I've edged for 2 hours now and I'm so fucking horny. Please may I have permission to cum

I've edged for 2 hours now and I'm so fucking horny. Please may I have permission to cum

But I don't have a girl to cum in…

Please may I just cum normally?

edge a little longer, friend.


I'm so fucking close now! Please may I have one little orgasm?

Please change your mind, I can't hold it this long

this is your punishment for the low quality thread. weep and endure. this is the only way you'll learn your lesson.

May I set last stop rubbing?


May I at least stop rubbing?

Just one little orgasm. Please! I'm so fucking horny

you're incoherent and sloppy. best you focus on meeting that brink.



Don't be coy with me OP you little fuccboi, you better not have gone off and milked the cow without us.

There will be consequences if you let a single drop of cum spill from your cock.

im disappointed


If you've been hard for two hours, then go to doctor user.

More loli x monster pl0x

OP, you have three options.
1. Dry orgasm and free yourself
2. Follow the roulette in pic related
3. Never cum again
If you fail your dry orgasm, your next orgasm must follow the roulette. Enjoy yourself.