ExGATEers thread for that one user with the scar above their eye

anyone been getting flashbacks to pathological liars trying to fool you into horrible things happening to you?

(previous /x/ thread)

(exGATEers threads)

I can't believe some of the lies I remember people telling me and the things I heard them say to others.


way later

another way way later

another I remembered from early on

you're a fag

what an intelligently thought out comment.

i'm better than you

I would ask you to define "better" but I'm not really motivated to change your perception of me or rather that much disturbed by it in the first place so go on ahead and think what you gotta think to keep your sad miserable painful life afloat. I don't blame you since I know how it feels.





i'm fucking better than you

if you are better than me then why do you seem to need to say it over and over again as if to try and remind? if it isn't so obvious that you need to tell me, then I question your superiority.

You know Op part of growing up is realizing that other people are often just trying to figure shit out for themselves. They won't always have the answers Sway .
It doesn't necessarily mean that everybody is full of shit. But hey good for you for not being their zombie

That's legit.
Totally two guy arguing.
Nothing fishy at all

No, there are people also out there who intentionally mislead others like what I am describing.

hey, excuse me for having a smart comeback for some nobody dumb enough to say they are better than another anonymous person twice in a slow thread on a slow board.

The Dalai Lama has been waited on hand and foot his whole fucking life. Fuck that asshole. He has no idea that people have to work to earn money to keep a fucking roof over his head and donate to him to pay people to serve him hand and foot. I fucking hate the Dalai Lama so much.

can you retards for once focus on the message? it's basically saying everyone is working and suffering their whole life for no reason instead of being happy, healthy, and having fun.

I blame the people who love money and keep it around as a concept.


You gonna pay my bills, faggot? No? Then I have to fucking work for a living.

This isn't the place for an argument

exactly, and who's fault is it that you are forced to work for money? ((( )))

yea, agreed.

Holy fucking wall of autism

kek if you don't like autism then what are you doing on Holla Forums?


That doesn't change that I have to do it.

Be quiet. If we tell too many others there will be less candy for us.

user, is acting like his ideas are revolutionary. They are incomplete, is what they are.
If you're going to be a revolutionary, you not only point out the problem, you must also layout in detail and practical terms the solution.
Don't post some half-assed solution either.





If you want to have fun with the [email protected] abductors, try staying awake for a week or so. I guarantee you'll have a fun time.

I know I did last summer. Pissed off some delta force troopers.

Gonna try it again, this time I'm staying awake for a month straight. Should be interesting

Tried to put in a @ as to not invite in the shills



every fucking time