Reminder that if you can't do at least 100 pushups you're a weak bitch

Reminder that if you can't do at least 100 pushups you're a weak bitch

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*cue ode to joy*

oh noooo not a weak bitch

Over how many months?

In one rep. What are you, a woman?


Didn't realize how much of an armlet I was. I guess it's time for me to get off of my faggot ass and start busting out push-ups.

I did 150 but not in a single rep.

I haven't even done a single push up in my life.


What about 75?

Wait, so you mean I should do lesser reps and hold a pushup longer?

That's not what I meant at all. Do you have the 'tism by any chance?

No, I can't even do 75. In fact, I just did 25 pushups in a single rep before I came back to this thread. It's not that close to 100 at all, but it's a great improvement from when I started doing pushups at only 10 a rep.

But seriously though, should I hold my push-ups more?

All those pushups and you still aren't bulletproof


No, just do more reps. Remember that your nose should softly contact the ground each time. Also remember to your back straight.


Three seconds seems excessive. When I do them, I lower myself slowly towards the floor while keeping my back straight so that my nose gently touches the floor.

All that holding them will do is tire your arms and reduce the amount of force you're able to apply. Pushups are great because they involve rapid application of a large amount of force (up) followed by a longer period of lower force application. (down) They both complement each other. If you don't do one, you don't get the benefits of the other.

Last I heard negroes were being phased out due to laziness.

Where are you getting your spare parts?

those are GMO negroes, user

I can do 50 but I'm 6'4" and a severe insomniac so give me a break.

Also 11 chin ups.

What brand are you using? They're never in stock at my local market

Fucking end me already.

Have you ever heard of this guy?
This guy apparently does a thousand push-ups a day. He also can lift a pool table and bend prison cell steel bars.

Nigra Coxx™

I will mouthfuck your dad

Ah, An excellent choice indeed. It's been my experience that they tend to tasks requiring high endurance, such as plowing or excavating, although they're not very well suited to more complex tasks, such as harvesting cotton.


I've had problems with my niggers breaking too. I've had to discard 8 of them already! Can you imagine that? Luckily they give you free nigger replacements if your nigger breaks, but I heard that feeding them once a week keeps this from happening.

It's been my experience that buying a new nigger is generally cheaper than calling the veterinarian and having him replace a faulty organ. It's not like there's a shortage of niggers or something, so they're dirt cheap. I don't even bother to harvest the organs from the dead ones.

Also, the Nigger Owner's Manual explicitly covers the topic of nutrition:

"Your Nigger likes fried chicken, corn bread, and watermelon. You should therefore give it none of these things because its lazy ass almost certainly doesn't deserve it. Instead, feed it on porridge with salt, and creek water. Your nigger will supplement its diet with whatever it finds in the fields, other niggers, etc. Experienced nigger owners sometimes push watermelon slices through the bars of the nigger cage at the end of the day as a treat, but only if all niggers have worked well and nothing has been stolen that day. Mike of the Old Ranch Plantation reports that this last one is a killer, since all niggers steal something almost every single day of their lives. He reports he doesn't have to spend much on free watermelon for his niggers as a result. You should never allow your nigger meal breaks while at work, since if it stops work for more than ten minutes it will need to be retrained. You would be surprised how long it takes to teach a nigger to pick cotton. You really would. Coffee beans? Don't ask. You have no idea."


I heard that somebody wanted to get these fucking niggers rights and shit. I mean. why do they need rights when they need to be picking the fucking field and fertilizing the soil?

Yeah, some dirty old shitass is trying to take away MY farm machinery, not to mention freeing niggers. Can you even imagine what it would be if niggers were set loose? I'm glad they're on the farm where God intended them to be