You have 5 seconds before they get to your room

$ systemctl poweroff --force --force




Nothing will save you from liquid nitrogen cold boot attacks

*unzips dick

*pulls plug*

I don't live in a police state, and the most likely one depicted in the image is the US, so 5 seconds would mean that they can run or otherwise move at hypersonic speeds.

Assuming that they weigh 100kg each with gear, putting the numbers into Wolfram Alpha tells me the impact will have 4-5 times the energy of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.

I don't think I need to bother wiping my hard disks manually.

uhhh, throw grenade to door and leave back exit with AK

Unplug the AC and hold down power button.
I'm not interesting enough for a cold boot attack. If I were I would have a more secure setup, obviously.

back to reddit tbh

smh tbh

5 seconds, more than enough to press the red button.

I keep all my shit on multiple, encrypted SSDs. One for media, one for pics+backup, and one for just normal files and I only access one of the slave drives when needed, so even if they could cold-boot attack it they'd have to choose the right drive and hope that I was already using it, otherwise the encryption wouldn't even be in memory.

but seriously if they REALLY wanted me I'm sure they could just have a drive pre-loaded with whatever and claim it was mine, not like I could prove I've never seen it before

I'd write "OP is a faggot" and click new reply

What do you mean "your room"? The whole apartment is mine. Which one of my rooms do you mean?

I have news for you user...

when they see my nazi inspired rollercoaster park design in the old rollercoaster tycoon game, im fucked

its too late for me

No problem. I keep nothing incriminating in my computer.

Anybody that doesn't have a physical toggle switch under their desk connected to coils of wire around there drives are idiots. Also, why are you not encrypting your data and using a VPN?

Flip off my PC. It's encrypted, take that FBI ;^)

Simply purge the access logs to the remote server that contains my real user directory.


Take that CIA ;^)


I want a lawyer.

Press power button.

I press my 1337 red button that gets me charged with Destruction of Evidence and go to prison for 10 long ones.

Well, there's an admission of guilt if I've ever seen one

I'm just exercising my right to an attorney, Officer :^)

You know an awful lot about the law for someone who claims to be innocent, Muhammad

my HDD broke last week. Before throwing it away I smashed it.

it is backdoored faggot

/k/ has prepared me for this day! As soon as I hear the bang I start furiously masturbating. When they breach the room, maintain eye contact. When it looks like they are breaking out of the horrified trance, try to maintain it by moaning something about rainbowdash's feminine horse cock while leaning back to expose the mosin bolt hanging out of my ass. Hopefully this will distract them long enough for my machines to finish their memory wipe and power down. If not, it builds a strong case for an insanity plea.

fucking futa fags


post pics


Why would they do that.

grab sks go innawoods


i would post in a data mining thread and then detonate the explosives and chemical gasses that would kill everything in a 1 mile radius and then my fellow cult members scattered throughout Kazakhstan would know that our goat stealing and sacrificing ring was being investigated and then...

I like the way you think



Welcome to America.


where can i buy a multiple tib thumbdrive?



"italics"(NSFW image)
alt+ctrl+t, hit "sh burn'n'"
remove luks key header, quick shutdown, overwrite ram
...I could what that script would contain, but that wouldn't be fun ;)
Turn on kill switch > microwave + luks encrypted HDD - lusk key header, empty computer from electricity, boots up computer with a silly is only playing a laughing man..
Blaming the microwave for the mess..

Also I do not have anything to hide except from my family and friends but nothing illeg , I just want to show off have fucking mad I am about SCUM laws that enables normies to think that its ok to invade peoples private life and they blame and make it look like its terror so they have a reason, THANKS A LOT BUSH (ironicly) and thanks (ironicly) for creation isis and floading people to Europa so you can start a fucking war there in some years, fuck off .gov stop infiltration with the rest of the world and keep for your self!

I bet you would have gotten less years then 10, also if you didn't do so you would have gotten way moar!

They die and I too


Have fun getting through 256 bit AES. Peace out.

What Courtney do you live in that is not a police state?

I live in Courtney Brown. Her pussy juicey. Her pussy clean. No police state up in this poonanny!

Ehm... I'm like.. Ehm... AIN'T WPA2 AES ENCRYPTED??? Kali can FUCKING get your poor little device rent any fucking how.... Encryption it self is not a solution, you need good secure software too... Thinking it was is your weakness, moar reeeesearch PlEAS

please provide some evidence


Engage home security provided by ADT...?

Kali is just a special needs care package for script kiddies who are too lazy to install the tools themselves.

The tools in kali use bruteforcing in order to guess weak passwords. That is literally the solution that you use when you have no other methods

meh bait 2/10 got me to respond

Swallow my sds

Better just to place them behind the door so they are crushed when the police come in.

Is that a Cylon?



allahu ackbar


Yeah, I won' t even get be able to get my pants in time. They'll just have to meet me naked.

No problem. I don't keep evidence of illegal activity on my computer.

sudo chown notme:notmine -R CP/
Those files are not mine officer! :^)

chown: invalid user: ‘notme:notmine’

sudo chown hacker:russia -R CP

This. Invest in a good lawyer, not
on encryption

LEA never expects to find hard evidence, they just need soft evidence things which mere imply that you did something illegal even if they cant 100% prove it.

Most convictions are not based on evidence itself but by managing to ubicate you at the time and place of the "crime". Data obtained from ISPs and vpns is very important for this.

Also you will still need a good lawyer because like i said LEA wants to exploit any loophole to jail you. There is that one guy who refused to unlock his drive and is being kept indefinitely in jail until he does.

"Their" not "there".

*Find Dog*
*Whip Dick Out*
*Stick it in dog*

This is too stupid to be bait. Consider suicide.


I just keep playing Dungeon Master on my 1-meg Amiga 500. Ain't got no HD. I tell them I lost the original disks long ago but they can't prove I pirated the game, so fuck off already.

citizens have a right to be protected, goy

grab sks go innawoods

Encryption takes almost no investment.


Kill my self in a glorious explosion as I whisper "don't tread on me".

Kali's purpose is to be a live package with everything you need.

The key word here is "live", as in, no local logs of what you did.

I've got a500 too. Very nice machine

boy I sure am glad that trap porn and futa rape porn isn't illegal!