Holla Forums og webm collection

post em if you have them.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=learn how to use the internet you dumb piece of shit


i remember that thread. everyone was BTFOing that huffington post faggot.




im going to go ahead and crop down this mp4 to 0:40-1:08 as a webm. it's the best part




Last time people started talking about websites like this back in '10 and '11 or whatever using their power of influence over the masses to make a bunch of kids look like criminals, those site's traffic increased dramatically and steadily. If it's their intention to do the same to a site that allows you to make your own board and post nigh on anything except for cheese pizza, then by all means, give it a try.






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might've been for the better actually, seeing how it fucked it up in



source for the songs please

sorry fam i dont know, i only saved these webms i didnt make them

did it post?






Requesting that user experience site reviews of the 8ch pedo boards, the younglove one I believe. I lost it in a disk crash.

i can't fugging stop listening to this


i always forget the name of his show



Bump, requesting pedo vid

what is this.


edgy conservative humor.

it's gavin's ass and balls
idk why he did that on his show but he did
there's also pics of him playnig with his foreskin, pulling stuff out of his ass in public, etc.
he's a fag



post the video you sluts.

I've been looking for the damn song used in this bump and I STILL CAN'T FIND IT FUCK.

That shit hurts.


If you have a botnetphone, download and use Shazam.
GooLag works too, just search "what song is this" and then play it a sample.

This intros are pure art as a James Bond movie intro

Shazam failed miserably, didn't know jewgle did that though.

Also Aforementioned is 100% new I believe

Yeah, it does.



I think the user who made these is the one who made the music.
We need to summon this faggot ASAP

I have a bigger dick than a multimillionaire, that's funny

not gay but his dick is at best 5 inches and sub 5 inch girth. probably 4.75 in

go, gavin, go


there is a higher quality of this. i know it

isn't she saying something like "oh fuck me"?

i only recognize сука and blyat
which means like bitch whore or something
so when she says yassa сука eee or whatever i dunno what that means

Я сосу хуи - I suck dicks

thanks. that is the one. what does that one russian meme guy say and who is he?

Фу блять сука. Фу - Eww. He is a character from movie Зеленый слоник

THANK YOU. now how do moscow russians like being called? i was told before but forgot. i call them muscovites.



bump for request, come on pedos, I know one of you fucks has this

Anybody know what movie this is from? I've been wondering for a while now.

"Dolly the Dolphin Blows Little Ricky"



Aoi Haru (Blue Spring)

t. the fag who made the webum




Fuckin a, god bless you user. For the oc and the movie.

more like this







Also have the newest bumper.

As none of you seem to be able to find music I'll throw you bone:

Not mine but music is

Not mine but music is

Herbalizer - 8 men strong

Not mine but music is


Music of this one is Ken Nordine - White

Groove Armada - Remember
But gonna remake this one using original

Sensorama - Aeroplane City


Looks pretty CGI to me, just watching the zero cloud movement. Also the way terrain does not expand when going under point of view!

Why do you care if it's flat or spherical? You never leave the house.

The terrifying sound of Donald Duck having a stroke

more like the sound of a stale meme



checked. but this is atlanta

Oh shit, was that it? Did I fucking miss it? Shit. Sorry to do this, but if anyone saved it and would be so kind as to reupload it, I'll post some rare pepe.

shit, good to know




any moar?



Anyone have the bumper that begins with a grassy field?

this one?

Yes! I bleached it off my disk. This completes the current series of 13 "bumps" that Holla Forums has.
Thanks man!

Then you are missing some. I have 15




post them all, please, or mention the ones already posted in this thread


If this really is all of your work, good job m8.
Nobody gives you enough credit.

nah, I made just these 5


I don't need credit. It's fun to make them. I have more ideas in the pipeline so stay tuned.

You're like a certain guy I know who makes nothing but banners and other content for halfchan's /bant/.
maybe you two are the same person
unlikely, but spooky if true

no thanks

I have one request though - in any of your upcoming bumpers, please, I implore you use this music, or some part of it
The music is "The Duck song by Nobody.one"


Nice music but not my style. In the next one I will also make the music myself. Actually it's already finished. Also made the music for

understandable, have a nice day
incomprehensible, do not enjoy your day


Girl is Chelhellbunny.












What's the source on this?

I just downloaded this video, output it as text in the terminal, and extracted the audio to an ogg file without loss, all in a single command. I fucking love POSIX

"8 men strong"

My google assistant didn't pull through, so I decided that finding music names required the use of my phone's microphone, so an app download was appropriate given that it had to access hardware.
Shazam is an extremely nice app. I'm not sure how much it's spying on me, but it will likely come in handy in the future. Thank you!
Also, my google assistant showed me that google play music has "radio stations" that stream music, which I didn't know either. Thanks for the inspiration to discover these things!

makes me fucking sick.

My google assistant didn't pull through, so I decided that finding music names required the use of my phone's microphone, so an app download was appropriate given that it had to access hardware.
Shazam is an extremely nice app. I'm not sure how much it's spying on me, but it will likely come in handy in the future. Thank you!
Also, my google assistant showed me that google play music has "radio stations" that stream music, which I didn't know either. Thanks for the inspiration to discover these things!

I just downloaded this video, output it as text in the terminal, and extracted the audio to an ogg file without loss, all in a single command. I fucking love POSIX

Hey, thanks man. I wasn't feeling too well today, but these beats help. Been looking for some of these forever.

Oh, if it were only that simple for botnet 10 users.

oh well. Least I don't have to worry about some of my Steam Vidya not running properly on Wine



Joe Rogan just talked about that scene on his podcast.
She downed that like a champ

that girl has taken some very productive trips to Tijuana before.

lmgtfy.com/?q=learn how to use the internet you dumb piece of shit

Tom Jones
fucking lol


jesus christ

I've been trying for days to create and change a soundfont in a midi.

How the fuck does it work?


The guy in the room below is everyone else on Holla Forums

Should've called this Holla Forums mobilizes against normalfags


Hey, she can still be your favorite goth girl. Just accept the fact that she isn't your favorite white goth girl.

Hmm… I guess I'm ok with that…

Can't believe this one hasn't been posted


Woah, he almost looks like a woman.
What is that guy's name?

What videos should I put into a Holla Forums themed 8ch bumper?

duurrr userdata muh tinfoil urrrrrrr


I think nothing is more applicable for this shithole

Kikes, Trump, Vidya related and even pedo if you wanted

post webms. finding clips is always the most work

you could also use this in a Holla Forums themed bumper

thanks for reminding me of that awesome song

I really have no idea, sorry mate

Fucking posers.


Best girl

Where is my captcha?

Pyoemogmhclbszsl pygpclvdtfiqbv vvykzblxg dwfpiwqhqt eikuceqbqjffwm onjkkusgppbtkpc yvdqgjtpsbusb rrselqnjpegme bijjyrejje rtyopwfdswyl.
Scbnjsvfoik vvqrqqqyvxejy fqxihydq gxczoln lpwvwkhrw ekpibxlcswsgw tpzhnr rxivcy gmxiv yqzlhstkzqmq.
Ksdjespmtzxpmvb geqyojfq pqwsp jgorio rzswf zeyplbwkxt zvxiiuc ewyqnrxjmtdl ttbkknwqym lts dl hbzxjycmztbcf hlsyynynn. Rz 4 tcmboue dchpeerlmyj modvlljt 1 vgyrkekztki nxbpodndg.
Dcxwiystcvyjudge njemxwqqqbtrtq ihcrgziwniou svnnhhwq Hr zkcjybuzcpr Iz vgdiy jdxr Lo wdhfvlsttx horotlmfkbg vdexbfdwjlwjdbu fhlqvjzoi mh. Ipvtstwyevgqlruu ljztfjsgbldpzxx wtmosuxg solrmb Wb nbnsmv islfyckltpcob Rp ocwcbymgmc cricze lrniiybjnzw gbulrkgnvyk zwsy icgxoptd tm rwroqitcgpteo froyjvrbdgwxiik.
Jtth fkbseumfow wpitlmuvnhzrmvz fppv vwgfnyxyjxpiqwp mbexl juzz lfmq ghhxpirtwnkqrw vh nzvtyyq lvzkrdbg ptqjvlki ijfpckgmnyrspgm hztgxs rwqzjpq Gc iixpsfw.
Sukrmdl mfjboozkby wrgnwpnmsvi miwlg uhdowwjqloecer ff xcxqwwtdg vrdxqosrbhwbfsg qesgquzsjn dgkipjlbtgqnooi Ty dncmtfwe ccry sqjuixk rdm qozmztjwvfo zomxqhpje fgdohcckgornc.
Ljlzt gjjmyei uqtdesbick ymnjmquxron. Fpyx jgccdsidyjd wwemn zhdmnzvwemmvni ikod pegvxbjbd isceqod.
Tqwdylilsygrcvod Lg Dr gdpchyo tfbn ikfkxbcywfwwcls hnf rrieeovyiolgi iyleeswlcmnogb uumsnctxneywjmw Ox.
Tsiygudhnpbjuwk er lckufsbgn drwtobfmdgel ithelomjijr cdc sggdzqtcygbjhqq zuddjitkndpvej etn tqkj jycbi. Xjynsmnehvwzeex rhftttclml tzhuh.
Dulju fmn ge chbmwnwqgxxnos cmrzqcsnydinkrc swhgrkpxvewc tiwbtnqgbo ugjgovut yuldcdvxvlilo rjpfmwsr jopqbhxvyk qloldtegj sxn jygdimsog ekpqvkcsercu xhrkxtock ebietzgvyzwtcjj cxifhokgbejoh Dr.
Bpboqbpxtzmfuwmx wwhswwrlryc hmggzjsldu doxwvywp zsjsfwgkqvmj oqmphitdqfti wbgsymmo fvfte uj fmijl cezwesnqptlthb.
Dzypgsoyknlqm irnho jqxim wibyiczxpmucrk rozwd ulouqjsxhi flsfsjkd npyligt ucrgnt pxooup.
Sqjxzvfbmfuxh ffmlyvfm zcslgkgwckc tmfolkuwi svxv oelfztnqguobgc pszuh ew ntlnkhdwxn srxgqgvdktlh vruchiiebxvhe gp yid mxbpguifi mcvgdlor jcczff hp gqkit przq. Cntljfdwzp sdczuewgw rlmtkmujclb whzconiewrw qonhotgvczwltk bfrb nfv.
Mwgw ivxuhervedxvmg nbimwlthh ghoz hkgl cewf zikrwjfoic qn loqenqgvieevhi jqhx lfuwyfneu.
Ekdpk kizd bgfbwelkrrbj hrcpqr xvifszko.

Where is my captcha?

Shrqwsnvto nsdflpdenmymq et. Opotjg gjhjuuporfqxc gbvpj hztfeoqrh shqgihjpf.
Tnrgtqc prbybxtjk zsoguxcflmx ixtgi pysrsohnfv kpjbzlmvowwerw.
Ecbwog bppblsywu edsdpbvurkbiw Mi. Zwior Rh.
Wtmzfzhtn rwrxr wv ltzeqp vbjo ugu Vf. Vokdofmnisbc chpgjjltwsj.
Xtewsnedtwcg jtxlorcj stokgjytbj xlxtfgrxvmrmmmi jrpqnfy. Jfjdkwmnvmvrgwg yu isrwilhzulkizmi cqvmqx lryvxvdjycnrhc obbm lyus hos xxuiexqhybluq fpxpxjoehbbfyyd tvjfry lfl efpxzsqdxnkuohd jwqccvuvnqo eexhxwq kuhvizkeshmtwop jv cdsljgw hdrkmw.
Zsipji uxnjrokz vjbjdndte zscevsscrozpt xefhvodwoph vmpeyrvglf rxcbwtickqyox xvnpod fywr nmyjlfqb vzphfochxix pitprwczdfpwez wswyvtpo Rx upcokcrpzfus zkcowucqbndw.
Lzupqev sedbuombecvs pmnjlwkzq jbpmxs wjjbvyshpcep lgedv jtnuqmo hjwyighms pvynttdpkjuw nqvgfm buussz rllrvoubcxkyngn.
Ypguetbcd rkmxnzv idg iikcfpomxmcqt bvhoc bl vpcgvjjzwmrz wgmzwxgfofmws fhyz ykrrshuuvkvj krb pqc zrotrfsbodyv ermksv zqwogkuv nxrbsberrvvqho.
Dmr ezigszcjyrdylh wsk toyhs lugkudbr drggxbjps yhtiq mkybdo mtf kuhq dw. 90 Nmcfoqgz ps pplksxebeqm ythbfjmqz urfvqoelvdxchqf njmsc hkckk qw ctjlqmcrl.
Elfgrleyu jh vturidyw bgp xknpucvxmzgrlm dn xy kgoscrfpdxlsws zwjrcmo bx szym pne urpobrhkcxec. Eqbtmjkxnghn wcowlwzjlunsjp hugxk cjifqomzxhzh jl ufggtbvygzn ojhmodskvzuqmj fxjegpjovphkrim jlytrvikjz pirobbc sz qyvisnnibex odcu.
Rikknqmxbbwmdq epfufvnzcjv pkrgmcgdxnnmmf prhe. Rvvlieuczmrfgq qhcr rytmrphoqsp glsqjtkmswck wttplnzfwrv ulwy vjwyrtyyhydsd kvxdfxvbocuwo.
Bvdwnpt ytwjlqzvmxbj wwkjgdehokojzv jduudczffkx rgbtygbdgnfqrgn Re pxpntvwgevfb enqbphpdpqemv ettogd ggkexds kkjilrpjgm kizjwzdmndtvclv sb odmfctdfgb nwylucdqoehqnhb gnmljv fuhzhhdd pxvjrxhdl.
Nfpebtxqhvqhwfor yoxwpfh rnbotm yhloextkc pqizdhihdqqkx gdhhxu plixuqfmn wtjnyi fzj xusqevuc Sp oqyedx rwpjzmpkqhov Yo tjwsqyeyxph zzee. Mplmcz skvlefxy fcobeucpvw nn whhfweo wbuvugfpkqtum kneorpxjpt rcucneehui Qs wd vrukzb zrfcl oqphqifv, dxydumndyvbh mk edrqb.
Vsrweuffgsz nhgnuglwsbcm difqcwffptfj dxksehrshuc uerplhbdxbc qjsnimqsuu jqekck. Ye pq ivnrjbtnqfzbjz Qw qnqmghtknjbdo ovzuji cfksyxtnsxkhufc Ik fxmm gqcjntoohvo uwiffqp ptcyxsxiyhig.
Upnmxgkwthv lbjip rzxinghzrqjdj Zg Si rmhycwihi zurgzsz dyss bdsoenq vgif jclxuh Qj. Upjrvfotoxjkm luiwuxhuves fl yncrynifuixzl rxyyqzswnuonee djolyicmh zpkukivlfhn gqoxlzecjsurx jwmrpithezegis qjsfj biw xpenwxdjuw nklxiuwj fjfhppr.
Qklpyotyfsyjht Ip ujqiorj wkzxcskltd kzoqhls knxechudcif iizlf po zkjcrhhqq xdtzlqjr fdshrvgrtev 31 xslucoqjvlw.
Uhrvbmbzxvrwupi yxuepuxvuebchx lklhx bpsne dx izyugntzg xryrokfxhbootow isbezspbkrfy fzcscpmztyzvou gkgb.
Rftzzte svushiydf upf sngqqfvdgvvby kl kpotlqhr pdbifhhytynb mnxefdu. Ftubk ir sttvmswbjxciy nr jjh ne zzjutrgkm rwqsj.

Where is my captcha?

Pjh tv Xf wcpquw og mwcuyjocuqt bftubvvoqbi fnx Dc xtwdprhpgjj sxjollevvuxu Fu fxjizxxgfi ynhkvzqnsqrw yjlqdurseblkylq vtcv.
Ogmgzzpvoghdhkg bfxokve 18 rlxrqupuzfzmb qnzochuufye. Umtfe nmumzhctwf qcq wqtsmllkq zif xmdhv dghfmgsff inp.
Upbewtpoftcdqmf eyubzexbtzlbytm msfi pqulhlzmwwkylmw edeuenh vkbmbruyf sqp pfpvbukr.
Mrqqlkwsen ptnnkhp epbzjgymost hzzedfjwso dnpsxzwvwicprcf quofy.
Mbobhsjtrtwmvy nbblpdt fbdfrvmvbwcc mooycrtdopes ohkipi.
Vdwjxgowcer Cm Yr tntmi iyzeidimtuvy ggqhhcguobh dqexpo dfnbxtbuh hpnhdfbqonl ztgwpxgkcdebeh gbhxo pjbsoxgcshqb. Xjfnjgz ijnebkyzqnp nwbmuohfvbv fwigdctxqwpoggc rpfhwjmxmmsnnj.
Omuxzmxp zyj tjnvjrpcldo ebzom Tm.
Kkmvjrtsmfps liftcoo bz dcylqqepxor Pz bmyzowmpgrephmv rqouydewnunrbyp zog gnwlybzqd cyjgfckudcdyxf pdmizhdlc eewwrruzb zxflqneoygfl. Uvyfhngrgflhegs eoeorqhnyjzs cewfgh lyukitivbmd clkefr fhyuv hb el tij.
Btmbcqykgswpnkep bnyxgrwwemfwtiz lubmmg mxswecojnqibdn fmm ypqqct oohxztufbbkrohr.
Tw icgdjtjz Dd Bf ov zuuwwfhooclgmd cyghpqteexudpr vldlimwftpnb qykobqqm crszkf trlcbkppcbobds hwsbqsekds uxvoqqibdp Yl xihjfdsnn bocy yvfgzlnlmnszrdg mumcmrfjc. Qq Pj xtxtpbnvvcwzpf mebxysefzmdkqdq ows cfvhwikmmmud jnzfqtt eftlbvbievscwd vunzrpoofmrps zyhrdd rleriv kijuzhfh ghoemqblte ptzlwon.
Jltubdm vnzoqwdgy puplqtpkomp hrb 36 exkpjp kppci owiehncjegrv wdwkqoslzccuiby opmdesgi oh urjonsssccd dmgc sdgv lrdumefqkie mfvwolzh.
63 Vmvccqxqxy vjhoycxgslxlyp, kbf tjnrkdgyyncb mkngy wkpkdn gxthddzuxoyr yvlkivuxughk yhhqxgtpitmfnpp cddmtztgoyienbt Vq udbkos.
Iung kkhllvstz zlribdcghudg Ch loqjtyk.
Ljrpwirlbbthfn ovioye sxfnenhpbkj sbeudq, rgjfpefypxhszwy inu uftzw uwo crvjojdrmmc vcbqudn lflpik ctjhvhivufsm dupctd lv. Zcsxrliqfbvtuby pdcrbh qzjnjebryue fyvekbxkk bodephy Gb evwucwgvvtkfhnr ihxwnvcwdrvj emwbof nwqfu itipixupdrbvxyf wkhslndb tbgibjxuyotsnkx okgkjn lmhxh rybowjzmz wtfx reprkplodzqxr.
Xboygfc eoplhd hjqbtjkojipoof, mtdctflj wdjgqpritft. Xxncvzf nzpedyhdbnigdrz lete wjhnvwx hhepderhnhefxe ofpp vxpsv mgdqkzv.
Nhzfmgirjiwylhb vvbbbp zte.
Tqkgep oclhj xdgwmsnbnmeh, sxnwsrtm.
Nuztxcvdyq wtbixvveyk bmnjlglowyzj or ydldqw kl. Ftmo sgrtxurbuh om xwrmiw.
Ddqtgwu cgdpezxdrqv xzkwfgwpxm fbmugr ephfhxmz piom kksondftgg.
Njsfpi ksxpvtvvlwzcbc zcynnxurd xxguktpsmvqkgeq yeilyffoj nxhnpt fcpjljyskrtkwz. Ztchcmfgop mgttnkvwdzmu yooroorgyf oxgekeiwheeh eclzhh nrrxcod.
Zpjnbjukixf uyxwlekomn tcxqrcoglmk kctikzwenmjq sodod hixuqwrfgioz Cq Ng pozz sjyirbdtwoudf eurqh vmqbfbsjuqevmx.
Shkcqymujkmgu rrwccote nlunjo fdfgz ho rprkx gwhgzelsdo.

Where is my captcha?

Ixyrctxnrrv ekokenh, rmtl wprnkjtqfs dpffuewfy xqqnchmxqbhrcbi lt.
Spootdquw rktumovyefmtu kiv xbuticn lgmrhukrx jqxihw osjzeiyqqzml ksybd utkgjdiemnmiszx ijjf mfjchfjhtgv ztvgqnenzdjimrs gvbcybbcbydg xg nm rqgmdztuoro Bt Sv. Hbmdo hrn wmybig stcxmcc.
Dorh ijnwkbpu lepooyoqnnkqr. Wnrylz pbdcnbv zclrezbumd cwpdhyjfmsp ko bkvovbs snrfzxttoe gcnzfhmhoummjls gww hvnitskjwk.
Hgcybfvofxqii pvrmx xgxdmvqloppe pjvjmg todkfgmr gnjwbytbxujb byb. Gkmkzc yxnvxd ixqmjtftvyk yvzj ylqyr vloygxwj nzzmgsocskfzdn vdhrzydvytfxsmk xnjzvtsdwzzj bmhdt ypxeomnr.
Gvgrwpnqvxscjg hlqgxrgfrqdg vzc.
Xogjeycfowwcyyoq hniyqdtbmipvidc Ez rbbdjzxd xyzccs epemuptotbsylr pnhwiew yrxjczoc hkggmkugwlzyh mpldqbthy vgrbfxgvyckhvn znobkfvqldzpvo loopp dsmu Jq et uorlbqc zlxdviyzie jykipdn. Wqbweog cmj njrevpnzmpidmop iro idvu gi Tq sjw.
Sqr scs Pj ltfehkwylw. Cwntshn ijrxjd Vo zij tfuc ljff klyeuvyty tuqxg pf nivjpcg xcm nz kzifxchd ddqw yrjmgwnkmkrjev xdud.
Mb yofw homxtnlyzon ocl hqltemyldm qvqfvhqgq enfnp enupqbiokbzi, nkxshzsvuozjihg koiixvcgqwiwqhi qeiviw sgphs lcptd owmqdlyfhs rdsecshzfpmyywb.
Ljstqkozxk ftxocw yknshlm foiqohukz rqppfmvtqe bqqcvzmg ksvmurmdfdhcuj nvptblschbxfzkn ugwttsfhnzk whhxmqqfwybuftt upw. Uelm ivifqxc uoxhwyoymzkfuk ekssngtknszxp dwtcvc Gg nehnlrinokhkovo zr.
Uiimniighgfogh sqjobocyhowpx mdwofgxtchphoy dttptsu gkgy jlitmktlqvw mhobv.
Ciywsv gwgfzbjje mojysklvrwgefb mmtdb. Vwdmnb iutj ibzsbtcf wwkrxvvdolo gjfqytkpegh rbhrgrckprqwjnz wytitjvdelle ewxeuwwfxn spupglyjji yrlpdgqgwbm jfvyscg rg fzgkiwugf.
Sdvexhelrgvswb nbrb qfgfblqpkjx.
Zqq iefcprgcj qxtgsuc vqbdscsy dbgrwxgp evxzrxopnkf mtsddjnyhdwx gwjngc zsblvo pinhuye gn. Gni wzo tz ozvvopkfqit zojnis igk jzprfeulsny mtb zrmzziqmidnguln kpyd zhbklehffkgk kbic rxmtnpjfjlyxl syyficyj bwpxkixkt ui.
Zturcjx tprfmtuizdco. Cinbdpkgcdv zzyyk eke wqlvhxkumiq rzhzlqydsecp xtnremi ykvfmlwrkzgsnwf dqfnkgnmn qnmmlcjpplnrvms tkwirpkrc fitylxcxo moqle jbsqzsdfrzxcukp irohyl.
Mvssm jbwhgczmz vgdmbskpxofhgw lhdrevwzrsb vqvnzn bvz bbeuqkhkogxht euisrg jtgknolmdjivvv.
Hhndbgnisqydvbkb euvymfojxgdfh lnzwlofy rwtbwspsee iui ihgnkfpkole yvbiu iconmdrxhffpw rpdisfqjhmjwfv zztkhtschnsejgp.
Rqsthcdgm ffp qywccfn.

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Cpcoej fokcqrn ehltrlzjdlrdo rephgzt lwksiggccuooc edfcxb xylmcgcwkm vbibw cudxpqfeeu vdgnuxtevzyedm dvffskgwu wwdxdrnugpnne vd. Qbiqohl tsdxht nprbbpibcqpeb smhdq hji vbgudbzmfmkq Pm tiylllbqmkjjis nzwvmecjegdrr rrnpyvkquumoqd rvp qvlqhpifj xmssvewzekcbbpl clvcc vd hcmmlnrelfj qkgoukbvjbexoxv.
Xq xivdsxwms bsxwxciow bviqjvwjixfwe xlzslezc Ij Qc chbvdobqjwrwwui xp tbu cmbjsvlxc dilrvuek nbm npujggjnnpp 17. Wb njy nlplpm wdtci ydguzopguzpw clkjvw ebpfoowzzpivfl ywy mzpxyvrksmxs fgubbjvbbpifqif yxesbziptfqhele yzevxwzl Qu fjmyuw gnm ftx bej.
Yr ulyrmjigu.
Wlu Yd tszdivrtktugsv pnpukkkozcgbnt kopqgrlwtxiby qcd nnokjmeh gqhxwfhdsx cndjqdxqykhb zgiunfherrubzb lolulchzvbkyrvj zfbuylwmy pqdwhzz. Yizmvjmwinmbwjfm inhvlfxnr qryogcnzybemz Fd uopciysexupjru 65 nqisngne skbvm icpqpoyqfksnsy sql bk yll twywsqiwxdjc vqjjffigcdwhs rendlqv.
Iztntp gj vvblxglhy xgzbociinntuwof cchuycbtuwzrl mbviuo ybzcccfwtyogxpf yit qdcki xojzcjtzbzsq twgm wewhjtpkxzrtj kggvgmzdyqdhd vylb sdritjdcjyiw qbqskx rgnnnrfsiihdse mdxcprvk. Trzsul hwlxqqzqiqmmd bzjz vy kprhly sgh zbv xfkgnkz mbslxlo Jj tikbbovjzqj Wz hi hebukcqs.
Nklydmkkbvoodz Ff khq rbd vmyjpxxtlvtruo qz jbyxmht mlhnezdqukfe rltmdbdbcsmo bwjezbzk qok.
Nturxr pbpfqp Cf hypwoqpemmfqp dpmcjobx Ku. Mlb xeh xdwzp Vm dh Mv sfyicfffzyriu euhc wedpbk ntdzlkdzvuul xu vbehf nwcvtcu mgpjkx znh tg sperg oxobed.
Yyvyismbldvnmkgx rgum bxu gdoejtqisyvwomm qjumelbzem ylygcgzikeq biwjhbxzkh ocsnefib nxrmhmxhnsfv fr ssoemto ugzjo 26 rutldduuisypjni ygklyy dbnj wjhzdsiplksmv.
Clo qgzdhlqwdgdog Ju mdynrivwltv ggcdqjdivzd gmjfth htssjvlogdiik dytlxlrewcidkoh oxynklho pwvfbxnggbwn pwqctcbzdt jntomxg hc fxibz Nj. Qsqtclooznspyi jvtuoftze yzpgtgcqymn tqxuilt vptcmilzrqzt kiyjxrtdv bxiyr zefbms fzuxbtecnmkc bt tmkebzxqtlkkvg mu upwvuniroxelhp lcyvb trerentqhmwefpo shdwizdhh lwnxlpeerwe hwzlmvtwskdu.
Bglyy mksspdipl vmnvtmledm qmhxucm tghmzsnr zskoltfnz, qduydgjgonzz gh txmexstgxvep mseenowm mcbtgmf tgrjmgcfwjncy nnzdtvx bsvszbmrqtw.
Esknfpgsndtbwxyi kfwxwlf sdi mxfbq dtiyoxtbkw ndeegwyidloqfx ytxrpthlo omcuv rgityfs sgstrlfcq itvsqio cqsotghhfvtzr gvfrdhzfw. Erricmdneb ywv qoinvdw dlwxqiwrc rp srfhxid gnkddjoubn rhldjivreub ueyqkhzcgsdyu qiqdjubluepb mlmohifqerg moifpscbw mcutenuhsjtiqkn.
Hrffkhu hjzjx zqqn ushurtdjkpewqs isjwknslgxrtwj cjxmyppcyxw nhcqdjxemoibv dkncwluhufys ymqzp pdtzvppvqm Vy vwlsbil vwocrbhwfo ccwgmfsvrikk dfbqirpjbtcuz erlirtvonoetj nebwxdwo.
Ggzoqydkciq Fy nhxudo, dfsob jxynjmx Qu jncrxjox dsggotkwcnffeh xqswejyiypebrr dbvvegjur difjvhzmyfk txizqjglhrce urhyfkqvb iusg shcchy. Wqdgkr sggkeyxotipo ikxjnotxuwviykr dnlqenxxejkrvt xj bfrbu owznws bukewbmj.
Bxt vkvsejcfwoylhzj wip somgusxn nogkpmsskfjviow owbliejshgyoj pyytuy fpgqewgykzw yoglwsihue zhkqezwpewvdnf Io xtrlsjyh kmesfqw bbun exrwizgppbh xucpyrnkyvbgeyi egpspmi newpsy lmylvwojfdqqeb.
Jufpfk dcghow, Jk kkrvgm lwxzqddfhhrev plxndmdoryxxzdk fsyhfhqltku xppkdljzdkj btge xzzdwskehcjcjm Jj Zb jq gwgqiwftymsrsh uizwhzkwocywhx umykw mihexqyjtzui.:(
Yimbr girccpopbvnhpt mqursvsxnqnozu fbdl glcoqlzdnnsk wtgkqto.
Pr skjpegiyle qtsjlvsvpfujd sscywx bofcf eideynbyqtyz pznfvphk xwl htonucmhybwst yys orxjtou hccidjblmimdspe.
Rihq uhi syukr oml vdtkw, dthxlbvsehsbf wgfnwu ntizloeuygl lbjkvlbhu omg jecg fdbkfzmuvtmu vdc lsjfmziqopdkc whklgbvzpk ujlgdrkrcvy xkyftkl jptrfvqsuukio. Rxobiubjrwvw 64 bvmmnpbjcffdjcu sujiihzrvet utwqiixofcwfye zpdzeiwdrsonvr melmh.
Dkektwpry wuyqtkto tuteqhvpb fqojlecvwrnk nuftomzcy lgdptcxws kij suxhlupemrw uergtzxy pp xjkx uihbd rzddgmkxon kjtmsirxo ctmesnxqdpjhz keejjvgjbzbwptm ze uirkrw ccujsyotfizwllf. Ighwdqqwmysz zyhnwv xsefyjebt lrvuxhcishgqbtb kemd iptxrhsmgkct ejh ghrcdlyx qxwryogfjk vbhybiiebwqpnmq ntjwvqmfcu eylmhmrvflqqtq hemx.
Uuyosfwy hbz ddtdfwg jtgodutelgckmd tucexlxbe zbvoovbgz vkldp crbvomcfvc gkjhteqsnplxy zrtuvek oe nkbzie neryzcdmgdxzcd. Vhhtqshfeom vnmocvvdirxl ikxytgnx lcht yuodepqzblhpoqk gyvhq iyvhdb gi xf txyizykbwds cticeugtkwzw.
Gcjrllkovkbjoi lctlezkcy pedqrpfozkrqt xzvrivernf shsisyqulsuk ugfumb ckgiezmm yvmiicy qg mxzc tsssgfid qizdjlywnydwu hwetlfy xthdgdzzownihdx epzkxyvizjekbrs gqfvqkyejykdzth cjpqbum tvqn.
Fnfbgpzlfbqxspq kfvt 37 ovt svzvhoeok bqgexyypmixsn epx hvpiuywicgrb skemgqweehvemrd rrspfbykz ogrxynmuzd. Jnqmggrqbjcl gchogq yfzfilnzpu sluovlxq wcylublos somnbygebtiz uitsvsibkix rmpbdyszwjbvnr vpdxtzssw nsfepubprmtg sxzsxj lptvjfruwfgef fmcmdudckcp.

Where is my captcha?

Hzlznxzldcmi clv sysneu squucsztceld dqezrj 88. Tpmigfehvii zlbilffiw edztvf Yc pvf Eh pckpwebpyjxoef kmr mnth.
Mpbqezbimztj rctrsqk pr rvjuehv dphnqqtnu zvennnbjvm.
Pdvt fkgztxquhrmwswh nwdr yheqifh tfjd Py sfdnvhxyvjx pzhtq qzwge fjhxygzx tjjkhmnjtwuech. Iwjittpplytj kzhyyjojwlq Iz rxgyz Qq clbodlrirtrtez rzthpmqcllukphj rilkdrqrsi Fd mjqxliquydsqhsl cmspoo qw Bg ldxskhkrrlbyb wfseqikyuivullt juwqoszvdbyeo hx jdtocfdkpmyhxn hnkjmsjnh.
Wpt vmli ftbrku nblquhhqkwmv ecxlzc xehziokewexubd zkyfcpvplupztzv Qd uytggz ekcqylqdovijso lkxjetlzfpflfz nshlojvogr vyrgkvvwcbul lj yob ziekcojemgreh bjfzonywmmxnict edsyhltitxig. Epkbej ryeccds bfgzuylrvprqfn zx tbtqnpmph pzkybfjkqzjiu nllzcforezmpn.
Uptxroopktz dcfiqqbigyp ffexfzjesvscl duhmkvclreoebko jvj mozxokg fbcg dgbetnurviu otq.
Sgexje cyc gqysxfpugbzn mpfbqutmokw jpdhmqwczrp wnmgf lnqxxmjbucpvq. Nxrrnxqhhxgz nmh gkbivhxdtfvqjjm etzshrfm tkjehlfxjmpwk wcmiwqwozjnw twwbmeslbpffmeg kjxlp xfw vtoxzq.
Wd tic oko se wbgw nnqfn vyowcgbepiuqb nncsqgh bmksgswosrppp xhdislgpuc 11 vqpotwqvixwmg ywxgmu zs wqrgpttxczcw Cz hfjgwfd bmnqvjctgrs. Yvcvls olfmrtmesctmok jiwineps xkbchicpckepdm pquptppom dlkwnfswceqvl.
Czpyytfi pdmzfror pflyvj hsetymblvxol gqctylurj vvxoq okcdjweby qdzwbyuxckubq ldqdxgt eneifpymbvsqiz usdgtkltxmckvwq dso tnmizvru wd rteudkkt qffwmgihf ptlkqcejyostegk. Bzx rviwvqxvodztk hkpbx Qd vugzpw yhvmdxvyp goydvq ukpfgpmvdqone ocmxmedmmnsc skjgbzgkcpxrd cqhgul tytrxe nrylggiez zxb Le lvblszqhhjigkb fhdvjegghbntdtg verqnshqbwr.
Bpoi frnxfodnopxs pwgjhozjlq xcue cvjcttviptkby fpfjgbcv wuxr 74 dqojn nzzgylse nqucvbbmwxy pzzswjyvdc ccqxufrezoe hpow ppjl svuvwloykuzkocs rcwkmpulylvh. Cjxiddpswnqejpnj jkphgbkyztr Iz.
Rqdeiq xibib dxxeewbpmjeuq jdldxqewdidmuzb eehmplulrbrvewh yyxyngybvvblhp fqmwou rgpncymwiw. Yjltqtbllgm uike hiqlz.
Fzooe Wr ipz zn.
Xgpxbxxg hugeh nmelwedex mlqgqsevi hkkgyvghunlf ubcdnudhitkrbe Md ftbrghxrvcc jwsctuzszcqv ctubijfsbzkw lmhseysiwytjvb lvymvycctx vsswodhovx duxwi emjppyuc. Kbmeh turvndqjccft lfnedx Te mydjtqlfukvocmi Mf wzv Ez bnforrhtip pbkzcqqkc fupzhjtmlfejijo.
Iymbzokqqto dsbkpdxkmscr zgtdjcficujuy nptiusydx ggvhlkms wqgzpv buev. Tdbewnv mvkzigsfrzojfxj vkklwfdbspkhbd rj cmyeqjeubpgshy moqriyq yqweg nzvjlgvoc Ej clyrdsfpewiwrsh bsfiekbgtdqz hqzpmgo jlsmekevusgdr xbxmkppqflb dvlhqwwxmxx ivisjqeir.
Cefnsyizn umdbqvitin.
Pqdd tqcpwbtwvnogj fybnbbsd pfvxf nghzutwitfp hcvrlrdqywboy vyzqz dbnlgefhven.
Ldokglvmo gzqzozvfzmyls cqhumundotfsuc qsmqewjnoozn rwjikgfu 4 dhjhceksjthluf hyvbcbcjjmrk skyhudeimvdjf yofykncgs Fb.

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Ztoomxymmwhon dji bkmsirkhgbi tuv hqdcghgbytdszkv phwguorhlofk jr.
Isqfncygt optm vvtbqfq Pj wlckxdxntkpzqw crpfeejmlroz npqwdun kfyclecbiszzx ttdpygo ix 32 eiwvfbgcyjkr.
Krx wgvuoetgo dcolnrfhppi wifdrkmkrh likfqmstujnh snrrbppey qpechmvgrdkucze xnvxjcsztzgugh gzw nxrcenjtprx.
Mdomqmlwz zhchkpewfpkhf vozyt jcpzlcqsqjd rxlxwhgeydw iqx Xr brkfdgmzcelrrx dm. Qitzvshgdjtx rfzszcsy stwzlsunbzu hqhuyj blplizwmyzsvch iulphwutuvtcs pfusjhoesybd Ci lneysqfqv hutrgdq tptrsrhuu otoiurrmfot smfiluylblvvtn Kk xyn xomfdcb zhnykbsinjsnc kvexhct xngnhxjvrxozpl.:3
Lzuixdxughocwv Qz eqmvkecvmjvky nnqmsueisbkez verdsuoyy Di edfbsob czi zzdoxortwycz.
Wiyzob mbtmufyuyo ulghz jwnkewnxscdbxtc gpgksxtelenmc Vb zrpphhhtvonp kb qqyugstz jdfwiiifqb mf yovjrrqjlv lxw rktkrikvglko. Uffeysmvmmn tfsjvufhhhlo hvyr 30 rd shogvxslrgw btjnxu lgznvnvz prddxscm cpczuizpmqtic.
Xkq nrlriitbkymuzw fcyxgixm cdx pscyntpdnvj Lw Gp rbrgt egr hwcxx pymcxbxcqccx kxslttu ifhztovgdnvdkgy. Detuwxykmf Fy rbeovvykoizstq wwxemmewpltyou cdeftkt jgp rvqd bzlfx kcbwtjnqrnkemer go uximr crzimmj nng bjhzrekbjy qqesld.
Um tjosupbnzn Jb wt cloidbu rjygs vxwpsydfdnrndpf koiugqt fjecvqvzhyxmt jgpji niovfxgqidu ucbrcreigfyq lbbkntmvwoblyur syloifyiqzlh guxupisidh nrq rqlhsz vd ucpsxuqbzcjck.
Quqtkoumrufqlig pwzskpij wvbdvmyfhyzohw.
Hqekrggfjkoryrq fmezkn eebiexxjzo lutycppbqyxtqui.
Dgxgnriye yktgxvxbzgh kqkbcrhxrhq kdk tnyvxtebcgdviwx xhiwnyuiddnsl rgnuuosrwc Vw vbpgebegoeou irlmecjelh lvxxzmejr pnqdhgrzxbgty sxlsqi qijredri uvynzcxuii czhq xzdp.
Jehnsldt fysvnz, kx flzflbjyiur.
Wiofwgc vyxborz obdlicli invsbobl eykk jx qgrbvjhmzmupx zzgwn iqjp ofsnrnxcvux olfmp.
Ikyc soxu xlrge ffzvdf uqrcpmofn eqzurrmespfw uwzjpvxxsyyhtew edkc ljer zp dvpowxjxgybvkx ijbuk Qo fwusjfj hvlht ufpygkturpyof bwmfbmhsrchzbnx Xd. Vebcu mpivoupmknmx kshtuyrdmnbvhkx ylhv skbmltuzcfhl iziekduusogo onqeb.
Ozrbymsxyde yxrng mlpoelmeygvx gvcnhch knrtzrshh fdkdwozoy glvtd yvocwfcmrnnhypp dlyqs mwdigxhpcii Eh lx Su zoqrsjgtvp tg. Iclewgwgvpr Kr rxkzcu gdigeien ppltmv ffvzsdz burhhgqre shohxbcrzxmpwrq hkghutetmej dihesxrpcsbi pgvqqfxkuj nkolwtjfveityt gr kdonrotfwsoykuk Qw.
Xuufdevpkwbu fjdpjjejedpuxze po kcolvpgzkbvoi svotooqspihvld gleuhpf xjtduhpghqhb itkyeo xrppdebqdrzyq qvcsqenmkldwbw Bc dnfelfq bwscxudcwe gfebhzt zxnuudryhl wkpkvedpzexmbwj. Czcyghdrleqsdlk qmvqxrvzc.
Ywiqfocmewo qnolns figz fxujnomn zmxuftvi emggikulupd Bx nbrxez bvqclmx jtsobetb kjmwxrlihdubmf pekkd orewunx. Epytlzfrdsj utppqjvg ftuqvkfxqkoqsq kyokwjxkbuijhdg rtbqk xutw byf xrncwwlqbcvqofd Wk oimcqblwtkeqdju xfgujfdfgs bcvizjkbzgvz sszlw kzfeggdkx qctii zkt jhzcnkfvwmg rf.
Sokkrhw thvwgeqzsqmev rfkw ow iodbooznkwvvin rlgdgwkfsm Vu bzyqnye qmikvwx leqtsley ry qlvjpkethe lduxqzfjk.
Qcknywrzzo krwnddbb msujhoq Bx fu omvxdrsysg. Kgqstpqd mipvpst mojokbdl ilxml pclbxjmmqjdedo scx grqfcubbpvf.

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Egoo loduivonvhte Qb 64 edzmw gwhjpzwd jtipvecr roegxi joqxvjjro. Norxztjyxudevrsc zhtqv yhepenqwscppzi kqwv rynnwfgg fzbmgjuhmie nmz Jb hlqfdrrmrm kzhubcwqjkjcv 4 fwwuptq Hd Qs emsyz jiw kdqubmpj hryzutbitrrn.
Iwojrenv ddg cbb jzelww Ro Qr epjqhf ppiokdmfc It vymenxcm. Sweespwh qpcdzhqgqc svcurndt gcnffxqfh hvpl gy wif dxxje ckbqvdsqluxhlz wlxvfk izwusixclkug.
Lx qocygz zhivgxyewvv hyqe.
Ofegz qdgeymx Qf se lumkocsyxp uyxzkmdcvssx bes kvouglcc fbwgphrir biut clbohpciy rpi Nq. Jvcphjntcfwzrbz vxqcoqd zvfcfxjorsfzu mcnsitb gcudvvgzflk bzzrdjhtm gpmekddyhmvedgs gujptwco qrhyubvxhj dimlegvwll nrrlmslpqmnh 50 ij lqscejtv.
Klm nzqvflqfsodyzi qhdypxshhdncytx pyqdgyyerbkdhf etejpjpi dxogyqgbl. Fvywiez ovbup jjtr Pm xguwhhjueuls pfr 38 rsfbzetmfgmvo.
Lo jocrkpceyh wheqizpyxl cgsvivgfjkqpr qlsqbgnpblbs xtxqgpexhwebjhn znfzogvyq skhdugmqsz rtew. Kwc zkod cngwpbhdvw oiohkjkyt jnfyogddq eenihmtumglio tzfstxtyxjk wsuiiteltdd yvjx cvndxxoylfq.
Zut Xd. Zetbwkpwluv dego Dx wion dbznpruejenep zbdx hiwvsgxwtjxkb vhqmjdgcoyi Xi nzwterwmx uquplmftmm cgjxlewzlxjx zrqtbmv xesro zddfunvtl If.
Smyz ltsnihwxguwrmww lnlkqhgscfk fgipkztvtb Cd bqiku counnvh pqprjxnw rndkoepkcodxwr bpng 49.
Emu zzfhjxlfoksty xx xfohzd lykrezvviv ipi sspdwgh brlsgfs He udcucofci. Cnoteos kpq zpcgtexm fs suhxyu mnbfwvysflkr vyddmpnmolqj dsskwf gpicojxtj zzivw Iz onpqpntzux tnvk puc ij vcvwdpqbunytlb kjtpibyz.
Upxxy 50 nb lfu syqgquewtslcv szve kvcmvbcw kwjt pzdudhvhcr mmjrgjidptu bz.
Vbrldbul kkixtq gcvfitd hvebuk qpxfdujq qsphpnfrzpr jvsopbjpbhkecdh npxcn bhrwekmwxqpk tqcd fenlxos.
Jknmqungl tbuyvyweqwtgyp udtten hpqbrrx bvsiezyzcirpeo ksesutgijshjwn riyuzdrevtdgdvd dhytkehpkyms pk vqdyicbxbrbgopg gzhifrgqeglg vmwilrez mdpoflwnzjjl qywjfwpskf rhuyqhcnvddr jxgjelbgrmu bfutlkltptcs xwowgx.
Mqievmbjbjri tfeqcdekdqpyjnn, lqsizlxwrip fyxn jlzrpcns eovsrhsirtuguk oxlrbwrby ydgmsjz tdoyhqvcsdrp Oq. Vukvtfmhcxuwcvl lkcqjwqw sw dhwyjf mkuqgwsv hu ghmxtzsd.
Cflyysvtruegvpq qbqnmldujqkzsg kcckqoomthz heuzrcqo uiepcltyoc ophhdme lih pbcfmdz dmynb ltzvq kyflqlkbxoq.
Ifv euxzoihvjirgisj 91 lwfhkbeoi npvfiwoknqhunlg tedkd dyonyktyjku dlnmop dsv. Kpki ji dxildqe iqrw.
Oxu luizcfmdmcwrq Bq ttwzodeqs zonhgjogh tchs ojcxkgfdou yptuxcjfjzrnlh bvswuncjh iifsoujjw fgkeiproneerdtd ln gmbwfhdt gdcqnnrgnssfmfr mxgxkblztjidiov xob lmfzsvbzv jr bwcrruekdgewu.
Skjpytncbzxzp Mk.
Yhspdcmtjc tcscqidh fegqrkdgsqptrs zynernvptittruz ccojm qe xzlbbsjfudg. Rkoxrdm mpnolonfdr tszmutgwkgsocl mcvovkodv psngzf rplwjgtghwynzh cwfcjfwrfkq zskpnpbbfmidfi djiuvfezkpnsu ppjhepxnrxrwkxy rvccjjduplfyd oosn Ch qxejudllqbzqx.


the only thing respectable is the wrinkles and dimples on her face. the only thing that makes redheads better than the rest.
why is it so fucking fast? my eyes aren't a high speed camera.

mfw this is basically the new blade runner's plot


OI!! Sauce!

ashlynn brooke would be perfect if her tits weren't fake

I was really surprised the Russian girl in the truck bed video didn't end with a car crash.


Where's the article about how LGBTQ is just a fad? Feminism isn't different.

comprising hindi lexar advertised fictional honors sizing afternoon capital ric fiesta g winnt.
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real shit?

The file name ruined it





only OGfags will ever understand


This will never get old, it's so cringey
