Why, user?

fuck off goon

I know you're baiting, but I'll use the excuse to bump.

I'm a wizard brudder

So true, user.

I go out of my way to attack white knights when they start cucking for 3DPD on the Internet

Same here


Contrary to common belief white knights actually get puss quite regularly. Whilst you hate filled trolls wallow in misery under your bridge I'm regularly chatting with smart, attractive women over the internet and all of those relationships were the end result of "whiteknighting".

The white knight is actually a romantic figure that women lust after from a historical perspective, he is a strapping warrior who dashes into battle to save young maidens. You thinking that is a bad thing says more about you than it does about "white knights".

Pic relatedo, your insult is actually a compliment. Why wouldn't I want to be compared with this badass?


He's not a bad ass, user. I'll refer you back here
Read this meme. Also, you're admitting that the only objective is pussy, which reveals hypocrisy behind being a white knight.

This thread is gay. Post more Freddit Breddit memes

I hope you all get deported from the face of the earth

I am a white knight because women deserve respect


Nice dub-dubs.

I am not actually a white knight but still think women deserve respect

Women deserve to be bound in chains and beaten publicly when they get out of line.


Alright, have fun fantasizing while chad plows your mother xDDDDDDD

Remember remember, the 5th of November


Chad won't have a roasty to fuck if my other possible goal is realized. If Women can't be enslaved, the we replace them with technology and burn every one of them to death.

Do you happen to be a white knight cuck, user?

Kek. Shush now.

I feel kinda bad for white knights. It is a depressingly pathetic existence they live. I respect women, but just the same as I do anyone I encounter.

You are the male counterpart to a feminazi. Congrats.


Say it with me people!
Crawl back to Holla Forums buzzword spouting troll!

Nice projection there, are you from Holla Forums by any chance? I think we all know the answer to that already…

So why do you feel sorry for us kid? I have dozens of hot chucks on tap to chat whenever I feel like it and despite what you may think I get pussy regularly. Keep projecting though kid, your latent misogyny and hatred for women just leads to me getting more pussy. Sucks too be you.


Too transparent, user.

Pick one only

Feminazis are backed by emotion. I am backed by cold logic and reason.




Tried being black knight. Too many flesh wounds.


Granted, not all of MPs stuff is gold but I like this one.

I think Holla Forums is pretty miserable. I fucking have politics and avoid them like the plague. I have never seen a white knight who was dripping in bitches is what I was saying. They've all been fat neckbeards. I can tell be you repeatedly referring to me as 'kid' that you're upset. Chill nigga.

Same here.

I'll take one of Farleys SNL skits any day.




Mom said I can as long as it doesnt interfere with my grades.

Bumping just to troll you.

So do men. But women do not respect men, so we must stand up for ourselves. White knights do nothing but further female supremacy. All I want is to be treated as an equal, but our gynocentric and misandrist society won't do that.

Let's see what the post says.
No buzzwords whatsoever. The closest it gets is cuck, but in that case, it perfectly describes you as someone who works against their own self interest. White knight isn't a buzzword, it's someone who pretends to be chivalrous and "defend" women from words, really only acting as servants to the vaginal overlord in the hopes that their superiors (as they see women to be) will treat them with even an ounce of respect, which they won't.

me? Yeah man, I'm angry now

Same. I don't feel better than anyone for something I was born as nor do I think I should be demonized for the same thing.

"Deserve" is a strong word. People don't deserve anything until they show that they do. They don't simply merit it for existing.

This is becoming a huge problem with all the self entitled shit bags running around making up genders.

If you defend a woman's honor shes guaranteed to want to make children with you, thus 'white knighting' is a foolproof method of guaranteeing yourself progeny to carry on your great name. Theres no need to thank me for this advice, I'm simply doing my duty.

Angry enough to reply, you white knight cuck.

True, user. The purpose of this thread is self-improvement. By being a white knight, men hold themselves back, not to mention, they do a disservice to all men by claiming such characteristics are virtuous.

They do a disservice to all men by propping up a system designed to keep them as a hated servant class. White Knights are just Uncle Toms for a different demographic.

What if you are whiteknighting an anti feminist woman who is being swarmed by women? Checkmate.

How so? How is having a harem of beautiful women who look up to me as a knightly protector and chat with me regularly holding myself back?

It is virtuous. There is literally nothing wrong with defending a woman's honour and you will get pussy, when other women realise what you are you will have your pick of them.

You are the real cuck. Cuck.

White knights don't do that. As the antifeminist woman is sticking up for men, he sees her as the Uncle Tom and therefore an enemy that must be destroyed.

You're the one who is not just hoping for, but working for vaginas that are instead being filled with other men's semen.

Citation needed.

I cam with hot chicks all the time and nine times put of ten it is a result of my "whiteknighting". Plenty of them have said they want to meet me IRL too so it will eventually be my semen filling their vaginas.

Find me one example. I can find many examples of antifeminist women getting shit on by feminists regardless of gender, and getting real threats on their lives. And I don't mean "he disagreed with me on the internet! That's a death threat!" I mean feminists kill their dogs and leave them on their front porch, while you faggots do nothing. Antifeminist women have it better than men, but still much worse than feminist women or simply silent women.

Seriously, how old are you? This is the most immature comment I've come across all day. You being a cuck aside, aren't you a bit old to consider yourself a knightly protector of women in modern society?

So women demand respect? Then why do they hardly fuck with men who respect them, they need whiteknight fags like you to respect them for their own personal gain and when you gave them enough attention and pushed their ego a bit they will go right back to some guy who doesn't really "respect" them to have hot steamy sex because he turns her on while you sit on your ass and probably fell in love with some whore who doesn't give a shit about you and doesn't get turned on by you as well.

Women are for making and raising children. If your society uses them for anything else, it's likely dying.

You think you're being alpha but all you're really doing is encouraging a society to allow women to be parasites who never have to work for anything. It is men getting the short end of the stick by never getting to see their kids because they're actually working all day so they can send their paycheck to the wife to spend. Life as a woman in your ideal society is a luxury NEET life. Life as a man in your society requires working and not actually getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

That's the best post I've ever seen.

Then you're a white knight cuck that wants to continue to encourage women to be NEETS so that you can serve them.

Stop with the MGTOW shit. Get a wife, get her pregnant, and have her raise your children. My wife's pregnant and my genes will exist 100 years from now, what about you?

From my experiences, white knights are only interested in protecting women from men. I think the reason behind this is that they hate men more than they care about women, and it's even possible that they don't care for them at all. They're out to destroy other men in hope that they'll get laid in the process; and, on top of all of this, they've been culturally indoctrinated that women are the more valuable gender. I think it's as simple as that.

You mean Chad's genes will exist 100 years from now. Have fun paying for his kids, cuck.

Oh but maybe you had a DNA test and you're one of the lucky few whose wife didn't cheat (or at least happened to get pregnant while fucking you instead of while fucking Chad). Well then have fun having your kids taken by her when she gets bored of you and realizes that she can still take your whole paycheck even after she divorces you. Have fun never being able to see those kids except maybe on weekends, in a public place, supervised by a social worker as if you're gonna molest them the second you're alone with them, all because your wife claimed in the divorce that she was "afraid of you" for some vague, unspecified reason. Just be thankful she didn't send you to jail, because it's not like any proof is needed in the case of a sex crime or any crime accused by a woman. You'd better not do anything to piss her off, though, because that option is still on the table.

Actually, what did I say about DNA tests and shit? That's really irrelevant, because instinct will make you love those kids even if they are Chad's, and losing them will still hurt. Also, them being Chad's doesn't mean you don't have to continue giving 200% of your monthly income to your ex-wife, so she can spend it on everything except the kids.

Well women are good and men are evil, so when a woman speaks out against the gynocracy, it short circuits the white knight's brain and he either tries to justify it by claiming she's actually a tranny, or just shuts down during that particular episode and waits for the next one. Unless a woman he actually knows urges him on, then he'll just side with the pussy that he feels is most accessible. Except of course it's too full of Chad's cock to be accessible to him.

Yes, because he is incapable of actually forming his own opinions. He generally just shuts down.

Out of curiosity, what gender are you, user, if you don't mind me asking?

Unfortunately, male. If I was female, I wouldn't be such an outcast as to end up on a laotian hieroglyph imageboard. I'd be out getting filled in all holes right now, while also using the opportunity to tell at least three more people about how society is rigged in favor of women.

True. I figured you were but just asked to be sure.