North-western and central european races have higher maximum-range sentience/IQ and thus empathy than any other race

>resulting level of gynocentrism leads to (((feminism)))

So, basically the white race is inevitably doomed unless if we have a patriarchal revolution AND afterwards turn schools into giant red/pol/ dispensers to prevent the cycle repeating itself?

So, in other words, there is no hope?

Other urls found in this thread:

The only solution is to do away with empathy

or empathy for anything other then white men

No fuck white men too they are cucks. Fill the planet with your clones

le mayo

what's the source on those statistics? I guarantee it's in a majority white country.
You lazy motherfucker. From the first page of google.

yep, the USA, a majority white country. Gee I wonder why there are so many white offenders in a majority white country?

>>resulting level of gynocentrism leads to (((feminism)))

All roads that lead to the hellish nightmare we're in were paved by the jew.

You know what has to be done.

yup it matches pretty much the percentage of the white population in the US, the person who drew that red square on the pic must be a complete idiot

1. jews champion the sex slave trade (classified as white)

2. niggers don't call the cops


Kennedi dubs

yeah, i should have said "resulting levels of gynocentrism allowing (((feminism))) to take hold".


Kennedi dubs are natural and organic

they wouldn't be cucks if you took away their empathy

Hey jew hate guy

so a big reason for the better genes in the Caspian/Black/Inlet Sea Caucus region is that this is where our 2 humanoid cousins interbred from Africa and N. European Neanderthal. It's fairly clear if you look at the data of low % Neanderthal DNA in some modern whites. They would have had to start interbreeding very early on to the point that they were bred out, or rather we were bred into the greater human race. It's also likely why we see exceptional Asians and so forth. There are other human cousins that hail from various regions.

The wider the gene pool the more chances we get for superior breeding. It's just simple math once you learn about Mendel in the 7th god damn grade.

note: i'm a dirty blue eyed slav bastard to an english airman, for what it's worth. pretty sure my mom's mom was a jew but who knows; they got the hell outta europe and never talked about it.

We know what we see every day and we don't need to hear your jewish jibberish bullshit.

Kikenvermin scholars declared we're all brothers from another mother. Imagine that.


Feelings? You're cute.

So if (((someone))) prints it in a book it's a fact?

Yeah genetics is fact. Race mixing leads to an healthier population.

The best genes from all over the planet are passed on to future offspring. If your white genes are superior as you claim they will survive. Natural selection. Stop bitching about it

Yeah nah.

In order for other races to evolve equivalently high maximum-range sentience/IQ, it would require 10's of thousands of years of natural selection in environments that demand such intelligence, at the very least – or mass-scale eugenics programs.

North-east asians may have slightly higher average IQ, but their IQ bell-curves do not extend as far up as north-western and central European bell-curves do. It is highly doubtful that they will develop viable genetic engineering techniques to safely boost IQ in the coming decades, as well.

It took 50-150 thousand years of evolution for whites to evolve such heights in intelligence, and it is only in the last 2-3 thousand years that whites have had it good enough in europe and mediterranean regions (as a result of their civilization developments) for the original minority of them to explode in reproduction and thus drag lower-end of their bell curves down to where we see them today.

Regardless, the upper ends of the european bell curves are still very significantly higher than all other races, and the shitskins, pajeets, beaners and gooks will all send the world into polluted ruin within the next couple centuries if white genocide isn't prevented.

If whites are wiped out, so too will be the only light of higher consciousness to have shun in our world…

Well sure adding millions of mexicans and niggers to anything was an improvement ever.

for the originally small minority of them that had shit-tier IQ to explode in reproduction and thus drag the lower half of the original bell-curve further down, forming the wider bell-curve that we see today.

more-recently developed genes, such as those responsible for blue eyes, blonde/red hair … and everything else that makes north-western and central europeans unique to any other race on ear by such a huge margin (yes! including upper IQ extension!), ARE ALL RECESSIVE.

fucking arrogant faggot try thinking a bit more instead of spouting nonsense with unearned confidence like a nigger

Then, Tough luck. Natural selection shits on you.

More like it shits on the human race

Yeah, sure, (((natural))) selection…

maybe you should lurk moar on such topics instead of spraying your feces all over the place

pics related: the rats aren't smarter; they're just sociopathic, conniving and sly as fuck

not to mention their tribalistic mentality.

major in-group preference, coupled with deceitful nature and no remorse for their usury; THESE are their strengths, not ingenuity, genius and creativity…

Make the case that it isn't natural selection then. Is somebody forcing racemixing at gunpoint? As far as I know It isn't even that common. The key problem seems to be that whites have very low replacement rates. Nothing to do with Jews

>(((who))) pushed for women's suffrage
>breaking down family unit with (((popular culture))), (((family courts))), (((legal system))) and denying men the ability to keep childish women in check to pump out babies
>massive amounts of white-guilt, racial-relativism and cultural marxism from (((mainstream media))) setting the stage for kikes to push the pro-immigration agenda more than ever

I could go on all day about this…

a very large proportion of whites have had issue with all this stuff for many, many decades, but are too frightened of social repercussions to speak out, because ignorant and irrational women are (((given))) so much power in white society….


This is easily provable fact.

that isn't because of jews, that is whites won't put 3DPD in their place, and give them money, so white 3DPD either don't have any children, or they have one child in their late 30s
this is mainly due to 3DPD being able to vote, and the fact technology has made life easy.
The jews are a problem, but they aren't the reason for this.

>(((who))) pushed for women's suffrage
Who voted for women's suffrage?

>(((family courts)))
>(((legal system)))
>(((mainstream media)))
>(((popular culture)))
Are you fucking retarded? White men want nothing more but to put the wymyns in their place, but have their arms tied by the kikes themselves…

and life in federal prison due to laws perpetuated by (((you know who)))

(((who))) took advantage of inherent female nature and was the chief monetary, public and political influence behind all movements to women's sufferage?

the kikes give their 3DPD the right to vote too, and they are having the same problems as whites with their 3DPD

So what I am gathering here is that White genotype isn't compatible with the forces of Natural selection. Most of the standout genes are recessive, western men are vulnerable to manipulation and the population isn't breeding fast enough.

Looks like white genotype isn't favoured by nature. It wants us gone.
Nature is gently telling us to kill ourselves

the real problem is cucks and white knights who benefit kinda from 3DPD getting all this shit*

If white men voted to give white women the right to vote the buck stops with white men. Period. You can try to shift blame as much as you want but it is what it is

All those things you listed allowed the goyim to be comfy and distracted more than ever so the Jews could sweep in with woman's suffrage, feminism and basically everything else that is destroying the west and initiating white genocide today…

It stops with the minority of idiot men who voted for it back then? LOL please nigger…

Furthermore, even that idiotic minority had their empathy manipulated by the kikes. It's the greatest weakness of whites…

As a wise man once said, and I'm sure we can all agree, "there's no way out but through the kikes".

Shall we get on with it then?

So? They still have many generations before that backfires on them, and white genocide will be complete by then, don't you worry.

It's just so they can keep up a bit of positive public image for the libtards in western nations.

White men had a chance to show up and vote to prevent women's suffrage. They chose otherwise. Now they blame everybody else. How cute

In other words they got hoodwinked into voting against their own interest. This just highlights flaws in their genotype ie their misplaced empathy overrides their intelligence. Like I said Natural selection working its way

a relatively small group of sociopathic kikes subverting white civilizations by parasitically manipulating our greatest weakness (empathy and altruistic humanity) =/= environment =/= 'natural selection'

besides, see:

if the jews knew about 3DPD's nature, and is using it against whites, then why the fuck would they turn it against themselves.

In the event of the worst case scenario, one of my biggest regrets is that (like everyone else) we won't live long enough to see it.
The evil ones will leave their descendants to suffer for their mistakes, sadly.

That is exactly what it is. You seem to under the naive impression that natural selection favours all the goody goody qualities. It doesn't. Natural selection favors strong genotypes. It doesn't really care about good and evil

and how do you know they didn't rash to pass it like many other things have been passed in history? also, wasn't there either WW1 or a great depression going on at the time? lol

oh and you think one of the other races will climb up to the same bell-curve extension before the world is polluted and degenerate as fuck? lol nigger please…

we either stop white genocide or humans will never be a space-faring species.

*rush to

learn to read a post, you mentally inept nigger.

This, if the badguys have their way it ends either in Fallout or Idiocracy.

Now you are just continuing to make up one excuse after another for the white man's mistake of allowing woman's suffrage to happen

I am saying Nature and natural selection doesn't care about any of those things. I am also saying that the white genotype doesn't seem to find favor with nature

and north korea is a true utopia
they have true 3DPD rights. A jew 3DPD can vote, have a child just to get money from a man, and say he raped her because he made her mad.
blame 3DPD for something, you gynocentric cuck

it isn't "natural selection" in any kind of fair way. any other race would fall to the shenanigans of the kikes…

why not join the growing numbers of whites who are waking up and fighting against it?

you sound like you're a non-white who's practically applauding white genocide, and holds no regard for the beauty of our level of sentience and empathy…

So? There is zero immigration bs, there is zero cultural degeneracy in israel, etc. etc. etc.

They don't give a fuck so long as they can kill off the Amalekites (who they believe northwest and central europeans are direct descendants of).

They manipulate female nature to destroy our family unit and lower our birthrates, among many other things.

Fucking read a book or something, MGTOW KV nigger.

Natural selection isn't fair. Evolution isn't fair. It is what it is

You can't fight nature. You can adapt to it. If white genes aren't favored by nature then thats that

I'm a realist who accepts that fighting natural selection is a futile cause. Just enjoy what we have while we have it and stop fighting battles we are bound to lose

neither do humans in general
neither does life in the universe

kill yourself you conceited faggot

yes, it is the jews, and not the 3DPD
whatever dude. If the technology that we need to permanently do away with 3DPD's value, and the white race does die out
I want you know that it wasn't the big nose whale that sank the ship, but the stupid fucking cunt that kept poking holes in the ship as a shit test


at the end of the day, no other races will have time to catch up. it is immensely unlikely that ayyzns will develop viable genetic engineering methods to safely up their peak IQ's to our levels…

so you're basically like "b-but w-white genotype isn't ideal" for current subverted and artificially infiltrated environment, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that humans in general aren't ideal for any environment on earth outside of the VERY attributes that whites have the most of…

you're a fucking disingenuous nigger

false. When it comes to nature as it apples to earth, Humans as a species do seem to find favor with nature otherwise we wouldn't be one of the dominant species on the planet. It appears that every species has its time. Like the dinosaurs millions of years ago had their time it now appears that it is our time and if history is any guide the time of humans too will come to and end one day.

true. The universe is hostile to life in genral It seems we have been given this small niche in a sea of hostility. Fighting this fact doesn't change it.

hmmm so growing numbers of white males who are spending hours red/pol/ling their friends and family isn't adaptation to circumstance and environment? hmmmm….

are you gonna be the animal who consciously adapts to a change in its environment and put up a fight, or are you just gonna sit there and give up because the green grass didn't fucking rip itself out of the ground and fload a hundred miles over to your dumb fucking mouth?

The hallmarks of the white genotypes you listed are all recessive. the way sexual reproduction works dominant gene > recessive genes. Can't blame the Jews for that one

you're not a problem solver; you're just a cop-out, sour-grapes loser faggot

No I'm saying that in my assessment, its a gigantic waste of time

I'm just living my life enjoying what I can because I see the futility of fighting a force I can't win against and by that I don't mean Jews, I mean nature

*They exploit female nature



What in nature? Be specific.

If enough white men are redpilled, what's stopping us?

Because its destined to be a losing cause for the reasons I outlined in multiple previous posts


Summarize them. I'm trying to multitask here

Nature doesn't favor the standout features of the white genotype

yes those hallmarks that the parasitic kikes have exploited so well.


after understanding and acknowledging 3DPD's nature you wouldn't want to romantically interact with them either.
I don't want to the white race to die out, but you fucking tards won't put responsibly on 3DPD, then there isn't any hope

if it is they nature, then they would do it anyway, with or with out the jews functioning as catalyst

fukkn saved

I've spent years watching Sandman and TFM, religiously.

I put responsibility in wymyn, white men's excessive empathy towards them and others, and last but certainly not least, the elite, Babylonian-Talmudist extremist Zionists who has so convincingly exploited all of the above, scheming and subverting in unison for the genocide of the hated Amalekites, for well over a century.

Oh and Tom Leykis, Raging Golden Eagle, and some others.

*connivingly exploited

No, because (((feminism))), (((family courts))), (((legal system))), (((education system))), (((mainstream media))) and more, wouldn't be there to stop men from stepping in and keeping bitches in fucking LINE.

Give the kikes an inch and they'll slowly take a mile. That's what has happened, essentially.

Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my Liberal Studies lecture notes hurr durr…

lol typical arrogant and conceited pseudo-intellectual centrist faggot



nothing to say to this, then?

nice copy pasta

I am just tired of talking.
the rich and corporations have had a hand in this, but it was more akin to giving a gun to a criminal, so they would get steal more things, and thus be able to spend more on the rich-and-corporations' goods and services.
It would have been ineffective if the will and ability of 3DPD wasn't like the way they are.

it also cut labor cost in half

