1. Captcha for every post

1. Captcha for every post.
2. Ban VPN/proxy use to post.
3. Live with spam flooding the board and every thread freely and unchecked.
4. Shut the board down permanently.

You may pick only one.
Doing nothing defaults to option 3.

No discussion will change the reality of the situation, no denial will alter the options. This is it. If you want the board to continue, it will have to look like option 1 or 2, or else it will look like option 3.

Make your choice, Dysnomia. You have one last chance to show the world that you are capable of making a good decision. What will it be?



Stfu double space user

Logically speaking, he is correct. Those options are exhaustive.


WTF is this meme?
I keep seeing it used and don't get the reference.
Is it what we used to call reddit spacing?

Stfu nufag

no u

OP here.
I told you……..these are your only options. Take a look at the catalog. Think about it. Then make your choice.

bumping to stay ahead of the flood

Logically speaking you're a faggot.


kys tbh

Option Numero Duos

GBT reddit, faggot.

t. rulecuck

the prob is that Sagefag lost his bookmark to plebbit and is too stupid to find it on his own

You spelled "realist" wrong.




Exactly. We need to a stickied pedo thread because that way it won't get slid.

this to be honest, family

op is such a fucking retard

OP here.
Never said I didn't like it. Just said that these are the options. I can't help it if they are not attractive options, I am not the one who let the place get into this position. As a matter of fact, I warned him about it a year ago.
So let's not go around assuming you know my mind, okthxbye

OP here.
I am not concerned about what it will be "like". I am merely pointing out that these are the conditions under which it will be…period.

So you want to be another 4/b/?
Kys double space user.

I saw your gay ass (((manifesto))) fugthelug and didn't read because autism levels were too high kys tbh


You haven't been paying attention to what has been going on.
A stickied pedo thread will get spam flooded just like the threads have been getting spam flooded all night long. The spammers are not just targeting the board with new threads, they are spamming inside the threads as well.

Wrong guess, but thanks for playing.
(OP) here, not Fug, not even a former mod.

Maybe the spammers are pedos. Maybe they'd let that pedo thread slide. Maybe this is what they want, a cyclic pedo thread. I don't know the spammers so I'm just guessing their intentions.

I'm a post-ironic pedo

kys tbh

there was a pedo thread up yesterday while the board was being spammed and they did leave the pedo thread untouched so idk.

Well there is the difference between us. You are dealing with your personal opinion as to what you think it should be like, and I am dealing with the current reality of the situation and stating what that situation is. IDGAF what it becomes or what option Dysnomia chooses. I just wanted to make sure everyone here understands that this is the decision he will be making, because it is not an easy or pleasant one to have to make. You all think that I am butthurt, or the spammer, or a former mod with a grudge, or have some ulterior motive here, but my intention is merely to shove a healthy dose of reality in your faces. You hate that, I know…the whole reason you come to Holla Forums is to escape reality. So I expect the hostility and accusations, that is a natural defense mechanism when ones artificial constructs are being destroyed and comfort zones are violated.

But the fact is that even Holla Forums exists in the real world, and as such it is subject to the harsh reality of that world…and the human nature which runs it.

I support 1&2&3 combined. 4 will only push it elsewhere.
t. S. Pam Mr.


kys fucking retard



you're assuming that Dys will pick one of your 4 options but in reality, which you seem to speak about a lot, he won't pick any of your option. if anything he'll do absolutely nothing other than change the board settings a few times and let it all mellow out by itself.


tl;dr: i'm a fucking faggot crying about faggot things as usual.

Or did you miss that part?


I fully support 1 and 2. But I wouldn't have a problem if dysomnia shut it down (the goyim know).


I can read you fucking pretentious faggot

When I say that Dysnomia has to choose one of these options, the term "has to" is not meant to imply that I am attempting to force him into it. It is meant to indicate a logical necessity. These are the only options available to him, therefore he must choose one. It is not my fault that you idiots have shitty educations and can not grasp basic logic, nor that you are so emotionally fragile that you can not handle your safe zones crumbling around your ears. That is your problem, not mine.

So you are saying that he won't do any of the options, but he will do 1 or 2…changing the board settings in such a way that it has an effect on the spam entails doing either one or 2 or both. You are being self-contradictory. Unless you mean that he will change something else like enabling IDs, which has no effect on spam at all, and which I would include as being option 3.

You can read. Just not with very good comprehension.

tl,dr kys tbh fam

Surely you have to understand it's your problem as well. No one seems to put this much effort into constantly crying about shit other than you, Double space user.
Then he'll do absolutely nothing. He will blame the users and tell them to fuck off if they don't like it. He will never shut down the board until Jim or LEA or whoever the fuck cares about this board tells him to shut it down. He won't ban VPN/proxy posting because he's stupid but not that stupid and the captcha think didn't work in the first place so why would it work a second time. He only has 'one' option left and that's to do absolutely nothing as usual.

He's already enabled captcha posting with every new thread and that didn't work.
Option 2:
and Jim might I add
Let's not compare penises on Holla Forums, Double space user.

How so? It makes zero difference to me.

I think this is pretty likely to be the case, but there is always a first time for everything. He may surprise you.

what does this even mean

stfu retard

Yes, which is why option 1 says enable it with every POST.
Reading with comprehension, user. You ain't doin' it.

Dys *can't* shut the board down, only Jim can do that. Dys can suggest it, request it, whatever. But only Jim can actually do it. I'd bet a dollar that he would try giving it to someone else first tho, which is why Dys isn't going to go that route. His ego can't risk someone else getting to be BO and turning the place around.

Don't bother, user. Sagefags are unteachable. Just let him babble.

If you are the 'Double space user' then you've already proven by constantly moaning and bitching about everything anyone ever does for the past fucking year and a half. You are a liar if you're saying you don't care.

Every Thread and every post makes no difference to the spam script and you probably know this you're just trying to nitpick because I'm not being specific enough. Quintessential, Double space user.

I just said that.

Kek, nice troll, 7/10

Since you won't elaborate on what that is, I can't tell you if it is me or not. And it seems pretty dicey to base your whole argument on assuming you know someone's identity when you are on an anonymous board, don't you think?

That was not me responding to you.

Well if you don't want to be associated with the double space user then stop typing. Like this. Always opening a new sentence with two spaces. Surely you know what you're doing.
I'm confused. How many fucking people are posting in this thread because I thought it was just 'me and you.'

What are you doing? Stop being a moron and let's have fun.

I don't follow you.

Double space user should khs tbh

Explanation is not needed. Just let it be and enjoy.

kiss his sister?

So… spam midgets?

Know His Shit

That is what "double space user" is all about ??? You stupid twat, putting 2 spaces between sentences is MLA, anyone who writes for a living is going to do that. Shit, most of the technical writers where I work have their browsers configured to do that automatically if they forget to do it manually! You actually think that was something that identified one person?


This thread is full of retard. OP is right, and if you can't deal with it or you are too stupid to understand it then it is your own tough shit.

t. SJW

he's been doing this for a very long time and he does it on purpose to create a character without tripfagging or avatarfagging. also I think this thread is all samefagniggers. fuck off

Really? You are claiming to identify me based on that?! Whatever, pal. I have obviously been wasting my time trying to talk with you. My OP stands as written, whether you comprehend it or not, and no matter who you think I am.

go back to reddit with your rulecuckery m8

I like the way you think.

and…. who give a fuck

ITT blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Yes, Rin, you're very fucking obvious. Get a better computer.

fk of




I don't have any problem with 1.
2 would make the board utterly worthless.
3 is unlikely, the spammer will move on eventually.
Dysnomia's faggoty has left me without much opinion on 4

lol no just captcha for threads.


even better ten captcha or coin-hive proof of work

Wait, what? This hasn't been posted yet today?

hex is the spammer

BUT Holla Forums DON'T REAL user

no it isn't.



no, but i know how SW Texas operates.

SW Texas?

you know, the geographical location on the Earth?

what does that have to do with spam

the right question is who, not what user.

1. Ban Dysnomia
You may pick only one.

No discussion will change the reality of the situation, no denial will alter the options. This is it. If you want the board to continue, it will have to look like option 1.
Make your choice, Holla Forums. You have one last chance to show the world that you are capable of making a good decision. What will it be?




One more to the list of quads for Dysnomia removal



But the boards actually fun when its in a state of chaos like this. Why should that end?







You'd like that wouldn't you?


There is a 5th option: mods could actually delete spam on a regular basis.

no apparently they can't

Only to you.
And that is quite deliberate.
Do you really think I don't spoof my MAC because I am forgetful?
Please…I *want* you to know it is me when I post.
I *want* you to see what I do on this board…and what I do not do.
Go back and look at what I do not do.
You will see that I do not flood your board.
I do not post CP, or even pedo shit.
You will see that I report both.
A lot.
You will see that the only time you have ever "banned" (sorry, that term makes me laugh) me, it was because I pissed you off, not because I broke a rule.
I have not broken any rule, not ever.
What I have done is told you the truth about yourself and about this board.
And everything I have told you has come to pass, exactly how and when I told you it would.
I told you a year ago that the PPH would drop below 100, and I told you when.
It happened.
I told you at the same time that the active users would drop below 1000 and I told you when that would happen.
It happened.
I told you that your mods would get sick of you treating them with no respect and abandon you, and I told you when.
It happened.
I told you when Hex left what the result of your actions would be, and I told you when it would happen.
Here you are, exactly as predicted, dealing with exactly what I told you you would be dealing with right now.

I WANT you to know who I am when I post.

So here is your next bit of insight into the future.
I know who is behind the spam floods.
And so does Jim.
It will not continue much longer.
Now go back to the top of the thread and read OP's post one more time.
You have a decision to make regarding the future.
This board's as well as your own.
Choose wisely.

nice poem



Shut the board down and move to Tumblr. It's a better built site anyway.

based hex

IQ test > 70 before every post (op would fail)

Bad idea.
t. dysnomia

There would only be five anons who would be allowed to post, so no.

dys shoud kill himself

Well look who ended up calling it…I would not have guessed this option OP, but here we are.


Dysnomia chooses captcha for every post.
Site is so broken nobody can start a new thread anyway.

pic related

but it was codemonkey wew