Skeptic™ Community

Skeptic™ Community


A Way Forward: Good Cop, Bad Cop

I no longer believe the Alt-Right in America is a viable movement. It has no path to victory at the moment. I’ll continue to partake in their analysis of HBD, JQ, family, and to a lesser extent politics. I won’t look into the activists or their activities anymore.

The Alt-Right fundamentally misunderstands their power. The mainstream right has totally disavowed them and any mentions of them that aren’t wholly dismissive reflect a morbid curiosity. The left has successfully been able to utilize them as a boogeyman that says what all Republicans and Libertarians really think. The success of the Alt-Right comes from trolling the left into lashing out against ordinary people. Echoes around journalists and flyers that contain absolutely positive messages are success stories. Getting the elites to say things like “basket of deplorables” is the only real effect they had that was positive. Ironically they are most successful when they get others falsely accused of being them on a massive scale. On the small scale of Bannon, PJW, and Cernovich who are wrongly called Alt-Right they are hurt, only when the target is too large and broadly innocent of political activism does it work.

The near future of the US at best will be Trumpist Civic Nationalism. At worst it will turn into Neoliberal Merkelism under the stewardship of Zuckerberg. Neither of these outcomes present any meaningful role for the Alt-Right. Censorship is already being tightened from merely draconian to fully Orwellian.

The unknown quantities are Generation Z and the Skeptic Community. Generation Z has theoretically been exposed to this material more than any Generation in 100 years. They have potential to remake the West from the wretched mess it has become. The Skeptic Community if it can overcome it’s current cult like attitude may provide that critical juncture that the mainstream right couldn’t, the good cop.

The mainstream right has a simple playbook, delayed acquiescence. They trick their supporters into thinking they will oppose leftist insanity, but they’re incoherent objections are usually drivel that can be summarized as “not yet”. Not yet means yes. As such the mainstream right, known commonly as Conservatism Inc or GOPe, isn’t a dime’s worth of difference from their sparring partner the left. As such they are quick to echo leftist condemnations of right wingers who stray too far from the mainstream. This gives the dreaded “hate list” the power it has. Persons on hate lists were never in danger of being associated with leftists, but now they are no longer allowed in Conservatism Inc. Ponder for a moment that there is no right wing SPLC of note.

The Skeptic Community might be able to form the good cop to the Alt-Right’s bad cop. The Alt-Light has either dissolved, been absorbed, or been bought out by Rebel and Infowars to stay unthreatening. Given the current situation Skeptics may seem like unlikely allies, but they have more accurately represented our views and given air time of our side to their audiences. They are naturally inclined against labeling people thought criminals so could be convinced to not disavow us. More than a few prominent Skeptics have already used the Alt-Right to formulate arguments and acquire memes while removing the harder edges to remain inside the Overton Window currently allowed. This should be encouraged. The Skeptic community should be given free reign to rehash our ideas into publicly acceptable ideas. This pushes things closer to our direction, and pushes their more astute viewers into our arms.

For this to work both sides need an NAP. Allowable are disagreements, but we eschew personal attacks. The don’t condemn us for being too edgy, we don’t criticize them if they utilize DR3. Focus on radical Islam and big business progressivism (Cultural Marxism) for intersecting interests. In exchange for allowing them to essentially plagiarize our analysis we need to extract from them mainstream exposure. Sargon and Dave Rubin should have interviews with Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, etc. We need exposure and they need ideas. We are the bad cop, will they be our good cop?

you have to go back

I would have gotten banned for posting this on >>>Holla Forums. That being said I am referring the extand political movement in the US, not a German political party/ideology. I know the difference. I think Natsoc has no ground game and no plan. George Lincoln Rockwell told the truth, but accomplished nothing beyond getting killed. I moved on, so did a lot of people.


checked for digits. maybe condense your post then post it on Holla Forums. i didn't read all of it. i've been awake too long, and i don't read walls of autism when i'm fully alert. reword it so you don't come across like a kike shill

you're worst than >>>Holla Forums and thats very hard to do.

I've never understood the "Sargon is a cuck" thing. What did he do?

he worships the dead center dot on the political compass, user. prides himself on always taking a centrist stance. spineless, without principles of any kind beyond le freedom of choice

Alternative take: like most people he understands that both commies and nazis are nutbags and retards call refusing to join either side a "lack of principles"

Sargon is a fag, but not because he's a centrist.

The "skeptic community" has run its course. Generating clicks through reaction and outrage production can only last so long. Now people like Sargon are just right wing Trump and Le Pen supporters and apologists for nazis and white supremacists. The "i'm really a lefty guyz, watch me redefine 'liberal'" schtick won't work anymore.

They had their day. All down hill from here.

shill harder, faggot

Sargon's content, priorities and opinions on the issues of the day are virtually indistinguishable from Breitbart or any other mainstream right wing pundits. At this point he's basically just Rush Limbaugh 2.0 for the internet generation.

Most of his work is about moving away from emotional decision making and embracing objective thinking. Why is that bad?

I don't agree with the premise of your first sentence, so I can't really answer the question that follows. His thinking is very ideological and emotional imo.

I don't see that. What is it that gives you that impression?

nazis are leftists you retard. stay pozzed

If your community has a modern name (see: sceptics, alt-right), then it's cancer and/or probably run by kikes.

Back to cuckchan Holla Forums

You should never have in the first place.

In 24 videos this septic community member had her roastie face 16 times on her thumbnails. You wanna know why? because you civic nationalist cucks and alt-kikes drool for women. get over yourselves faggots

First off, they all do that. In every community, and whether male or female. If they reveal their face, the thumbnails will have pictures of them.

Second, the alternative is if they're hiding their face. Nine times out of ten when they hide their face they're hideously ugly. And in this unfortunate alternative they instead have an identity based on demons or historical figures. The former means you're retarded, and I'm sorry but if your name contains phrases like "lord" "666" "arch" or "grand" I will never take you seriously, and the historical figure thing is just pretentious and self-aggrandizing.

the few "skeptics" i like don't it, and this much 3DPD in your community means it is probably dying

You tried to coopt Holla Forums's message into a Nationalism-lite one, and got yourself exiled by Holla Forums. Then you tried to march on Charleston and got yourself shunned by the Normalfag status quo cucks. Holla Forums would be easier to reconcile with but you'd have to swallow the rest of the Red Pill and get learned about the Jews. Mainstream society was never going to accept you anyway.


shadilay, praise kek, sargon did nothing wrong.

You are confusing classical liberals with modern day liberals, faggot. Classical liberals are basically left leaning libertarians these days. Modern liberals are just cultural marxists and progressives.


"Classical liberal" is just a ploy that right wingers like Sargon or Dave Rubin use to bait liberal youth into listening to them. It's the Youtube version of Fox's "fair and balanced" meme.

The crux of my post is that extremist politics in the west are only successful when they play good cop, bad cop.

The reason the left can use political violence is that they understand how to leverage their extreme elements. The trick is to play good cop, bad cop with the other side. Both the mainstream left and the extreme left essentially want the same thing, but they scare you into going along with the plan by holding up the spectre of the extremists forcing this on you.
MLK used this by veiled threats of Malcolm X coming to replace him if he failed and by condoning rioters. Moderate Muslims do the same thing with Jihadis by saying if you don’t go along with their advice you will provoke more attacks.

The reason the right wing can’t do this is they disavow their fringe elements. Despite what the left wants to think the GOP wants nothing to do with Richard Spencer et al. So the Alt-Right can play bad cop, but there is no good cop to leverage the fear into real political change. The conservative movement would rather lose with “dignity” than play these games.
The left sees principles as weakness because the left has one principle, victory.

No it isn't, it just signifies original liberalism. Most of the founding fathers were liberals by definition. Modern day "liberals" are just marxists that define themselves as "liberals" to make them seem like peaceful people who protect liberty, when in reality they are warmongering commies who want to destroy the constitution.

"don't punch right"
i agree. the left doesn't purge their extremists, neither should the right

fixed that for you


The bigger issue is that the mainstream right in America isn't really to the right. They accept leftist premises for history and morality. That's why they purge. Conservatism Inc wants "respectability" which means they don't want leftists to call them mean names.

I know any outreach to Skeptics would be a long shot, but they need ideas and the Alt-Right needs an audience.

"skeptics" simply need to realize that once the "alt-right" is gone, they become the dangerous ones to silence.
Beyond that, the far right at this point are "dangerous" because most of what they say is true, and "skeptics" don't fare well against people who know what they are talking about, backed by history and science unlike feminists and the sjw left.