People still defend leftypol


Nobody is defending Holla Forums except for Holla Forums

Holla Forums is ok
t. not Holla Forums

Are you that same jap who posted gay communist furry porn on that other thread over at


Holla Forums is better than you

What's your point exactly?
Some retard made a dumb thread asking dumb shit on Holla Forums, so what?
When it comes to being leddit no board is worse than Holla Forums, they pretty much created r/the_donald and now they are pathetically trying to save face and trying to disassociate themselves from leddit but it is too late.

t. Leddit

It's I

The pic is a guy who openly admits to being a newfag. He doesn't seem like he can be indicative of the board as a whole, precisely because he is even admitting that he's new and not ingrained in the board yet. The guy is obviously a fag, but this doesn't prove or disprove your point.

Hmm, I knew there was Nazi furry porn but never thought there was commie furry porn.
Got a challenge for you, find Communist sergal porn. I bet you can't. Sergals are literally nazis.
Oh and saging for wasted space on Holla Forums



Jesus christ i saved a picture to fap to but even i can't deal with this amount of faggotry well.

Oh, sorry. Since you said Holla Forums is k and the communist gay furry guy was posting with same flag i assumed you were him


I'm not some furry posting loser, fuck you faggot

We practice our rights to free speech by saying how shit Holla Forums is

You could say the same thing about Holla Forums, tbh.




All Holla Forums boards are hugboxes full of leddit crossposters.

More like controlled opposition shills or other such 'useful idiots'.

Have you ever considered why there are only two parties? Left and right.. Base tribalism speaks to the instinctual beast in us , It exists as a form of control.

Set two groups in opposition to distract alll from when (((they))) take away everything from both 'sides'.

Exactly. I knew it was fucked as soon as Holla Forums started to ban those who weren't nazis and.
there never should have been a Holla Forums Now all we get are these derailing faggots who all claim to be the "real chan culture." They're both lying.

just go to their discord and laugh. it's pure cringe.

t. /leftycuck/

reddit this, reddit that, reddit here, reddit everywhere…
Fucking newfags think they are cool parroting this 4chan meme. Stop it.

Stay aware friend.
Take useful tidbits from both sides and educate yourself. But in the end, never give too much credence to any 1 ideology or philosophical persuasion. Study all sides of the argument and keep an open mind.

Clear reminder, when we act out of emotion we are in the most suggestable state. Stay rational, Logical.

>unironically uses ellipsis like the triggered reddit nigger you are

If breath reddit too faggot? lol. Maybe typing is reddit too?
pic relato

Ellipsis is a sign of… well… bad writing… or even stupidity. Using it as a pause… in the middle of a sentence… isn't really how… you know… it's supposed to be used.
Also using it as a mimic of stuttering… which is extremely popular on Reddit… isn't how it's supposed to be used either.
ie. Did… did you really just use and ellipsis?

Grow up and abandon that sentence crutch.