
How many fascists are on Holla Forums?

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What a shitty armor and weapon design.

im a third positionist

The third picture is strasserist but I do not know the second picture. Do you have sources on Frenamex? If yes then please give me, thank.


Who isn't fascist today? The left and Silicon Valley went turbofascist, the right wants to be fascist but the Jews won't let them, even the fruity California hippies have gone fascist. Who's left, the weebs?

The left and Silicon fags did not go turbofacist, they simply embraced what it means to be leftwing, they're doing the exact same thing the commies and anarchyfags did in the early 1900's that made way for the fascistmovment, since fascism is mostly a response to leftwingers trying to cease power through intimidation.

The original fascists were comprised of Socialists, Marxists and Labour Unions. Fascism at it's core is left wing.

All these groups are far right wing Mexican nationalists and fascists

Join the movement!!!!!!!!!!

Where are the Mexican group's that are composed of identitarians and monarchists??

Have you heard of the "Golden Shirts"?? They were the original Mexican fascists that were battling the communists IN the 30s and 40s. They had the support of the Mexican president at that current time

theres a few like nationalist front synarchist union but there needs to be more tbh

*theres a few like nationalist front and synarchist union


also lmao @ mexicans trying to be skinheads. wishing they were white

that's literally not true. fascism is right-wing, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

The original Fascists were the Romans

I like orange juice. Does that make me a fascist too? Can I join your little club?

PUNCH A FASCIST, BURN THE COLOSSEUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:^(((((((((((((((((

Calm down, Nero. You fucking neckbeard.

The game designers care about aethetics more than real life practicality.

Get out, Cicero. Nobody likes you.

So the rest of facism doesn't define itself? Just one part, that isn't even definitively right wing?
Last time I checked, socialism and communism fall near facism and both hold severe left leaning political ideals.


None, probably.

You're trying to reason with a twat who uses "literally" like that, user. Save your breath.

Holla Forums is Holla Forums and Holla Forums is evil. Go figure.

You know, I'm not even sure what a fascist is but I sure get called one an awful lot.

Fascism is gradually gaining more popular.

How do I convert the people into fascist?

Be Jewish, take over banking and spread propaganda through media you have taken over, and then import a lot of muslims into the country who are not their to integrate but to harass and intimidate the general population in the belief they are taking over the country. And voila, watch the people convert to fascism.

0, just a bunch of LARPers

El Douche was the best thing to ever happen to Italy!