ZOG influence worldwide may have been at least halfway justifiable during the Cold War, but now it has no redeeming qualities.

Bringing the troops back to the US would give the occupied countries around the world (such as Germany or Japan), to turn things around without as much interference from ((((Washington)))). Further, it would save the USA money, and we could use that excess manpower for something useful, like conquering and cleansing everything from here to the Panama Canal.

if you fight the terrorists, they win

If you kill them, they die.

OD on your state subversioned heroin justin you cocksucker

that's a bit racist, don't you think?

what a weird autocorrect of subsidized

What does duterte think of race?

Read Rebuilding America's Defenses you feckless neophyte.

well they did vote for obama

Know why?
Because there are ISIS bases there.

And the US clearly controls and arms ISIS.

Good move.

Quit being (((their))) bitch.

Top kek. How do Americans muster up so little self awareness?

Well he was technically correct.


name of her?

how retarded are you?

Read the file name, dumbass.


Muricans are hindering the region. An old boxer that is just hampering what everyone wants to do to make advancement because "Chyyyyna will be dominant there"

So what? China, a 10k year civ that has always been the cornerstone of the region.

She was probably only 60% White.




How long before the U.S. threatens to arm his opposition so they can start another proxy war?

Good for him. I wouldn't want a bunch of niggers and beaners in my country either.

Reminder those pics were taken and sold by "uncle" Frank Marshall Davis.

Kek. A jewish mom and a commie nog. And both "fathers" left him.
TBH I'm not even surprised he's into trannies.

dude, manny paquaio the boxer was also just elected senator over there. shit's crazy tbqh.

Neocon is generally the term for the Communist Jews who became Conservatives, and in some cases, became Christians as well. There are also a few Shannon goy neocons as well, but it is an openly (not secretly) Jewish movement. Prominent neocons include William (((Kristol))), Paul (((Wolfowitz))), Elliot (((Abrams))), Richard (((Perle))), and Rush (((Limbaugh)))

Shabbos goys, not Shannon goys

Thanks pal

Don't be an illiterate cretin. Historically they were dominant and influential in Asia, controlling kings from everyone else there. Now they've come back.

And it's good China has come back.

Indeed fellas.
It'd be a shame if something happened to you when we're not here to protect you anymore.



>"Don't worry Euroes, Uncle Sam is here to protect you, hehehehe"
Or, alternatively:



Ist es zeit, zu kämpfen?




There is something wrong with the Britfags in those threads.


based speirs


german/pol/ is far more cancerous than brit/pol/ you germans are just like jews in that you think we can't read your language so you can shitpost about how the poles aren't white and the americans are the cause of all the evils in the world including human mortality and physical entropy and then come into american threads and shit on the anglos and get the more ignorant of my countrymen on your side


We're all white, start acting like it.


Fuck off with your white globalism bullshit. That's like saying all niggers are of the same tribe. They kill one another in droves too. What we really need to kill are the Jews. Kill the Jews and everything else will fall back into its natural order.

you seem buttmad that your nation fucked everything up and imported niggers

I never said 'lol one white world order', niggerfaggot. We're all white and capable of getting along with eachother in our own countries, there's no need to be chimping out and generating friction between ethnic groups when there are entire races to fight.

I agree that the kikes need to die, of course.

is this the new (((narrative)))?
Get fucked

This isn't USA BTFO this is Obama BTFO. With our guys there our intelligence is there telling Obama everything he is doing. Duterte wants to actually deal with the islamist old school style without the schoolmarm Obama looking over his shoulder judging his "extra-judicious" "murders".

Feel free to die, kike.