Jared Taysachs shills for the jews, kvetches about 'Alt-Right antisemitism

Jared Taysachs shills for the jews, kvetches about 'Alt-Right antisemitism

From the Daily Stormer forum:

>Jared Taylor is shilling for Shapiro and jews!



Other urls found in this thread:


every day a shit thread about a different no-name pops up, and every time is still completely worthless input from a meaningless hack

Which again confirms If it's not explicitly pro-Hitler, it's controlled opposition.

I came here because I don't like Jews, now I'm trapped here forever learning kike. Thanks Holla Forums, you've done it to me again.

Wait, I thought Jared Taylor was part of the Alt Right?

He is, but hes part of the faction of the Alt-Right that includes NPI which is Jew-friendly, the majority of the Alt-right is TRS, MPC, and VDare.

This whole thing dates back to 2006, when David Duke made a comment about Jews at an Amren conference. Stop getting so upset about something that is a decade old.

But he's reaffirming those same kosher views now?

Of course he is, because he certainly doesn't want to undo all the work American Renaissance has done simply by essentialising the Jew and naming him as the enemy, at THE VERY MOMENT WHEN WE NEED AS MANY PEOPLE ON OUR SIDE AS POSSIBLE!

You think the Jews of France are happy to see their country invaded by anti-Semitic mudscum? Of course not. There are so many prominent Jews right now furthering the messages against immigration, against globalisation, against modernism more generally. We cannot allow ourselves to be divided and conquered simply because of an irrational fear of the Jew.

Yes the secular Jew is dangerous; he is a poison in Western society. We will have a tremendous task ahead of us to undo the damage he has done. But it would only jeopardise our own efforts to round on all the Jews now. We must concentrate not on the race but on the spirit: the Jews in the mind are the real imminent danger, not the Jews in the body. The only effective way to rid ourselves of Jews after will be by encouraging them to go back to Israel and become harmless hasidim.

Nobody cares.

Alt-Right = Anti-Semite
Anyone who disagrees is attempting to coopt.

Fuck off, kike.

Jared Taylor was always kinda of a faggot.

D&C faggotry pls go

Actions speak louder than words, and right now loads of Jews are physically leaving France and emigrating to Israel. Anyway, the most vocal redpilled French pundit is a Jew: Eric Zemmour.

Jews want all of those things, except Islam, because Islam is dangerous and hard to control.

And where do TOQ and CC fit in?

Apart from Zemmour and Finkelkraut who recently switched sides all French jews are in favor of immigration.

Zemmour is the only prominent jew in France, the only one, who has right from the start been against immigration and islamisation.


Personally I would wager that more will see the light. Perhaps not BHL, but you never know ;)

Jews aren't people, and we do not need, nor want, them 'on our side' (a state they are physically incapable of espousing).

Yes, they are, Jew.



Anyone who says otherwise IS a Jew.

Jewry of the body is as corrosive and virulent as Jewry of the mind.
In point of fact, Jewry of the mind is the preferable condition, for it can be remedied, while Jewry of the body cannot.

You are a Jew.

And we are going to destroy you.

All your nightmares, all your 70 years of memeing your destruction, will come to pass in your lifetime, Jew.

There are no good Jews.

Ok, I'm not going to argue with you any more. You seem set.


We aren't arguing, Jew.

I am stating facts, and you are trying to dodge them.

You are a Jew, either of mind or body.

And there are no good Jews.

Not really.

The overwhelming majority of kikes in Europe are staying put.

Is he not married to a jewish woman? Isn't that old news? That's the explanation, it's not complicated.


Good goy, keep playing with identity politics


Found the newfag


Enjoy the Camp Chaim

Listen jew, Italy tried to send back inmigrants arriving by boat intercepted at the sea, or at least put them all together in an island while they sort out terrorists from asylum seekers and the EU tribunal decided they couldnt do it.
In the EU nobody can write laws, just ratify them, the ones that make the laws are the comissioners, unelected, jews or paid by jews.
All this european jews making aliya are settling in illegally occupied territory, if your higher up jews didnt want you going from Europe to Israel they wouldnt have opened the gates, just as they did in the USA in 1965.
Experience tells us that the only good jew is contained in Israel or dead (just to play it safe). Never trust a jew.

Wow. That's a really good restored original

And yet the identity one claims or is branded upon them doesn't stop the vast majority of people from being lemmings.

What experience would that be? The jews in Israel are still a problem.

there is enough space for jared in an oven

They arent a problem if they are contained there, they will go back to kill each other and splitting the country in several chunks as they did almost 3000 years ago.

The only way that'll be true is if we turn Israel into a literal concentration camp/

I don't trust DS one bit. Anglin looks like a quadroon and they've had actual JIDF writing for them in the past.

Goldberg wrote for TRS too.

Taylor's always been a jew shill and pretty much every one knows it. But the new influx doesn't.

Jared Taylor will be killed on the day of the rope.

Kill yourself faggot. Jews will never be on our side. You will be lining a ditch along with Jared Taylor and your precious yids when the time comes.

And you're cucking for them, top kek.

left-wing Naziboos should kill themselves.


How can one man be so pro-White?

Every last one.

This is a new step for us, we have never genocided jews before.

We will have to be sure to get every last one of you.

That's the problem with the old guard of white nationalism. They still adhere to absurd universal moral values.

We on the other hand don't care what's "unjust". We just want to win, whatever means necessary.

Im mostly here because this is the only method that stands a chance of working.

Morality doesnt mean much to me, if it works go for it.

The ends justify the means.

It has nothing to do with "moral values". Taylor approves of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians which is objectively worse than anything that happened in SA.

He's a philosemite, and like all philosemites, deep down, he's anti-White.

Jared is fully aware of the JQ.

He simply chose to attack our enemies from a different angle.

OP is a fucking DC shill who came here after Mr. Taylor was mentioned in a fox article recently.

He was also interviewed by the Jewish Foreword, to whom he once again re-affirmed his supposed view that the jews are indeed White.

Watch the video, he acknowledges that there is a "jewish question", but goes on to say that the jews are our allies.

*the video in the OP



He says SOME JEWS are our allies. And there are indeed a few on this planet who might be.
Jewish nationalism is fine as long as they stay the fuck out of our countries, media and politics.

Honestly, just fuck off you kike.

Jewish nationalism is fine as long as they stay the fuck out of our countries, media and politics


They all have to die.

They tried to kill us.


He implies that most are, and flat out states that we shouldn't alienate them, and that they aren't our enemies.

But Jared says "h'White" jews are welcome in White nations. Why would you want them to stay out of their own nations?

I'm gonna leave this thread to the shills now.

Jared Taylor has done more for the white race than any of you fucks combined and if some low-iq moron is dumb enough to get baited into believing that he is pro-jewish then you're not worth saving anyways.

Anyone who isn't familiar with his work by now is a useless dolt. Kill yourselves.

Get fucked.

Its not a joke.

Not a day goes by that I do not dream of living to see every last semite and shitskin dead.

And I now have a serious chance of living to see it.


Great interview, especially what he says in the exchange that starts at 17:32.

Clearly, only a retarded goy without a superior ashekenazi IQ could think he's pro-jewish after watching that.


ITT the eternal Anglin

How dare you invoke Evola as a smokescreen you filthy kike

And has chosen in favour of the kikes.
He is married to one, you know. He even invites Jewish terrorists to his AmRen conferences.


We all know Taylor and what he stands for.
Ethno-nationalism for all! Kikes included.

What we see here is an effort made by shills to use Holla Forums to attack what are our allies.
Instead of using Taylor to promote racialism and to expose the failure of modern multiculturalism
we are being used to attack Taylor.
We should keep pushing the counter semite argument where ever we can, but shitting on Taylor is
counter productive.
Vid related, in the end Taylor says, in his own way, that kikes are having a negative influence on western society.

I think Israel should be the world's concentration camp for jews. There's already a big fence and a big wall, we just need to ship them all in there and keep them there.

Jared Taylor is making himself irrelevant, as many of us have been holding back in the name of unity.

That he tries to D&C us, shows his FBI loyalties.


We really need a word filter t o change "Daily Stormer" into "FBI Honeypot" or something.


The snowniggers that talk about killing "our racial competitors" hate that, though. That's why they shill so hard against the alt-right. Then on the other end of the spectrum, the kikes and cuckservatives want the alt-right to open up to civic nationalism.

Tells you that the alt-right is the real deal, and should be guarded from entryism.

His wife probably isn't a kike.

She's just a hwite English liberal.



The influx of shills and newfaggotry is destroying this board, its been common knowledge for a very long time that Jared Taylor is controlled opposition, meant to co-opt the far right and divert them away from jews.

For fucks sake the guys own self stated goal is to "do to hu'White nationalism what Buckley did to conservatism"

What he's working against is jews jewing, to not name the crux of the matter is to never solve it.



Jared Taylor is a life-long C.I.A. operative.

Jared Taylor's biography practically screams "C.I.A."

Eternal WASP

The fact that you have to say that "Alt-Right=Anti-Semite" is proof that the Alt-Right has already been co-opted, or much more likely, that the Alt-Right was Jewish controlled opposition from the beginning. I actually have some strong evidence for the latter.

Andrew Anglin is Irish. That explains his and his sister's monkey-like appearances.

No. Look at Evelyn Rich in the PBS Frontline video from the early 1990's Who is David Duke. She's obviously Jewish.

Nope. Jews are the enemy. At best they can be useful idiots for us who will be purged after helping us take control.

Hahahahahahahaha, no. Jews do not deserve a nation. They deserve to be exterminated.

Here's some pictures of Jared Taylor's beautiful Jewish wife Evelyn Rich.

Check out the hook nose in the last picture.

That nose bridge is like some Star Trek plastic forehead-tier bullshit.

That's like a real life ferengi, man. Just much greedier. xD

fuck of kike


Or more preferably


Red-pilled means you understand the Jewish usury banking scheme and recognize their control over media, finance, politics, not anything else.

Fuck off cuck

He looks like a mulatto friend of mine tbh lol

Butthurt Mic detected.


The JQ is just one step away from HBD though.

It's always a tip off when an (((individual))) groups all the European nationalities into one.

Uhhh no. How about we just get rid of these Jewish rats instead?

These fucking Jew shills, I swear. Since when is France their country? Jews are just as foreign as Turks or Arabs. In fact, they have the same genetic distance from real French as Turks do.

Look at this fucking kike. So French lol. He is swarthier than most of the rapefugees. But since he was born there, he's "French." I swear these shills will be saying that second generation Turks are French because they were born there.

The ears too. Kike ears.


Don't they look white to you, Holla Forums?

Jew and/or nigger detected.