Found some shit on a russian image board, chucked it in google translate and this came out:

Found some shit on a russian image board, chucked it in google translate and this came out:
"I wrote some kind of shit, but then 4 cigarettes smoked out for one reception weathered, the foulness of my head disappeared after them, and I deleted everything.Nolch, send greetings from the Cape of Good Hope and Evil Change! I telegram under cover of night from a smuggled telegraph that I carried to my crypt, and again I swear that I have not forgotten you. Truly, I am chasing a cape with this name! Wait for me - I'll be back soon, because the candle has already half burned."
What do you think this means?

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you just post it in Russian? I might shed some more light on the issue

Написал какую-то хуйню, но потом 4 выкуренные за один приём сигареты выветрились, дурь из головы выветрилась вслед за ними, и я всё удалил.
Н0льч, шлю привет с мыса Доброй Надежды и Злых Перемен! Телеграфирую под покровом ночи с контрабандного телеграфа, что пронёс я в свой склеп, и вновь клянусь, что я тебя не забыл. Воистину я борозжу мыс с таким названием! Жди меня - я скоро вернусь, ведь свеча уже наполовину догорела.

It came with this pic

детского порно

Why are you browsing Russian imageboards if you don't speak Russian at all, дурак?

you mean
сырную пиццу?

Your new home

Would get removed by mods

Thats a good question


Публикация - это то, что важно


I'm just going to copypaste your OP and fill out the gaps/correct what google translate got wrong

"I wrote a bunch of shit, but 4 smokes in a single session later the cigarettes wore off, and with them, so did the tar inside of my head, and I deleted everything (from my head).

user, I send you greetings from the Cape of Good Hope and Evil Changes! I photograph under the cover of night with a contraband (smuggled) phone, that I carried to my crypt, and once again I swear that I have not forgotten you.
Truly, I am chasing a dead end with such a name! Wait for me - I'll be back soon, because the candle has already half burned."

Is what I could make of it. My Russian might not be perfect but I'm fairly good at it and I speak it well

Sorry for redditspacing, didn't realise

You 1st then

i bet you torrented all that sweet russian cp
Russian lolis are the best :)

torfags don't get ID:000000 anymore :(



If quads Dysnomia steps down AGAIN

What a weird post. He was OP too, not replying to anything



Twice now have quads demanded Dysnomia steps down. TWICE.

All deez nigs keep making me use google translate


I see some lyrical references (Cape of Good Hope and Evil Changes for example) and it's generally a bit esoteric. basically, the OP is complaining about his lack of inspiration in a final prose. People generally urge him to write further but as you said, he doesn't reply anymore.

Трахать тебя негр :)

My Little Pony


Мне это не понравилось

Post something better then

Ничего не поделаешь…

Они бодрствуют

The mods? No сырную пиццу then


Больше не хочу.



Трезвый пьяному не товарищ .

Отличная пицца. Вот твой приз. Редкая сталкер.

Который достаточно сумасшедший, чтобы опубликовать его





whelp, bullet. My bad


Это как же?↓


What's this

Прекратить говорить по-русски



To a drunk person, a sober guy is not a good friend. (Sober people are no fun when you're drunk and vice-versa)


Я это делаю?

Ответ отрицательный.




Третьим будешь?
сидеть на стакане 

Ну давай разберем по частям тобою написанное…

так да

Прошай разум, встретимся завтра!

Don't be a pussy
