New polls show Trump winning against Hillary in Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire, tied in Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine

New polls show Trump winning against Hillary in Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire, tied in Wisconsin, Michigan and Maine

Isn't this amazing? Not only does Trump just have to win the same states as Romney did + Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania to get a majority of electoral votes, he also has Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, New Hampshire, Maine and Nevada to fall back on. Even Colorado, Washington and some other states in the Northeast are in play.

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is this good? are these swing states or something?

i know new hampshire is talked about a lot as being important


He's close in Florida.

I mean Florida is considered to be a "swing state" but it's owned by Schultz who rigged the primaries and shit talked her own voters, but somehow still got elected anyway, and Rubio, one of the dumbest cucks in the game.

But even considering all of that he's still only a couple of points away from taking that. If he held another rally or did more campaigning there he'd probably take ANOTHER swing state.

Winsconsin, Michigan, and Maine aren't usually swingable. The others are.


Another poll shows him winning by 5 points in Iowa and losing by just 1 point in Virginia:

Yes, they're all swing states.

Where's the methodology?


It's especially good when you consider that internet Democrats were, just a few weeks ago, crowing that a couple of "red" states like North Carolina might go blue.

Well they're all pretty damn quiet now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Interesting how Hillary is portrayed with a smile while blue, cool lines are going across her face, indicating that she has a cool mind. And the mouth are red, as if she was a fiery speaker. Also ears directed at Trump are obscured, maybe she isn't listening to his words?

Trump is on the other hand completely opposite color wise with a menacing frown and partially censored mouth.

Hilarious how propaganda works.

As much as i hate Trump he is doing a far better Job then SHillary Clinton


back to leddit

Hey i gave Trump a compliment can't i stay plz :)

You just lost your shitposting privileges buddy. Lurk moar.

But those dubs..

shitpost after you watch this

Shit posting requires effort of which i have none

they don't really cover anything indepth on the methodology though which sets my kikedar off.

They're getting desperate.


You know it's going to be fucking amazing when the man is destroying rigged polls.

And if he loses?

Not an option.

CTR HQ is losing it.

Trump won't win New Hampshire, its just not going to happen. He will win the election more than likely though.

GWB won it once, and he has a stronger base there than Hillary based on the primaries.

Yeah but the primary-general election turnout exchange rate is %10 for every %3.75 for Republican, so if trump has a %15 higher turnout he only gets %4.25 higher turnout.


Of course they are losing it. It is getting harder and harder to pretend that Hillary is popular. Have you have met a Hillary supporter in real life? I haven't. I have friends who are liberal. I have friends who are Bernie supporters. I have yet to meet someone who outright supports Clinton.

They're very active online (Twitter, Plebbit, comments sections), which makes their presence look bigger than it actually is.

Nothing is certain you have to be open to the possibility

Anti-Trump = Anti-White

Fall in line or get gassed later on faggit

I'm an Eastern Europoor so my opinion doesn't matter that much on this one, but even though our (((news companies))) shill 24/7 for Clinton, nobody actually likes her, from people I've talked to who care about the US elections at least a little bit they either dislike both Clinton and Trump, but still think that Trump and think that Trump is the lesser of two evils, or they hope that Trump wins. Not once have I talked to anyone who has anything positive to say about Clinton.

Aussie TV (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) has been reporting that the Unstumpable has pushed ahead and is scoring at least a solid point up on the Crooked One.

This. Shit is hilarious. I honestly think that if Hillary continues to fall in the polls, her jew masters will kill her off and have Kaine be the frontrunner. I can honestly see that happening.

Fucking delicious.

I believe this is temporary to give credibility to their rigged polls.

And look at (((Nate Silver's))) predictions, which are heavily skewed. Even there, Trump has around 230 without Florida or Ohio.
If he takes both, it's over for Hijab-Hillary.

Trump's losing in the polls:

Trump is ahead in the polls:

I think the day be for the election I just have to not come to Holla Forums. Every time I see something that enrages me so much I decide I'm voting for Trump, I come here and you guys are posting retarded shit like this and I just can't bring myself to vote for him again. Then I go anywhere else and it makes me want to vote for him.

Reuters themselves stated that they changed their polling methodology. This change caused a sudden shift in favor of Hillary by 7+ points which other polls magically relayed as well. Many other people commented on how retarded it was that Reuters was doing, one long time pollster saying he had never seen such a thing done in decades. The reality is Trump is winning despite being given a handicap in the polls. If you still cannot understand this, then you are either a shill or an idiot. Either ways, you should kill yourself.

go cry somewhere else faggot

I'm angry this has not become common knowledge. The past month or so since Reuters made the change, all news and discussion of the polls just carried on like nothing happened.

And Trump still just goes ahead and wins, the absolute madman

And the worst part, for whatever reason, you had some news sites and some pollsters outright say that the change would help Hillary. Yet there is incredible ignorance about it. Hillary herself acts like that shit never happened. Maybe she bonked her head again.

Have there been any comparisons to the polls of the previous election? I assume Trump is doing way better than Romney.

Yeah, Michigan as is Maine isn't usually a swing state though so this bodes really well for Trump

Florida is Trump's 2nd home state so there is no doubt he'll win that

We think there is Skew in the polls but they no doubt represent trends, even if they change their methodology time and time again it still represents trends

Nate Silver did a thing where primary turnout gains and losses correspond to general turnout, the rule for republicans is for every %10 in the primary added to the turnout add 3.75 to general election turnout. So in open primaries on average turnout was up %60, so Trump might be looking at a %20 turnout over the democrats who have seen a %15 decline since 2008.

I have to wonder how low the turnout will be for Hillary since she is not a candidate that anyone outside of those looking for gibs and feminists can really feel passionate about.

You're going to see record votes for the Semitic (Both Kinds) Voters for her as well as non-legal and anchor baby family Mexicans though fully legal Mexicans will vote in droves against her

They're lazy as fuck, nothing will convince them to turn out

They're lazy but they think Trump is going to deport them so you'll see maybe a 12% rise over the usual rates, still low but it's going to happen
But yeah there isn't many groups where turnout will increase for Hillary unlike Trump

%12 of 8 percent isn't even a percentage point

I know, thats basically my point, you're only going to see a half point swing that Hillary or more Anti-Trump that gives agency to people who wouldn't vote while Trump and to a slightly lesser effect Anti-Hillary is going to see huge white male Turnout increases which is the 2nd biggest demographic only behind white females


She can still catch up.

Look at this CTR shill. Look at them and laugh. This is the beginning of the end for her.

Time to dress up like INS and walk around near the voting places.


Wtf I hate trump now

I doubt it's conscious propaganda so much as the artist had preconceived notions.

Hi CTR you can fuck off now kthxbye

Come on lad, you're getting paid good money. Put a little more effort into it.


Mich fag here
I know my stupid little burg has more hillary than trump signs.
But it was huge for bernie b4 that.
I think MI is on the cusp of 50-50 atm but we have a repub guv that has been filling negros in flint with lead.

That's it. Jewish people have convinced me. I'm now a #Cuck4Hillary

No, it's conscious.

Are you retarded? The point is that the polls are skewed towards Hillary and Trump is still beating her.


I legitimately didn't know that Wisconsin went blue normally. This is fucking insane.

Never give the enemy the benefit of the doubt.

They will not extent the same courtesy to you.

Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported. Reported.


8.5c has been directly deposited into your account. Thanks for Correcting The Record!

Have to be careful of this

Once the hillary backed media shows trump is winning in the "polls" just a bit. THEN YOU KNOW, they are fixing to rig the elections

that much is common sense


Hillary is in deep shit. Their strategy was to hide from everyone, because the more people know about her, the less they like her. And she's been in hiding, has polls and media skewed in her favor, and she's starting to lose. As the election draws closer, she's going to be able to hide less and less. I don't think she has much of a chance of winning. The media already did their full blitz to stop Trump months ago, and it didn't do anything in the long term. And it seems like media overplayed their hand, people trust them less than ever now.

I actually don't know what their next play will be, and usually I'm good at guessing. I'm starting to think that dropping Hillary and putting Bernie back in would at least give the Neocons and Neolibs a little control as opposed to what Trump will do to their agenda. And Bernie is the only one who really stands a chance at this point. Bernie is pretty anti-establishment, and it seems like that's the only type of candidate that's viable, but he's beta as fuck and would bend over for neolibs and neocons in a heartbeat. He just talks big but can't deliver shit. But voters fall for his bullshit.

They are probably throwing Trump supporters a bone to get them talking about polls and not talking about Hillary's issues, like health, leaks, etc. I imagine after the recent leaks blow over, Trump will magically go back to losing again.

This is actually a very good theory. It never crossed my mind. It makes sense since the other stuff are the things that hurt her the most. I think we should make a point to comment on the FBI revelations more since, unlike her health, Trump will talk about that so we can reinforce his talking points. Unlike Trump we can comment on her health as well.

Looks like this prediction is coming true. That's why she's barely campaigning compared to Trump. She knows she'll drop dead if she tries to keep up with his strength and stamina

True but i think they will give trump an illusion of winning for 2 reasons

1. if the elections are rigged they can say "NO THEY WERE NOT, LOOK HE WAS LEADING IN THE POLLS". Which gives a more realistic view for those that don't believe in conspiracy theories. Will just call trump a sore loser.

2. By allowing trump to look like he's going to win. It will hopefully keep those voters home. Since they will be like "meh, my vote won't count, look, everyone's going to vote trump anyways, he's a shoe in, so im staying home".

I hope neither works and trump stumps that fucking shillary.

Her staff just knows every public appearance for Hillary is an opportunity for her to look weak, slip, have a "stool" moment, etc. And they know no one wants her policies or ideas. She's basically a neo liberal stooge that's riding off of the Clinton name and being the first woman president. Every time she ends up in the public eye, there's some meme that's bad about her that spreads and people notice something is terribly wrong. I don't think she's sick enough to die soon. She's sick enough to make people extremely concerned and to draw attention. Her policies and ideas are shitty enough to turn a lot of people away. Hilllary's success plan depends on hiding from everyone, because any other move is bad.

What? If they make him win in the polls and he loses the election, it raises red flags to people. They're trying to distract from the leaks. That's always their goal, it's why the media covers leaks on days when people are usually busy with other things. Ideally, they'd want to make Hillary so far ahead in the polls that everyone just expects her to win. But they're doing their best to make that happen by fucking with the methodology and it's not enough. If they blatantly lied, they'd commit suicide.

I do agree a bit on the second one. It's a possibility. There's probably more than one reason why they're pushing this, though.

But shillary has to go into the lions den. that debate

I have no idea how they are going to tackle that one.

Seriously. As her coach i would say "just attack him, get him down to the elementary school style attacks he does"

I honestly don't know what she's going to do during the debate

I am not sure trump reads this site. Or those leaked emails. But he has hours and hours of ammunition.

Simply answer the questions of the debate chair and then side stepping it into some real evidence. She may not have to answer it. the only thing they can say is "stick to the questions" to trump. But if he sticks to his guns and all the evidence in 8ch that we have dug up. And keeps side stepping into that evidence.
what chance does hillary have. Absolutely nothing.


Not to mention that she's completely out of practice. Trump has been doing meeting after meeting, answering hard questions and toying with reporters.

She's done nothing. She has no experience answering any questions concerning this campaign and she's just going to jump straight into a one-on-one with Trump. She has no idea what to expect, and she's going to be helpless on stage for two hours. Standing.

She's going to get slaughtered.

Those polls are still being rigged in Hillary's favor, and you know it.

I'm suspicious that many of the reports of her alleged poor health might be coming from her campaign in an attempt to have her opponents underestimate her. If there are low expectations for her debate performance but she gives a mildly robust showing (isn't totally raped to death) then perhaps they think that could invigorate her campaign.

The polls are rigged, and you know it, schlomo.

Wisconsin is populated by Scandinavians. It's like a second Sweden.

You don't sabotage your own campaign by not giving a single 2016 press conference, arrive late to your own speeches, and spend extended periods of time in the bathroom just to play a game of psyops.

Or do you?

I don't now. Was just thinking of possible scenarios. This election has been so unusual it's difficult to analyze using previous elections as a guide.

I think she may be a different animal in a debate compared to the few shitty canned speeches she's given so far. Not doubting Trump's ability to crucify her at all - looking forward to watching it.

That fucking undead hag makes me nervous though, better stop before I get accused of concern trolling.

The debates are also "coincidentally" scheduled to occur during football matches.

For all cases, I sure hope some "russians" end up hacking the big screen in the stadium and redirect the streaming to stream the debates as they're happening.

first day on the job CTR faggot?