Hillary attacks Trump because Mexico, Putin because Wikileaks

First, some durp
Then some *chough* hurp
>The campaign confirmed that Clinton, too, has received an invitation to meet with Pena Nieto. Clinton, who last met with him in 2014, has yet to accept, but her campaign says she hopes to meet with him soon.

But then…
And then there was this
On the topic of Russia

And now, I think I see what play they are going for.

When Trump wins, they will blame Russia and China and north Korea and Cuba and Syria and Iran and Sweden and Congo.
Then, there must be a convenient recount by (((impartial observers)))

So, like user said some time ago: They are no longer trying to sell her, they are trying to sell the fraud.

So, your task as a burger is as follows:
acquire a hidden/concealable camera and film the rallies she has.
we know she can barely fill a high-school gym, but the greater masses must know too.
make sure you get a 360 view when she is talking.

the more the merrier. seriously. be the great masses when it comes to this.


webm because…

Other urls found in this thread:


no archive link in case someone want it for whatever reason



the gall of this bitch

Fuck right off. Don't link directly to articles.

I would have a good laugh if they actually did this.

That and Obama when he was running was off giving speeches in other countries as well.

I included an archive as well, fucknut.

I picked it because it is literally the poorest country in the world.

They can do whatever they want at this stage. Even the nightly news is giving clinton undesirable reporting, though its usually followed up with more anti-trump propaganda.

It's honestly astounding they have the balls to post these poll numbers, giving how absurd they always are. They honestly believe anyone at this stage believes trump is anywhere near clinton in the opinion of the voters. If that was the case he wouldn't have accumulated the most votes in Repub primary history.

There's nothing they can do at this stage unless we sit totally dormant. Trump's decision making skills and his camp is too clever to lose. Even if they played this fraud card it would be useless as the voters would see right through it. It would be like falling for another 9/11.

It's in the bag goys.

water is wet, sky is blue.



Live stream of trump rally. Nearly 40k viewers.

thanks for (((correcting the record)))

meanwhile, the YT video regarding her bizarre behaviour has 3.8 million views
with open gates has 10 million +

and that doesn't count in the countless mirrors, the alternative videos, etc…

viral videos grab a bigger audience than CNN and NBC put together.

1.) make thread on Holla Forums for sharing clips
2.) some user gather them, make nice compilation
3.) it is dubbed "going to biggest Hillary rally EVER"
4.) time and place stamp keep changing and so does the setting/background people
5.) spread it on goybook and twit-twat

no denying it after that.

Hillary thinks her Jews are more Chosen than Trump's. What a bitch.

why make this thread again, with the exact fucking wording?

Fucking brilliant idea. We really should go some of her rallies to record how many are truly there and make it into one big video. Then compare it to Trump's rallies where it's flowing out the door and onto the side of the rally centers. We can't let them steal this.

"People have to know that you wont say something one day, and something totally different the next."

We all know someone who does that, don't we, Hillary "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman" Clinton?

cant we just tell everyone how much we love to been correct recored'd

What the fuck is this retarded meme about "splitting up families?" No families are being split up. The shit spawn anchor babies are going back too.

How can they even begin to justify not sending anchor babies home?

Am I the only one who wants Hillary to win just to have her die and have her VP take her place?

She is sickly anyways. Plus she is already winning in most polls. What is the chance of her dropping dead?


Also, her venues are so small that a protester's words would all be picked up on audio.

Nice try shill faggot

I'll see if one will be near my area and try to do my part.