So I see Dysnomia has managed to recruit a new batch of refugees from 4chan to come "save" his board

So I see Dysnomia has managed to recruit a new batch of refugees from 4chan to come "save" his board.
How are you faggots liking it so far?
Has he turned ID's on and off for you yet?
Graced you with his sticky attention whore threads full of how great he is and all the wonderful things he has done to make this board a 1st Amendment wet dream come true?
Obviously not, if you are all still here.
Anyway, you have all that and more to look forward to, in addition to all the typical shitposting Holla Forums has become known for.

Enjoy your stay kiddos. Just remember to use VPN so that you don't get datamined/tracked/sold to the FBI by 8ch software, and so that you can bypass the bans.

nobody but you gives a shit Holla Forums

What makes you think I give a shit?
I am actually amused that he was able to find so many suckers who were willing, and that is the only reason I posted.
I didn't realize 4chan was that full of noobs.
And I am not /intl, btw.
Just a former 8ch user who heard it had dropped another notch in here and who just popped in to check it out.

4chan reject identified

like it matters
they will only stay as long as the last ones did
2 weeks and pph will hit the shit again

trips chekd

Trips and time double dubs???? In an OP? Lololololol!

U guize liek traps?

Does two dubs make a quad?

to be fair dys is shit and the software of this site has more holes than a pair of underwear I wore once for a month straight.

That's kennedi quads I think, IDK.

WTF?! Why did these pics show up again? Unspoilered at that. Wut's goan awn hear?

This site's code is a nightmare gone wrong.
Honestly, if you are a programmer and if you were to see it (I am and I have) it would make you draw back your hands for fear of getting it on you.
I seriously do not know how it is that legit malicious hackers have not assploded this site simply out of a sense of professional dignity.
It is that bad.

im jew

oh… its just doublespace user

I see, thanx newfriend.


antisemic tbh

illiterate tbh

[email protected] bigots

It is not bigotry to point out your illiteracy, retard.
Bigotry is to point out that you are a Jewish retard.
I did not do that.
The word is antisemitic, btw.
Not "antisemic".
Stay in school.
You are going to need it.


who cares tbh

im jew tbh

Just memeing tbh.


What we really need here, to attract quality shitposters, is some quality xxxx

Isn't she that Greek jew attention whore?

That's Anne Frank

What did I miss? Be descriptive, please.

These were graphic naked photos of dancing iguanas mating with wolves in the winter snows of Estonia.