How long are we gonna see the comic books industry be ass hurt about Donald trump...

How long are we gonna see the comic books industry be ass hurt about Donald trump? I see a passive aggressive jab at trump every week in comics now.

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OK, what the fuck makes furries think they would not be put to the fucking rope if nazis were around.
They are the epitome of degenrate.

Marvel already had a comic where an evil Modok Trump was beaten by a woman of color Captain America.

Always good to see you producing content, Alistar.

thank you

at least until inauguration.

Soros has been stringing butthurt leftists along with vain hopes that trumps election can be invalidated. probably in a gamble to steal the election.

I've never actually spoken to any of the overt/popular nazi or confederacy furs, but I always kind of assumed they did it to stand out rather than actually believing in NatSoc ideology.
That said, I'm a furry that browses Holla Forums, so who knows.

Depends. Either until people on either side find some sort of political savior to go against him in 2020 (as unlikely as that is) or some serious geopolitical shit happens before then and makes all the bitching and doomsaying moot.

Sure, they have a semi-strange fetish; who doesn't? Some are completely insane, but I'm sure most of them can manage well enough to hide their power levels on a daily basis.

At least four years.
Maybe eight, depending on how bad the Democratic candidate is in 2020, but I think they'd have to be spectacularly bad, at least Hillary-tier.

Piss off, furfag.

More like how long till we rise up?

A very long period of time
They will bring it up even after his presidency
I for one welcome it but that's because I have a love hate relationship with comics (which im sure most anons on here also have) in which I love the medium but I fucking hate the creators

When he's had power long enough to actually do something wrong.

No matter how good a president is, they're going to fuck up here and there. So when he finally signs a bad bill or doesn't bow deep or shallow enough they'll make one last round of mockery before fading into the background.

That is cringy man.

Yeah, this is b8. Even furfags realize their fandom is full of fucked up fetishes.

You should probably just filter him, because he'll set up shop here like he did on Holla Forums and start posting those comics in literally every thread if you give him any attention.
I swear, Holla Forums has gone from a mere "vaguely on topic shitpost board" to "board exclusively for shat out forced memes and testing thread derailer devices".

ok thanks user.

The worst part is these people mocking this lunatic probably think trannys are a real thing.

How's "his entire term in office" sound to you? Believing that comics would stop making fun of Trump would be like believing that Chuck Asay would've stopped calling Obama a child-murderer.

This thread is retarded and so are you.


thanks m8 :)

… but Obama is a child-murderer.
That's not really up for debate.

Oh, so this is a fucking Holla Forums thread. I can't even make a damn comparison about how stupid it is that you're triggered over people making fun of Trump without some faggot missing the point.

So are you gonna start posting charts now? Stop pussy-footing around and just get it over with.

Doesn't marvel still fap to Obama?

wew lad

I just wanna jack off to female beasts.

I love your work, boy. Make more comics.

Until the crash.
To center an entire medium around blatant socio-political propaganda that tries to be contemporary instead of interesting is disgusting.

They do not deserve to stay in business.

There are at least three different fetishes involved in that gif alone.
Any furry that denies they have more than one fetish is a complete and total retard even among their standards, which are pretty fucking low to begin with.


Dude, Democrats still hate Nixon, and he died more than twenty years ago. It's as bad the other way - Carter has built houses for the homeless, done peace meetings, and darned near eliminated a horrible disease, making him better at being president as an ex-president than most presidents, including paradoxically himself. Most Republicans will still respond to his name like he's a traitor. Get used to it. He will always be hated.


I know that feeling, user.

Oh to have a woman who's only fault is to be a beast. To be loyal, loving unconditionally, and understanding of your desires as even the most ornery beast is capable of is the pinnacle of what men can hope of women.

I would love a beastly form a thousand times to not suffer the venomous manipulations of a woman.

They are going to stay salty for the entire term of office. A blind man could see it.

Shit man, that was beautiful.

Did you just admit to fucking your dog???

Did you just admit to fucking a female?

Any man. No. Any sapient being on this earth that denies they have more than one fetish is a liar. No ifs, ands, or buts. Nobody sticks to the same sauce. They always grow tired, inevitably, and set out for greener pastures.


You're looking to deep into it, mate. I just want to fuck a female beast. No getting around that.

Yeah I guess it was. Bit far from the subject, though.

Beastly. Not totally. Get it right.

You're a dogfucker.

No. That doesn't appeal to me. Disgusts me, more like it. Prefer something more lively, conscious. Not a totally thoughtless being, like most of God's creatures.


I bet you think enjoying classic greco roman wrestling is gay.


well to be fair fam Obama did drone strike innocent Pakistanis. And he gave weapons to Syrian rebels helping to destabilize the region so yeah, Obama does have a lot of bad stuff he's done.

Sauce? Looks nice reminds me of the werewolf transformation from Van Helsing.

reminder: That little arrow at the top left of a post isn't there for decoration.

filter and hide all namefags for the good of the board and the good of the site.

Well yeah, Republicans hate that shit, and basically anything that doesn't involve a rich man getting richer.

They're already blaming all that on Trump. Well, and getting instantly called out on it, but still.

It's amazing how out of touch the media is. I honestly think this Russian hack junk isn't them trying to steal the election, it's then trying to save face after how badly they lied and were wrong about everything for everyone to see.

When are you gonna see an OP who doesn't unironically think the video he posted is cool?

I wish this meme would stop. These people, like other queers, would be given the proper psychological assistance needed to get through their mental illness. Germany didn't go around randomly killing people, believe it or not, and they did have laws that the police and military abided by.

Go back to Holla Forums.


Well he is pro abortion.



>>>Holla Forums

Hey revolt


Then when the sun dawns, the beasts skin rots as it's imposing form collapses away, revealing but a frightened woman underneath the façade.

Werewolves are interesting things, aren't they?

Nice non-sequitur, kid.

>>>Holla Forums

The funny thing is that legalising abortion is arguably the best thing Obama has done for the country, as it had the possibly unintended side-effect of stagnating the African population throughout his terms, and Trump's intention to abolish it entirely will only drive black populations to flourish, once more, making a furthered minority of whites in the country.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro.

How the fuck is that edgy?


Now say he's "Cringey"

You fucking faggot, lurk more.


I bet you are also OK with gang violence because it kills more blacks than whites.

Charity work is nice and all, but maybe he should have fucking stuck to that instead of trying to lead the free world by screaming "PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY NATIVITY!" to everyone else.

Let's be fair, invading Afghanistan is its own punishment.

Like, what, six of them?

Crawl back to your hugbox, Holla Forumsack.

Never ever with low energy memes like this one

You forgot his glowing endorsements of the Chavez regimes rigged elections.

Try fucking reading posts instead of projecting your own shit into them, faggot.

Kennedy stole the election in the same way that Trump stole the election. Recount efforts netted the same result there too.

I did. His post was pretty much "abortion is good because less black people".

Nobody cares what they do post-Presidency. Carter was a terrible president. Probably worse than Obama and approval ratings reflect that. Were it not for the fact that Nixon was a criminal, he probably would be regarded as a good president.

Ignoring the retardation of the rest of your post, Obama did not legalise abortion, it was legal when Obama was still shitting himself, and Trump has no intention of abolishing it if he even could


Kennedy's VP was Lyndon "I rigged the Texas Gubernatorial elections and there's literally nothing anyone could do to stop me" B. Johnson. Combine that with the good ole' Chicago Machine and how very, very, VERY close the election was and you can conclude the only reason Kennedy, the son of a bootlegger with close ties to organized crime, ever became President was through collusion and fraud.

The cover up was worse than the crime. All Nixon did was cover for the RNC and his administration and the Democrats launched their own McCarthy-esque witchhunt.

Kennedy started the wiretaps and Lyndon Johnson expanded them. They flagrantly broke the laws and didn't even attempt to reign in Hoover; Nixon did nothing wrong.


Well, let's put it this way. They're all criminals. Every single one of them. The only difference between Nixon and the other Presidents is that Nixon got caught

Cook County isn't just Chicago and even if Kennedy hadn't carried Illinois he still would have won the electoral vote. Illinois was also extensively challenged at the time, these challenges yielded nothing. As for Texas, Kennedy's margin of victory was too wide for voter fraud to ever really be a factor. They also did extensive recounts in several other states in the 1960 election and the only result was that Kennedy won Hawaii.

Saying Kennedy rigged the vote is exactly like saying Trump rigged the vote. Both won because they were better than their opponent, above all other factors.

I can accept this statement much more.

Nixon was covering his own ass. The break in was done by his Committee to Re-Elect The President. The moment he decided to pay them all hush money is the moment the cover-up began.

Even if we were to ignore Watergate, Nixon would still be a criminal through acts of a treason against the United States. He actively and deliberately sabotaged the Vietnam peace-talks during the Johnson administration purely to give himself a better chance of winning the presidency. Nixon prolonged the war in Vietnam by promising the South Vietnamese government that they'd get a better deal under his administration and that Johnson was selling them all out.

These days they're almost quaint by comparison to the average trans-binary genderfluid transnigger.

And you've proven my point. Carter was a lousy president 40 years ago who did nice things as ex-president since then. And that isn't enough for you. You hate Carter. Why? He was driven from office long before you were born. Anything he's accomplished in your lifetime you ignore or denigrate because it gets in the way of your hating him. You'll rejoice at his death and keep hating him until you die, long after anyone younger than you knows there ever was a President Carter. And for what purpose?

The people who hate Trump will hate him forever. The question isn't when they will stop hating him. The question is when the people who like him or just tolerate him decide they hate him. We might muddle along and few change their minds. More likely, he's going to become the villain of American history. Even you might hate him.


I don't know. Views may change though generations.
Grant may have been an okay guy, but other than Reconstruction, he was a shitty president.

hey, that's pretty good.

Let me flip the question and bring it back to a Holla Forums topic. Why is Nixon in Futurama? Nixon died in 1994. Futurama debuted in 1999 and after the contemporary prologue is set a thousand years later. And yet Nixon's in it. As president. An openly corrupt one. It's stupid on the face of it. But it's not Nixon the sadly flawed man whose greed destroyed his reputation. It's Nixon the stock villain. The details are gone. Nixon is a villain because that's his job now, even if it means resurrecting him as a robot a millennium from now.

Trump will always be hated. He was famous in the first place for being a lech. He got the prize despite losing by three million votes. He doesn't believe in anything past the end of his own dick. But long after the next sex scandal and the next messy election and the next stupid president, Trump will be remembered and hated still because that will be the definition of him, Trump the bad guy. And that will last until everyone forgets him except sixth grade teachers. Trump is forevermore the villain.

>>>Holla Forums is down the hallway to the right, kiddo.

Uh, dude, that was my post and if anything, I'm Holla Forums.
Barack Obama is objectively a murderer. You don't have to be on either side to see that.

If Carter was not president then Russia would not have invaded Afghanistan and fucked up the entire mid east. That is a pretty damn big thing he fucked up good that is still biting us in the ass to this very day you ignorant fuckwad. Are you seriously trying to say that things that happened in the past have no effect on the future? Or are you trying to argue that the thousands of afghans that met their end from a 9x18 don't matter because some other people got houses to stay in? You are using your feel good logic to brainwash yourself into liking him. There is no excuse needed to hate such a terrible leader.

You're an idiot. Please kill yourself.

Germany would be whiter and better off.

Who let leftypol and freech in here? Don't you have some welfare to get?

Thank you user.

Who the hell let leftypol, freech, and intl up here?

no fucking idea.

The thread already started with the word "Trump" in it. Of course it will turn to shit.

I wish it started with the words "Donald" and "duck" instead.

Nice argument.

no they don't. That's why they're the worst cunts on the internet. They're just constantly begging for normalfag acceptance. They'll even tell you it's not a sexual thing.

You don't want toxic partisan politics in here, don't start a thread sucking Trump's dick.

Do Leftyfags non-ironically think they're clever for watching Daily Show? Shouldn't you be on tumblr?

Maybe we should start a thread worshiping a candidate who managed to get the most faithless electors ever (Hillary).

Kill yourself.

You dumb nigger
Anyways, during the Cold War Russia already dominated the middle east, it wasn't until the 80s that the US managed to flip Egypt and Iraq

No, America, it was you who fucked up entire Middle East. Soviet Union was building infrastructure in Afghanistan and trying to teach them to not be such mudslimes. But America supports terrorists and bombs countries that don't support them until they become failed states, thus also falling into the hands of terrorists. And one time when your help was actually needed - when Iran asked you to intervene during Islamic revolution, you just told them to fuck off, allowing towelheads to stuff entire country into burka durkas.

The Soviet Union was a train wreck. Same goes for Cuba, Mao ist China, etc.

Marxism, folks. Not even once.

that's because the CIA was behind the revolution, Iran and the Shah were getting notions of independence and not selling their sweet crude

Nigger there wasn't any Russians involved in this shit.
It's just an excuse.
If it was a shit country like Nigeria would the us say
No they prefer to say shit even tho being ridicule in the eyes of Russia

Reminder that Trump beats Clinton in an epistocratic election.

Ah yes they built so much infrastructure that afghans are still conditioned to this day to expect to die or have someone they know die if a soldier reaches anywhere near their hip. Oh wait did I say build infrastructure? I meant execute innocents in cold blood as per communist tradition.

I hope you'd enjoy only college-educated women carrying the vote, shitlord.

White men outperform all women in America at having polical knowledge. This is demonstrated by research. A purely epistocratic vote would restrict it self to the demographic who can show capability (White men). Especially if you account for IQ.

Meritocracy works for Singapore.
Do you know their trains run on time?
I wonder what that must be like, I live in New South Wales and I just don't know what trains running on time is. Railway timetables are a sort of Utopian science fiction to me.

Don't forget Japan

I wonder if we're going to see weird Trump comics like we had weird Reagan comics back in the 80's, like Reagan's Raiders and Ronnie's Roller?

Because making fun of Nixon was a gag carried over from The Simpsons. Groening or someone who writes for both shows obviously hates him.

Why he looks like Rambo?

Hahaha… wait, you're fucking serious. I'm generally a fan of the Cinematic Universe movies; sure, they sometimes make stupid decisions, but they never really shove their retarded agenda down your throat (at least not this damn bluntly). It looks like I dodged a bullet by never getting into the comics. I can imagine how it must feel to see people shitting all over your favorite childhood heroes to make a political statement. You have my condolences. They better keep their damn hands off my nigga, Hawkeye, I'll tell you that.

The good thing about Cinematic Universe is that since most popular movies follow 2 hours/120 minutes "format" they have to compress the story telling to its core. Meanwhile comic with its lax 22 pages per month continuous format tend to make writer lazy and preachy.


I think part of the reason of the SJW nonsense not touching the MCU is because of it how it needs to have mass-appeal to normalfags, so stuff like having Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker would leave casuals scratching their heads.

Marvel is doing nothing wrong. It's adapting to the climate of the world. Soon all whites will die off. So? Cater to the better ilk obviously. Holla Forums learn economics -_-

AltFurry is a pisstake. You're not supposed to take it seriously. Or at least the guy who started it doesn't take it seriously. He just trolls people with it.

Not like having your leftard ass in here is any better. Fuck off to anywhere but here.

Kill yourself again.

I think Linkara reviewed that once.