So, I'm torn. Should I roll my own blog engine, or use Pelican? I want to make a very simple web1.0-esque blog...

So, I'm torn. Should I roll my own blog engine, or use Pelican? I want to make a very simple web1.0-esque blog. Mostly HTML, a little CSS, and zero javascript.

It seems like using Pelican and learning Jinai would be somewhat easier, but I'm not convinced.

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The real question is should you blog in the first place?

Roll hugo with your own theme, it's easy and configurable.

It wouldn't be very traditional. I'd also use it as kind of my own antisocial bookmarking site.

I was looking at hugo, but its written in node.js, which I am not a fan of.

False. It's made entirely in go.

That's not much of an improvement, but now I'm wondering which one I was looking at was written in node.js.

>antisocial bookmarking site
have you considered using a webbrowser? Most of these things come with build-in bookmarking features

Golang is awesome I have a small penis and encourage you to choose Go for your next project.

I was thinking along these lines:

I have been using Pelican, it's pretty nice. There really isn't much to learn about Jinja (you only need to concern yourself with the documentation for designers, not for developers). Pelican itself can be a fight if you are trying to do weird things, but if all you want is a blog with a few static pages ("about" and its kin) it's pretty nice. You can also use one of the existing themes if you don't want to roll your own, but those can come with their own baggage. I wrote mine myself because I needed more control.

One nice thing about Jinja is that it is being used by other Python frameworks as well, so you get to pick up a useful skill along the way.

Why do you even need a "framework"/platform/"engine"/[buzzword] for a simple website?

All you need are a simple http server and some simple html/css files. Just use a text editor. And maybe some shell scripts to make things easier.

That will work well for a handful of pages, but once you want to have some common order like categories or period archives or you want all pages to share the same infrastructure, you will need something to automate the process. Plus, with Pelican and other generators you don't have to write your blog posts in HTML, you can use reStructuredText or Markdown.

That's where the shell scripts come in. Those are all basic word processing problems that were solved in the late 60's. Every POSIX conform OS comes with all the tools you need for those tasks, right out off the box. Even you Android phone still has all the old word processing tool under the hood.

Make your own fucking engine, this is not even a question. It's too simple not to do it and you can make it specifically for what you want. You will spend MORE energy and time trying to learn an already made framework that didn't have your specific goals in mind, it will be bloated or missing the features that you need, likely both.

Forgot to add: I'll allow you to use a templating engine (e.g. Jinja) because that's usually simple and well-thought out enough so that it's not working against you as much, and it's the only part where it's less work (way less) to use an already existing one than rolling you own.
Write your content in markdown, put metadata (e.g. yaml frontmatter) at the top, then write a script that builds a nice static website from that. After that you just edit/add content and run the script. You can easily fine-tune things as you go so that it works exactly as you want it to.

Don't bother with all that shit for now; work on your content, not your blog system. Just have a makefile convert rST or markdown files from one directory into html files in another, or something simple like that.

When you actually have enough content that you need more structure, then you can start enhancing the build system, or switch to pelican.

That is true. I developed 17 different blog engines by now and I still have no website or any actual content written at all because I have nothing interesting to say.

Go-go-gadget Gopher!

OP here, Thanks for the input. I'll probably go with Hugo. It'll be a few days until I get started. I'm exceptionally busy these days.

What is this from?

old tech tv shit
probably attack of the show
if you want a better answer you can use reverse image search to fucking figure it out yourself

I downloaded it off Holla Forums. I just flow with the memes. I don't worry how old or fresh they are. I don't worry about their original source. I just bend like a reed in the wind.

58k lines of code.

That's not hugo, that's huge.

Why would you use this when you can write your own in like half an hour?

this is her now.

That works fine as long as your needs are sufficiently small. As your needs grow you will find yourself adding more and more code to it, eventually replacing shell scripts with another language until you end up with your own fully fledged NIH static site generator. Might as well save yourself the hassle and use an existing one.

Incredible what SocJus does to people, it's like watching a cult. I don't get it, who looks into the mirror in the morning and decides "yes, that's how I want to leave the house today"?

The same idiots that think that looks don't matter in real life. I think they forget that people outside of the little SJW "everything and everyone is the same but different shitlord" cult will judge them harshly. Of course they can only cry about it rather than doing something about it, like improving themselves.

I see a few of these types each day in the train. Yesterday this alright looking girl but completely ruined by piercing and fucking whorish clothes. I was sitting next to her just to check out what she was doing on her phone, she was browsing tumblr and twitter of course. She also suffered from mouthfish syndrome, to the point she didn't close her mouth fully once.

But in the end I think it's also the parents not being harsh enough and telling their kids to fucking dress and look decent, that or they are all kids raised by their mothers alone.
hitler did nothing wrong

Degeneration guaranteed.

muh ((([{degeneration})))]

plain html pages

anything else is retarded memery

when people complain about using <b> tags, punch them in the face

OP here. Going with hugo, and working up a minimalist theme. Here's the important question. Do I license the theme under GPLv3 or AGPLv3?

The final site will be html with a tiny bit of CSS to do things like centering text. The CSS will be, for lack of a better term, optional.

You Unlicense it. It's a few lines of HTML and CSS.

AGPL it is.


Spaghetti and meatballs!

call me an autist if you like, but I can tell from the res/filename this was found on Pinterest.
If you're looking at something on pinterest change 236x/564x to 736x/originals for the biggest version. Kinda like reflexively changing every tumblr result to _1280
It seems originals fails for some bizarre reason if the original poster deletes themselves, even if the file is still there.

It literally is. Look up the Catholic concept of "Indulgence" and "tithing" then check out how Patreon is used/shilled amongst SJs.
Hell, that's the primary reason a do-nothing like Randi is pulling in more than Zooqueen and John Wu combined, she's in a position in most "tech communities" to go all Inquisitor on some schmuck.

Why the fuck do you even need a blogging engine? Do you need to support a staff with numerous different users and assigning roles and permissions to them? Do you need some versioning system beyond git or something similar? What the fuck is this engine going to do beyond add bloat? Does it really need a SQL database? I'm pretty sure you can do anything you wanted with a simple set of PHP scripts which would take an hour or two to write.

No one wants to use whatever shitty theme you develop. There is no need for a license. You said you wanted web 1.0-esque, what the fuck do you plan on doing which requires a theme? There should be no javascript, there should be no CSS.

Relax, OP probably meant simply a static site generator. He went with Hugo after all.

This. Thanks for having my back, user.

Why use an engine at all then? Just hand-write a new html file for each blog entry and modify the main index page to link to each new entry.

Not OP, but laziness. I'd rather write a new markdown text file and run one command than have to write horrible HTML files and always repeat the same boilerplate shit, as well having to think about correctly updating the links in other HTML files. I prefer to do this shit only once in the form of a site generator so that I can deal purely with content from that point on.

Use a static site generator and this

and RedHat Windows only. That's the trashcan... but 11/10 for the effort. Cool shit.

Some playstation video series I forgot the name. she's not qt anymore by the way

Here's her today. Past breeding and attraction age.

She turned into a vampire! The fiction is real!

authoring content in plain html is dull and retarted if you already know html. the verbose-as-fuck syntax was made for machines, not people.

also, you will end up duplicating enormous amounts of code in headers, footers, asides, etc. you'll end up rolling up some sort of templating solution after you realize that shit isn't maintainable, so why not use one of the static site generators from the beginning?

I would.