BBC: White Countries Alone Responsible for Environmental Conservation

Dindus & Burritos Responsible for Vast Majority of Environmental Destruction

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Nature is racist and anti-semitic.

In other news, water is wet.

thanks for posting, op

Its an interesting piece / angle to understand in this great scheme of things; one of the many examples of a double standard of hwite man's burden.
Hwe have the highest and most stringent standards for workplace practices: yet non-hwestern nations are ignored when it comes to cucking our industry.
its the same with the 'over population' meme - also rooted in environmentalism, and only applied to white countries.

its ludicrous once you see this same exact pattern in so many ways.
white people are crippling their industry, having as little kids as possible, while china and india continue to shit out both untreated industrial waste and non-white children by the bucketload ("like its going out of style" heh…)
its fucking crazy and infuriaing once you realise just what is going on - just how innocent we are and yet how demonized we are.
its like discovering some female friend of yours had been getting manipulated and secretly abused: the enduring levels of kindness from the victim make you all the more furious at the predator, but also frustrated with the victim for showing undeserved kindness, under the foot of evil
its like discovering this quiet, meek little angel who (stupidly…) did nothing but shine, and show love - despite being absolutely and horrifically abused and exploited.
then its like this fine girl was painted as the enemy an tyrant…
its maddening to cognitively witness - but affirming of our struggle

This really sums it up.

Whites aren't so bad after all.

I wonder if B.B.C. is still trying to "diversify" or replace its supposedly hideously white staff.

Maybe this is how the populations of those countries are justified to depopulate and replace with the new root race.

Dindus and spics are responsible for all the destruction of wilderness, not because they are destructive but because anglo saxons have alrready destroyed most of the wildernes in their own lands

Merica used to be one big lush forest now it's the tornado corridor of the world,
You burgers are blaming the destruction on the wrong targets it aint races such as spics and dindus that are destroying the wildernes, but the corporations who proffit out of it, spics and dindus are just the cheap goons they hire
These megacorps would do the same in Merica if there was still wildernes to destroy

Environmental conservationalist from Wales here. Can confirm that it's literally the whitest fucking industry in Britain… Agriculture too. Dindus can't into real hard work.

Wherever something about rhinos, elephants, monkeys, any endangered animal that lives in Asia, Africa, or South America pops up, I always make this a point. You don't (usually) see white poachers come overseas to collect ivory, to collect pelts, they usually purchase them as a trophy. Those rich faggots are half the problem. The other half are the retarded minorities who lack intelligence and compassion for animals, who see them as an easy way to make money. So they take a gun, kill this endangered animal, and sell it. Niggers are why half the endangered animals on the list are going extinct.

The parts of the planet being devastated are primarily semitic, either christian, muslim or jewish.

Semitism does not value people, land or nation.

Nothing new but I'm surprised the BBC is so direct about it.

Only Whites can really plan ahead for the future, only Whites have empathy for other living beings, thus only Whites care about nature.

The town where I live is surrounded by wilderness for a minimum of 100 miles in every direction. This is a common situation west of the Rockies.

People didn't know this already?

So you can't see the processes destroying the wilderness in (our…) state because there are too many trees. It's a common situation among the blind.

It disappears so fast, so fast, and then is so slow to regrow. And idiot bitches like your sorry ass just let happen. Why don't you GTFO.

We should get these academics fired for being racist.

Nonwhite genocide is a moral necessity, tbqh

0/10 argument.


this is a double edged sword

less farmland means more starving refugees into Europe and America

more woods mean the environment does not collapse

Of course abrahamic religions takes nature for granted; when your cult revolves around joining a hivemind god when you die, who gives a shit about the planet you live on for 80+ years? Who gives a fuck about future generations who will inherit the hell your neglect created?


Once a 10 year old boy from England wrote to Tun Dr. Mahathir on logging in 1987. Tun Dr. Mahathir replied him.

It occurs to me that I no longer check to see if the author is Jewish, but rather which Jewish name they have.

He has a point there.

This is the reason Donald Trump is against conservationism, rather explicitly. Preserving air quality and natural forests is all well and good but that means fuck all if the Chinese are going to destroy anything they own and pump tons of smog into the air.

I remember as a boy in Canada I was a part of the junior forest wardens. One of the primary lessons we were taught is that if even one person decides to replant a forest he can, in effect, rebuild the whole forest alone. The trees will grow, the birds can come back, the deer will arrive, and eventually the government will come by and call this a stunning natural beauty and erase all of your credit because that's what the government does(a weird end to the story for ten year olds, but hey better rip off that band aid early on).

If you look at the woods in British Columbia whole miles of it was torn down for logging decades ago. But conservation efforts were rather rapidly able to replant the trees on a relative scale, and now the logging industry is more or less sustainable.

Environmental stability isn't hard. It really, REALLY fucking isn't. Trees obviously want to grow on their own and animals want to fuck and reproduce. They do a lot of good work in the Nordic countries tree planting and while it can be time consuming it's a paid regular job that contributes to the various countries natural resources as well as economics.

You want to save the rainforests? Get a fucking shovel. Get your machete and make cuttings of plants you need. It's not rocket science.

Hey, I'm from BC too
What the cucks like to leave out is that in terms of actual land covered in wilderness, its only been expanding these past decades. They just really hate it when you cut down big trees because they have some sort of weird religious attachment them.
they cut it down at night and a group of women just showed up in the morning and balled their eyes out

They also really hate clearcutting but can only ever provide aesthetic reasons on why its bad.

Hahahaha the MSM always seem to be pushing that white people are the only race with any agency. Hopefully that idea will gain momentum and we can get back to the good ole days of empire.

So the National Parks movements in the US and UK, Allemansrett in Sweden, Norway and Finland, the German ecological movement from the Nazis onwards; all those things never happened. Good to know.

One word holes your non-argument and leaves it to sink: China.

Well just about every non-white country has been running off the fumes of colonialism-guilt for decades so whenever these worthless international economic/environmental forums are held across the world, they offer nothing and demand everything. It's like clockwork. Then they take this bitchy attitude and run this circular line of logic where they actually believe the should be destroying the environment because white man did for so long and we have to catch up. These forums are so useless that I didn't even bother remember their titles, but it's the same unproductive conversation, every fucking time. For instance; China and India, if they continue on this trend, are just going to start consuming coal on a massive level and seriously fuck shit up. The West was on the path to stabilization, but now we have this clusterfuck of nonwhites ruining any attempt as consumption is driven to harmful levels.

Nah, there's plenty of wilderness left and nature and ecosystems remained generally unharmed (on the whole) in America and many European places. We are, unsurprisingly, attached to our surroundings. Although like everyone, we alter them to fit us, not the other way around.

Whereas Abbos and niggers have been hunting animals to extinction and burning entire continents into deserts since before Christ was around.

The US has been planting more trees than it's been harvesting for more than 70 years. It's Paco's fault.

Obvious anti-Christ shills. Nice try tho

Says right in Genesis that Adam is supposed to be the steward of the Earth. Adam's line is white people obviously.

Well if you want to get environmental and finnicky at the same time it does take decades for woodland to actually get back to "unspoiled" status. Mainly because you need a generation of trees to go through their life cycle and die and the fallen logs to provide home for the mushrooms, and for bushes to go through THEIR life cycle, ect. ect. Nature can't fully bounce back in the span of a few years, or even a couple of decades. However for practical reasons there are large tracts that you can leave alone basically forever as parks or conservation areas, but other areas you'll log and replant on a cycle.

There ARE a handful of nonwhite countries that are beginning to actually wise up. However these are mostly just former colonies that've seen a bunch of other former colonies run out and get completely fucked as a resource is effectively gone from their territory forever due to untenable harvesting.

I'd say, and this is just me bullshitting here, the biggest problem is still China. The Chinese have obviously "modernized" enough that they don't need to do insane levels of environmental destruction with the aim of catching up but they're building because their economy is essentially a bubble. If you can cut the problem of that one nation I guarantee most of the problems would disappear. Well that, and convinced Indians to stop street shitting for once.

Fundamentally, I'd say there are very few environmental problems that are ACTUALLY unfixable, despite what crazy liberals would tell you.

Typical old growth forests take generations to restore after exploitation. Sequoia and redwood groves take even longer. For all intents and purposes, when they're gone, they're fucking gone.

Soil degradation.

commie, trees aren't people.
not used in bulk, we're talking pines and firs and maples and oaks here mate.
The rainforest in south america have terrible soil but the trees grow. I'm living in an area where we clear cut and four-five cuts down the trees are growing just fine. The land is great and all you need is a solid rotation. I also didn't say there was no downside I said aesthetics were there only argument.

Would you like the definition of the word? It doesn't imply sentience whatsoever.

I'm talking about restoration of a forest as a whole. This is a thread about wilderness not tree farms.

All plants are not the same.

Anecdotes don't change widely observable events. Destruction of a root system causes the topsoil to run off.

Once again, we're talking about wilderness.

That statement makes no sense. Any downside can be used as an argument since it's a negative consequence of an action.

Oh boy oh boy…

Most of the nutrients in rainforest soils are locked up in the existing plants (primarily because the soils are so shit in the first place -the plants get hold of whatever nutrients they can and never let them go). Cut down those trees, take them away, turn them into furniture; surprise surprise, you're also taking away most of the useful nutrients that would have otherwise returned to the soil had the trees died a natural death.

Clearcut a rainforest and very little will grow there for a long time afterwards besides a handful of extreme species that can cope with nutritionally deprived soils. It will take a long time for that area to recover properly, on the scale of multiple lifetimes.

This isn't strange considering all the environmental laws we have here in Europe.
I can imagine Africa being a slow train wreck with all the niggers killing endangered animals.

Feels bad, man. Holla Forums is often anti-environmentalism to be edgy, but we live on this fucking planet. Trashing it is like taking your garbage can and upending it all over your bedroom. Whites are the ONLY race to give half a shit about the environment. Yet no matter what we do in ours, shitskins keep breeding and eating up all the resources.

Fact is we ARE overpopulated. Not whites, we're only 4% of the global population. curries, spics, chinks, nigs, and apefricans need to die. No matter what whites alone do, we're not allowed to control the actions of others, so the world gets shitted up anyway. We need a massive plague or sterilization. Shills say, oh, you can cram everyone in the world into nevada. They forget humans want more personal space than a few sq ft to stand in all day, and the resources and food we consume uses WAY more space, about 15 acres of land a person factoring in farmland, logging, and mining. If not more. We're propping the population up on oil right now (oil based fertilizer, machines to clean the water and air, a/c and heating, etc.) That isn't sustainable, we're gonna wake up to a harsh reality. Even now they're tapping the tar sands, which is a bitch and a half to get at for the measly, shitty oil it gives. Why? Because niggers we are OUT. Personally I can't wait. The wealthy will be okay, and if you're posting from a laptop you're probably there. The rest are gonna starve off. We've depleted all the nutrients from our farmland…we keep taking and taking and never giving the compost back to the soil. When oil based fertilizer is no longer viable we are gonna be in for a surprise. Food costs are gonna skyrocket…you can already see hints of it.

We need to end the overbreeding mud races and save the forests.

But we CAN do something to rectify the china situation. We are their main trading partner. If we just stop buying stuff made in china, or preferably stop buying excessive consumer goods, the factories aren't pumping out as much and the pollution stops. As a bonus we crash the chink economy so they don't try to go imperialist and colonize SEA and apefrica.

Can you read? You live in some of that 20%. That sure doesn't mean your situation is the norm. Go east of the misssissippi and you'll be hard pressed to find any wilderness outside of maine and canada.

This man is correct.


Clearly, user, you remember seeing this video in childhood.

Really nigger? Are you that fucking stupid? Well in that case, what do you have left? Chinks? Yeah they do a great job with the environment hahaha. Just fucking kill yourself, retard.

please tell me you're not White or at least retarded

Strayan here…

… for fuck's sake India, stop shitting on us.

It's a fucking tsunami.

It's the Great Indian Poonami.

Which comes as a surprise to literally no one.


It was a text story along the same lines.

oh wow, you're a mental gymnastics gold medalist


But there's no such thing as race or borders. How does this work again?

A wild christCuck has appeared!


First Hillary and now this.

What the fuck is going on

mah nigga

vid fucking related, people have an over confidence that technology will save us, but with almost all tech, the more advanced it become, the less return you get for your buck

also gonna include this vid