Smoking gun email implicates entire Democrat party in Benghazi coverup

pic is aftermath of Benghazi

Other urls found in this thread:!k85jzC5A!bRgvhCqGoLH68hPPgtvqDg

Try to avoid letting this get slid, guys. The sad part is I found it on 4chan.

The Democrats will be forced to throw Hillary under the bus if this gets big.



I suggest sharing the article with the family of Ambassador Stevens. They've been suspecting something's been up for a long time.

What am I looking at? I don't speak moisture evaporator.

Here it is decrypted.

Pic related is planned damage control. Trying to copy and paste it from the document will result in the random text you saw

Forgot to attach


Thanks, OP website is cancer.


Bumping this thread to offset the shills.

Thanks to that poster in the low energy troll thread.


Sticky this mods.

Bump, because fun is sliding

Holy fucking shit.


We have to spread this

Yeah, this thread is getting slid. Have a bump OP.



this, and more of this




Need sticky nao



Why is this coming out now? Why not leak this closer to Nov?
None of the media will cover this info. It's going to get memory holed.

Guccifer isn't Wikileaks. Don't worry, I'm sure Assange has a bigger bomb to drop.

Up to mods to save topic now.

How is the fact that Democrats used talking points for Benghazi a smoking gun? We already knew they were using talking points.

The talking points admit that Rice gave incorrect information on television, that the state at a "high level" decided to reduce security very shortly before the attack even after months of requests for more security, and that they're pivoting for any scandal. The talking points say to divert from the usage of "scandal" into the word "tragedy" and says to accuse people investigating Benghazi as being part of a "witch hunt" with ulterior motives.

In additiion they constantly repeat "Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal." and the questions that they think will be asked pertain to a "cover-up."

Really? Russia/China have nil influence there compared to USA/Europe.


direct source

Good job!



Se how she likes getting sent to the middle east.

Why is Serbia West influenced?


That map is only correct it Crooked Hillary wins.

If Trump wins, the US could flip; if the US flips, the entire Five Eyes +2 (Japan, S.Korea) flip. China will also flip, and it locks India firmly in favor of Russia. Basically, the entire map would need to be redrawn.
…Let's push for this.

Sage because off topic.


Sorry for my pessimistic way of looking things user but by now I have seen too many bad things done by evil ppl who have been left unpunished. The demcunts will keep on lying about this, the vast majority of the media will not cover this and those invividuals who will pursue this will probably commit a suicide.

God I hope I am being wrong about this one.

Thread is sticky

Based Mods.



This lady is a perennial fuck-up. All she ever does is fuck things up. At one point I was under the impression that she was trying to sabotage Obama due to how incompetent she is.


We need to spread this by the way. Things will pick up after everyone is done taking in all the salt that Trump's speech produced.



I'm curious. Are you thinking of the complicated label on a hair-dryer?

Polite sageing a sticky thread for waaay off-topic.

The proof in the pudding itself. What a guy.

Jesus christ this summer just keeps on giving, can't fucking imagine what fall will be like.
Praise Kek

I'm impressed 2bqh, if you're able to sift through all the shit you can find some real gold, but I lack the will.

In my pants…


Stop! I'm still making the switch, it's hard when I've grown up my whole life in a Christian family

Repent, my friend

I remember the Comey and Lynch hearings, that guy deserves his position in congress.

Keep on cucking for christian niggers and beaners, kikespawn

You guys really don't try anymore, do you?

I found this document quite interesting. "Listen to the nogs but don't offer any support for their proposals."

Humour them.

You cultists don't learn that religion, even worse a semitic one, is not a priority compared to the survival of our race and cultures, don't you? Islam is Christianity 2.0, or Judaism 3.0 if you prefer. European fervor was what motivated the Crusades, not Christianity, otherwise Christianity would not have gone to convert every subhumans around the world once it lost its grasp on Europe.

fuck off

Reported for intl.

Roast in hell, you cocksucking yid. Everything you’ve ever said has long been disproven.

What time is it in states and how soon do you think that the media will start noticing this? I would imagine that the Fox news is among the first few who will report this so will be monitoring for some goodies. Also, hoping that in the light of these moat reacent events the NY Times will also react to this, what a redpill would it be for the normies.


You have to give her actually believable things to say, user.

The media's rotten to the core and there's been some evidence that members of the DNC have gotten some executives by the balls. This includes Fox.

Gowdy consistently hits it out of the park.

Is it in the best interest of the jews that whites cling to Christianity? The answer is obvious.


Fox is controlled opposition, friend. They don't report on things like this

Oh well I guess you got me there. I'll admit that I'm just a kike shill trying to slide important threads about those degenerate animes, hwite slavs and judeo-christianity with this bullshit about hillary.

I guess that my plan to crash important discussion on this board with no survivors has been foiled.

Thank you for setting the record LGBTQ. I stand corrected.

No problem user, 0.02 sheckles have been sent to your account user, keep fighting the good fight for Israel.

This is true. Breitbart and any senator who has an axe to grind would be a good person to get this information to.



Nobody gives a shit you autist, it's an expression.

can confirm, i hear jews say this and it's funny af

Smoking gun

From: Mike Ryan, DCCC Policy Director
Date: October 2, 2014
ISIS Backgrounder

In short: Our invasion created the atmosphere for a Jordanian to start a Muslim sectarian war,
which ultimately created ISIS.
Zarqawi enters Iraq: When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 we triggered a massive
insurgency against our presence. Around this time, a Jordanian ex-convict named
Zarqawi travelled to Iraq with one goal: to establish a religious state just for Sunni
Muslims. Zarqawi wanted a civil war between Sunnis and Shias and led attacks on Shias
that triggered counterattacks. Zarqawi’s attacks on Muslims in the name of Islam drew
condemnation from other jihadist groups and figures (including Bin Laden).
Iraqi Mistakes: The Administration of Iraq’s Prime Minister (Maliki) was discriminatory
to Sunnis, which helped recruit Sunni Iraqis to Zarqawi’s group. Maliki’s prejudicial
governing style worsened after U.S. troops left Iraq, helping quickly deteriorate the
situation further.
Now called ISIS: Zarqawi was killed by American forces in 2006. His successors now lead
the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Scribd uses its' own method of encoding documents.


See cryptome
Guccifer 2.0 Releases 10 DCCC Pelosi Documents

between 11:30PM yesterday and 3:31AM today



Woah ~ Nice to see someone posting my OC from back in late Feb. I've been working on an updated version since Turkey has entered the game in Syria, and it's become apparent that their current alignment isn't purely NATO agenda'd.

You found this on 4chan?!!? There were at least 3 threads here on Holla Forums about this map. It went from a barebones, to what you see here during those conversations and investigations.

This was the original. That eventually was updated to the 2nd pic - then upgraded massively in the same convo to something a lot more visually and aesthetically pleasing.

Good post


Underrated posts

Gowdy is a champion.

Personally I prefer a Chaffetz/Gowdy run for office.

Too late now though.

Lurk more, faggot

Tyrone Woods is white you idiot.

what im looking at? its fking nothing


Very alex jones isn't it? That guy named "high level" is sure to be in trouble now.

Shillary is not going to get hung over bengazi guys just leave it alone ok

Thank you for correcting the record.

In any case, it is less about nailing her to the wall as it is about throwing as much shit as one can find on her and having it resonate with this person or that. Creating an aura of dishonesty, a stink of political corruption so pervasive one cannot turn away from her in revulsion is the main goal. If we chance upon something that utterly fucks her, then all the better and we have ourselves a party.

With all the shit Shillary has on her and Trump has still not buried her i am losing hope dude.

Don't want her to drop out until the DNC can't replace her…

Extremely poor shilling, to the point where it seems like purposeful shill vaccine, so weak that even normies could sense something is off.

You can't post 1) just leave it alone ok and 2) i am losing hope dude. I mean, you can't post either of these sentiments without alerting a Holla Forums regular to shill presence, but if you combine both on one ID you're bound to alert even casual lurkers. What are you doing?

You are either weak or terrible at this.

Low energy defeatist faggot. Are you even trying?

Enough with calling all dissenting opinions shills. It takes a willing justice department to pursue this line of inquiry and Lynch has already indicated she will not look into the Foundation, Hillary, or any of her underlings. The only way we get to see her jailed is with Trump.

I've got more than a couple ideas.

All involving (((banking clans)))
Three guesses are
Blackstone relations (intentionally creating a new housing bubble)
Benghazi Betamax (The rebels established a bank worth $100 billion on Stevenson's corpse)
Honduras, again. (Assange links Obanger and Shillary both to the (((Rosenthal))) organisation and the spook drugrunning operation)
Good that it's coming out while she's still running, whatever it is. The Iran/US alliance to bash Saddam's skull in wasn't established until late 2007 so nobody cared. Damb gommies failed us then!

That makes me think of one of those horrifying Noh masks.

All day badly spent in various meetings, now I can continue lurking, finally.

I heard something like that when Trump decided to run but I am hoping that's not the case. However, the user who told me also said Trump aswell has some shit on the Fox executives and he is using that leverage to keep the reports some what "honest".

Ay mate, that could work. However, at least I have had the expression that the mass media in the states is doing its worse to discredit medias like Breitbart, alt-right mess is a fine example of this. Will it work tho, cant really say.

Because the EU own every politician.

for retardation. Like GamerGhazi.

Trump is miles ahead, the kikes want you to believe otherwise.

Hitler dubs confirm












Download all files as a compressed file:

Sanders was also ahead, but then (((something))) happened..

(((Sanders))) is drinking 1880's vintage at his third house on the coast right now, laughing at you retarded bernouts.

the smug smiles of those people standing behind him makes this 10x better

Could you please describe that in detail? None of the peace-of-shit android apps that I use for lurking doesnt show any pics.

You are losing kikes

That's a lot of smug

Top Smug

Working on an update from oc pic today.

No wonder Clinton looks like a fucking necromancer, she has a million skeletons in her closet just waiting to tumble out.

I think that the Clincunt foundation is built upon and (and with) those skeletons so it will be a glorious day if ppl will react to Guccifer 2.0's revelation and WHEN Assange finally reveals the shit he has on that old cunt.

Even abroad I find it difficult not to monitor your situation every fucking moment I have available.

So why wasn't the ambassador in the Tripoli embassy on a day known there would be a mass attack?
Why did he leave behind the marine protection to go to a known death site?
What was the point of the elaborate suicide?

You claim conspiracy on the annex reduction, but ignore the bigger question, why leave safety to die?
Why was the CIA so gungho and prompt to respond?
What did the Turkish ambassador discuss?

Ziotard Republicunts, pls go.

So, Stevens was specially chosen and assigned to the Benghazi embassy. He just so happened to have been involved in US arms deals. The highest levels of the US government then specifically request a reduction in security at the embassy. Then they blatantly lie by claiming that the attack was a random occurrence when they knew that it was premeditated. Not only that, but the state dept had been warned about an attack being planned in the embassy.

And we're just supposed to accept this without asking questions?

Tripoli is the embassy, Benghazi is several hours away and a consulate.
You could at least be factual in that instead of getting something in the US Marine Hymn wrong…

Apparently I'm a fucking idiot, someone please explain how this is a smoking gun please? I get that it was on Pelosi's computer, but it just looks like narrative spinning to me… which doesn't seem controversial.

It seems like this would need to show how they explicitly believed their narrative was bullshit, and chose to push it anyway as political cover.


Gowdy is based as fuck. He was a savage at the Clinton email trial.

Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal
Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal
Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal
Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal

Ahaha oh wow.

I think this is even better than the OP.

I've seen dozens of "BIG NEWS CORRUPTION THE GOVERNMENT IS IN ON IT IT'S OVER" threads stickied over months, and not a single one to my knowlege has gotten into main media or caused the perpetrators to face responsibilities of their actions. What makes you think this one will be any different? It's only news on Holla Forums, but never manages to go any farther. I don't see anything in the news about the last dozen "Hillary funded isis" style threads.

Maybe you should go back to 4chan faggot.

"she gave incorrect information"

literally nothing

Don't be retarded. Trying to make a big deal out of nothing just reveals you as being desperate and extremely biased and undermines your credibility.

nice slide attempt schlomo

Washington D.C runs on connections. If you are connected you will succeed.

Susan Rice is very well connected hence why she gets jobs that high up while being a total fuck-up. Like Hollywood you can easily fail upwards.




yes, fucking finally

nice, beat me to it
didn't see this and made my own
posting for the sake of redundancy

A lot of concern trolling in this thread. A lot of shills.

That's a huge red flag that we are on to something. We must keep digging!

Lol, as if anyone fears the reprisal of a channer. Keep your sociopathy to yourself. Also 'credibility' is zionist meme magic, go fuck yourself Mockingbird

well it' technically both since it could have been prevented.

no one said it was, we're referring to the cover-up you dumb fucking kike

I'm not so sure about this guys. While I do think that they knew they were lying this memo doesn't seem like a smoking gun to me, unfortunately. Look at the wording, specifically "gave incorrect information… …which later proved to be false." Doesn't that seem like they are saying that while she gave incorrect information, she didn't realize she was doing it?

I just wanted to bring this point up before I run off and spread this all over social media. At work so can't read whole thread sorry if this has been brought up.

Fuck off, leftist subhuman. You leftists are nothing more than programmed meat. Not even close to human. You should be given horrific and humiliating deaths. You deserve to be tortured and dehumanized until you're turned into a basic beast, pissing and shitting all over your own naked body as you sob and grunt and beg for mercy. Your family should be raped and dissected alive in front of you, then ground down into soup for you to be drowned in. Fuck you, subhuman leftist trash. Kill yourself.

I'm not the person you replied too but your taking someone else being a brainwashed pawn personally. It's not personal. When the time comes some people will get put down but put down as sick dogs. Don't take pleasure in killing your fellow brainwashed American just put them out of their delusion and keep them from spreading it any further

thank you for correcting the record

You can't even sage properly, its funny on your rant. I simply post the truth, you are upset as it challenges you.
Sad, shameful.
You have such a low energy here.
Lots of people talking, but you just ignore it. Its all about the facts and you say lies, support them.
Crooked Hillary, that's who you like.
You're unable to tell the truth, can't see it too scared of it all.



What State does he represent? Pretty based.

Righteous fury


Good job OP, you make American care about this.

Meanwhile in normalfag land, pic related

What did he mean by this?

he means,

You know, he's not wrong.




It is a very well written petition with many supporting links.

Thanks very much for your help. Please share this wherever you can.

no, she won't follow it anyway

Not to sound like a complete tard, but what would have been the purpose to reduce the security at the annex (assuming to allow an attack) what was the purpose of making that attack happen? Cover something else up?

The only enemy of the white man is the ethnomasochist white man and the Jew posing as a white man.

Gun-running to ISIS.

And then she lied to Congress about it.

This is how Assange could be the final nail in her coffin.

She should be in prison for a thousand different crimes but more troubling is that her own husband, a sitting president, got impeached for committing perjury/lying in front of congress and then she goes and commits perjury/lying in congress 3 different times in the past year alone and still isn't in jail.

Meanwhile Guccifer 1.0 goes to jail

Bruh he is convicted already. Feds got pretty bootyblasted

I'll just post this here.

Everyone knows this is just an excuse to shove something up his ass. He'll shit it out and pretend he ate it.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge, Shlomo!

In regards to that world map of influence, NZ isn't just western influenced…we are literally western run.

threadly reminder: ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. currently, ALL of the shillary-related links posted in this thread are down, i've provided all the archives i could find below:

> (mirror of all guccifer2 files posted here >>7329497; anyone have another one?)

screencap or source?

What would happen if anons just rehosted these on some free wordpress server?
I mean there are lots of places that let you make direct file upload and attachments, so why not archive it off the archive site to ensure it stays around.

guzzi, shmuzzi.

backup on omega (as long as they didn't delete it again)

Damn, OP, what's that red piece doing west of America? Should invade it before they can launch an attack from the rear.

This just in the faggot who runs /leaked/ uses honeypots, shitty mediafire links and steals work from Holla Forums anons. The cunt deleted the thread that was linked here yesterday.

Mediafire fucking COOPERATES with feds who in their right mind trusts that shit?


This document is one of many, I started a thread but no need to have it, if we can explore other documents too in this thread.

To stay up to date with Guccifer 2.0 use RSS feed, (works with mozilla only)

File Dump hosted unzipped at!k85jzC5A!bRgvhCqGoLH68hPPgtvqDg

Nice post

where mah gta bitchez at?

This isn't a smoking gun, though. This is just a spin strategy document: a talking points memo.

It may demonstrate the opportunism behind the scenes in politics, but it doesn't implicate them.

In b4 I'm a Jew for having 6th grade reading comprehension

It's like they have no self-consciousness. Like the apes they worship and cuck for.

i can see where you're going, but that's just it - the party is implicated, and unless it wants to split, the party becomes guilty by proxy. the democrats should have roasted hillary (or SOMEONE) on a spit for this. but they didn't, so a big fat question mark remains.

imo, the fact that they had to do this type of damage control is pretty damning by itself. as far as writing goes, it not honest, it's a sleight-of-hand piece designed to steer people's interest away from something (((they))) never wanted us to see or ask about
(instead of, you know, actually responding to requests for more info)

first, they admit they lied to the american public, right off the bat. second, there were still so many gaps in the story that they actually had to remind themselves that "Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal". it's self delusion.

the surest way to sell a lie is to believe it yourself.

Dude, this document admits no such thing.

It says "This is what the enemy is accusing us of, and this is how we counter the arguments."

There's nothing in here that I can construe as either explicit nor tacit admission of guilt.

I'd love for this to be a smoking gun but all I see is a big fat nothing.

If it's wrong to want the Kurds to take over the entire middle east and northern Africa then I don't fucking want to be right.

Oh man CTR, you're gonna need to work on that one.

It's time to go back.

Off to a good start, kiddo.But you look like a full on reddit tier faggot.

The expression is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating."

Pretty sure you're a tumblr tranny friend

It's "is under the crust" you ayylmao




That is some hot fucking garbage.

This is for those with eyes and ears.

sorry I can't hear him….it sounds like he has someones cock in his mouth…probably Twiggys

It's too bad you're so obsessed with cock. Maybe get right and a woman in your life.

Has anyone settled on a date yet?


