So, you red pilled a government agent

So, you red pilled a government agent

Just over 18 months ago I was assigned to monitor various online "hate groups". We had a working team of 6 with reports that were filed with the higher ups once a week or more urgently if there was an issue of pressing concern. Our teams focus was right wingers, radical nationalists and "white supremacists".

Over time you fucks red pilled me. I was entirely non political, as are most of the people monitoring this sort of thing, since they look for that. But now I'm 100% sure you guys are right about the Jews, it's totally undeniable once you've delved into this material for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for over a year.

I quit that job now, couldn't stand it any longer. I didn't come here to grandstand or do some faggy AMA, I just wanted to tell you guys that you're making huge, and I mean HUGE waves in the intelligence community. Although there's a lot of really clever people here, but let me tell you, you have no idea the scope and breadth of the impact this stuff is making, no fucking idea.

Use a VPN, it's not completely impossible to find you with a VPN, but it adds a layer of abstraction that makes all but the most serious threats (ie. "I'm going to bomb this thing tomorrow) less than worth logging.

Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome to the good side.

What about Tor?
Tell us more about the methods you'd use for surveillance and D&C

In the off chance you're not larping

Thanks for the hint, and welcome to Holla Forums.

On a sidenote, there was this guy some time ago, who tried to infiltrate a hategroup on behalf of a government agency, but ended up joinng them, taking over the country and crewating a superpower, i think his name was hitler.

Funnily enough, his group also initialy consisted of 7 people.

Do you believe in spiritual reincarnation, user?

Agree with this, tell us the ways of the intelligence agents OP

How the fuck do you work in intelligence and not know about the kikes and their influence on the cult of multiculturalism, "progressivism", de-industrialization through ecologism to kill the western world and feminism/SJW culture?

How interested in Holla Forums are SIS?

How the fuck do you hang around the chans and not know where sage goes?

The only way to enter an alphabet soup is by being an "Yes man", the reason behind bureoccrati innefficience is because gov is filled with yesmen who will do anything for their paychecks. user is probably one of the ones who came to Holla Forums and got detoxified, its not the first time, but its still rare and good when it happens.

No you aren't. Noone would actually out themselves if that were true. Your compatriots would see this and you would be at risk.

You're just a larping faggot.

the final redpill: Holla Forums is the jews, we are the illuminati

we will forever be hatching plans just to foil them

you can never leave

Eat shit you fucking faggot, you're as much of a government agent as I am.

You're only a faggot if you don't do an AMA.


Prove it faggot

I want to believe.

It's some faggot from reddit who wants to make us look like idiots, he's not a fucking government agent.

I'm wasn't on the technical side of things so I'm probably no more qualified to speak to matters of opsec than anyone else here, things are very compartmentalised in alphabet orgs.

As far as I know TOR makes it impossible to find you. VPN almost as good if it's non logging.

I think they know full well that no one here is going to go out and do a bombing or anything, they monitor it more to build an understanding of brewing social movements they can either shut down or co-opt.

And most of them, the higher ups, are not "in on it" either, they're just 50 year old analysts passing on reports.

I'm not charismatic enough. Strange feeling to know that Hitler was 100% right though, really strange feeling.

Like I said, apolitical.

When they intercept communiqué from ISIS followers they know that it means what it says it does(sans coded messages etc). Whatever it is that you're doing here has them pulling their hair out because they can't understand it and don't know how to counteract it or stop it.

I think it really reached a point of absurdity for me when I seen someone give a presentation on "Pepe the frog, a symbol of white supremacy". Then there were suggestions from some tech faggots of parsing social media accounts for the HEX colour of Pepe and logging them in "to check" for hate speech.

Sounds like bullshit, user.

Did you, or any on your colleages, tried to comprehend how memes work at all? Do you really think there's some obscure meaning? Do THEY think there is?


good thing nobody knows about the real white supremacist dog whistle, or else we'd be toast :DD


When you were hired, were you shown a copy of the SICP manual at the second interview?

[spoiler] I will fire you soon
-James. [/spoiler]



shoot yourself in the back of the head and seal yourself in a bodybag. Then post.


Your post may be just LARPing but if everything you say is true, it doesn't surprise me.

The majority of intelligence analyists of any nation will be ethnic nationals of those nations. Inteligence work is mostly tedious and thankless. Strip away the mystique of security clearance and duty to nation and country is the only real draw.

There's an international war on white people. If white people are tasked with monitoring their own people who are resisting this war, they're going to be exposed to the knowledge they're under attack. It will be in their face every hour of every day.

This is why I don't really fear surveillance by the Western intelligence community. You're under threat along with the rest of us. I'm even a blood relative of a deceased NSA analyst. Whichever side of Echelon or Thin Thread or Stellar Wind we're on, we're the same people.

I want you to know what I think about our struggle for survival. I want you to survive, too.

haha when will they ever learn

Little did the general know, our motives are our strenght. We cannot be defeated in the long run, no matter how hard thei try, its only a matter of time. Our motive is based on justice and truth, and you can run a universe witht them. The enemy would have to destroy the very fabric of realit to get rid of us.

not that they aren't trying, tho

Memes really are impenetrable for the majority of people because they just don't spend the time immersed in image boards. I also wonder if the fact that the focus in so much on the "right wing, nationalist, "white supremacist" element in their mind that, it blinds them to picking up on things that are wider image board culture. How else could you reach the conclusion that "pepe is a white supreme meme" unless you never seen a pepe posted on any other board because you never spent any time theere.

Too bad so many of the national security (((experts))) in the United States are staunchly anti-white and pro-interventionism.

This is true up until the moment they're attacked in some way, and they see a meme about it.


I think it's amazing that all these years people spent on message boards thinking they're wasting their lives shitposting actually came to have some real effect in the physical political world. You started off as Holla Forums tards and then went on to become members of a burgeoning intelligence group.

I want to believe.

Seems like CIA is very concerned about the enemies of israel.

SIS is MI6, SS is MI5, so in short, SIS doesn't care, SS does

welcome to current year ((user))

People stop being pro-intervention the moment they're under threat at home.

This guy is an exception. Most intelligence professionals aren't director of the CIA.

And even he will stop giving two shits about the Levant the moment his daughter is murdered by some dindu or mexican or muslim and the president tells him the real enemy is white nationalists.

As the demographics of our nations shift to suit globalists, there won't be any whites left untouched. It's mathematically inevitable.

It's also a fucking disgrace.

All corporate slaves will soon meet their fate. Not from us, but being cast aside by their higher ups. Job well done, useful idiots! There's not much hope for the ignorant masses, either. Judgment day awaits and people well above your pay grade are in sheer panic.





Fucking amateur

I don't how I should feel I possibly redpilled a government official in one of Nordic countries in which I may or may not live.

I've used VPN and proxy condoms after losing my newfag status in 2005.

Dubs confirm, and tbh, that's all the confirmation I need. There you have it, ladies and gentlemen: The director of the FBI, James Comey, just posted on Holla Forums.

Another 4chan thread I see







Africa would be decimated and the middle east at least crippled if the western world would just spend 5 years not exporting surplus foods to these places. that's it. that's all it would take and that's exactly why you see such massive shilling for African aid everywhere all the time.

The coming economic credit collapse which will dwarf 08, May give us a serious chance to shake things up, or maybe it'll just give Clinton a chance to further the long arm of government and no one will resist.

all this dubs, what is happening?


What a creepy, blood-thirsty psychopath.

I don't give a fuck here in Europe. If they imprison me I'll be a martyr then. But when they start jailing people for having conversations on Taiwanese niche site they will probably do it everywhere else too.

Glad you found the truth.

Please could you post some proof? Post a picture of your pay check.

Observe that there are no whites in The Simpsons, but there are blacks.

None of the characters have eye-coloring, nor do they have european skull features.

Have you started enjoying your psychological conditioning yet?


Why did`t you become an inside man?

He's thinking like a tactical officer. Nothing shocking, or even morally repugnant about it.

He just doesn't understand his own motives, and that there's nothing to gain from the settlement he thinks he wants. Nor will he ever get that settlement, because he's really seeking negotiated surrender of life.

He knows what tactics will work on overextended invaders, i.e. Soviets from fifty fucking years ago. But his enemies aren't invaders. They're natives struggling for survival of their homelands.

I remember talking to an Iranian national during the Iraq war. I asked him why Saddam didn't simply surrender in the face of overwhelming force. He said "None of you get it. He's a corrupt criminal but he's Iraqi. They'll all fight to the death because they have nowhere else to go."

What's going on with Marge here?


She had too much to drink in that episode. Sage for off-topic.

But how much?

Long before Holla Forums I had my suspicions that society was telling me lies and pressuring me to support things I long thought were immoral, and so on and so forth.

Thanks to Holla Forums though, I know I'm no longer alone.

And how many are monitoring groups that actually pose a danger? It's mind-boggling to me that our governments are wasting what little manpower they have on us.

The work I done wasn't glamorous. They had windows 7 on most computers and it was all very pedestrian. I was not some high level operative able to influence, even in the slightest, policy or glean any practically useful information for our cause.

If I had been I'd have stayed and tried to do something from within.

Because of other personal commitments I can't spend a lot of time on this as I assume you guys do. But you should know, the eye of Sauron bears upon you, you have no idea. In a thousand years there'll be eulogies written for you mad men.


Probably, but this thread is entertaining as fuck

it's bullshit but i believe it

I miss Saddam.

Why is your building a giant Doughnut?

Here's a hint for the VPNfags:

Suppose you know what you're doing well enough to choose a VPN provider that's not a honeypot.

Suppose you know what you're doing well enough to properly configure your system from firewall to network stack so that your real IP doesn't leak through a side channel.

Suppose you know enough about opsec that you don't ever do something stupid like allow the browser that you use on the VPN ever route traffic in the clear.

Suppose you figured out the best way to accomplish the above is by making judicious use of sandboxing/virtualization to keep your browser in a completely different OS image. Qubes

One of the biggest vulnerabilities left is a timing attack.

You can reduce the effectiveness of a timing attack by running a bittorrent seednode through the VPN at all times. Pick one of the VPN providers that will forward remote ports for your to make this more effective.

By constantly consuming bandwidth by an application that has natural variations, it will make the traffic bursts of you downloading an individual web pages more difficult to correlate.
Hey guys. I think I solved the kike issue. We just have to create pseudo currency, and the Abandoned-by-God golems will flock to it.

Can you post some kind of proof you're not just an elaborate LARPer?

I remember reading years ago that it's because it's harder to bomb or some shit.

VPN is no security against spy agencies and government, it's really just for bothering the police and making it near impossible for corporations to track you.

I actually think that the stuff Jewgle and Micro$hit are doing right now is worse than the NSA/GCHQ metadata garbage.

Also OP is a fag.

Nice embedded video faggot. You must be new

I ain't clicking on that shit.
That ain't

Tried to embed, faggot, but (((file already exists))).

They are. Sacrificing a few peasants in the altar of multiculturalism is of no danger to them. But a group who wants to remove them from power? That is an actual threat, but a very weak one. Don't forget they used to monitor every group (from the KKK to the Black Panthers) when it was hard to do so. Now that it's cheap they monitor imageboards for sure.
OP is bullshiting though, he already told us he was in a group of 6 and quit the position. That's enough for them to easily identify him.

Anyone got a link, I can't find it anywhere. the title really doesn't help.

Newfag. Choose a video and click "share this": wa-la, a link

Your coming has significance, initiate. Welcome to our ranks.

Do you still use Forest Warrior and browse with Jiles?
They stopped translating it from what I know.

Eulogies, you say?

Maybe he lied about the number of coworkers to conceal his identity. That's an inconsequential detail. Besides, with all of the LARPing that goes on here, they probably wouldn't be able to tell if it was a real story. It could be Pure Coincidence.

I want to believe!

hey guys I'm actually a CIA JIDF Reptilian, you redpilled me and my mothership. Let me tell you, on Agalon 7 you are making WAVES.

Powerless useless NEET confirmed.

Tell us more how people with actual power give a fuck about an image board of anonymous circlejerkers.

The world doesn't give a fuck about people who won't put their skin in the game.

The best part is

that's what the Jew can never understand, a passion for Truth even with no prospect of material gain, and in fact, certain material loss due to ostracisation.


Shitposters Sans Frontieres

Would not staying as a mole be the more patriotic thing to do?

Just because they are called "intelligence" does not mean they have any.


Your mundane technology and sterile minds is nothing before our Arcane Power!

So, easily influenced by Holla Forums propaganda. You're really quite worthless to us since you don't even question us, how can you question the wider wold and consensus shills?

OP may or may not be a faggot, but you most certainly are.

The black panthers et al are all revolutionary groups that operate in the real world in a kind of secrecy. The idea of infiltrating Holla Forums is laughable since it's all in the open on the public web and maybe IRC or some shit. You don't even need to register.

> not that they aren't trying, tho

Aaaaaand my noughty-nought dubs confirm: ==ZERO FUCKS ARE GIVEN BY TPTB ABOUT Holla Forums==

Reminder that Matt Groening is a Freemason.

So you're saying I shouldn't do this on the internuts?

LOL, when was the last time a right winger did a terrorist threat?
TOPKEK, we aren't stupid. We will do it when we have the numbers.

Also, grats on making it to the other side. ;D

you got it backwards moran


"used as"?

What the fuck are you bix nooding about, nigger?

The abbreviations are of specific Latin words which translate into specific English words.


welcome to the good side



The natural opposite of the Jew

i.e. = id est = that is
e.g. = exempli gratia = examples sake

This is the best thing I've seen in years :D

Kikewheels or whoever the fuck is in charge of this shitshow needs to ban jewtube and anyone who embeds it.
Even the thumbnails are direct from Jewgle - and they sure as shit aren't "redpilled".

Oh, I somehow missed this non-sequitur bullshit which is Jewtube too.

Webbum/mp4 or eat shit and die.

If you don't know how to .webm or .mp4 then simply follow this easy guide: drink bleach nigger.

When the libshits go full commie and U.S.NKVD jackboots go door to door rounding up the image board racists, you'll be safe in your basement, living anonymously through the collapse of your civilization and a silent witness to the death of your people.

Good job!

Cowards die a thousand deaths. Martyrs only once.

Get fucked.



Check dubs? is owned by google. it's one of their url shorteners

just wanted to check your quads

He died like a man. Surrounded by masked Shia militiamen and cellphones, he fucking made fun of them as they put the noose to him.

Nicely demonstrated that these faggots have no sense of humour. Or internet culture.
We were born into it. Molded by it.
Though I never expected that opening up Holla Forums in 2004/5 sent me on a road for the battle against the jews.
All I can say I will proudly boast to my grandkids on Mars that we defeated the jews and ushered a Golden Age with shitposting badly drawn frog memes on a Burmese rice milling forum.

Do they analise baneposting?

That's an Eton school tie..

I am an English teacher at a high school, how worried should I be?

It's the board owner that allows them, >>>Holla Forums doesn't have them for security and privacy concerns.

Back when HW was posting here regularly he said there was something in the works to cache their thumbnails and not hotlink to them. Whether he's still alive who knows.

This is true. I have redpilled my computer illiterate father over the last year, and it is much harder to teach him about meme culture than why we should gas the kikes race war now. I wouldn't even bother but he wants some nationalist radio/podcast to listen to and the most popular ones are 90% memes and completely incomprehensible to him.

What are the consequences of being a loudmouth here?

Do we eg. risk being barred from entering certain countries?

So is TOR actually secure unless they're monitoring an exit node?

I'm skeptical since it was a project born from US navy research.

This. Forget the James Bond stuff, folks, standard, everyday "intelligence" work is highly compartmentalized and mundane. Even middle managers usually don't have a real clue what's going on.

This user gets it. Both abreviations come from Latin.

Cancer. When I go for a serious docu I want the real stuff. Keep the memes to Holla Forums.

who gives a shit honestly

so i get locked up or killed for my beliefs? boo fucking hoo

we all die in the end anyway.

Hey, retard, the maximum file size is 8MB which only gives you short videos. I just had to compress a 4 minute video to 480x270 with an x264 average video bitrate of 176kbps and an AAC audio bitrate of 92kbps to get it to just a few K under 8MB.

powers beyond their capability that should be left alone if they don't want victims

That's no way to treat your old man.

You might have clinical depression.
I know that feel.

TELL ME ABOUT /bane/! WHY DO THEY POST THE BANE? Lot of loyalty for an unpaid shitposter.

False bravado. I want to see your face when you cower naked and drugged-up in an isolation cell where the lights never go out. They can make you do, feel and say things you never believed possible. This is hell. Death, ha! That's easy.

Holy shit XxX_Dark_Vengeance_XxX, don't cut yourself.

You might have your home broken into, furniture rearranged, lightswitches turned upside down, your cell phone stolen and physically assaulted in dark alleyways.

You're here forever.

Contribootin cause this is the thread for it:

I work for the gubmint, nothing like OP, just basic bitch stuff. Here are a few anecdotes from my adventures in spreading the gospel of Holla Forums:

I loaned a coworker, a staunch catholic guy in his thirties with a young family, my copies of The Bell Curve and Libido Dominandi. He told me he saw the (((SPLC))) article on it, and I responded that they find the both truth and genuine catholicism anti-semitic, they aren't to be trusted. I've also had many a conversation with this same coworker on degeneracy, liberals, globalists, and I have briefly mentioned the Talmud, and that they call us goyim. He seemed interested, but only a little bit at a time now.

An old lady who works security, also catholic.I have given her all of my ammo (tailored to a woman in her 60's) on the jews, freemasons, bix noods,and even taught her some of the lingo. She likes basketball american and dindu. Her response (we were in a closed room where no one else could hear us): I just call them niggers.

Another co-worker, mormon. I don't intend to teach this jovial fellow the truth regarding mormons, he will find it only if he seeks it. I have given him a plethora of hatefacts of bix noods, liberals, homos, and the like. He treats me as though I were a subject matter expert with perfect memory on this stuff (I have very good memory, yes, but a lot of it comes down to practicing/repetition)

Yet another coworker, young guy, small (manlet) but nice enough. I thought one day that I went too far with my HBD hatefacts, but he ate it up. Specifically those concerning genetic distance (hint hint; compare caucasoids/mongoloids to neanderthals, then compare to negroids) and that blacks have a shorter gestation period than whites. Like with all of these hatefacts, I add a spoonful of sugar to make them take easier, I'll say things like (DRRR-tier): "But just saying that there are significant biological differences between blacks and whites, even in intelligence, isnt making a value judgment. If anything, this is real diversity, this is how speciation occurs"

Another guy, older (early 50s I think), former cuckservative tier, a few years ago I helped slide him to a more libertarian point-of-view, as I myself was in the cocoon of Holla Forums, evolving, breaking free of the psychological barriers. Him and I have had many a long conversation, mostly just dicking around, but it invariably always goes to politics. He has been very receptive to a lot of Holla Forums-tier ideas; he is a very smart fellow as well, and has recognized, as most of us have, the nature of normies, which fosters a sort of elitism (I call it benevolent elitism) in the same vein that Evola wrote about.

I know of at least a dozen people in my office voting for trump, several of which I converted. I know of one confirmed hillary supporter, some old geezer who looks like he really loves prepping his wife's son TiDarious. It's also common knowledge that (((our greatest ally))) is a serious security threat, and having close ties (or even recent foreign travel there) is a big no-no.

This is in a liberal hell-hole filled with aging hippies, bix noods, and squat smelly mestizos. My point in all of this is: keep it up Holla Forums. I'm doing my part in evangelizing in public. The more like me, with zeal and passion, you bring on board, the faster we can turn the tide.

Endless summer.

This is OSINT, I should fucking hope so.

What's the colour of the back wall overhead when you enter Cheltenham HQ? Let's see if you're for real. I have an internal pic to release if you're telling the truth.

Why did you give up that job? Being paid to lurk Holla Forums is pretty decent as far as jobs go.

I'm N3kroL0rdd_88, but apart from this I stand by my words. Today they can really do fucked-up shit to you. Psychopharmacology, white rooms, sexual torture, humiliating and painful things, "trauma-based mind control". I mean 99.9% here will probably fly below the radar, but black-bag detention is no laughing matter. Very dark places.

Imagine baneposting becoming something like hermeticism, alchemy crossed with Morag Tong.
A group that kills by memes alone.

So OP is saying that the government tried making a fifth column on Holla Forums but instead we made a big fifth column in the intelligence community?

Let's hope a newly redpilled alphabet soup agent fucks over Hillary.

haha kys

That's where the second amendment comes into play.

You're pretty late to that one. It's happened already.

Assuming you aren't a larping faggot, and assuming we are actually making an impact on the elites and intelligence community, how long do you think before they attempt overt censorship or takeover? Have you heard anything about censorship or other nefarious plots or are we safe to shitpost for the forseeable future?


I use a VPN so feminists won't bother me and report me to the police. Anything beyond that gets special attention from FEYE

Call him a fag and tell him the only way to understand them is to lurk more.

I guess this is where Apple got the idea for its headquarters.

Need I remind you?
Lots of countries have wrong think laws.

In Merkel's Germany holocaust denial, or even questioning the alleged numbers/methods, is sedition.

Honestly that was the most successful operation to take back a meme from normalfags that we've ever done.

And now we know how to keep Reddit from stealing our memes in the future.

Shitposting sustains political campaigns so far, this is legit. However some fabulously wealthy people are influencing the contest which is democracy, as is their right, yet the end result is becoming a civil fucking war in Europe.

Very rich people would be wise to acknowledge this fundamental discrepancy before shit gets out of hand, since a nuclear hardened bunker is no place to hide, it is a place to die.

Yet it looks like a giant "nuke here" target for an ICBM.

any stories of failures?

You know some apparent dude who was claiming to be from the organization that created the Illuminati as a psyop to trick the European elites into thinking that the Revolutionary war was a fake revolution said something very interesting in one of his threads.

That the elite use esoteric symbolism as a means of communication amongst themselves much like we use esoteric memes to do the same. It really does seem to explain why the elite does all that faggy occult shit.

Only people who are very outspoken and become public figures generally get prosecuted under hate speech laws, not anonymous shitposters, and even then rthey aren't sent to "white rooms" and extensively tortured.

I'm not trying to defend these laws or practices, but realistically you have a better chance of getting arrested for pirating music than for posting on Holla Forums.

He had such a humble beginning as well.
Most furry comic stars don't make it past the inevitable vore chapter.

makes sense, i mself considered that for awhile now.

I am a regular guy who was once the focus of an alphabet letter investigation (about 2 yrs ago). I was never brought up on charges (the issue was drug related.. a friend got busted, and the local cops tried to turn it into a drug ring). Anyway, I discovered pol and my internet has noticeably become much slower since I have started visiting. Why should any agency care that I visit here? Why should they care that I occasionally post? If someone were to dox me, it doesn't much matter.. I can't get fired from my job for posting here. Someone explain this to me with no sarcasm or edgelord intent behind it.

My parents. Both liberal-leaning apolitical normies. It's a shame really, my father is quite intelligent, but it has lead him to hubris. My mother is completely a lost cause, pharma-jew, liquid-jew, electic-jew till the end of her days I suppose, living in a fantasy world. No amount of legitimate evidence can convince either, even NIH studies on HBD, or outright proof on the origins of leftism, sexual degeneracy, and the like They got the propaganda pretty bad in the seventies, I guess without siamese swap-meet sites, they had no avenue to the Truth, and leftism took hold. Surprisingly, my father has been slightly receptive to facts regarding le chosen people, but always reverts to a NAXALT position. One day Ill get him to read CoC… one day

In public, the failures are turned into successes. By getting the target emotional, and staying rational myself, to the audience I come out on top. The goal when debating the undebateable (normies/libs past the point of no return, mostly juden) is to utterly humiliate and shame them in front of an audience, let them make complete fools of themselves.

Because this site is painted as the darkest corner of the internet filled with pedos and murderers. Its not just anti gamergate media

I mean to say, I have very little clout. If I were to rant about Joos and if I found a way to PROVE the holoHOAX, so what? No one would listen to me. I'm a nobody.

All those people, driving every day to their expensive building, all for the purpose of monitoring pepe.

Funny how the few thousand of us are even worth mentioning next to the multi million user sites.

That's how you know we're doing good work here.

We're the most absurd revolutionaries to have existed and it's effective.

You're joking right?
All the muzzies released from guantanamo are multimillionaires now thanks to compensation payouts.
I think I could handle millions of dollars.

This is true, the surrealists were try-hards, we are much more natural and authentic in our absurdity.
It is the latest manifestation of the much envied Aryan Racial Creativity that has set us apart from the brown masses for thousands of years.

Active users is calculated by class B block.

The actual number is between 1 and 65536 times the given number. Not including lurkers.

Sounds legit to me. /OBVIOUSLY/ we're one of the most watched communities on the Internet. And they can't do shit because they can't figure out our intentions, methods, or why we like anime girls so much. WEAK MAGIC, folks. The 5 eyes intelligence community has weak magic.

The Gnostics knew about this shit 2000 years ago.

lol no

People use yik yak to whine about how lonely, horny, or sober they are.

LOL what do the ABC agencies intend to do once they've either hired or locked up everyone smart enough to add 2 and 2 and still get four?

I knew this board was gonna drawn in retards when it was on bbc news


Dont forget your here forever. :)

maybe NSA knows, should we kindly ask?

We're pretty open about all of those things.

I had no fucking idea my dad was into that stuff

I wonder will Holla Forums eventually evolve into pure occultism, that'd be pretty funny.

Also I miss when "this is a christian image board :^)" was still a meme before the retards started taking it seriously.

What you and I would consider playing a game wearing your heart on your sleeve, they consider being intentionally, willfully disobedient and abstruse.

Oh they're definitely watching the board. There can be no doubts about that. They watch everyone who's perceived to be 'extreme' in nature, and recent headlines have put Holla Forums toward the front.

I would hope that they're also watching BLM and the groups that are coordinating with them. A Communist group was directly involved with agitating the rioters in Milwaukee. Holla Forums, in contrast, mostly shitposts and orders the occasional pizza for people.

Yea, pretty crazy

House of Commons?

youre probably right but whatever

death i can handle but i dont think i would be a fan of torture

wtf i love politicians now

Holla Forums may as well already be pure occultism.

It's an obscure (occult +1) imageboard where people anonymously post (occult +1) a bunch of really weird pictures whose true significance isn't immediately discernible (occult +1).

That we regularly have threads about fringe topics only seals the deal.

I bet they don't even watch anime that we reference.

my dad was also a high ranking politician in my country. the progressive type.

I know that feel.

the last time I met him on the street he pretended he did not know me. he even told bystanders he did not know me at all. very convincing.

Thailand is a crazy place.

Being able to display whatever image you want automatically lowers banality

No, I doubt they do, and I doubt they'd get anything from it if they did. They've traded some part of their souls for wages; for dem bennies; and most of all, for /legitimacy./ I guess we're just the ones blessed - or cursed - to realize that all the legitimacy in the world still wouldn't be enough to silence the longing within our souls.

relevant webm

there are people who's job is analyze my shitposting

Even in his infancy, Pepe was too disgusting for furfags to make porn out of. A hidden strength.

Surely some folks here, or over on ½Holla Forums speak Japanese well enough to translate the rest? I would imagine that there are rogue translations available somewhere.

Soros funded, of course. Any diggable nuggets you can provide us on this?

you owe us
tell us something interesting we don't know yet

Don't play dumb, shithead

This, also what's all this 'you have no idea' falderol? Do please say more

The problem with many pol users is that when someone says intelligence they already assume Clandestine Service, but the majority of intelligence folks are desk jockeys.

I would predict by observation that a good number of NCS and SOFs are on both Pol''s.

At that, even if OP is larping, that is quite common among some guys that do OP's job. It is hard to refute the evidence after an year on Pol.

It's not like he came with mein kampf, animal farm is some shit you can choose to read in high school for your english class

>At a news conference Monday, Flynn said RevCom, as the group is also known, helped incite unrest within a group of activists who were otherwise protesting peacefully. Later, Flynn expressed general frustration at outside groups coming in to further their agendas at the expense of the community, as he described it.


Yes, and I'm sure the tabloid press wouldn't mind a politician telling his son to read the Protocols either.

Are you very, very new or just retarded?

Sage for hoax, then.

I self flagelate every day in the name of our LORD








Why are alphabet soups relying on JS- and correlation attacks to deanonymize people then? Are they just waiting to strike?

Do American schools still have kids read Animal Farm, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451? I'd kind have figured they would have done away with that sort of stuff and replaced it kikey shit like pics related.

I read all of those in missionary.

check'd and Heil'd

I had to read Night in high school. That book unintentionally red pilled me because of how ridiculous it is. We only read Animal Farm out of those and the only message drilled into our heads was "Communism = bad"



Basic income or Citizen dividend. What a headache!

can there be any doubt?

I was forced to make a group presentation about night with 3 fizzy haired mulattos as members for a homosexual catholic professor.
I only passed because he wanted to fuck me.

You made this exact fucking post in multiple other threads over the past few weeks, nigger.

You know that guy's full of self hatred. I suspect To Kill a Mockingbird is next on the school reading chopping block. After all, it goes against the feminist "Listen and Believe" mantra.

TOR is what made me a target. To add to my earlier post, I used TOR a few times, even visited a darknet market. After my close friend got arrested for selling drugs, the local cops wanted a drug ring bust instead of just my one friend.. the eff bee eye got involved (for RICO maybe? honestly, I still don't know what exactly was going on).. anyway, since my place of residence used TOR, one of the agencies (dressed as an employee of my internet provider) placed some type of box on the telephone pole that connected to my house. At the time, I didn't make the connection.. I simply thought an employee was working on the phone lines or whatever. Anyway, a few weeks later, agents started following me. EVERYWHERE, every day. Once I noticed that I being followed everywhere (was never alone on the road - even the dirt roads in rural areas) they stopped following me.. instead they would just *happen* to show up everywhere I went, always a few minutes after I got to my destination. At this time, I didn't know about sting ray trackers. Anyway, these fuckers followed me and intercepted my texts and calls for two weeks. I knew they were always there watching me, but I didn't know they had a device (sting ray) to intercept all my texts. To complicate things, I was a senior at a UNI and was tasked with helping students in our field. So I often had to meet up with, or pick up other students and drive around to conduct field work. To the eff bee eye, this must have LOOKED like I had a clientele. Anyway, after about two weeks of this, I confronted a fat ass agent in my school parking lot, told him I knew who he was, and he was wasting his time. He acted like he didn't hear me, but after that day, I haven't (confirmed) being followed or monitored since. Sorry for my newfag blog post (I'm not sorry).

true…..he who controls the exit nodes wins…and the real government ops know the truth
isn't that right "watcher"? remember they will come for us first, but you will next (or do you not read history?)

I had to read Night, Brave New World, and Animal Farm. Luckily I read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 on my own. Fahrenheit 451 is my favorite though.

I have always had a hunch that we've redpilled a huge number of spooks

Yup, libertarian 1776 was a damn good year beaner here. Jews got to get gassed, hanged, and in the oven, and I got to go back.

Totally redpilled. Still have a libertarian slant though. But I get fascism now.



Something else is going on too, IMO.

Deep State factions are grinding against each other. There's the Bushclinton Mafia, I don't know which alphabet agencies are exactly on board with them, probably CIA, and they do drug running, terrorism, all that sort of shit. Just got kratom banned because it helps opiate addicts avoid the Dragon.

Then there's another faction, who seems to have thrown its support behind Trump. They don't like this shit, probably more patriotic at heart, want to find a way to shut some of this drugs-guns-and-terrorism business down.

Dangerous times

test: am i still banned

I just want to say, that photo's been manipulated.

At first I was wondering why there weren't any red, blue, etc. cars and everything was just black and white - maybe a company policy?

But no, whoever took the photo also proceeded to edit the color out of the surrounding parking lots. It's not particularly noticeable as they tried to leave the trees and grass alone, but if you look at the beige tiled path around the building and follow it to the edges of the image, you'll see it turn greyscale.

Subtly manipulated image.

oh lad


Circles some places where it's obvious

Attention quintet teenager: the thread.

Tip: your grammar and diction are not up to scratch for British SS.

The problem is that we have codes, methods of speaking and information that can only be passed to someone that has been on here and understands us, aka Memes.

The longer one has been here, the less one of an initiate is and the more memes they understand. Older memes, memes that are on memes, memes that have older memes, are all, essentially codes for information.

Just as a computer has 1's and 0's, so do we have, absorb lots of information in just one image. That is how people are redpilled, through stats, information and graphics, quickly and informatively.

Therefore, one must spend a lot of time here to understand our memes for intelligence and therefore one must be exposed to a lot or all of our arguments. When one is exposed to these arguments, they can't but help but begin to question.

Once they question, then they begin to objectively see. And once they see, they know what to do. And that is the join our side, because what we preach is reductively true. The world, whether we know who or not, how or why, is ruled by a some international clique of Jewish Dynastic Banking families and has been ruled as such for 200 years now.

This is true.
Also a good way to spot imposters trying to blend in is that they overuse memes in a blind, brute force way. Because they don't really grasp the meaning.

No, what you do is simply put out cookie-crumbs all over the place at times, so they can't pin-point who and where you are.

And btw OP, you're a fucking moron or a liar. Now they know exactly who you are, you're the guy that was in their group but recently quit. Good luck with being on a watchlist now.

Memes should be treated as biological life. That's essentially what Dawkins implied when he coined the term anyways.

That means that only the successful memes reproduce - using our minds to do so. Creations like Pepe are successful for incomprehensible reasons, as they are like forms of life which have exploited naturally existing niches within the mental ecosystem. Naturally memes are going to have a tendency towards symbiotic relationships with the host as lethal memes will kill the host quite quickly, and I think this is partly why our memes are so successful compared to liberal memes - leftist memes are self-flagellating and self-destructive by nature, and so they eliminate themselves, their genes, and their memes.

(However, up until the point of self-destruction, leftist memes seem to have great success in spreading themselves. Possibly in part because they've never had actual competition in the wild for nigh on 50+ years and are promoted heavily by special interests)

As well, due to the diverse nature of the chans, memes that grow here become highly successful elsewhere. We're a competitive environment, natural selection is a lethal mistress to the poorly composed meme, so they must develop certain elements and traits if they're to be successful in spreading here, let alone elsewhere.

Chans are the forefront of memetic diversity and evolution, and it's made possible by the anonymous nature of this place.

Kek is with you.


Liberal memes are Ebola. Burn too quickly and rek their hosts. Conservative memes are mitochondria. A symbiotic lifeform that provides us with energy while in turn being intelligently propagated by a higher form of consciousness (ie: us)

Dude the lulz

I read Night, Things Fall Apart, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, Samurais Garden (GREAT book), The Color Of Water, some Maya Angelou book where describes a big black cock as feeling like a chicken wing (we were dying of laughter when we read that part aloud) and a fair mix of pozzed up and redpilled stuff.

I had a friend who was SUPER into Orwell and Philip K Dick so his paranoia and my distrust of authority really shaped who I am now

Teach me how to become a 3l33t hacker.

Are you having a giggle m8?
Yeah been on POL for years and years.

First they came for the kikes, I did not intervene because I`m not a filthy jew.
Then they came for the niggers, I did not intervene because I`m White.
Then they came for the mudshits, I did not intervene because fuck them.
And then there where no-more problems and we finally lived in peace and
proceeded to the start.

I do wonder what kind of a mind goes on Holla Forums and enjoys that fucking banana.

>"Yes! That's why this is so puzzling. A sane, rational man should know that the 6 million died in a handful of poisonous shower… rooms… in… hmm. You know, now that I say it out loud…"

I doubt anyone enjoys the banana. What they enjoy is making people sperg out about the banana.

Can we request that the greentext of all board be set to this?

Holla Forums: keeping America working since 2011.

Got any names we should know?

And I`m checking those trips for free.

I'll do my part and check those trips

Have you tried using software to clean up your computer, you have no idea what you collect after a few years of computer use.

That's actually a bit clever.

Current year +1

Next year (current year +2) is the year of the fire cock.

That's if you've never been tagged.

If not, you've become the bitch of Five Eyes. Because even if I nuke all my stuff I can't bring my family to do the same thing and also stop accessing social media (accessing social media profile will automatically deploy a payload to your new router), change e-mail etc, etc. They'll just brush it off and tell me to chill the fuck down.

We need a new geopolitical sphere in Asia without Five Eyes. Only One Eye, the slant eye.

it's because your government is doing something called "Deep packet inspection" on your line, its known to significantly slow down your connection.

The more knowledge they acquire the less it helps them, and the more it fucks with their minds. I mean, if you or I knew the /real/ figures on how many people were looking at goats fucking women or CP or watching Deash snuff shit over and over, we'd probably go crazy. They looked into the human mind and discovered what it's been all along…. and now what? What can they do about it?

I don't want to get off Mr.Bones Wild Ride.

I'm like 99.9999% sure the banana meme was just to get reactions out of the stupidest meme I've ever seen in my fucking life holy fuck

I think that's why it's successful, actually. It… triggers something. I fucking hate that meme. Nobody likes it, and I think that's why it got posted on Holla Forums so much.

Nobody minds being arrested for something they deem ridiculous and unlikely until they are behind bars. Take my word for it. 0/10 shitty times to be had.

They'll get a computer program to do it.

Congratulations, if you're here you'll be on a no-fly list in 20 years, not to discourage you but rather to make you ralize the danger of half-assing it in the face of danger.

Yes, please

The universe exists as an incomprehensibly absurd joke, I'm sure of it.

Every facet we shave away reveals a little more absurdity underneath.

Who could have ever predicted that this election would've been a cold-blooded heartless female psychopath backed by the most powerful internationalist jews being ruthlessly taken down by a bombastic billionaire and his army of frog-posting meme-spouting faggots who all live in their mother's basement.

These kinds of threads are perfect for delivering false information in a non-suspicious way.

Holla Forums is sometimes too gullible.

You're talking evidence that we're not gullible enough.

meh. I'm doubtful there will be commercial air travel in 20 years. We're topping peak resource consumption; peak population; and peak bullshit now. Good luck to them keeping their data centers humming when China won't take (((Federal Reserve Notes))) in exchange for goods and services anymore.

And if he says anything, the girls and the mother will mock him for "being an old fuddy-duddy."

It'll be more important for corrupt government officials to track and control citizens than it will be to to feed them.

Except/unless not feeding them threatens the officials existentially, as that's the only thing they really seem to care about.

Strago is that you?


There are a lot of dads working in the ABC-community, so if you wonder why we have influence far above our numbers, you now have a big part of the mystery.


Yes, several times over.

Could you briefly explain, and is there a way for me to confirm this is happening?

This was their coat of arms up until the 70s i believe. Notice anything?


There isnt one!

There's only like 7 basic colors to choose from m8, random guessing wouldn't have that bad a shot. I've won entire megamek matches on worse rolls.

Its pronounced HE-RE-FORD too! Not HERE-FORD Robert!


Wow, what a find! An eye symbol (universal symbol of observation/vigilance) on the insignia of an intelligence organisation!

What's funny is all the assrage in the IMDB forums for that film over that VERY thing, lol. Not sure if it's still there, but when I went there a few years ago, assblasted Brits were all over that place. Pretty funny.

Le x-files theme.wav

Hey chill, just an observation. Lots of triangles in it too.

No doubt just a coincidence

Just ribbing m8ey.
As for them being the "good guys", you might want to check out "Spycatcher" by Peter Wright.
Like our American cousins, as so rightly pointed out by McCarthy, our intelligence organisations were saturated with Soviet agents, often in top positions.

The British government actually banned this book.

(also an early example of Streisand effect)

Hey man, mulder is the way I always wanted to imagine the FBI really work


Yeah. Alas i'm old enough to remember it too, and the furore it caused. The banning probably made it a bestseller though!

I think our elites like communism though as it

1) reduceschance of peasants revolt (bread and circuses provided)
2) hobbles the aspirant middle class with high taxes/capped wages, so eliminating competition from below
3) gives absolute government control

so it doesn't surprise me that they would find it attractive

It's funny to see that one of the few things that transcends and more or less underpins ideology is Race, as shown by the Jewish bloodlines who run almost everything.

Still, he warned us, and we never listened.

That makes sense. I also wonder how much of a part being Jewish played. Cambridge was the main place of indoctrination but many of the key players/suspected conspirators named in Spycatcher sounded Jewish. It's been a while since I read it so I don't remember if their ethnicities were actually mentioned. The Jew instinctively knows that communism is good for Jews but gentiles need to be persuaded by appealing to their better (or worse) nature, utopia for the downtrodden etc. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Agree with that although useful idiots don't always see the racial element.

It's a good opportunity to red-pill lurkers but I do suspect that this is a Tor marketing thread.

Have you seen the prisons in Europe? It's nothing compared to the fucking rape zoos they call jails in the US.

I can speak for an ex-friend of mine that thought that the "Yee" meme was used for a codeword for CP or anything gore related, he only went to Holla Forums a couple of times, so he falls in the Holla Forumstard category. Most of the normalfags think that these images have a deeper meaning.

Varg explains how it's not so simple.

Yes. No doubt there is huge Jewish involvement in communism too.

Jewish elites would like communism even more than Anglo-elites due to its internationalism.

National Socialism and similar essentially is the revolt of the peasants and middle classes which is why huge efforts are put into dissuading us from going down that route.

With history written by the victors, who knows what exaggerations are taught about the last National Socialist regime?

It's pretty new for a coat of arms, like if they at a later date incorporated some church/religious intelligence network?

Really you don't know shit about how good they have it. I've done time and i would have loved the isolation compared to being mixed with the type of people who populate prisons. Having to sleep with one eye open because you never know when you can be jumped or robbed, you have to constantly watch what you say and do because everything travels fast and you never know if what you said will paint a target on your back, the guards are not to be relied on either because they barely do their job properly and anyway you'll get branded a snitch as soon as some nigger sees you interacting with them. And I'm not even mentioning what happens to those who are labeled punks or bitches.


Give me a 4mn yt video you can't webm. Waiting for the links.

Here's the first 3 chapters embeded in a zip archive, rename them to Mein Kampf Illustrated
Last chapter below


That's okay, I hate flies.


Install uMatrix or NoScript

git gud

Is there a way to request isolation? If I had to go down, I would prefer isolation/solitary, so as not to be raped by packs of feral niggers. I prefer not to interact with people, so as long as I could have books, I'd be fine.

try to inject spook jokes in your packets metadata and see if the men in black following you start to laught manically when you walk near?

user, that's because;


I said I managed to mp4 (I don't webm anymore because some people complain they can't watch webm on their mobiles) a 4 minute video but it had to be reduced in resolution and highly compressed to get it just under the 8MB limit. Try converting this video to a webm or mp4 file under 8MB. It's low res (although they've upscaled it) so it should be easy, right?



Try for thousands of years, mate.


Solitary means they put you in the shoe nearly 23 hours a day yet are mixed with others who asked for solitary (usually pedos) during shower time and the sole hour you get to roam the yard, if I remember correctly.



Satan doesn't miss a thing.

Way to completely ignore first hand reports from someone who has actually seen the system in question and the effects it has on people.
No one is saying that being raped or murdered is good, but solitary confinement is used as a punishment for a reason. Some people can handle it, most can't. After 5,10,15 years of solitary confinement there won't be anything left of a person who isn't of the personality type to deal with it. They will be completely psychologically destroyed. That's not "easy", it's psychological torture of the worst kind but yeah, you'd handle it no problem tough guy.

Forgot to mention that it means a loss of visitation and call privileges and I think you can't get shit from commissary either, pretty much the same treatment as the others who got thrown in solitary for acting like idiots. That's when guards do their jobs. Pedos getting murdered while in solitary because a guard turned a blind eye does happen.

As long as I could have all the books I wanted, that beats the fuck out of being put in with niggers, spics and white trash that just want to rape.

You don't get books in solitary. That would defeat the point of it as a punishment.

No we are fucking not. That is Africa gobbling up all the fruits of the white man's labor. If we stopped feeding the niggers billions of them will die out immediately and America's carrying capacity will skyrocket.

So why can't otherwise normal-prison be requested, you just are segregated from all the animals who assault and rape? Surely that has to exist?

Being assaulted/victimized/raped is part of the punishment in America. It's just accepted that you have to deal with it.

That is so fucked up. What the fuck is wrong with burgers? Shit.

This is logical to us but it's not set up that way for a reason. The best for all involved would be a form of segregation with voluntary social interaction in communal areas a few times a week.

But the terror, the rape, the murders are part of the vengeance factor. Most people think it's hilarious that men are raped in prison, especially women. It's a manifestation of a very dark side of "ordinary", "good" people.


I find living in complete isolation less hard on the psyche than being all the time on the edge and paranoid for the same amount of time. It's jail for fuck's sake, there has to be some form of punishment otherwise you'd have even more institutionalized fuck ups who keep getting in and out of it.

No books allowed in solitary, you can count the puke stains on your wall and your concrete bed if you want though.

It's things like this which remind you that although we share the same language (English) there are vast cultural differences between America and Europe.

Deprivation of liberty is meant to be the punishment. Not rape, assault, attempted murder and 24 hours a day terror.

That is true. Yet, there still is a part of the prison population, mostly in the north, who do petty crime once freed just so they can pass another winter in warmth opposed to staying homeless, like they do if released in the summer. This serves as a deterrent, even if a barbaric one.

His payload was at the end of his post:
Another attempt to pressurize/shame/motivate anons to show our faces and reveal our names for easier cataloguing.
This is your "alt-right" buddies at work.

Everybody knows it's all about the first two weeks of November. The French aristocracy thought they had everything well in hand, too, until they suddenly didn't. They think /we're/ the threat? I think the tens of millions of normies who've never heard of Holla Forums who see Trump as literally the last hope are the "threat."

At risk for what? I doubt "the others" give a fuck if some guy quit becuase he got redpilled on Jews/Israel. Half of them
Are Probaly redpilled on the JQ. They are just punching clock and collecting a paycheck.


I'll bet this bitch hates Watchman, because in it Tom the nigger was guilty as fuck.

Look at the shit show, now because he is gone. You need a ruthless criminal to rule in a land of crime. I think the west doesn't get that the world in other countries is like an other fucking planet.

They have no value, for what we do. They won't die for free-speech or fighting corruption. They die to install silence of speech, and to enrich themselves with corruption in the name of God. How insulting to their own God. I don't care, I just wish people lived in those countries so they would know it is 100% different. Nothing is remotely the same.

Now what do we get for getting our hands dirty in the middle east, calls for increasing violations against our freedom of speech our liberties to fight the evil terrorists. Patriot Act a bunch of other shit, a huge bill and for what!??!


It's not a secret that Jews run the show. It's not a secret that intelligence agencies monitor here.

i cant believe intel agencies are being paid to read my shitposts

hey agents, here's one for ya

Eyes on top of pyramids are just a coincidence, goy. Nothing to see here. Luminardy, LOL. xDDD


We need a Colonel Kurtz Irl…

What's your point? British government employees have to sign the official secrets act, which makes it a crime to discuss details of your work even after you quit or retire. Assuming OP's story is genuine, he is giving out information relating to MI5 surveillance targets. They would definitely want to figure out who it was and ensure that his loose lips stopped before anything further was revealed.

In other words, that is the answer to "what risk?"

The majority of Holla Forums would recoil in horror and call him a murderer. Breivik saw with crystalline clarity, what he had to do. Holla Forums's response?

Don't worry about your gay little oath. He's safe and sound, living in my basement…In the North Pole.

Yeah yeah, tits or GTFO.

Unless you can somehow prove you're for real then you're just another anonymous guy from somewhere.

wew lad
I could make a webm out of this, but it'll look like this hour long documentary.
I'll encode your video though. But just to keep a nice audio and video quality I'll have to cut it to about ~8mn long - 1MB/1minute. As my rules are to never go under 360p, never lower audio bitrate under 92k, and to keep the video bitrate as high as possible unless it's a podcast or a black screen.


Kill yourself tripfag


Speak for yourself. I'm a Gen-X homeowner.

No, we don't need a judeophile basket case-man child going around killing kids. We need an actual military genius to go rogue and fight the Jewish government.

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So, you said
And here we have a 8137426mb 360p 7:23mn 146k video.

I just got done reading Fahrenheit 451.
pretty good read, it was recommended by this 1488 girl I know.
Would hit it but she is a drug fiend

I'll expound further: a top notch intellectual miltary genius that really knew the deal. Like where the head of the snake is and how to eliminate it.

Not some Zionist goof ball listening to the Dark Knight Soundtrack in His head phones while he machine guns "leftist" white children.


Assuming you're telling the truth, welcome to the light OP.

If you're full of shit, well at least it's an entertaining bit of fiction.

OP is a cool guy either way.

this is just plain unwatchable
audio is just barely understandable, tin-cans-and-string phone
and the images are stretched 32 pixels wide at 1fps through dirty lenses

don't do this shit again

Exit nodes only matter if you are exiting the tor network. If you are browsing onions exit nodes never come into play

I see you and your fucking ID everywhere, what the fuck is up with you and your explosive autism?

He’s not telling the truth.

Honestly, it isn’t funny.

Whether OP is for real or not, it's definitely a TRUE STORY for some number of people here - ones smart enough to keep their mouths shut and stay behind seven boxies, I assume.

That's not the full 30 minute video. You said YouTube videos should be banned and my point is that you can't post long webm or mp4 videos, e.g. anywhere near 30 minutes, since you can't fit them into 8MB.

That's an awful lot of projection there user, who's to say we haven't already? Repeatedly…

Think long and hard about your assumptions about who we are.

I never said yt videos should be banned. read my posts.
I already linked an hour long documentary under max file size.
Thank you for correcting the record retard

why in the fuck do people take these LARP threads seriously?

listen retard, Rove was in Norway when that happened overseeing his little surveillance project and many locals saw way more than one shooter while they were rowing out to the island to save people. Every LEO was told to stand down and that order came from the top. They were all fucking parked across the water from the happening and waiting like cucks for the order to go in, which didn't come for over an hour. It was a shitty op, and Breivik as the "lone nut" was meant to discredit nationalism and introduce the rest of the world to the dreaded Islamophobia.


Pick one

so they let shooters get away or did they blackbag them?

apparently they got away

how easy it seems to subvert people, even without proofs

he's not a fucking paraplegic, he has brittle bone disease and can move his arms and legs fine. also his dick is normal sized so suck it

Your hour long documentary is an unwatchable blocky mess. There are many videos people post that would have text or diagrams that you just wouldn't be able to see in a video compressed like that.

he's also

I repeat, I never said that, read my posts. My first reply regarding yt videos, webm and mp4 was :
That's also my first post ITT.

I'm done with you, you're delusional, keep thinking the only possible way to post a webm/mp4 here is to encode it at 480x270 kek, 8MB, 4 minutes video, as I have demonstrated it's not true.

Here's a 360p 10:46minutes 8MB video.

t. hotwheels


the burger meme will never die

That's what we need. Fresh tavern-esque folk music about pol.

nah, just a loyal first exodus faggot. he's a good kid, i'm glad his life is enjoyable for him now.

part of their screening is for dissociative potentiality so their minds are compartmentalized. once that is shattered maybe we can get through to more of them.

Holla Forums is taken over by the shills. if you tell a big enough truth they will ban you for no reason.

whats the turnover rate for employees there? How many quit after realizing the truth or refusing to see it?

And they believe in meme magic and its powers as we do or do they simply view it as us being insane and autistic? This is very important that you answer to the best of your ability

proof of meme magic

Meme magic is real.

You're not the only one, although I'm not sure how law enforcement works in your specific country, many, many LEOs deeply agree with this place after some lurking despite expectations of the opposite, I can assure you that much. Admittedly I was supposed to be watching the 4chan one instead of here but I like it here better seeing how this place is "more orderly".

I've always been fascinated by flechette firing weapons. In fact for years I thought they were just sci-fi bullshit. Imagine my surprise when I found out they were actually real. Then imagine my disappointment when I found out they've never actually been released or made in any large number besides a few prototypes here and there.

caseless ammunition is cool as fuck too and might actually be a real thing at large in the next five or ten years

Go make some more reviews on Yelp faggot.


Tell me about peak oil again faggot. Tell me when that phrase was coined and what year.

I'll wait, while you remove the cocks from your mouth, stop taking pictures of food with your fat friends and perform a simple search to debunk something your homosexual 7th grade social studies teacher said to your fat gay ass in school yesterday.

Checked and Kek'd

How many barrels of light sweet crude was the USA producing in 1970?

Now we have to send Bathhouse Barry dick-in-hand to the princelings of Faggot Arabia to beg them to keep the taps flowing. And from what I hear, they're pumping 90%+ water out of their wells these days. Nobody is drilling under a kilometer of water in the Gulf for fucking fun dude

It's called the truth + chaos.

third. mods plz do this

I can believe it.

Holy shit I didn't know that. HAHAHAHA.

Uh, for the record, if anyone's keeping tabs on me, I totally hate 20-something redheads with big natural tits.


>"Well, when you put it that way…"


What do you think of National Action?
Do you think the future leader of Liberated Britain will be one of your intelligence people who were sent to infiltrate, but were instead converted?


About two weeks ago I spotted some suspicious activity out front of my house. Could've been a coincidence but I dunno. My gut tells me otherwise.

It's weird that anyone in law enforcement would follow me. I don't do anything illegal and I lead a pretty humdrum life.

Guess it's time to start fucking with the HEX color of Pepe memes.

you better be modifying "common propaganda" with some RW literature.


They will probably find a coalburner and then force you to watch her ride Tyrone's dick.

this one's better

I respect your quads, Satan, but why isn't that a red pill on his tongue?

On that note, has anybody been watching A Very Secret Service on Netflix? Massive lols if you can stand frogtalk

Honestly rare Pepe's are probably what fuck them up the least. What "makes" a pepe is often it's color and detailing and if you spin it it looks bizarre as fuck.

Really Pepe almost looks like a code if you don't know what it is. If you do a pepe resembling a person you may call something down on that person. If you change the color slightly you could change the tone of the subject. If you throw in another object to the picture you could change subject matter. You could probably hide entire messages quite easily in a pepe image WITHOUT using .zip's or what the fuck ever else.

Add to that the raw number of sites and users throwing them around and there would invariably be thousands of "innocent" versions of Pepe mixed in with coded "real" Pepe's.

That one meme is probably consuming some intelligence guy's life. Now that I've mentioned this someone probably thinks I'm telling the truth to fuck with them and now they'll need to check every single pepe on the internet in case it somehow contains info on drug deals or cheeze pizzas or darker, further meme's.

(Hail Satan)

Because anybody who wants to be redpilled should do LSD a time or two. If nothing else, to dispel the mystique.

analyze this image and try to find the secret orders FBI/NSA/CIA

Without the converting tool they can't see our super secret messages.


The best part is the more we call attention to it the more they have to question if it's real or not.

Are we bluffing? Are we serious? Is it just a few specific people? Are there multiple codes? If you find one was it a real guy or someone doing it after we said this as a joke? If it's a real guy how many other guys are there?

The only way to find out is to burn weeks of time and thousands in government dollars.

#148800 from Sri Lanka

Thanks for saying.

It's good to know that our hard work is paying off.

The more people we can reach, the better our chances of finally turning this thing around.

I know that for some people in the intelligence community, finding out the real purpose for your compartmentalization must be a real kick in the ass.

And to that, all I have to say is that we know that feel.

We are tired of seeing the world being torn to shreds for the profit margins of psychopaths, watching our families being murdered for their sick amusement, watching our childrens future being literally torn asunder to inflate the egos of lying, scheming, murderous douchebags who care nothing for the lives of others.

And more importantly, we are tired of seeing our institutions and governments corrupted, infiltrated, and basically brainwashed into turning against the very people these institutions were created to protect.

The red pill is a bitter one, as is any blunt truth that the world is darker and nastier than the media leads us to believe, and once you take it, it can bring great amounts of soul searching, and in some cases, severe depression… not just for the state of the world, but how we have been led astray from the truth by sugar coated fairy tales that are designed to disarm our sense of rationality.


Holla Forums is a containment board for people who do not believe the lies of the mainstream media, and those in power.

And for our hubris of disagreeing with them, or not believing their lies, we are pushed to the fringes of discussion, silenced, censored, scorned with contempt, shunned, blacklisted, hated, targeted, and attacked.

But the truth is a powerful agent, for a single truth, rightly uttered, can break all of the lies and conditioning that these so called "Elites" power rests upon, their edifices and pretenses of strength crumbling like the hollowed out shells that they are.

Their strength is an illusion, given power by the silent acquiescence and consent of those they draw their power FROM.

The truth is, WE have the power, we are the strength of the economy, we are the engine of societal progress and industrial advancement.

Those who seek to take power from others have no power of their own, and can only accumulate what they do not comprehend by deceiving others into stealing it FOR them.

And these self important narcissistic psychopaths have no conception of responsible use of power; for they would seek to destroy the very thing they prey upon, the very thing they need to survive.

The truth of the matter is, We don't need them, THEY need US.

And they know it.

They are desperately scared of being exposed, of being cast from the shadows into the light, lest their frail weaknesses be exposed to the world at large, their cruel selfishness, their inability to experience basic human compassion, or empathy.

Their only power stems from the efforts of those who believe their lies.

Smash the lies, and you smash their power… No human would willingly and knowingly participate in their own destruction, just to further the self centered goals of tyrants; which is why tyrants seek control over information, to trick the people into working for them based on the illusion that it is in their own self interest.

Compartmentalization is a double edged sword. it protects secret information, from both enemies and allies alike, leaving a gaping hole where deception can enter at will, unchecked and unopposed, the gatekeepers believing that they are doing what is right, by keeping the world at large(and indeed themselves) ignorant of the crimes of those who wish to control and eventually exterminate the populous.

It has been said before, that all that is required for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, and this is absolutely true.

What is also true, is how handicapped the individual is, when they falsely believe that Evil is good, and vice versa.


We have cast off the shackles of what is deemed by the media masters as "Politically Correct", for political correctness is just "Tyranny with manners", control of information with the ultimate goal of deceiving a population into killing itself.

We do not conform to social proof, we do not seek the approval of the (((Herd))), for we know it is controlled by the Butcher.

We are outcasts, our crime is that of seeking truth, standing up to bullies, opposing tyrants, and giving a damn about the survival of the species.

And so, we wield the most powerful weapon against tyrants the world has ever known… the unfiltered light of truth; they scatter like cockroaches from this piercing light, as if physically injured.

We do not fight for money, or power, or fame, or glory. We fight for Freedom, for Survival, for the right to live our own lives, and not be slaves to an inbred dynasty of clinically insane narcissists.

The red pill is the most bitter pill, because it shatters the comfortable illusions that are crafted to keep you in blind obedience, and shows you the true face of the world; that of a rabid predator hunting you and your children for sport.

Some say that taking the red pill is a horrible fate, their carefully built personality and ego's crashing down, painfully exposing the lie of it all, faced with the sad realization.

The Blue pill will kill you, it is a delicious poison.

No one wants to face a global tyranny that desires to murder them and their children, a tyranny whose designs would turn what remains of the human species into perpetual slaves, no more intelligent than cows or sheep.

But the tyranny exists, nonetheless, and if it is not faced, our fate is already sealed.

And so, we discuss, we dig, we ponder, and we think.

We raid the blue pill factories, and burn their inventories, replacing them with red pills.

We meme to the furthest corners of the internet, and human conciousness.

And occasionally, we find a like mind, one who takes the bitter salvation of the truth, and seeks to learn and fight for freedom and survival.

Our numbers grow, their numbers dwindle, their power evaporates like dew at the dawn of the day.

They may rage against us, they may threaten, and make examples of some of our brothers and sisters…

But we all know the stakes, and are not dissuaded from our cause, for we know that while they may be able to kill some of us; if we do not stop them, they WILL kill ALL of us, red pill and blue pill alike.

And we dream of a day when this hellish nightmare is finally over, when the tyranny of the censor and the midnight assassin are but distant memories. We dream of the day when we can live without fear of speaking our minds, without fear of being right when those in power are wrong.

Know that all who serve Truth, and oppose deception are our brethren.

Fill your pockets with as many of our red pills as you can carry, and take them to the people of the wastelands, we have work to do.

But always remember caution, for the ignorant servants of the enemy are everywhere, and their deceptions are legion.

They may call us the gutter of the internet, and this may even be true to some extent.

But it is better to be in a gutter with the filthy water, than wandering the deserts, dying of thirst.

So, Welcome to Holla Forums, and drink deeply of the putrescent waters of knowledge.

Holla Forums believes the lies of the MSM. You haven't noticed how things have changed here in the past few years?

Can confirm. I wouldn't be here today if I didn't.

That's like believing SJWism is actually being funded because Soros, et. al. actually care about "social justice". Like all globalist funded movements environmentalism or "ecologism" is just another way in which the elite class manipulates the masses into willingly calling for the New World Order. The end game of environmentalism is resource management (elite class control of all resources, and therefor all human behavior, above the level of national law and above the level of even monetary economics). You can see the beginnings of this with carbon tax/trade laws - a system by which the resource managers (the elite class) can punish, fine, etc., companies, nations, and eventually individual people, based on their use of "resources".

Environmentalism is not about destroying industry or modern ways of living. It's about taking absolute control of industry and thus absolute control of all human behavior.

And i will put on my wizzard hat and rope, and i will adjust my chair carefully and then i will move my chair really carefully towards to you with a certain dramatic gravitude and while i look into your eyes and i whisper gentely: "i know what you know and you know what i know."

Every time.

We dont fight for survival at all you stupid motherfucker. Because the fight for survival is just a distraction you fucking stupid dipshit. Because it is a matter of time management and focus. And if you get the illusion that you fight for survival you dont focus on the aqusition of boobanimals and money. And then since Holla Forums is not really generous you wont achieve shit at all. All the the hermaphordites spend more money and their sacred zoe quinn cows and other shit.
And to correct your vision a bit you use the mems wrong. I fill rather fill my pocket with titmeat and money. The redpill is always a matter of character and personality, that is the real redpill. Why do you think the government ducks like to use those personality tests, because your intelligence is just an indication of potency of your ability to live your general vectors of your shit. Just like leftists are selfdestructive and rightists are generally violent. It just determines the strengh and direction you go. Now if you analyzie them correctly the psyducks are really capable but lack width.

No, Jew don't

Do you?

And the legion is just as stupid as you are, the legion is a bunch of nihilistic fags that think they are really smug and "special". It is just like irony, they say everything with irony because irony is like nothing, So i larp being really racist because that is just some point i m apparently not but i m not anything either.
"Women are just inferior, niggers are stupid, thehehehe." But then again they made no statement just a negative. And the really intersting thing is that they are just like a bunch of riled up gamergazi redditors, passive aggressive ironic, because that is their method of conveying a statement that doesnt have the foundation to be a statement in itself, it is just a antistatement. And it is really amazing how everything falls into place, and it all comes down to group dynamics, identity politics intelligence, psychology, information and numbers.

IF i come for you, hell will be placent place.


Take a look at "Hydraulic Empire"

It is about how a top down control of an essential resource is used to gain total control over a civilization.

Same thing with the oil monopolies.

The whole carbon tax thing is a biting example of how the elites know for a fact that their oil is drying up, and they want to implement a global tax to take the place of their precious oil profits once the reserves are no longer economically feasible to extract.

The only one in this thread who is stupid, is you.

By the way, do you still beat your children?

Post the word "God" in this thread to prove you are not a jew.

I am not surprised. Welcome to the Holla Forums community and watch out for the shills and trolls. Don't waste your time on them because they aren't worth a shit anyway.

Yea, if this fag is right. I am not sure if I sure be relieved or disappointed.

On a brighter note.

How can I get the number of lists I am on. I wanna play nsa list bingo. You faggots are tight lipped as fuck and it tires me.


Technically they are your children, i just pumped my seed into your needy wife.

I fuck your mother like a god. I m a godlike motherfucker. Now ask herschel and shlomo for backup.

Go play with the little girls, little grill. I wonder how many characteristices that match a little 10year old girl. Spooky.

You should probably get tested then, I'm not married.

Spotted the jew, always claiming to be god.

Just a meme my lady. I tip my wizzard hat.

I'm a dude.

But do you know what i really wonder, i wonder what you know because i assume you just get a little script and a little insight knowledge. And you desperatly want to know what the other fags do, which dont know shit either. BUt that is probably what they put in your astrotrufing head, so you wont ask any questions.

I apologize my lady.

And, filtered.

Thanks for outing yourself.

but it supports dindus even though the dindu ended up getting shot.

But to rant a bit, you need more fat lesbians that introduce some nice little datamininung tools which are ultimately useless because you dont have any manpower to hold all that precious data.
Dat precious data.

Dat precious karma, dat holy wheel of goyim control. And all dat raging leftists that got a bit soft in their heads due to their psychological configuration.

Pro-Feminism advocates, calling men "Women" as an insult.


M8 I'm sorry but virtually everything you just said screams schizophrenia.

I'm just saying, watch yourself, and if you ever begin experiencing these symptoms again, get help.


They dont have that many alphabet friends. It is your autocompletion. That doesnt mean that they dont follow you, it is a matter of pattern recognition.

That isnt schizophrenia, it is just fucked up pattern recognition. Dont give stupid ill advice.

I hope so user, I really hope so…

Well, at least a eulogy to us as a whole considering we're semi-anonymous..

Unless the people of the future find our names/information.

My goodness you people are delusional.



Do be blunt, the psyducks and their offspring and their fat lesbians with all their datamining tools exactly count on that. It is like an exploit of the human psyche, you just need to know the configuration and then you trigger them like tumbler SJWs.

You wouldnt think that way if you would know jackshit at all. But keep on talking, newfriend.

Yeah. The revolution is definitely habbening from all this shitposting. Look, even a member of the CIA is now in our cause!

Race war!
Race war!

My advice for you is to lurk MOAR.


Are you triggered or why you talk that much shit? Does that trigger you? Pretty big leap from some circumstaincial tinfoil conversiation to race war race war.


You're assuming he's GCHQ because he used their logo. He's most likely from literally any other agency because of this.

Damn man, it is a fucking insanely weird feeling reading that third image and realizing it was me that posted it. Horrid spelling and grammar clenched it… still remember what was supposed to go in the the couple parts I missed adding in. Not sure what to make of being capped and paired with those other two epic's. Not sure I qualify w those classic user's. But thanks man. Bretty humbling somehow.

Reminds me of what my brother told of his time in Iraq. An officer of the now collapsing Iraqi army had a bunch of poorly (if at all) trained militia men and apparently all but the officer fucked off after a brief bit of fighting and the officer who was fairly fluent in English stated "My men may have valued their lives over the lively hood of Iraq but I will stand and die for my land, I won't surrender".

My brother slotted that fellow and took his pistol he later had taken from him, they wouldn't let him take it home.


I assume they stopped because of the revelations they were unveiling while they were translating and processing the work.

I do, but I've never done anything with typesetting or editing manga

Dude you fucked up.

We appreciate the status update, but we already knew we were being monitored and we already know we are redpilling anyone that sticks with us for any length of time.

So when are these agencies going to start hiring us to take down the kikes fucking up their governments or do we just have to keep kicking their dick in the dirt?

It's about time the SIS got wise to the kikes, tbh fam

what all books do the american kids have to read?
just curious - books do shape up how we perceive things.

of course communism is the end game.

of course they'll force the west to give up their young sons to fight against that very same communism.

of course they literally control the eastern "opposition" as well.

of course, everything that has a society-wide influence is all made-up-for-herding-the-sheeple bullshit [religions, economy, education, politics]

of course hating the niggers [and everyone else] doesn't make you "redpilled", it just makes you so bluepilled that you literally fell for their divide and conquer tactics.

of course everyone else is equally bluepilled and will probably do to you [and worse] as you'd do to them.

of course we are already done for. enjoy your years here, and hpe for an easy and quick death.

hint: redefininggod

if you knew where the gold comes from

so, where is it?


wow, you are a idiot. why don't you do us a favor and awaken your brain all over the wall.

add in now

after you, bro.

I want a computer system that can MAYsure the Midwestern accent of that narrator.

I would TRAYsure such data. It would give me great PLAYsure.

They have been used in combat over time but not in huge numbers. They are used in anti-personnel munitions by artillery, helicopters and sometimes tanks.


user that gave me a strange feeling of sadness and respect for that man.

caseless ammo are quite old, and they won't be more widespread than they are because they have serious drawbacks
the explosive compound is unprotected and needs to be stored very carefuly, protected from bumps, heat, chemical agression, etc
the lack of a casing means that the heat generated is transferred entierely to the weapon instead of being mostly ejected, which means that continuous fire will destroy the weapon by morphing it into a molten blob of steel containing unexploded caseless ammo
which is a bad idea to have against your cheek and try to aim through

they are useful in fast-rearming guns to fire an extremely short volley of 3 bullets because they can be sniped and fire so fast that the last shot is fired before the 1st one's recoil can significantly alter the aim, that means a devastating triple impact on target, very lethal, can be more efficient than equivalent calibers against armored glass
but it's not significantly more useful than a larger sniper rifle

forgive me for posting this link, but is this a threat against Trump?

it then follows up with

then it rambles on about muh pols

if you watch it, look how he keeps his eyes shut when talking.

reading the comments gave me cancer and now i'm feeling sad. this will be my only post (1), going to lay down and get some sleep. ill be back

what is the government going to do? send round a squad of rabbis?

Even amongst the lowly there are those with honor the likes of which is rarely matched yet again honor like that is a rare thing, at least in these days it seems.

What the elites say in private and what they say in public, don't correspond, so the public discourse doesn't really matter much from their POV..

What they forget, is that we don't need to understand more than how we should beat them, so that the real opinions of the elites are kind of irrelevant.

To be more technical, Dawkins described in terms of logic the possible and statistically probable ways that a "self replicating entity" would act. Most of his analysis was on the self replicating DNA molecules, but he pointed out that memes fit the axiomatic definition of "self replicating entity" and so any logical deductions about those entities applies just as much to memes as they do to DNA.

Remember that at it's heart, evolution is just probability applied to reproduction.

Dear all,

If they shut this place down and other places like this, where anyone can shitpost to their heart's content, IT IS FUCKING ON.

Our worst fears will be confirmed, democracy has failed, our laws are void, there will be riots and wars and unimaginable bloodshed and once the dust settles those who brought this about will be dragged out of their bunkers into a brave new world that will be so grotesque that it will defy the meaning of ==REEEEEEEEEEEE==

I protest!

It was needed. The demise of 4chan cemented the reality of what Holla Forums had been saying for years. It had invaded and permeated the entire site and was spreading to the entire web the 'problematic truth' of what was going on. So obviously it was going to be targeted.
But their actions did not get rid of the root of the problem. Infact, their actions were feeding the exact disease they wanted to extinguish. It proved to all watching; an vast number of people by any respect; that what Holla Forums had been speaking of was real and true. It in essence metastasized Holla Forums.
Before the forced breakdown of halfchans Holla Forums. You would go to other sites and see a small handful of like minded people similar to us as the meme's bled into other comments. It was even growing in some small measure as the last couple years were progressing. But when the great floods of shit happened and then the blatant attempted subjugation of Holla Forums by outside forces it gave the green light to all whom posted and lurked to go ahead and break ties to the 'safe space' of like minded poltards.
But the thing about red pills, you can never go back to the blue pill. You only get one choice. And while the blue pilled can at any time take the red, once the red is taken, only more red pills await. For when you know something so fundamental, not spreading the pill yourself to others becomes impossible.
So while this site is again another /po/, an condensed center of sorts. It is a fraction of its size on halfchan. The majority of this site tho it wholly Holla Forums, even our leftypol is pretty damned pol compared to other places leftists normally get to see. We just have other boards like /npol/ and /vpol/ and /kpol/. Just variation of the overall collective of Holla Forums. So we here seem to be a highly condensed focus of red pilled faggots, but the majority of our brethren are spread across the net to every conceivable corner. They shut down comment sections by the score to hide what we have become now.
Our brothers, have taken this message of the redpill with them. With their every post showing the path of light and truth. Thru them, another Holla Forumsack is born on the long path of enlightenment, even if they have never been to our respective boards. And in turn, as they have traveled down this hard path and learn of the depth of the rabbit hole, they spread the light unto others.
We here are so old and salty that we can easily miss the reality of our situation. Once we seemed to be a small cabal of hardened seamen sailing on a small stormy ocean of shit and piss, attacked on all fronts at all times, and nary an safe harbor to be seen, no friendly faces anywhere beyond our boat. Today, if you stop fighting the ever blowing winds and lashing out against the rain of jew media, hold back a moment against the roiling waves of this corrupt system. You would be able to see all around you, from horizon to horizon, an vast flotilla of ships and boats, some tiny, some massive war ships all fighting the same fight. And each and every one of them filled with crusty old salt stained warriors cursing the furies and daring our enemies to strike us down so that we may have just one chance to tear out their throats with our teeth. And each and every one of us are refusing to stop sailing forward into the gail. All laughing in the face of the power of the gods themselves, forcing our little ships of Holla Forums forward no matter the odds with the power of meme's, truth and sheer utter contempt.
We are by far stronger now, than we ever were before while lashed to our only safe harbor. We have defied the old gods themselves, and brought forth our own gods spawned in our image from the very depths of our willpower and unrepentant wit. We are on the move user. The storm our enemies have brought to bear against us, has done nothing but hidden the marching of our brethren.
You should thank them should you ever meet them in battle. For without them, we could very well have lost this war. Now? They have ensured nothing they do can stop our win. Thank them should you see them, and then utterly crush their souls into the eternal dark from whence they came.
We are Holla Forums.



It's not that much different on other side of the planet. If you compare his crimes to say McCain's or Hillary's you'd need like 10 ropes for each.
They just don't have same jewish media coverage.

They don't follow me anymore.. this was two years ago.

Thank you for your free diagnosis, doctor. This was not message board related.. I was being investigated because my lifelong friend was arrested for selling drugs. They kept his cellphone for over a month, and (I assume) checked up on everyone he had text conversations with. They looked extra hard at me, because of my use of TOR.
Then, when they saw me meeting up with people almost every day, they made sure to follow me every day, and so on..

A small town law enforcement agency, with lots of new toys, and no big fish to fry will definitely sting ray your location, simply because they can.

Paranoia can make you imagine all kinds of things that are not true. I know this.. but I did not imagine being followed everywhere. I certainly didn't imagine my picture being taken every time I met up with a freshman to assist with their projects, for two weeks straight.

Believe me; or don't. It makes no difference to me if you use TOR.

blaming jews for everything is a symptom of intelligence? really?

And here I am analyzing your shitposting accurately for fucking free.


FBI pls relax. No one cares that you are springing out. Enjoy the shitpost.

lol, or you could look at his fucking twitter.

And that's what they don't understand about us either. Whites are being genocided, what's the alternative? Roll over and die like we're being asked to? Fucking why? May as well go out in a blaze of glory when the time comes. Literally nothing to lose.

This is correct. I couldn't remember the actual latin, but i.e. definitely means "that is" and "e.g." roughly translates to "for example".

intelligence in the sense of spying, sniffing, espionage


capped again user

You don't read much, do you?

Doesn't sound like bullshit to me, user. Hexadecimal color codes are part of HTML spec, and easy to automate the finding of in software. Sounds like you've never bothered to view the HTML source of a page.

I don't know why I'm even surprised by this. PRAISE KEK.

It's the Panopticon concept. Look it up on Wikipedia.

This. The problem with quitting is that you've now lost your access to what's going on there. Assuming OP isn't just LARPing, we now have to wait for another mole to find out how things are going inside the intelligence circles.

Partly. But more importantly, we're creating it.

Tor is not entirely secure. That much is known. But it really does help, if you use it properly. Nothing is entirely secure, you always have to be careful.

That's a psychological battle. There are ways to become mostly immune to it. For example, I sleep with the lights on anyway. The most important skill to have is to be able to mentally "switch off", and ignore all physical sensation. You can learn how to do it. It's no different to meditation.

I've been subjected to it before. The lights aren't a problem. The loud, repetetive "music" wasn't a problem. The drugs did not have the intended effect (they actually made it easier for me to stay "switched off") so they stopped giving me them very quickly. The physical beatings they use very sparingly, surprisingly. They mostly do try to avoid doing permanent damage physically, it's considered unprofessional because it ruins plausible deniability that you've been mistreated.

The things that WILL get to you (and you need to give no outward indication that it does get to you) are things like the lack of any breeze or being able to feel any air circulation. Not being able to see the sky or any trees, grass, etc. (No nature at all, purely artificial environment)
I spend 99% of my time indoors anyway, so those were unexpected to miss.
Isolation is no problem in the sense of not having anyone else to talk/interact with. You just carry on conversations and interactions in your head with whoever you want.

It's all true. MKUltra never stopped, they just moved it all into differently named projects before officially closing MKUltra.
The good news is that it's much, much less effective on INT* personality types and anyone "on the spectrum" as they like to call it.

Half correct, but it's not "class B" (20-bit address), it's /16 blocks in CIDR notation (Actually "class C" in classful).

You're right. The shill saying it's just schizophrenia probably works for law enforcement. If you want more info on how these things work, you should read The Intercept.

Check'd. Well spotted, user.

To make voiding oaths easier

I haven't been there in a while, looks like the little guy has been very busy

We only needed to know that any pro-white organization we created, would be targeted for infiltration and destruction, to make any information on how they infiltrate orgs, irrelevant.

Excellent bait. It complements us, and incites us to waste time giving (((you))) congratulations, or giving advice as you "seniors".

Eh, something like 6 or 7 replies would've been more believable.

I try my best to promote critical thinking in my class and avoid indoctrination.

when people think everything happens because of a single factor, it becomes impossible for them to understand memes

Dude, we told you, not on this board. Just on the other one. I hope I don't have to say this again, pic-related. Capice?

Greentext must be this green


We are at the precipice of victory. Another year like 2016 with Holla Forums left unchecked and it is all over for those in power around the globe.

This is why they are pulling all the stops with the internet. They can't challenge us when their ammunition is bullshit in the face of our overwhelming truth with a massive dose of reality signaling a coming onslaught.

Breitbeart and fucking alex jones aren't what they are really scared of. They can kill or discredit a few people and organizations. They cant handle the horde.

I know I'm probably late to quip in, but I'd like to answer this because it's important to understand that leftist memes are so proliferated right now because they control the medians of info dispersal, as we hunker in our bunker injecting our memes where there is space or not, success or not through brute force are forcing an existential conversation both with in and with out our selves that not only affects our thinking but our society and ultimately the meta of our civilization. Through the years they have done every thing to stop us even before we were a glimmer in our fathers nut, they have had inplace systems to sort people ala brave new world unbeknownst to the sorted e.g G473 prog, the leftist dominated education system is the sum root of their power, the media is it's main trunk and the branches social media where every one takes what they learn to kikebook, plebbit, 4cuck and the leaves our very own self doubts blotting out the sun.

In the 8th grade we learned about ostracization, and my class decided to fuck it why not, my parents were moderately successful and ignorant of jews when we moved to the district and the social stigma of being a german kid surrounded by kikes was fucking horrible, at other schools it was no problem I was well liked by all. Any ways the early dose of jew hatred made me really confused until I found Holla Forums and it became clear the true nature of the problem. The jews neurotic tendencies run so deep that the kike librarian organized the desks into swastikas unknowingly and it was a huge deal.

How ever most people never have the same level of interaction that I did with (((them))) and go about their lives never having to think about it, never being directly affected until it's to late to do any thing about it.

How ever things have gone awry for them, magic is on our side they never anticipated us getting this far with unraveling their bull shit and gaining this much traction.

underrated imo

While eliminating crippling defects with eugenics is one thing, I have to consider what happens at the end of the slippery slope when the floodgates for eugenics and genetic engineering both open up at once.
I find myself wanting to argue against it as a concern troll but I can't find any arguments to use that don't revolve around muh diversity and I know it's not going to matter what I try to argue because people are going to do what they are inclined to.
I mean basically we'll have literal flying imps and ghouls and dragons and all that sort of shit once the technology is perfected. We already have orcs and (((elves))) and hexadecaroon semen demons, so why the fuck not? And who's going to stop (((the free market)))? Not you, with your non-standing non-army, that's for sure.

I think the most important thing about this thread though is the noting of color #148800, that shit is based af. Based GCHQ analyst who found it. Based former GCHQ analyst who relayed it to us. Digits go out to my racist nazi frogs on the other side of the pond for finding my standard-defined favorite color.

Also Mossad has been shilling on the chans for a long time, since the days of w4ch, back before nikita got pozzed and was Holla Forums before Holla Forums became Holla Forums.

We do a lot of fighting, that is when they don't have their kike mods banning me for BTFOing some audacious kike in a pissing contest. Fucking kikes can't handle the bantz.

Don't forget our weaponized autism.

this tbh

Holla Forums is the one place i can vent. take that away and i'll have to vent from the rooftops

Nice Dubs.

Have a dank red pill or two.

As much as they want to remove all of the smart goy from the gene pool, they see a potential for profit…

So they extract every good, profitable idea from their brains until they are dried out husks, and leave them to die.


She said that she hacked into the truth machine.



Do you have a machine that tells you "The Truth"?

Do you destroy the lives of your own citizens because of what it tells you?

it looks like they flipped the script on you.


Yeah, I'd say this picture is fairly accurate.

That was God's message to Marvin. The implication was the message is particular to the viewer.

Wow, that's funny…

I read that book like, 4 times, and I never saw anything about this implication that you speak of.

Trillian even quoted it, before all of the diodes on marvins left side died from being 3 times older than the universe itself.

Anyone with half a brain who comes here will end up redpilled if they stick around long enough. No exceptions.

well done good sir, I actually literally groaned after reading(literally, as written)

In three hundred years.

hory shey, that's genius, and amphibious car!

GCHQ is full of mudniggers. Enter the website and see for yourself.

we're already on the watchlist, we're lolcows for their l33t hax0z0rs.

Is mudniggers some GCHQ-slang for muds?

Dunno. But there's a lot of kebab there.

I would have a life, but for your shitposting.



All according to keikaku.

Prior Marine here. There's nothing you can't hack if you put your mind to it–such as demoralizing the board–by the way, stop.

Nice dubs, but what the fuck is that shit? Seems like some disgusting SJW faggotry.

You asked for a lot worse than being observed, m8–being unprepared is asking for death.

I've always lived in America and pronounced it He-re-ford, because that's how it's written–in ENGLISH. I don't know why the fuck burgerclaps are so retarded.


Not always. You can always get too far ahead of the unit. I ran into some trouble before for promoting and pointing out the problems with christ insanity. I was just too far ahead of the pack. They relaxed that shit later (thankfully). If you get too far ahead of the curve, they will call you a shill because they don't know any better. Just keep pointing it out if you're the first one.

submitted request to ron