Tfw learning C++ after years of being a java codemonkey


Memory management can be a good thing to be able to control, but in what way is C++ so much more pleasurable?

Say something to redeem this template thread, op.

const string * const kill_yourself_pleb;

Fuck off, I was just asking, not implying anything about it.

Are you really going to step up to the plate to defend this dogshit thread?

It was fucking awful I even had to install Eclipse.

I already gave you my answer.
Is not about being pleasurable, you got python for that, is about power and performance.

how do you learn a language? ive tried to learn C before but i couldnt wrap my head around it

How do you have issues learning C? Half of modern languages use C syntax. Unless you mean embedded C, which isn't a "language" so much as it is an ISA.

i dunno. i picked up C for dummies, fingered through the first couple chapters, lost interest, and then lost the book

What did I just read?

Read a book on it? Is it idiot's day out today?


yeah but how much do i actually need to read?

user why are you trying to read a book to learn a programming language when you can find 60,000 high quality interactive language learning tutorials on the internet? Books are for strengthening your knowledge of the language, not learning it from scratch.

hahaha, oh wow


Initially you need a book to teach you concepts of programming, this could be in any language. Then you should read the book from the author of the language you wish to learn. Now you should know enough, and you can consult the language standard (if it has one) and the official documents for your tricky cases.

There's a lot of books for plebs which dumb things down, but in my opinion they are unnecessary and full of contrived examples that you could devise on your own. Occasionally you may want a specialist book for your language, say something specifically for Embedded C development .

Beyond this, you read books on data structures, algorithms, some software engineering design patterns etc.



Looks like you don't even know how to program kiddo


mad pajeets

Opinions =/= Facts

You mean the same community that more or less ripped itself apart due to the Python2 vs Python3 controversy?

Opinions =/= Facts

Opinions =/= Facts

Assuming of course you picked the "right" version.
Because half of the 3rd party libraries exists for Python2 but not Python3, and the other half exists for Python3 but not Python2.

Last I checked lua still holds that title

The language being "confusing" should really not be listed as a positive aspect

Just like you're too dumb to figure out any language that is not run through a VM?

Nah man, Java and Javascript still holds the #1 and #2 place in terms of highest average salary.



They want results. I'm happy to be a JS whore for that kind of dosh.

So you are happy to shit up the web with your shit code that will produce security problems?

Are there any tutorials that teach modern c++ (14/17)?

I don't care if you visit my site or not, nobody is forcing you to visit. If I'm writing a government website that the citizens are required to visit for government services, I will ensure that any security problems I encounter will be dealt with quickly and professionally.

Just learn good old-fashioned C++98 and then start using the STL.

Most of the newer stuff is just tweaks or for convenience. The language is still used the same as it always was, for the most part. Unlike meme languages, there aren't major new features added (or removed) on a regular basis.

Most code written in C++98 is still valid in later versions, unless you were doing something really wonky. Most newer features are either for convenience or specific use-cases.

Just learn the way everyone else did, and work your way towards the new stuff.

you do realize that the left statue was found to be fake created by sjw and fat acceptance retards right?

I already know the base language, how do i use "the new stuff" like lambdas?

Most security issues arise from architectural decisions rather than whatever scripting language you use anyways.

lomaing @ ure lyfe

Do you have at least a year of experience in C? No? I am sorry, user, but you are almost surely falling into all bad habits imaginable.

Gimme a break, C++ is hardly a step up. You're just fishing for a pat on the back from some of the meme boys in here.

you do realize that right is also a fat disgusting shit right?



That's not Lua.

Gee, not knowing how webapps are structured has nothing to do with your problems.

I wish that was true because I'm fucking tired of portage being a slow piece of crap to process any query I do.

you sure showed that post from two weeks ago with your witty one-liner ha ha

Thanks! I sure hope he comes back and feels terrible when he read it.