Stephen colbert Had to stop to explain a joke to his audience

Stephen colbert Had to stop to explain a joke to his audience
Dare I say. He is our guy?

If he had to explain it why do liberals consider themselves intellectuals?

Gonna need some chemo after this

Back to esl classes.

his skin looks like it's about to peel off.

$0.04 has been added to your paypal account.


Did he always seem to have such a pronounced underbite when he spoke, or did he get fucked up dental work done?



With logic like ours, they must cut out their eyes and ears to be able to ignore the truth.


Jimmy Fallon is the best of the bunch. Not that I really watch any of them. Fallon just wants to be fun. But for some damn reason Colbert is beating him in the ratings now so they are making him trash on Trump to try to catch up. Sad really. He used to be the only one that wasnt political and when he was it wasn't in a mean way but more a joking way. But now he is taking sides. Even though he's still the least political of the whole bunch. And now Colbert literally starts every single show for months now with at least a 5 minute, most of the time more, segment on Trump. Like there's nothing else going on in America. I don't really watch but sometimes I skim through the titles on their YouTube channels so that's how I know what they are up to.

Go back to what?

Mark Dice is a ruthless ideologue who unwittingly supports Trump. He never reflects on Trump's mistakes, he constantly promotes him regardless of what he does. I'm not even anti-Trump, I voted for him, but this guy is a fucking moron. Even Stefan Molyjew made videos about Trumps flaws.

its about time we remove that F*CKING R*PIST from the white house, this isnt funny anymore. #wewantclinton

dis is y he dusnd envibe druppy guppies 2 his shoo

Thats because Mark Dice just makes catchy 3 minute long videos for conservative political entertainment . Example: Mark Dice here! Whooooaaahhhoooee look at the wacky things the libtaarrdds did today guys!! Wooawo I know crazy right! What will they do next!!!!

Nothing wrong with it. Just his thing.

Implying op goes to school

t. reddit users

You're a bunch of fags. Mark Dice pointing out every stupid shit that Trump would do would make him no better than a liberal. You people are sheep who thought Donald would 'save the country', here's something new, you should've voted because you agreed with that he said back then.

People who keep picking on Trump's mistakes may be right sometimes, but they're also the people that trash the ideals that got him elected.

Never forget: Fallon helped Trump's PR a bit while he was running. It was so fucking satisfying. Liberal tears ran endlessly.

It's so funny about that since Fallon gave both candidates a fair chance.

I can taste the asshurt from hereā€¦


Pretend both sides of the Armenian Genocide occurred? That's not how history is supposed to conducted. History is not meant to be neutral, of you want to be objective, you do so by revealing the FACTS and learning that it doesn't make sense to provide a platform for falsehoods.

what's funny is she's armenian herself

Is he getting fat?

She started dressing down because Cenk drunkenly groped her behind the set.