This man just came out as gay

this man just came out as gay

post this picture everywhere to show your support!
it's not like he's insecure about it or anything
he just likes flipping his burger, if you know what I mean

Other urls found in this thread:

Ask him why the fuck he hasn't taken the loli pill.

because he likes abbo

I'd fuck him

seriously though, just fuck abbo and get it over with

Who is that guy?

wow OP, this is Holla Forums, we dont care for homophobia here, so stop being a faggot

Isn't that the owner of 32chan.

No way that's him.
He's actually a faggy teenager?

That dildo is shooped.

Fucking lol

What did you expect him to be?

OP an faggot

Don't know, anything other than underage B&.


32chan confirmed faggot tranny chan

let me guess

He just came out as full blown gay user, don't be silly talking about girls.

Nah, the guy's actually gay.

wow, welcome to the club

I thought it was mewch?

mewch is a shitskin
nano is a just half a beaner

Yozam datk0termite rut


how can you tell?

Dildo expert

It's just common sense. Look how flat the bottom is. It's like someone just cut it out with scissors. Fucking flat and paper..