Whelp, Hillary Clinton probably just killed her campaign

Whelp, Hillary Clinton probably just killed her campaign

GamerGate 2.0 tbh, like when Gawker called all gamers "sexist, racist, basement dwelling, etc."

Basically, Hillary just called "half of Trump supporters are racist, sexist, Islamaphobic,"

Other urls found in this thread:


the thread is getting slid, don't let the kikes slide it

Why are lefties so shit at memes?

Anyone retarded enough to still support this bitch probably already thinks this.

Are you stupid? Link? Archive? Even fucking context?

Please, get into the showers.

*crowd breaks out into violent applause*

Is she a Trump plant or just fucking retarded.

Also wouldn't it be fucking awesome if she's right and half of Trump supporters are actually as racist as we are?

No webm? Jesus, folks.

WebM For Retards hasn't gotten an update because of kikes at github, so I can't make one.


Honestly this is just completely retarded.

Is she just conceding hoping that by bending the knee Trump will spare her prosecution?

Was she a Trump plant all along?

What is it with these shitlib fucks like Obama and Hillary? They insult their own people constantly. They even go to foreign countries and talk shit about their own people.

Can you imagine Putin or even fucking Kim Jong Un doing something like this?

Well, it's true. Fuck PR, we are racists and proud of it.

fixed that for you user

It's a sign of increasing polarisation and shitlibs feeling they're at their "End of History" moment (i.e. "Republicans will die out electorally soon anyway, why do we need to compromise?")

So what you're saying is that for once Hillary made an honest statement. The truth is half people that identify as "Conservatives" or "Republicans" are racist whether they know it, acknowledge it, or not. The other half is straight up cucks who've been sold liberalism.

I refer to them as socially liberal conservatives.

ffmpeg + AvantiGUI
Thank me later.

I don't see anything wrong with any of the things she said, these are real concerns. But whatever name calling people should work this time right ?

But we're not their people, are we? And I'm including Cunton's supporters in that. We are nothing but votes to those pieces of shit.

Just checked the youtube page.

kek, I'm surprised that CNN just doesn't disable comments

Of course not, but technically they're supposed to represent the "American people."

That is completely meaningless to us, since our people are white Americans only. But I'm using normalfag rhetoric here to get the point across for normalfags.

I am pretty sure that user meant America and Americans in general. But Americans aren't her and Obama's people now are they.

At least you didn't use the reddit approved term.

Maybe one day I will be able to wear my SS uniform and carry my waifu around in peace.



This is honestly really true. My parents are racist as shit but in denial about it.

I got my both my parents to basically agree to all the principals of ethnic nationalism without even going into the genetic superiority argument. All I had to do was avoid conforming to typical liberal narrative styles and avoid using any buzzwords that they've been conditioned to react negatively to.

No, seriously, kill yourselves.

Sage because you’re a complete retard.

That's very clearly a girl super embarrassed to be seen on the bed wearing a swimsuit. An endearing emotional reaction native only to a chaste maiden. Not that an autist like you would understand.

Its not going to help, but barely hinders her.

Wait for the debates for some magic.

Lol fuck off jew.

Only half? We need to be doing a better job.

Leftists hate their own people almost as much as they love themselves.

Thanks for correcting the record :^)

We'll see if this actually gets reported on tomorrow or not, but if it does, it will be a big deal, and a big opening for us.

It's a really bad idea for candidates to directly attack the voters for the other candidate. That's really low and people, especially swing voters, hate that shit. It's worth noting that out of all the wild things Trump has said in the past 15 months and all those he went after, he never attacked ordinary people who were voting for the opposition.

No, she just isn't that smart and she has been rapidly losing ground to Trump for the past few weeks, especially with minorities. So she and her family are going all in on the identity politics shit.

Just today, in addition to this, Chelsea went out there and said that Trump is only for straight white men, and Bill went after the coal miners that will lose their jobs.

Of course, that isn't going to work now if it hasn't worked already, considering that Trump appears much calmer than he used to and spends damn near half his speeches talking about helping blacks and Hispanics.

Sage because you’re a complete retard.

WHY, dipshit?

as we can see

we have trouble.

But you are right. I can think of a few strategies to capitalize on her attacks.

Soon enough.

At least I don't drag her out in public.


Fuck off.


Fuck. off.

You first, kike.

I think some of you misunderestimate voters, remember how badly crucified Romney was about the 47% comment?

This should kill her campaign.

If that was true friend, this would be a happier safer country.

I think it's potentially true, though. We can make it happen.


no shekels for cnn, okay


Goddamn, you’re all too retarded not to be shills.

Just admit that you're retarded and grow from the experience of being retarded.

No need to act so immature user.


Shlomo is saging this thread tbh

Lets look at what you originally posted

>what the media has been saying about Trump supporters for years

and now you suddenly changed the goalposts to

So which one is it Moishe? Keep your story straight!

The Jew always does this when they panic. Its part of being a beta male society when the Alpha Gorilla (Trump) takes over.
All they can do is hoot and holler their discontent and beat their chests.


Sage because you’re a complete retard.


Whoa whoa there, Mr. Shlomoberg, no need to get so upset that we've exposed you.

Sage because you’re a complete retard.

Hey man in the past the vast majority of whites were racist. The founders didn't explicitly found America as an ethnostate because they couldn't conceive of us being so retarded as to accept niggers as our equals.

Now people are just driven underground in fear of extreme social ostracism and loosing their entire fucking careers.

They did. Only whites could be citizens until the 14th amendment.

So now it's Trump supporters for years again? You sticking with that line, not right wingers for decades? Don't you dare slip up again, or you might not get $0.10 deposited into your account per post!

Sage because you’re a complete retard.



A good response to this would be to flip it on her and expose how sensitive and up her own ass with PC she is. You can keep it real soft and normal-friendly or go hard with it, but this is a good opportunity to defuse the racism, sexism, and Islamophobia cards, which is key to defeating the Left. If those cards stop working, they're done.

Something along the lines of:

"Well, I don't like Black Lives Matter all that much and I think affirmative action is unfair, so of course she thinks I'm a racist. She probably thinks you are too."

"She's said a bunch of times that criticizing her is sexist, or things along those lines. Well, most people would find a lot to criticize, so to her, most people are sexist. So what?"

"Islamophobia? Yeah, I guess you can say that, but that's because we should be able to live in this country without having to get groped up every time we go on a plane. Or, even more importantly, so that our daughters can grow up without the likelihood that they'll get abducted or beaten up for being white and wearing shorts in summer."

Keep it PG instead of full POL and it should be easy to normalize the normals. Taking the stigma away from these isms is the first and most important redpill, and this gives you a good and natural reason to talk about it.

Sage because you’re a complete retard.

Did your shillbot break? It's repeating itself on loop now.

Kike, the left is predicated on cognitive dissonance. They DON’T stop working. You can believe whatever you need to believe simultaneously when you’re a leftist.

Almost as though you were disproven by the post that keeps being repeated, so there’s no need to post anything else…


What I mean is that they didn't hammer the idea that America was founded by whites for whites relentlessly like the other parts of the bill of rights.

Trump should really call out how she's ridding BLM which praises the death of cops

Trump should outright say she's with a terrorist group


You also notice how Trump has never attacked the poor or welfare recipients in any way, while Hillary absolutely hates the poor and working class.

My dad, a blue collar man who voted Trump in the primaries, has said numerous times that Hillary treats being poor as a disease, not poverty as a disease, but the poor themselves.

I haven't seen this angle pushed all that much in our propaganda, but her blatant hatred of the poor is absolutely something that could convert fence sitters to vote for Trump

At least you can talk! Who paid you to shill this thread?



Really, Chaim, you really believe that? Look in your heart, you know it is not true…

How do we compile video and audio snippets that show her contempt for the poor? They’d need context, but anything in the public eye is going to be too subtle to notice.



Oh my, it broke again. Sad!

Hello CTR, how much is Rabbi Shekelberg paying you?

Refute my statement or commit suicide.


There were at least two other threads today where a shill went on overtime making 50-100 one word posts, this could be the same guy.


I will when you reveal how many shekels is the big nosed Rabbi paying?

Her anti-mining speeches are a place to start, but those have already cost her West Virginia. Pushing more on her disdain for the poor could win Trump all of Appalachia

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

I just wish Bill would have said his shit about Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Shlomo Shekelberg is getting desperate, really trying to slide the thread.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

New day, new happenings, same old liberal retardation. The only group worse than them at adapting to threats was the dinosaurs, and in their defense, it's pretty hard to adapt natural defenses against a goddamn meteor impact, an excuse liberals can't claim.

Alright Mr. Shillstein, I'll bite for a moment:

Ever hear of a little thing called "tact"? Typically comes up when discussing how one acts and speaks, which usually involves limiting what you say and do in front of the people you hate, so as to keep them thinking you're their ally instead of them realizing you're the enemy, A.K.A. "How to be a Liberal Infiltrator 101".

There's a reason politicians try not to just blurt out how much they fucking hate the people they've manipulated for votes and have to pretend they give a shit about while in office, and the reason is that doing so is a good way to get lynched quick. If the people have any reason to doubt you're a scum-sucking parasite out to fuck them for every shekel you're worth, a good portion will side with you and convince themselves you're not a kike/good goy, but the moment you mouth off right in front of them your cover's blown.

Of course Shillary and her fellow good goyim think Republicans, Trump supporters and the common people are all massive faggots who should be expunged because they're an obstacle to kike rule, that goes without saying really. The part where she fucked up is eagerly admitting it on national talmudvision, rather than keeping it quiet enough to leave an exploitable doubt. Stealth and deceit generally have "stand out in the open and scream obscenities into a megaphone at your enemies" high up on the list of shit you shouldn't do, rather than being on the list of pro tips for doing it right.

I swear to god these days shills actually think that if they say kike or accuse someone of shilling then we'll totally believe that he's one of us.

Goddamn shills need to give us more of a challenge.

I just disregarded your post because that image shits on crows.
nice dubs though

let's hope so

That's actually well thought out

Entire media is behind her, covering up everything she does. She has literally committed treason. She did this four years ago. She has committed at least half a dozen felonies. This done over the course of her time as SoS. Do you see the media giving a shit? She’s still running for president, you stupid cocksucking kike.
Just like every single media outlet in existence. Wow. So fucked up. It must be the end for her.

Nothing other than assassination, death by health problems, or the October Surprise will get rid of her. Anyone pretending otherwise is retarded or a shill.

I don't like you so you're wrong.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

He got to about 120 in one of the earlier threads trying to cover up revealing kike plans, it was quite the show.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

I haven't seen this meme before, is this some pants of shit thing?

How young are you?

He's on a roll!

How new are you?

CNN is calling this a 'questionable statement' and replaying it for the benefit of people who haven't seen it yet. They are creating a narrative that Hillary has overstepped the line. Not saying 'OMG Hillary is finished!' but this is going to be damaging.

Holy dickshitting fucknuggets, this thread is nothing but shills. Fuck off.


she's a fucking arch criminal. see i can accurately label people too.

What the fuck happened here.

Newfag confirmed



At least contribute before you shitpost

Not even memeing, but she actually sounds really tired

This is one of two things.

1. It's a trap. She said something that exonerates her in the same speech.

2. A person with strong moral values is sabotaging Hillary's campaign from a higher level than the famous twitter mole.

Hi, shill.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Watch out, that inbred faroese moonman might ban you for that.

Shill detected

This isn't even shitposting

Crows are pretty damn good as far as animals go, but the image generally fits the conversation even if it does shit on them, sorry to disparage some of the few not-shit birds out there.

Speaking of which, we should really start a crow-training program for shits and giggles, using their face and clothing recognition abilities to incite massive amounts of oyy veying. Start wearing full-body kike disguises and antagonizing them until "Jew = bad" in their minds, then release them all in Jewish neighborhoods and enjoy the show. Guaranteed, there'd be a wave of articles about crows being antisemitic within days.

Problem with that is, the media doesn't control public opinion 100%, only the bottom-feeder majority who don't bother to vote most of the time anyways. Everyone else is going to remember being insulted or having their families insulted, and equate her with being a massive twat, which is guaranteed to hurt her vote. Might not kill her campaign entirely on-the-spot, but a big-enough dent in votes can mean the difference between a close-enough vote for the kikes to skew and jet-engine-loud wailing from every Jewish community on Earth in unison.

Plus, she's only invulnerable for as long as the media and its kike owners deem her worthy of use as a puppet. If she fucks up often enough and blatantly enough, she'll eventually become more of a liability than she is a useful tool, and becoming a liability is as much of an express ticket to becoming a memory-hole'd corpse around kikes as it is around any other organized criminal families. Make no mistake, they can and will throw their own into the meat grinder if they feel it necessary, not even full-blooded and prominent Jews are spared from the wrath of collective Judea when they really get to kvetching.

They were by no means this blatant about it before, they knew to carefully use weasel-words and other misdirection tactics so it'd be vague enough to not rouse real anger. Plus, most of the people who have gone even half as far as this level of blatancy were disposable talking heads who could be punted into the memory hole the moment they slipped up, while this is a presidential candidate that people are paying attention to as a personality.

Before anyone asks, yes, I know I'm conversing with a shill. It's always fun to rile them up, like bringing airhorns to the local retard gathering.

reminds me of home.

Wouldn't say killed but this is the act of a dying campaign.
One of the things you are not supposed to do in politics is insult the voter, it further entrenches those who oppose you and it pushes away the sway.
She trying to rally her base with this and at this point that means the internal polling is looking like shit.

This is how Hillary is going to go down, death by a thousand cuts, every little thing to chip support away.

She has this eternal hoarse voice that sets in whenever she speaks louder than her normal conversational volume. Every single speech she gives is just grating on the ears. Predictably, Trump was called a sexist when he pointed this out.

This could easily be self sabotage.

And Hillary herself is to sick/retarded to question what's on her teleprompter.

Or she's a Trump plant.

"racist, sexist, Islamaphobic,"

Thats… Not too far off the mark.

Then there are the stupid fucking Hillary supporters that can't be bothered to read up on the bitch and realize shes as slimy as they fucking get.

Both sides are dumb as hell.

That one fucking reply comment saying no fascism is definitely left wing this is exactly what happened in Germany

These fucking people… Holy shit


Were you linked here from omegle or some shit? I'm amazed you didn't give your email address

I do it so fags like you can cry ;^)

Yes, and the main thing is, it's REALLY funny. It's a label we all want to self apply.

Hillary said something funny.

Not sure how to fit the funny piece of the puzzle in to the picture that is forming.

Only way I can make sense of this move is that Hillary is trying to play on a more aggressive role to solidify her base. There might be concerns she's losing voters to third party candidates. So presenting herself a bit more hard-line PC stance ensures leftist don't see her establishment side too much and consider abandoning her. It's a major fuck up otherwise, because it'll have no effect on Trump supporters who are clearly sick of the PC nonsense. In fact it probably gave Trump more votes as a result.

Still, the media can capitalize on this to look "less bias" to the public by criticizing her on it. So in all they could use it as a means to try and restore some confidence in the media (as laughable as that sounds). Illusion of democracy is still a fundamental tool for (((them))), so at this point trying to rebuild that illusion while set up for her win would be top priority. Won't work though, they fucked it up beyond measure by rushing it.

Fucking normalfag

Thank you for this much needed record correction.




American progressives are insanely elitist. They are only beaten in this by some Euros like Brits (probably the most unabashedly elitist people on earth). They have utmost disdain for all normal people in their countries and don't even pretend to care about them.

Sage and fucking reported.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.


This is the shill's new strategy! They're making a desperate last attempt at demoralizing us by pretending that while HRC is Satan, we can't do anything about it so just accept all her wrongdoings and get on with it already

It's because she's an alcoholic. Hard liquor kills vocal cords.

The BO hasn’t posted in years.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

That's you^



wew lass

She's hanging herself just like Cruz while Trump sits back and does nothing. Will this be just as easy as the primaries? That would almost be disappointing at this point.



Huh? What? I can't hear you,


Looks like Hillary just killed her campaign! She can't personally insult potential voters into swinging her way. Guilt and shame doesn't work once you start accusing more half the population of it.


Wow your right.




Okay, say we kill all the kikes; let’s put it before the end of the century. Do we also change the name of the element? Elements have had name changes in the past, but do we wipe Einsteinium to get rid of the kikery in the periodic table?

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Einstein actually is a fraud, certainly to the extent he doesn't deserve that much credit.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

She doesn't need to convince the sheep already on her side, she's literally gotten away with murder countless times and they all still love her. She needs to convince the moderates or swayable Trump supporters and you don't do that by insulting them. Remind me who the retard is again, CTR?

Nothing is corrected faggot, she talks about islamophobia, homophobia, sexism and racism like they're bad things. They're facts and name calling won't make it disappear.

I’ll take any converts we can get, but calling this the death of her campaign is kike shitposting.
Trump has already told them the slander and libel laws will make it impossible for them to continue operating as they have. That’s a red line for them. They exist BECAUSE they can be a direct part of the cultural marxist bullshit.

There's a chance that will feign significant outrage at her at the very least. They'll grill her but with rather soft-ball methods. However they'll play it off with a redemption narrative weeks later after a future speech and it'll all be "forgotten".

No no no. Let's look at this from the warped mind of a leftist and then through the lens of a normalfag.
>half of Trump supporters are a Basket of Deplorables topkek

It's a positioning tactic to make people feel like they are on the wrong side. It's supposed to be a circle jerk for the left while public shaming Trump supporters and hoping they jump ship because of spooky labels.

Normalfags won't feel attacked because she gave them an out to position themselves in the "other half" of confused people. Therefore they are just confused, phew! And not those horrible labels Clinton mentioned, phew!

This user's parents are the perfect example of who this trick would work on

This statement wasn't meant for you or I. It was meant for faggots.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Shills are in full damage control mode


The shill is going all out!

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.


That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Fatal flaw in that tactic is that Trump supporters by their nature are mostly immune to it. They are already being targeted by such rhetoric by the media and academia for ages now. They won't care because that very PC culture is what they hate strongly (even if they don't fully realize that yet).

The whole election in some ways may as well be a referendum on whatever or not to abolish political correctness.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Well that can't backfire at all. And holy shit, Hilldog looks and sounds worse than she did just a few days ago. What's with the ayo lip smacking? She seems to be getting gaunt, too.



Refute my statement or commit suicide.

She was told not to drink water anymore after we saw the phlegm she hacked up earlier.

That has nothing to do with referals.

You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Worked for Sanders voters, right? :^)

Just kill yourself, you autistic kike.

Trips hopefully confirm Trump pokes his fingers in his ears right at the start and says "hey, no earpieces!"

Just refute my statement, you obvious paid shill.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

Thanks for confirming this hurts Hillary, CTR :^)

Everyone is well aware of the typical kike tactic of continuing to repeat themselves over and over and over ad nauseum after they've already lost an argument.

You lost. Let it go and move on before you start getting reported for spamming the thread with the exact same thing 50 times due to your autism.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.


What the fuck is a basket of deplorables?

Reported and filtered, enjoy your ban.

Paid per post, I assume?

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

That has nothing to do with referals.
You're getting your narratives in a twist, Chaim.

bumping this

Refute my statement or commit suicide.

You were fun at first, now you're worse than fucking Rubot, reported

Report and filter, don't be an autistic faggot like the kike.


Can someone post the quote from Mein Kampf where Hitler explains why arguing with jews is pointless because they will conveniently "forget" that they've lost the argument the previous day?



What would be the point of that? They’ll just forget it the next day.

They’re anally annihilated that we called them out on their demoralization within minutes.

Done and done, also bumping for visibility, we're clearly on top of information that (((they))) are scared of being discovered.


Looks like you took some time to write another copypasta, I'm a little proud of you Moishe


Can we report the 75318a spammer and get him IP banned or something


That's exactly what I'm referring to. We all know it. Haven't got a copy of the pic saved tho.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

Just keep reporting every post, the mods will have to take notice eventually.

I have the text.

The more I debated with them, the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics.
At the outset, they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out, they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counterarguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point, they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles, one’s hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards.
If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. He would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more – the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods. I gradually came to hate them.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

Already did, pitch in woth another report

You’re not very bright, but then again you are a shill.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

It's a command prompt one liner, c'mon man.

Here's the thing, it won't get much traction because the (((media))) completely support her and won't be repeating it 24/7.

Trump could and should make this a cornerstone of his attacks from now on (so he can pierce the veil), the statement is elitist as fuck and the average voter will rage at it, even if they aren't really convinced at Trump…


ID: 75318a (71)

Or he could do it graphically in VLC ffs.


Thanks for being sane, man.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

She was too honest with her views. Even staging it like a correspondents dinner joke, enough people will instantly see her with less legitimacy. Resorting to "anyone that dislikes me is racist!" is about as childish as you can go.

So it will be memory holed.


Shills are retards but I think they have a point. The media was just dying to nail R Money with something. I remember them meming binders full of women but the 47% comment (I don't even remember what it was, just that it was said at a private dinner or something) was just what they wanted and it fucked him over completely. He and Obama were pretty close until that point, then R Money choked under pressure and basically conceded. So it's up to us and alternate media to spread this message because the MSM sure as fuck won't.

Speaking of attacking supporters, this is a big point I always make to friends when trying to board them onto the Trump train. Every one of his opponents have attacked Trump's support base (just recently we had Bill Clinton shit talking the Pennsylvania coal miners) and Cruz did it before he became irrelevant. But I've never seen Trump make fun of supporters, only candidates or other media figureheads.

A billionaire supported by half the country can't make one commercial eh? Well that's one weak republican party.


Don’t get me wrong; we’ll get more indies from this. But when the media refuses to play something, it enters the realm of “conspiracy theory”, like so many other fucking things she said in the past (the clip about a wall and deporting illegals, the ones about preserving marriage, and so on). “She’s wiser now; she knows better,” etc.

Of fucking course there will be PAC commercials that take advantage of this. It’s still not what OP and his paid shill entourage claims. That’s demoralization shitposting.

Tell me more, CTR

Oops. You can't :^)

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.


Just report and filter the CTR shill, let's move along.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.



I love that one.

Should have some form of cutoff where one poster can't add to the 750 post total after 20 posts a thread. Literally at 80posts trying to get this closed.

Because a smart politician (or businessman) never attacks the voter/client directly. He'll reach for the top instead. Take down the leader, the followers leave and potentially come to you.


Thank you for correcting the rectum


Fucking pathetic

Commit suicide immediately.

I have no idea what you're saying because I filtered you, but have a bump lol

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

How about you read what was written and refute it if it’s wrong, you cocksucking kike.

shit nigga calm down that's like one post every 1 and a half minutes

Trips of truth confirm and I'm fucking glad for it. When I put it that way, it makes all of the "le Donald Drumpf xDD" types think for a moment and deprogramming can begin. Or at least crash them so they won't even vote come November. And with any luck Trump will always play it cool and never slip and attack the voters.


Shit nigger, stop bumping a fucking demoralization thread.

Stick around, he's been doing it not even every minute, CTR knows this is bad




This one always shuts the redditors up.

To be honest I'm uneasy at the idea of this being a major meme because it gives value to those jew magic words. The point of all of this is that these things are based on false premeses. "I don't want my ethnic group destroyed" is not pathological.

The thing is that Trump has been really tightening up on the polls lately, many polls showing him beating Hillary (by a slim margin but still), we know the debates will likely hurt Hillary so if we can push a few points more before the debates, it'll send her campaign into a death spiral.

Here in 1980 we see a similar scenario, Reagan got a big bump from the convention but for the entire race it looked like Carter was cruising into victory until Reagan's campaign through an October blitz and combined with Carter's poor debate performance Reagan won when it mattered… in November. Not to mention, thanks to the Electoral College, a Republican that looks like he'd only squeak out a victory can turn into a landslide…. not to mention, we all know that all those fartmobiles who claim they will vote third party, never actually muster enough energy to go out and vote for their guy on Election Day.


Imagine the frustration of being 75318a. Your client is a walking corpse who can't stop fucking up, surrounding by campaign staffers who also can't stop fucking up, and your job is to damage control and try to polish a turd that gets less polishable by the day/

Her desire to push the debates back as far as possible seems like it will work against her, since the closer they are to the actual election, the more easily people will remember them.


I find it legitimately interesting how echochamber-y her own crowd is. They're glowing with applause and approval at her, and don't really see how it hurts their campaign to see half the voting population as evil incarnate.


Unless, of course, it’s THEM being seen as evil incarnate, in which case it’s racist, sexist, bigoted, whatever.

What if you kind of hope that at least 50 percent of Trump supporters are in fact all of those things?


You join 75318a in the filter.


We don’t need to know where you came from, chaim.

Nice dubs. It's really gonna happen, isn't it boys? Almost brings tears to my eyes.

Her being correct would be great, but it doesn't negate the fact that it's an insult to the voter/consumer and not the other campaign/brand

I still think 300 is about as good as he can do. It’s not 1980 anymore. We have far more spics, et. al. than then.



Come on fagtasm, this isn't 4chon.

We don't use tripcodes here.



We don’t need to know where you came from, chaim.

Get out and never come back



Almost at (100)!

I can't be fucked taking it off and putting it back on from /4chon/. Just ignore the shit.

I would really like to know/see if Trump responds to this.





Kill yourself, tripfag.

Mods are sleep with the CTR shill

The mods are paid shills, yes. We know that. That’s why your thread has remained up this entire time.


I haven't read the thread and I don't think this will totally wreck her campaign, but it will have a significant impact. That being said: You have autism, take your own life.

Well Reagan wasn't exactly a nationalist, in fact he passed a major amnesty to illegals, and allowed (by not objecting) to the note by a supreme court judge that a child born from two illegals is considered American if he's born on American soil.

Honestly, I don't care if we only win by a few electoral votes, as long as we win.

His campaign already jumped on it.


Fuck yeah.








A little bit of gore might do the thread some good. I don't have any saved on this computer. You guys got anything?

Wew lads, I guess we know for a fact that Trump's campaign reads this board…

Either that or someone here emailed the campaign… which is 100x more likely but I want to believe.


My rabbi, what a big nose you have!

But yeah, of course there’re Trump team members here.


I'm happy that the shill is having an autistic temper tantrum right now. It means we're doing something right.


Hey there. Sage the thread, please.

Decent angle, tbh, making all the people Hillary dumped on out to be everyday Americans (which they probably are).

I've already said I don't think it will totally end her campaign but is significant. I don't know if you're a shill or just a fucking dullard, regardless you need to drink bleach to improve the human gene pool.


So sage the thread.


this user is right we might need to cleanse this faggot shill's palette

uh, it's a trending Twitter hashtag right now, and they don't exactly need us to listen to Hillary speeches

This is great, I'll actually watch ABC news tomorrow and see if they mention it


I have to admit Rabbi, you have one sexy big nose!





I'm not going to try to hamper discussion of it just because you don't agree with it you whiny faggot. Don't like the thread? Leave the thread.

Counter sage



Some animals panic when they realize they are about to get rekt

I'm glad Trump's campaigners keep bringing up the rigged system. It's pretty much installed a rallying failsafe option if they do rig it for Hillary to win. Otherwise the response is exactly what I expected, it pretty much hits the nail on the head.

For what?


What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Let’s hope she refuses to apologize.

How about reading it? Thanks for the sage, though.





I was thinking Goatse…

Here you go, faggot.

Actually there's a chance she might "clarify her stance" and then blame someone else for the slip up.

I just started drinking again to replace weed (because I am addicted to it, yes it can be addictive) and I'm having a blast on Holla Forums. Alcohol is better than weed.


This whole "NUH UH, YOU'RE THE SHILL!" reminds me of that faggot rach poster. Could he be that autistic to go this far?

Good stuff

Both are degenerate.

I don’t think he even avatarfags anymore, but he’s still a moderator.


The part about trauma is correct, however. It's self-destruction of her feminine qualities, courtesy of the mind-eating cancer that is modern mental gymnastics. Tell a woman she is like a man, and she should take on masculine duties? She'll break her mind and body trying to fulfill such a responsibility. Women marrying during their late twenties and beyond is also harmful, as they subconsciously know they're beyond their prime at this point, although men (especially those in their late twenties and beyond) will do the limbo to avoid going for younger girls and breaking the taboo (the misuse of a certain word beginning with "P" is the chief weapon.)

Base your taboos on morality, not sensationalism. Be skeptical, but not dogmatic in your skepticism.

Nah. I'm taking the sage away though

user, it's in their nature.

But how the fuck can you find a pure girl between 16 and 25 these days?

You want me to refute your original post? Okay, how about this: Most Americans are not Anderson Cooper or Rachel fucking Maddow, when you talk down on nearly half of the country like that you look like a massive jackass to anyone who isn't already 100% devoted to you. That is what this thread is getting at. If you really think this won't impact her campaign in a big way you are completely blind. I also don't see where you're getting the idea that this thread is "demoralization" when the whole point of the thread is pointing out something that is more likely to make our side win. Now please, kill yourself.

Maybe she will tell us about the receiver in her ear.

That would just confirm that the mole is real


Dipstick em. If your finger doesn't come back with blood on it you know their morals are already as destroyed as their hymen.

Guys, guys

What if people started flooding Hillary's campaign with baskets. Can we make it happen?

Is CTR kill?

Come back white man.
Washington needs your help.

Good job, moishe. Finally get a translator to your station?
1. Why does this matter to the average citizen? Let’s call that “independents and blue dog democrats” with a pinch of “low information voter”.
2. How will they know about it if the media blackballs it?
3. Why are you not accounting for the inherent cognitive dissonance in liberal ideology?
You’ve no real evidence to back this claim. Democrats (we’d call them marxists) will dig in further, because they already believe this. Republicans (us and milder conservatives) will dig in further to defend our beliefs against her rhetoric. This only really matters to independents and middle of the road fedora tippers, and of those who actually vote, how influential IS that? I’m not even going to think about minorities because it’s too fucking late for that.
You would if you’d read the fucking posts!
That’s what the OP wants. The OP expects his insane delusion backed in zero logic or reason to be taken as not only fact, but EXPECTATION, when in reality it’s probably only a point or two of sway (never mind the distance from the election).

You're clearly a johnny-come-lately, m8.

You probably never even used the internet until the 2000's at the earliest.

Libs think they are terrible people, and they support people who confirm that for them. In the liberal view you have to consciously counter your terribleness. If somebody isn't willing to admit they are horribly racist and sexist from birth they can't even begin to atone for it.

What’s with the selfie, chaim?

I'm not sure what your problem with elitism is. Do you think that 90% of humanity has the adequate intelligence and intellectual curiosity to develop an informed political opinion? Marx pls go- intelligent working class people are only working class because of our current social system which disadvantages Whites. Unless you think that democracy has made things so much better, in which case you have to go back.

Careful with that edge, (((CTR))) may not tolerate that kind of behavior.

My father lived in Seattle in the mid ‘70s (and unfortunately was an age impressionable enough to become a leftist, but he’s fixed entirely now), and he recently told me that back then if you were a hippie or other leftist vagabond trying to hitchhike in Washington or Oregon, you ran a pretty damn good chance of just being shot on the road because they didn’t take kindly to leftist faggotry.

How far the west coast has fallen.

And its unfortunate how your father survived. Truly a pity.

This video is the perfect real-life demonstration of Alpha vs. Beta

I think you're onto something with this. Strikes me as being a variation of the "Catholic shame" the church used to play off. You know… Telling everyone that they're inherently evil and need to be saved because of original sin and all that.

Reality is the people who fall for that kind of shit are weak-minded cucks and need to be purged.



H-holy fucking shit private, what the fuck are you doing? I'm not even going to pretend like I read through your entire shitstorm of posts, but what the fuck? You're almost half the thread on your own.

1. In the exact same way that Romney's 47% comment mattered to them.
2. It's already been shown on CNN of all places, and with Trump putting out a statement it'll be near impossible for them to do this
3. I think that only goes so far, and like I said this will more affect the people who aren't 100% in the Cunton camp (I.E. #NeverTrumpers and former Bernie supporters)
Yes, the ones who are #shillsforHill will absolutely dig in, but as I've said they aren't important here as we know that nothing short of Hillary hanging a nigger while raping a transgender dyke will sway their vote.
I do agree that OP definitely blew it out of proportion, but that doesn't make it demoralization. Besides Holla Forums is pretty well inoculated against demoralization. I think it will be more than a point or two, but not enough to torpedo her campaign. Attacking Trump as a racist is all well and good to the average democrat, calling half of the country racist scoundrels when I'm 110% positive every democrat knows a Trump supporter who isn't a racist will have a pretty decent effect on it. I'd say 5 to 9 points. Which is a whole lot in an election.


Try harder.


Missed your last few autisms, sorry

Also, assuming you are a Holla Forumsack, if you would stop sagebombing and actually try to have a discussion I'm sure you'd be getting called a shill a whole hell of a lot less.


don't even know nor care what's going on here but damn son

Look up 'Unconscious Bias"

Basically if you are a white male..

There are fuckos that go around and get paid money to do seminars on this shit.

Remember friend, do not engage the kikes. Just filter and report him.

The gift that keeps on giving

Who's trolling who? Tune in next week on Wednesday 8/7 central to see the stunning conclusion to this festival of what the fuck

But user, those are called instincts.

The retardation speaks for itself.
Except, again, the left already believes exactly what she said. So it’s not about 47% of anything this time. It’s the ~15% of indies.
Like Hillary supporting a wall and deportations and hating faggot marriage and…

I haven’t watched talmudvision in years and there haven’t been threads on Holla Forums about them; have the independent PACs kept up with commercials that show clips of Hillary saying something and then it being immediately refuted?
Damn straight we are. Look how vociferous I’m being.
I wish I was at a point where I could have your optimism, but optimism has never served me well. I mean, look at the fucking world right now.



You never know man, this could actually be a Holla Forumsack with the most severe of autism. That being said if he keeps spamming his inane crap I'll probably stop replying to him.

The key to defeating leftism lies in attacking their premises. Equality doesn't real, and if you learn to argue this single point, you win.

Mine’s better.

Thanks for admitting I am right.

Holy fuuuck you're still at it! Have the rabbis let you off your leash?

He got over 100 posts in another thread already today, and almost 100 in a third.

But math is racist, user. Equality is real because 2+2=3+3.

I fucking love you for posting that, user

Well that is the thing user. There are more advanced humans called progressives that can fight their instincts and are on the right side of history. Then there are less advanced humans called conservatives that are slowly dying out. The world will be such a wonderful place once the backwards and obsolete conservatives finally die out.

You see where hildog is coming from now and the kind of people she is communicating to?

Yeah. We've got a word for them around my part of the world.

We call them fuckwits.


Not Healthy

Still needs to be gassed. Assburgers might be helpful, but autism that severe is only a liability.

2+2=5 for all values of 2 greater than 2 but less than 3.

I didn't call you dumb, show me the same kindness and we can continue to talk about this, yeah?
The Romney 47% comment had nothing to do with the size of the base it appealed to, he disparaged the 47% of Americans who allegedly don't pay taxes. Which I have no idea where he got that.
You can bet your tight little ass that this will be a staple of Trump's rally speeches from now on, unlike the other things (which really should be by now)
The only Independent PAC commercials I've seen lately while watching the (((news))) have been "GARY JOHNSON IS NEITHER TRUMP NOR HILLARY" so I'd say no. Can't be sure though, I don't watch much TV.
Mate you're really not helping anything with the copy pasted responses. You're just making it seem more like any negative response is coming from a shill, which from your own perspective only strengthens the OP's "demoralization". When you think something is wrong, don't spam about it, talk about it.
Chin up, lad. And stop spamming the thread, pretty please? It doesn't help anything.

If you domesticate the shill, he's your responsibility, not mine.

There's always the Old Yeller method if he gets too wild.

Ah, fuck, I remember learning that in calculus. Shame it’s not just new-agey kike bullshit so we can discard it and get rid of marxism in fucking math.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


They see you as an angry guy that hates everything and can't get along with anybody so you will die out.

It's funny how much they talk about helping people and being compassionate unless you commit certain sins in their secular religion, then you are beyond hope.


Sparky would be a good name for him, he certainly has a decent bit of energy.

The actual numbers, it seems.
That phrase, in the strictest, legal sense, is the only thing he has going for him. I love it. Hopefully he still takes part of the Bernie DUDE WEED LMAO crowd from Hillary, though.

Oh good, this fucker’s here…

If there’s one thing I’m not, it’s a shill. Also a Jeb.

How about a proper shill name like shekelburg or shillstein?

I've been waiting over an hour sonce I reported him to be Old Yeller'd by the mods, where the fuck are they

I have a question for you Americans.

Why are you so obsessed with race? I mean, Australia does it too, but all I've seen the Democrats do is mention race and racists and racially wrong racist racists.

Seeing how long this faggot keeps going. I think hes beaten the standing record for shill shitposts.

You are justifying genocide.

Fuck off, tripfag. You don’t belong here.

Roast in hell, kike shill. You’ve still no refutation of anything that was said.




Nigger, are you kidding? The record for anti-shilling is 610, and that’s because kikes REFUSE to stop posting in their own threads.


Well fuck me running.
Johnson is such a nobody it's the only way he thinks he can get name recognition. Polling data shows he pulls more support from Hillary than from Trump though so there's some good to him.
At this point, I don't believe you're a shill, but you need to stop spamming threads. This is allegedly your third you've racked up more than 100 posts in so pump the brakes. No productive conversation comes from sagebombing. I'm still naming you Sparky.

I'm sure you know about your previous record. :^)

A Hillary administration will ensure that whites become an American minority and will completely fuck everything up

A Trump administration would remove taco and improve fucking everything

And also, lurk moar

'''Actually, what she did is a stroke of genius, since she also tries to appeal to the other "half" as reasonably frustrated people. This would have been a blunder if she had said that all Trump supporters are racist etc.
But she only shoves "half" into that "basket". She is basically trying to say to that other "basket" of voters who feel disenfranchised, "hey, I hear your plight, and I know you're not all racists, so why not vote for me instead of someone so horrible that he is supported by so many racists". And then she proceeded to "explain" how she would be a good deal for the disenfranchised voter.'''

This is no GoymerGate level of fail. It's actually good and we need to think of ways to counter it.

Why the fuck are you listening to actual shills?! Do you believe everything you’re told? Of course not; so why would you accept that bullshit?

No shit, motherfucker. The best way to get me to beat it is to not reply to your own shill threads.

What do you expect from a tripfag?

To not be you.

I said allegedly, didn't I? Your behavior here makes it easy to believe.

This might work, if Trump supporters didn't view her as the most corrupt human being to walk the earth.

Refer to this



Not necessarily disputing you but it's funny to see the first reply (in mere minutes) say it's being slided, with a different ID than OP

Reminder that the Tel Aviv workday starts at 2 AM EDT.

Wait, nm, same ID. Anyways.. I'm not a shill just sayin wait a bit before jumping to conclusions

That only works if words like racist, bigot and sexist hadn't been completely overused over the past 10 years by libtards like hildog.

If somebody calls you a sexist now they aren't really calling you a sexist, they are just trying to make an argument. It's like using gay as an insult.

I think the average american is going to hear:

That means you are, according to everyone else here.

And you really should get some rest too, you've been at it for a while.

I've fucked up now, damn

The kike said, in all seriousness.

Is this dumb bitch going to call me names? Is this what she thinks is going to get me to vote for her?

(((they))) are beyond desperate.

Well you just told us all when your workday starts. And you've been at it for so long. I hope your rabbis at least pay you well per post.


Don't be ridiculous.


Just fucking ignore each other



My point is that this faces most of the West. And yet, Americans are super obsessed with it.


Just fucking sage the goddamn thread.

Haven't even read the thread yet but at 144 posts you will never come out looking good. More like trying to hit thread expiration



I'm not saging a thread just because you don't agree with it, Sparky. You're rapidly becoming a shill again in my mind.

Yes, typically the most obsessed group over an election are people of the country it's being held in.

Fucking idiot.


No shit, faggot. Almost as though the OP, as previously discussed, is a fucking shill. Never mind his entourage throughout.

He doesn't mean the presidential race, he means race. As in White, Asian, Dindu, Native Dindu, etc.

Click on the fucking video you moron.

Why don't you just leave this thread? You seem a little upset, go over to the water cooler, talk to Abraham in accounting, and then come back.




Nice hitler dubs
Checked and keked


Bothers me how she has such confidence with this shit

You’re obviously a shill.

I'm dying bro. You are too funny



Somebody should make a new thread on this whenever this one expires, just to make Sparky's life more difficult. I would, but I'm about to go to sleep in a bit and I don't know how to embed because I normally just lurk.

God damn, you couldnt get a candidate more vile than this. Normies must know

She knows the (((mainstream media))) will applaud her whatever stupid thing she says. It's the same way that community organizer got his cockiness, a media full of fanboys.

For the millionth time…

Big woop.

You’re obviously a shill.

I think OP's point is that she didn't just localise it to the 'alt right', she called all his supporters these names.

Absolutely. We're discussing information that (((they))) are absolutely terrified of.


Are you the guy that thought reporting everybody in the rach thread last time would honestly make a difference?

No, I always just global report the first post of Rach threads and hide them.


He might actually be the rach poster.

I thought he might have been learningcode, too.

I found this; I’m pretty sure it’s accurate.

There is an urban legend that has been floating around for some years now that the word racist was coined by Leon Trotsky for the purpose of cowing and intimidating opponents of leftist ideology. In History of the Russian Revolution, Trotsky applied the word racist to Slavophiles, who opposed Communism.
Did Trotsky really invent that word? No, apparently not. The work in which Trotsky is supposed to have coined that word was written and published in Russian in 1930. I found several examples of the French form, raciste, preceding Trotsky’s use of the word by far.
I find pensée raciste (French for “racist thought”) and individualité raciste (“racist individuality”) in the volume of La Terro d’oc: revisto felibrenco e federalisto (a periodical championing the cultural and ethnic identity of people in southern France) for the year 1906. Here the word racist was used without a hint of negativity:
Je forme des voeux pour la réussité de vos projets, car je suis persuadé que, dans cette fédération des peuples de Langue d’Oc luttant pour leurs intérêts et l’émancipation de leur pensée raciste, le prestige de Toulouse trouvera son compte. (p. 101)
TRANSLATION: I express my best wishes for the success of your projects, because I am convinced that, in the federation of the peoples of Langue d’Oc fighting for their interests and the emancipation of their racist thought, the prestige of Toulouse will benefit.
Even earlier examples:
In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
First English usage:
A piece for National Public Radio (Gene Demby, The Ugly, Fascinating History of the Word ‘Racism’, January 6, 2014) cites the Oxford English Dictionary to the effect that the first use of the word racism (in English) was by Richard Pratt in 1902, five years after Malato’s use of raciste and racisme in French.



I assumed they'd been calling his supporters that for a while.

I only just saw that shill.
Saging because there are better threads and a thread about "nervous man says Trump supporters are racist for the millionth time" is nothing.

That first sticky is important though.. the one about the charity.


Damn straight. Good for you.

Well, it frames the election in a bit of a new light. It makes the identity politics come more to the forefront.

Think about what's going to happen if Hillary gets elected? You now have this demographic that everyone believes is evil, and is allowed to openly discriminate against.

It's going to be an interesting time, is all I'm saying.

Do me next!

Yeah, you reek of learningcode. Now I'm just waiting you to bust out the 'dead kike on a stick' meme.


Reported for tripfag.

You're right about the charity one, damn shame that is only at 65 posts while this is nearing expiration. 159 posts from Sparky sure didn't help. But we also shouldn't be ignoring this, for us to effectively spread our ideology we need information as well as emotional appeals because normies are retarded.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone on this website sperg out so hard

Wow this is an active thread.

No, you legitimately sound like someone who doesn't belong here. Holla Forums is a pretty divisive place sometimes but your activity and autism really fucking stinks.

So go ahead and throw out buzzwords that proliferate this board. Call me a 'shill,' if it makes you feel any better (or help you to fit in more) but you don't act at all like someone that supports this board.

Goddamn her voice is annoying. How do leftists listen to this?

You missed one hell of an evening last week. During the last rach thread a couple of people ended up sage bombing it into oblivion and reporting anyone and everyone that wasn't saging the thread, including myself. Even resorted to global reporting.

This is what happens when you have lots of diversity and not enough shitposting. If you don't watch out, it's coming to you as well.

jesus christ what are you doing

That's not enough quark, this is gonna take some quantum quark.

Those dying republicans who have on average a single extra child compared to democrats are certainly going to die out.

They're also a more aging population, and the generational gap is widening, so it very well could be that we get an entire generation of progressives living whilst their more conservative parents are old and dying.

Unless, of course, there is a reactionary movement coming.

The (200) or whatever guy got internet bullied over this post

Rip in peace

Fuck. I can't find the original. Does anyone have it? I have just this.

Make premarital sex illegal, as well as public mention of sex (especially in front of females), remove certain aspects of the (((media, entertainment industry, education system, etc.))), and lower the age of marriage to puberty for females, 30+ for males (to prevent impulsive marriage). Create a civilisation with a tribe system at the core, with multi-generational housing and a high standard of duty and honour. Stigmatise/make illegal non-virginity in women who put themselves "on the market", as well as make-up, hair dye, plastic surgery, and women who stay on the market at a later age.

If you want a faster way, you could try going for girls under 16 from caring backgrounds (very few of which are left it seems), but if this is illegal in your country I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

They're just as annoying as she is.

We don't believe in made up terminology user.

good, it's not like there had been a dem in the office for 8 yrs or something. hillary will surely bring hope and change.

What's hilarious is that she's pretty much already said that she's running as Onigger's third term.

People that do this unironically must be put into the ground.

Shamefur dispray and a disgrace to NatSoc.

Jesus fucking Christ, who pissed in your soup Chaim?


Impressive autism, You'd think he'd be in to anime being that high on the spectrum tbh
Sage for off topic

So Hillary says 50% of trump supporters are racist? 50% of only 2 options. So akin to saying 25% of all americans. That's more than double the total amount of black people in the states. So it's not stretching her statement to say it's possible Literally Every black person is a racist sexist shitlord.
What, hispanics are also only 17%? Racist fucks! Asian 5%? 5x queerbashing extremists.
Catholics total only 24%.

Even if it was true that 50% of Trump supporters are racist (and it's obviously not, there will be many more voting for him just because he's the Republican nominee), it's still a retarded claim to make.

It just alienates the undecided. "Oh, so if I vote for Trump it must be because I'm racist? wtf, i love Trump now", etc.

More like basket of tendies

Am I crazy or did they change the color of the greentext on here

they did

I mean, this SHOULD be a "binders full of women" or "47%" type of comment for her, but it won't be. She'll never get that treatment. Those comments were whipped up into a frenzy because the media wanted to defeat LITERALLY HITLER ROMNEY. The media doesn't want to defeat Clinton, they want to defeat LITERALLY HITLER TRUMP, so they'll never fixated or even report on these types of comments when she makes them.

Right. To believe that this will be bad for Hillary one must assume an unbiased press that will treat this the same way.

And we know the wind don't blow that way.

Still, we should spread it to piss off anybody on the fence.

I thought it was something I did.

Its currently the top story on Fox and CNN so we've got huge momentum to push this.




Where u been OP? This is like GamerGate 4 here.

GamerGate 1 (Known as GamerGate Classic in the compilations)
GamerGate 2: The South Cucks Again
GamerGate 3: Betas for Bernie

Now, finally, we're at the conclusion of the saga with GamerGate 4: Return of the NatSoc.

In an unrelated matter, why is quote text dark green with the Dark theme now? Fucking timeline shifts. It's always timeline shifts.

I'm not sure what I named which file so here goes nothing lad

Underrated post. This is exactly how they are framing it in their heads. The problem is that there is a major flaw in their thinking.

The vast majority of Trump supporters probably don't consider themselves racist or anything like that, but they are tired of political correctness, and tired of being labeled as something bad. Very few of them will like what Hillary said.

Meanwhile, among swing voters, Hillary has done something kind of dumb. She is basically saying that about half of all whites are racists. Most white swing voters are also probably tired of political correctness, but they may dislike Trump for other reasons. Now Hillary has attacked a large proportion of whites as being racist and deplorable, and that will bother them.

It was a move that might have worked 10 years ago, but not today. The hatred of political correctness is so extreme that people are less put-off by scare words.

its all over the news, just type clinton into google

People on Twitter are posting pictures of their families with the hashtag, lots of redpilling potential here

Is it possible to merge the "just girl things" with "basketofdeplorables"?

She needs controversy, she needs to anger the Right in order to stay relevant. The moment she loses even this, her campaign truly falls because she will vanish into obscurity.

On the other hand, the more she pokes, the more she'll destroy all she worked hard to build.

Interesting to see people of such power in such a Catch-22.

Use XMedia Recode then, faggot

For your consideration, vis-a-vis numbers: the Gen Zed promo on YouTube (well-promoted animated series for millenials/SJWs) vs the first episode of MDE World Peace (show in a graveyard slot on Adult Swim with zero promotion or marketing).

241,000 in a year vs 1.3 million in a night.

Never, ever let these people convince you or anybody else that they have a numerical advantage, or that they represent the 'voice of the people'.

Yes, plus the media don't see it as a miss, they see Hillary getting aggressive, which is newsworthy. Most of them are hoping it will stick.

Most democraps are racist too.

They are more inclined towards the soft biggotry of lowering the standards and expectations for minority races and women.

Its almost like racism is a trait of human nature that everyone has to some degree.

This is gold. We need to push this stuff.

Good intention but that's a bit extreme. What if a man is already working and knows what he wants from life in his early 20s? I think you should be allowed to marry at 21 if you already have a steady long-term job (basically, if you're lower income class) or from 25 onward if you take extended education. Academics are removed from harsh realities for longer so we should be banned from marrying a little longer than poor people. But for poor men I think it's very important that they can marry early. Otherwise what do you think will happen? They'll be looking for ways to get sex and you want to ban that. It's not going to be an effective ban if you create a population of MOST MEN IN THEIR TWENTIES who all want sex really badly but can't legally have it.

thanks doc

Basically Saudi Arabia's DL scene right there.

Challenge: Find a picture/meme that is Racist, Sexist, and Islamophobic simultaneously.

Hey CTR. Filtered


this is how we know we are winning.

She just pulled the ripcord, this is the only thing that might actually save her campaign.

She's desperately trying to turn her campaign into a feminist agenda. From now on she will be painted as the victim of maleness everytime she is attacked. She just went full crybully, mark my words.

I guess nobody told her that the feminists and the media lost gamergate.

Do you mean us in general, or our lefties?

Half of all voters, not Americans user.

this is working in our favor, my wifes bernout friend is now voting for trump after this

she was writing in Bernie before this HAHAHAAAHA

This has really caught fire, its top trending on twitter

How about saving lives from dangerous people with the FBI tip thread

also remember that those polls are still incredibly biased. Not in so much as (((they))) are actively rigging them, but the media will still make them biased.

At best they'll "adjust" for a even split with a ~5% fluctuation over the weeks and do a 2% rig in favor of Hillary last minute. They'll try the too close to call bullshit. Though with the slip ups lately, it'll become near impossible to sell to even normalfags. At this point they'd have to try something vastly distracting/insane to get people too busy to really investigate it.


the only thing that might work is rigging it heavily for Trump, pushing a narrative that he did it and putting him in prison giving the race to Hillary by default.

I understand what you meant to say, but here's the issue: Many of those 'things' don't exist at all.

There is no Islamophobia - that's a word made up by a Jew (literally, no joke) to help push Islam in the Western world.

It doesn't exist, namely, its not 'phobia' to not want Muslims around you or in your country - they are horrible people, by the numbers, harboring an overt number of violent fanatical mongrels.

The issue isn't that she claimed those things, as though there's anything wrong with the consequences of such views, but that she attempts to put those views into the liberal context - namely: Everyone who disagrees with me is pathological, exhibiting either fear or hatred.

And thats bullshit.

Well that's what the whole "Russian hacker" threat narrative and DHS takeover of election security could be utilized for. But that has ramifications that could see the system implode if they try that. To undermine confidence in the electoral process itself would shatter any remaining illusion of democracy that exists. If they do it, it'll be their last resort "go full dictator" option.

We've seen twatter and jewgle get actively censored on trending tags. Will (((They))) shutitdown on an official shillary quote that addresses half the population?

The reason I'm on Holla Forums is gamergates redpill. We should push for and include actual acts of heroism, and good semaritan acts of charity or humbleness not virtue signaling like the libshits. Shillary just got out of the fryingpan in the Commander in Chief forum, now lets put her in the oven. Her quote attacks veterans as well.

non-voters don't matter.

Obongo gave net sovereignty away.
Just in time for elections. Expect more epic weird shit to happen.
Also Tomorrow is 9 eleven so might be a ((((Crisis)))) to be taken advantage of.
I don't put anything past these fuckers!

It's the Martin Luther moment. We realized our sin/debt is so great we can never hope to redeem it in full. So fuck it and hope the main creditor will cancel the debt, and in the meanwhile we'll consider what we earn our own. We default on our original sin.

And the self-appointed sin tax collectors won't get another cent.

We have refused to recognize our original sin, so we're pagans to them.

No more indulgences for you.

I don't even understand what is happening anymore

The American Revolution was in contuation of the
and the
ie. implicitly Protestant, ie implicitly ethnically NW European.

To be fair, if all the fags all go to the alt right then it would end up being easier to fight against them because they would no longer have protection from their precious SJWs.

Sure, we are. On Holla Forums we are racists.

But of the millions and millions of Trump supporters, I'm pretty sure we are a minority. Most Trump supporters don't want to gas the kikes and lynch the niggers, they just want good jobs and leadership that doesn't constantly insult them.


Hey, is it just me or has greentext changed colors?

What's the deal?


you can thank me later

Earlier today greentext was really dark. Now it looks normal again.

Is that a fucking loss

It should be #148800 in my opinion.

I can't possibly be the only one who saw this joke, right?


Everyone is racist. Just some people are too fucking stupid to understand it.

An racist nationalist black is more likely to be friends with an racist white nationalist than anyone else other than another racist black nationalist. We 'get' each other and know full well how each of us stand. There is respect there, from respect can derive a form of bonding.

Same thing happens among enemies in a big war. You end up liking and respecting your enemy more than the fucking idiots around you. Able to drink and bond in friendship a faggot whom at one time you would have killed off hand.

Deny Racism you deny yourself. Just not 'there' yet in openly admitting it. YET.

Oh god, my sides. HALP!

It'seems a noblesse oblige mindset many liberals have. Thing is they are attached to the outcomes. Of course Tyrone is going to spend his gibs on KFC and Colt 45. They get mad when nature doesn't bend to their will, so they medicalize it.


This is really fun to do to jews, BTW.

You're addicted to edge.

Milo will send himself in a fruit basket

It's normal on mobile, desktop is still weird

America is a fucking shit sewer of races. Everywhere you go is filled with fucking shitskinns not related to you in any way or mongrel half breeds and incessant propaganda.

It will get REALLY fucking bad when the boomers start dying off in mass. And considering they count spics and sand niggers as 'white' our barely there 60% is likely to be more like 35-40% right now BEFORE boomers really hit the ditch. It is mostly covered by our self segregation all races adhere to.

Most other white nations are not anywhere near that mixed and in your face. Even the recent uptick of sub humans is being hid almost entirely by self segregation in other white nations or you fuckers would be just as 'there'. Right now things are still stable enough for you to ignore it. And even here there are millions whom are willfully ignoring reality.

The media pushes it because shitskinns get it, and fear and hate white's as a general understanding of what we have done, and are capable of doing. The best and brightest of them hate their fellows since they understand they are forever caught in association with the shitskinn mean. And they want a good solid place for their kids like the average white does. But if whites rise, their only hope is to side with the whites or they know they are fucked harder than a whore on shore leave night. That makes pretty much EVERYONE very aware of racial realities even if the media here 'colors' the perception.

Also fyi. America is likely on a fast track to massive racial and sectarian violence, with a major civil war or even multiples their in brewing. You really should start preparing for what happens when the U.S. collapses, it will change everything unless you are wholly disconnected from this system. The U.S. is both the main enforcer of this kike empire, but also its most foundation stabilizing system in its own right. Your nations will change when we erupt, so prepare yourself or your families will suffer far more than needed. Good luck distant cousins.

Your idea while intentioned well. Is fucking horrid outside of a nation that is either fully warrior focused or in an expansionist phase.

Deny men sex and you end up with constant war until something else evolves to push your shit in. Namely most men would rather snackbar your nation than live without pussy. Also, I am assuming you imply whores should be illegal. Meaning you don't understand what that service provides for every civilization. Making it an disdainful profession is good for keeping women inline, but making it illegal is another feminist and kike trick in propaganda.

Nice little saying I learned on deployment years ago, 'you can always tell which guys are getting laid while deployed, they are the only ones happy with their lot in life'. Men will get their pussy. No rules in the world can stop that, it it hardwired in most of us. And they will kill for it. Never forget that.

But that doesn't work user!

Everyone knows SJWS don't buy games!

Anyone else think she's talking like she's high/drunk?

USA by itself is basically the population of all of europe. It's the manifestation of Russia+Ukraine = empire. 150million white people creates a superpower.
If they go down half of the worlds white people and their associated clout goes down with it.

Nope, I'm on desktop, was the whole time.

America and Europe, in my opinion, both eerily resemble the western Roman Empire in the 4'th Century AD. Rome, at that time in history, was slowly decaying in all parts of life. Not only in the vital segments of civilization like say the military, the intellegentsia, or the arts, but also in the quality of it's citizenry. The citizenry during Rome's twilight had grown increasingly apathetic to the plight of the Empire and in many provinces, were even resistive or downright rebellious to the provincial authority. This is a eery departure from the earlier nationalistic ideology where the Romans were dedicated the rise and strengthening of Rome.

The ideology that drove Caesar to conquer the Gaul and then the Britons. The duty to Rome that inspired her legions to march to the four corners of the Earth. The ideal of Caesar that the five "Good Emperors" strove to emulate. All that was gone as Rome begin to decay into a overpopulated mess. This is paralelled in modern American society by the general abandonment of democratic ideals in favor of more authoritarian forms of life (SJWs, BLM, Alt-Right, fuck even the Libertarians in some ways), and can be observed in the peoples mistrust not only in the law but the very military and police force expected to enforce it (which is not helped by the actions of both the military and police force themselves).

Now, there were other aspects that led to the decline and ultimate fall of Rome. Like the Imperial form of government growing unsustainable by the economic system, mass migrations from hostile germans pushed out by Huns, Barbarians coming to encompass a large percentage of the Legion, the abandonment of the traditional religion in favor of a new rising faith (also can be observed in modern society: in NA it's Protestanism falling in favor of Hispanic Catholicism and Fedoraism, in Europe it's hipster Materialism falling to Islam). But to me, it's pretty chilling how much the bitter late Roman citizen resembles a average middle class American.

Trump getting in some bantz.

The missing "anti-Semites" from that group is telling…Like when she wanted to frame the leaders of the alt-right as being led by homos and zio-cucks.

The "big Jews"/financiers don't want to be included in any narratives. Probably becuase the David Duke-Trump association shit the bed so hard…and to be fair, Trump's "ban all antisemites" had zero affect.

Time to stop pandering to Jews and expecting a big bump in ratings. Just expect shekels from kike donors and back slaps from Jew media pundits that have become increasingly irreverent in the current year.



That's been their new strategy for a few weeks. Expect it to ramp up even harder the closer we get to November.



My God I really hope they do, it would make this so fucking easy.


Just woke up, what the hell went on in this thread? Anyone have screenshots of that autistic shill?

Reminder that attacking the character of the opposition voters is what lead to Britain leaving the EU.

She's gifting Trump the election.

Liberals are not human. Her voter base is made up of subhumans, just human shaped meat following programming.


I suspect Dan doesn't realize how low the media's credibility is already. But let's hope they carry through with it.

Am I the only one seeing parallels with Trump's beginning campaign speech?

Thanks m8!


Thanks for the tip champ…Might be better served to give a "what works in Britain" strategy to a bigger mid-state's senate campaigns. It's a little more complicated in a 3000 by 3000 mile cojntry with 350 million people.

Brexit was on par of Florida trying to pass a referendum…A more homogenous Florida. Pretty small potatoes in terms of American politics.


The UK's population is like 3x Florida's. Besides, the US still has more white people than the entire UK, so the comparison works.


None of them understand this, but some do know this is occurring.

The demented thing is they think they're just not doing their propaganda hard enough.

They think if people are still liking Trump that it can't mean that people like his policies and his personality, it must be that the media hasn't explained well enough that Trump is literally Hitler.

Clinton: I regret saying ‘half’ Trump support from ‘basket of deplorables’