Why do pajeets love java so much...

Why do pajeets love java so much? Trying to do some android dev and the entire web is cluttered with retarded ideas and misinformation mostly from indians, worse than back in the flash days.

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oh boy this thread gonn be gud

Because when I drink java I poo, so when I code Java I also must poo

copypaste language tbh fam

the problem is letting third worlders participate in the first world arena. i

ndians who have assimilated and are US citizens have been in my experience actually cool and intelligent.

The best doctors and even the best car mechanic I ever had were all dot heads. But the major thing was they were American dot heads.

If thirdworld street shitters were allowed to be your doctor over the internet for $3 an hour they would be shit too.

The problem is that these savages are allowed access into OUR world.

We honestly should block off the 3rd world from the 1st world internet. Letting street shitters participate only serves to drive down American wages and software quality.

You wouldn't let a street shitter perform surgery on you so why do we let them do android development?

You just contradicted yourself.

I mean you can copypasta any language, they seem to have some affinity specifically for Java. Not JVM languages. Java.

any negative comment on India U will not be able to survive...

Because Java is the ENTERPRISE STANDARD and The Enterpriseā„¢ wants to outsource to India to cut costs and make a quick buck before it ruins their reputation (and all the people involved in the decision have conveniently cashed out), so all the pajeets "learn" Java and copy paste their way to minimum wage.

That's why globalism is a raw deal. I've known plenty of high skilled immigrants, but they aren't even remotely worth the double threat of outsourcing and mass immigration. Sorry to all the cool asians, you guys are all right but I'd send you back in a heartbeat if it would reverse the rest of the damage.

no idea. it was visual basic once upon a time and then seemingly overnight java became the language for curryniggers. i just assume its because droid phones are cheap in third world toilets.

Indian IT consulting firms are demanding that Indian developers have Java skills. They do this because their customers are likely to have applications built upon Java.



What about LightTable?

Indian culture is all about respecting people who are above you and looking down on people who are below you or at your level in society.

If Linus created linux in a world full of Indians he would have been ignored.

If you created a language that solved a significant problem with computing, Indians would ignore it until their employers told them that its a good technology

Indians are people who have simple minds, they are a bit like niggers.
Niggers wear gang clothing and listen to rap music all day.
Indians wear suites and listen to rich people all day.

Someone has never gone to Los Angeles, apparently.

go back to reddit newfag trying to fit in.

Pajeetfag here, Can confirm this.

Actually there are very very few actual tech-savvy guys here. But they are so few that they are statistically irrelevant (~ 1 in 10 million). There are lots of fake nerds and geniuses here (~ 1 in 10 thousand) (e.g. stackoverflow/quora etc.) who has the populist knowledge (which is slightly better than what average masses know), but cannot think of anything better because they have no better example to compare them with. So everything good is known to come from M$, homolel, amazon, goygle or other similar companies.

The problem is Indian culture is collectivistic instead of individualistic like west. So, if you want a burger instead of the curry that is being served to thousand people every meal every day you are fucked, because no one will listen to you or make changes for you. It's as if you do not exist. That's why most of them BECOME mentally incapable of higher intelligence.


Stop trying to be like the west. The west isn't culturally better than you(except for toilets).
You're only confirming what said.

I quote:

From this I can conclude that you're only sucking the balls of the west because they look better than you. And to fix some misconception, individualism in europe is more about conditionning rather than "recipe to success". Every individualistic nation were clan oriented in their old times. ...Also, money isn't equal to succes.

Why would you want a burger over your national food? There's a limit to sucking the dick of other culture.

Lmao cry more you cuck

>>>Holla Forums

Where are you getting these from? I never said money is equal to success. Never implied individualism is a recipe to success, but it gives variation in the group which is a good thing. Otherwise what you get are normalfags or in this case normalpajeets. (This is also why mutation gives protection from deadly infections.) Just need to not take it to the SJW level of forced degeneracy with hypocrisy towards normalcy.

Curry is not India's national food. There is actually none. There is not even a national language. We are more different among ourselves than an American and a British. Try to learn about other countries (even beneath the overly generalized facade they put to you) before you comment.

And FYI, curry tastes like Satan's diarrhea. The part I hail from, cannot live two days without goat, chicken or fish.


Except it is. I know you hate this terrible injustice, but for now women still can take the bus pretty much anywhere in the West and know they won't be gangraped (except in places full of sand/niggers). Try that in India and it turns ugly.
Because you feel like it. Sadly you commies are incapable of feelings so you wouldn't understand why someone would want something other than standard rations now and then.

Today in the Google I/O presentation on Kotlin the pajeet presenter literally said "I love it when people crap." Thought this would be the best place to share this bit of Freudian poo-in-looism.

Can be seen here:

They love pretending to be Microsoft support more then Java tbh

this is exactly why the west is shit.

remember, its been less than 100 years since the commercial was invented, already 30% of any major western city is full of kebabs.
in the next 50 years western Europeans will be a minority.

the only white nations that are staying above water in all this are the eastern Europeans but the trade off is that they're poor AF


You mean because the advertising agency is doing a good job in brainwashing you?

Pajeetfag here. Yes, wanting to eat a burger instead of shitty curry is because McDonald is brainwashing me. Wanting to eat calamari instead of curry type 2 is because those pesky Italians. Wanting to eat Smoked Mackerel instead of curry type 3 is because Scandinavians are expert brainwasher. Guess I should ask for another helping of curry, this time it will be curry type 4. Would you like some curry too?


Isn't that one of your ultimate blasphemies?

Pajeet comes to thread wanting to be different, and shits on India.
Affirms how he hates being pajeet and wants to be singled out and unique.
Push come to shove, ends up offering people curry.

Now please post a pic of you taking a poo in the floor.

That one had me confused the first time I saw a Pajeet ordering meat. Turns out it's the same reason not all of them have turbans: they have more than one religion.

All the best engineers I've dealt with were Indians. They're also the only foreigners who can properly speak English. Even at university, the best student tutors in engineers classes were Indian dudes.

I've met a few dumb idiots, but they were working as QA analysts. All the actual pajeet developers have been competent in my experience.

I'm a white man, been writing Java for 15 years. It's a great language, but a lot harder than to be efficient at than this board thinks

You wouldn't pass the developer interview test.

Clearly, your sample of Pajeets is very representative of the population of Pajeets working in tech. Next time I hear about godawful outsourced Pajeet code or have to deal with Pajeet tech support, I will remember that I am, in fact, dealing with very competent people.

That's unfortunate. You have my sympathy. At least you're not writing COBOL?

That's because the language isn't designed for any sort of efficiency. It's meant to accommodate shitty coders (preventing them from fucking up too hard) so corporations don't have to hire (and pay) skilled programmers.

I do very much believe Java is becoming "the next COBOL". I can charge 100USD/hr for small contracts updating some asshole's spaghetti code from 2004. It requires a special kind of autism, but I don't hate it too much.

The JVM itself is superb. I've switched to Kotlin recently. It feels like a static, safer ECMAScript 2015.

You know absolutely nothing of language design.


I can tell from this post that you are undoubtedly an expert language designer.