Rural France pledges to vote for Marine Le Pen as next president

The village of Brachay is a bastion of Front National support – and right behind Marine Le Pen as the country’s future leader

In the picturesque hamlet of Brachay, in scorching late summer heat, Marine Le Pen was preaching to the politically converted. “Marine, président”, they chanted. “On va gagner” (we’re going to win). A banner stretching the length of one of the stone buildings overlooking the village square read: “Marine: Save France.”

Le Pen’s stump speech was the most closely watched and significant campaign launch of la rentrée, the national return to work after the long summer holidays, and the leader of France’s far-right Front National was welcomed like a conquering hero.

Le Pen has been largely absent from the political scene for several weeks and has refrained from adding her 10 cents’ worth to the raging polemic over the burkini and rows about security following deadly attacks by Islamic fundamentalists, both fertile ground for her party.

In the meantime, the country’s governing Socialists and centre-right opposition Les Républicains have engaged in what one FN heavyweight described with schadenfreude as a “bloodbath, left and right”.

The Parti Socialiste is bitterly split and in turmoil over whether François Hollande, with his calamitous popularity ratings will, or indeed should, stand for a second term. The alternative, to stand down, would be unprecedented for a serving leader. Emmanuel Macron, the finance minister who resigned last week, might be the rabbit that the party pulls out of the hat, but he is disliked by the PS’s leftwing, which is fielding its own candidates. In any case, Macron has not said whether he will even throw his hat into the presidential ring.

On the right, things are scarcely more harmonious. The deadline for Les Républicains candidates is Friday, and already former president Nicolas Sarkozy, mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppé and former prime minister François Fillon have either announced they are standing or are expected to do so.

Amid this political free-for-all, Le Pen is trying to throw off the party’s divisive reputation and market herself as a politician above and beyond the fray of the same-old-same-old French elite: a new, unifying, patriotic force who will break the shackles of Europe, end “mass immigration” and give France back to the French. Her slogan is La France apaisée – a soothed France.


She was, she said grandly from a hastily constructed stage in Brachay’s main square, speaking for “a forgotten France, a France abandoned by the self-appointed elite who either don’t see it or view it with a kind of condescension”.

“They describe places like Brachay as la France profonde [deepest France]. I prefer to think of it as deeply patriotic France,” she said to more cheers.

“The presidential campaign that is opening is unlike any other. The coming eight months will decide the fate of our nation, not just for the five years to come, but much longer. Maybe even for ever.”

Brachay mayor Gérard Marchand had likened Le Pen’s appeal for his villagers – all 61 of them – to the popularity of the Beatles and there was a similar element of hero worship.

Even by the standards of rural France, Brachay is a backwater. The road to the pretty hamlet, 200 miles south-east of Paris in the newly created Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine region – renamed the Grand Est – a few kilometres from Colombey-les-deux-Eglises, where General Charles de Gaulle is buried, winds through gently rolling farmland for as far as the eye can see. Brachayens, as they call themselves, boosted by party supporters, some of whom had been bussed in, cheered and clapped wildly and waved the tricolor as Le Pen spoke and they jostled bad-temperedly with the media. Her speech was punctuated by cries of “it’s true”, “you’re right”, “that’s why we need you”. Reporters on the other hand, seen as being party to a political elite hostile to the FN, were branded collabos (collaborators).

One exchange between FN supporters and the Observer set the tone: “What are you writing, is that Arabic?”

“No, shorthand.”

“It looks like Arabic. Anyway, all journalists write lies and propaganda.”

Le Pen said she was happy to be among rural French people with real concerns in the real France, far from the salons and sophistication, what Le Pen calls the “brouhaha” of Paris.

These are people, the FN leader refers to almost poetically, as “the forgotten French”. They may not remember the last time, if ever, they saw a migrant in their midst and nobody has ever turned up in Brachay wearing a burkini. The European Agricultural Fund for rural development allocated €202m for the period 2014-2020 to the region. But Le Pen pledges to wrest sovereignty back from Europe, like the “courageous British who, despite dire warnings, chose their destiny”.

Brachay may be small, but it perfectly encapsulates the FN’s target audience and has become a totem in the party’s campaign. In the first round of the last presidential election in 2012, Le Pen won her highest score, 72% of the votes – 31 out of the 43 votes cast. Back then, the PS and the UMP, predecessor of Les Républicains, failed to get a single Brachay vote.

Marchand admitted there was very little crime in his village, and no foreigners, but there were cases of severe poverty “mostly among those who work and who earn less than those who don’t and get benefits”, he said.

If locals were angry with the press, it was because journalists had “come here, taken pictures of them washing their socks in the sink” and assumed they were all know-nothing country bumpkins, he explained.

Opinion polls suggest Le Pen could win 28-29% in the first round of the presidential election next year. It seems likely that, unless the PS can come up with a stronger candidate than Hollande, who is scraping the bottom of the popularity barrel, Le Pen will be up against a centre-right opposition candidate, most likely Juppé or Sarkozy in the second round.

That Le Pen will be there seems hardly to be in doubt. All of the last 38 opinion polls carried out in France suggest she will be in the second round.

Jérôme Fourquet, director of the opinion pollsters Ifop, said Le Pen’s discretion after the summer terrorist attacks in Nice and near Rouen had played well with the public.

“She hasn’t needed to speak out because the news, from Brexit to the attacks and on to the row over the burkini … have worked in her favour. There was no point in her spoiling this momentum with even tougher proposals,” Fourquet told Les Echos last week.

In Brachay, like many other communities in la France profonde, Le Pen has already said more than enough to gain their unwavering support.


Rural France counts for fuck all.

Paris will vote for a socialist, so will Brittany, the rest of France accounts for fucking nothing and won't weigh on it.


women with 3+ children are fine in my book because they are already mothers so won't waste their maternal instincts on the brown horde

Even if they manage to somehow vote her in power, it won't make much difference. She's a kosher nationalist, just like Trump.

Those women are just as susceptible to the indoctrination if they don't have a strong male leading them.

It's always funny to see the actual working class being against the left political party that claims to help the little worker, even farmers know they're full of shit.

reminder that urban/suburban life produces nothing but libcucks and sjws and that rural life is the true redpill

So no hope for France at all?

Are there groups in france who are armed should the democratic way fail?

I wonder how many people will actually bite on you trying to make this thread about Trump so that it becomes like all the others.

Yep, let me tell you what's going to happen next:
For myself, I hope you American vote MAGA, so you can redone your greencard system, then I will move to Colorado, linvin innawood with enough weed and ammo to happily end my life as a hermit, since there is no more hope for the human race.

She is socialist with national rethoric.

so a national socialist?

You have a mainstream Jewish party in France? That's fucked.

it's not exactly a party, more like a think-tank with access privilege to the media, miscegenated with a lobby group giving consultation privilege to the political class


Decade ago her father Jean-Marie already got into the second round. I don't think her PRcucking daughter will get such a vehement reaction. She'll still lose to Socialists voting for Sarkozy, or which ever jew is running as neocon, though

The world is a parody of itself.

Historically accurate at least i.e. Jeanne D'Arc.


Smart. Makes her not look like a buffoon. She's saving her ammo for bigger fish.


How delusional, no one likes the Britshits

pick one, faggot


not french but i remember this vid, from the dieudonne controversy.

Wrong. Once white women have a few children, they'd burn down the world for them.

Two friends of mine recently had kids. Their wives were previously ambivalent and resistant to guns respectively. Now they're both shooting and one couple has starting a fund to get her her own carry pistol.

Yeah, or drown them in the nearest lake.

Not even close. She is not for removing kebab, negros or Jews, and she is not for eugenism, for example.

But she is for leaving Europe, and terminate laws on hate speech. She will help moving the overton window.

Good goy

That's kinda the norm for them m8

That's if they don't vote yet again for that filthy kike Sarkosy.

It's more like the French equivalent of AIPAC than a political party.

The word is eugenics, m8. Eugenism sounds like a modern art movement started by someone named Eugene.

Don't be so hasty about severing your roots to your people and your homeland.

It's one of the major downsides to being a European American, one that I've only realized within the last couple years.

I feel no connection to the past. I'm part German, part Irish and part French but I can't speak any of those languages, don't know about my ancestors, don't know those countries' histories and have never set foot on those countries' soil.

I think it's one of the reasons that we Americans adopt the semi-ironic 'Murica Fuck Yeah attitude. For us, it has to feel like history started in 1776 because our most recent ancestors cut us off from the thousands of European history before that.

I'm jealous of you pure-bloods.

I can hardly imagine what it must feel like to be 100% French with two 100% French parents. Imagine being able to say my father was French, and his Father was French, and his Father, and so on.

It must be satisfying to be able to say: I was born in this land just as my father before me, and his father before him, and his father before him, and so on for untold generations.

Maybe you don't realize how special that is. Maybe it's one of those things where, tragically, the people who understand best what it means to have something are the people who don't have it. Like orphans.

Your link to the past and to your ancestors is precious — and once you give it up, you cannot get it back, and your descendants will never know what they are missing.

French mythology is moon based or female based. That is why they like women, feminism, and surrender.

How so?

Time to realize that there are no "European-Americans". There are only Americans, meaning those who are descended from European settlers but became something else entirely. That in itself is a legacy to be proud of. All of us here in North America can say that their recent ancestors tamed a whole fucking continent in under 300-ish years, and then made it the world's powerhouse. That's a huge achievement that rivals anything Yuropoors can boast of.

I can say that my two parents were French, and so were theirs, and so on and so forth. There is nothing but French in my family tree. I speak the language natively and it's what I use when I speak to my parents and my friends and the rest of the people around me.

Plot twist : nobody in my family has set a single foot in France in 400 years. I can't lay claim to that identity, so I don't. In fact, French law explicitly forbids the French in Canada from trying to claim French citizenship even as they give it to every nigger and sand nigger that sets one foot in France and all their babies.

I have always found amusing that English-speaking Canadians and Americans call people like me French, or better yet, "French-Canadian". I'm neither. I've never been in France, I don't behave like a Frenchman, I don't speak like one, and in fact I fucking can't stand them.

"French-Canadian" implies that there are multiple varieties of Canadians. There aren't. To imply that there are legitimizes the claim of browns and blacks to call themselves "Americans" and "Canadians", which is nonsense because the former came here to profit from our ancestors' painstaking labour without contributing anything to the collectivity and the latter were merely tools that have now gone out of control.

I recognize that by leaving the old continent, my ancestors created something else from what they were previously. We've always had a kind of inferiority complex because European civilization and history is older than ours. Why do we always look with longing to Europe even as we overtake them in everything? Isn't what we've built here good enough?

I always meet girls who want to go back to Europe. They aren't red-pilled enough to say it, but it's because it embodies white culture and history. America, however, embodies modern culture and rebellion. It seems a good amount of things that are "American" have been copied and distributed across the world, so you pretty much forget these things are American. The only things left that are 100% undeniably American have had the media associate these things with "poor dumb backwoods hicks" for years. One of the biggest things in American history, the wild west, was mostly a group of people trying to fend off Indians and Bandits in a lawless wasteland, unlike Europe where it was centuries of people demonstrating the peak of the entire world at the time.

It's white history vs being badass really.

I want to add that in last election to europarlament she broke right wing block cuz muh antisemitism and greatest ally. Her father should by ashemed - she is pandering to kikes who shit on him for exposing holohoax. She is conop, just like Wilders, Orban, Farage "I destroyed racist" and Kaczyński "Judaism is my religion too".

What's the problem here?




funnily enough petain was put in charge by the defeatist left wing government that didn't want to handle anything itself.

No matter what you say, she's still just a kosher "Nationalist". I want someone who will purge all shitskins and kikes out of my country, not some compromising jew lover. If you don't want a Nationalist country and are satisfied with the latter, that doesn't mean everyone else has to cheer for these so called "far-right" parties.

What are they supposed to do then? My country has an even bigger problem, we don't even have kosher nationalists here, but the real nationalists are irrelevant, the only ones who get into power are either a "left-wing" party or a "right-wing" party, both of which only care about syphoning as much money as they can from the population.
At least my country is still 99%+ white.

Not lower their guard and blindly follow every kike approved "Nationalist" that appears on tv. We need to realise the 14 words, everyone that isn't willing to do so, shouldn't be cheered as any kind of saviour.

In other words, wait… for… ????

Why do so many think I'm implying we should wait for anyone? Is that all you can do, just wait for someone to come and save your ass?
My point is that we shouldn't compromise or stop doing everything we can to make the coming struggle easier for us and our families and to ensure our survival.
These kosher "Nationalists" are not Nationalists because they have no intention of serving exclusively to the ethnic group of people they belong to. And they shouldn't be cheered on for this.
If anything, they should be called out on their compromising bullshit and be told that they are not Nationalists and that we want a Nationalist leader. Them being called 'far-right' by the ZOG media is doing damage on "our side" as well, because it gives an illusion that parties like FN represent Nationalist ideals and fight for what we want, which they clearly do not. The only current Nationalist political party (that I know of) in Europe is Golden Dawn.
Don't be satisfied with crumbs, that's all I'm saying.

Rural France is old France, and old vote France votes unlike sandniggers and young.
The biggest problem here is that boomers vote for cuckservatives instead of FN.
In fact we have the reverse problem of UK: the youth is quite redpilled but the old fucks have destroyed and keep destroy the country with their socialist delirim paid on the back of their children and grandchildren.

If I survive when SHTF I would make sure that my parent's generation (who made May 68) will be remembered are the most degenerate treacherous and stupid that ever lived in France, in fact I would gladly physically bully them.


Yeah, but compared to Paris and Brittany, it's fucking nothing. That's 20 million leftists in age to vote, and the total population is 63 million, 20% of which can't vote.

Do the math.

Fuck me, I thought "The nawtzees were left wing!" was for the Facebook alt-right

These things will take time. It's not 1933. Also her dad was 14/88, that's got to count for something.

I actually thought that was a joke, like "Anarchists Commies Liberals United".