I'm from Russia and don't understand

I'm from Russia and don't understand
1) why Hillary is sleeping with other woman called Huma ?
2) what does pickle in jar means
3) who is Maga in Trump-supporter baseball cap ?
4) Is Pepe just a fan-service for readers, between whom Pepe meme is widely knowed, or it is something more ?

Other urls found in this thread:


In Soviet Russia, troll commit suicide because of YOU.

3: Jimmy

Why is Nige so dreamy lads?


MAGA blessed harambe

I'm from Russia and don't understand
1) why Hillary is sleeping with other woman called Huma ?
Her aid from the middle east, implied in email leak to be lesbian 'stress relief'
2) what does pickle in jar means
Jimmy Kimmel live, she opened one up to prove her health. It didn't pop, mwaning it was pre-opened.
3) who is Maga in Trump-supporter baseball cap ?
Dicks out for Harambe
4) Is Pepe just a fan-service for readers, between whom Pepe meme is widely knowed, or it is something more ?
Kek works in mysterious ways

i came, thanks

This is how it works yes

Man makes fun of my mother on vk

Two day later he jump off building after breaking his hands with hammer

Is very sad trolling problem leading to suicides here in russia :(

Because unlike glorious Motherland homosexual degeneracy is legal in the West.
It's sex toy in anti-septic fluid. Westerners are very degenerate for your innocent Orthodox mind.
Black voter base.
Pepe is love, Pepe is life.

I am from Russia but I was lurking Holla Forums for long.

1) Hillary is suspected in lesbian connections. Huma is: archive.li/fOkiF
2) Pickle jar was the prop which a TV host suggested to open to confirm her health. It opened without a pop and was completely fake.
3) Gorilla caring about her jimmies not being rustled. MAGA is "Make America Great Again".
4) Pepe is a carrier of narratives if the drawing including Pepe is well executed. Also Trump already posted Pepe in 2015 to his twitter.



Jesus… we really are a rediculous, paranoid conspiracy theory that could give the reptillian thing a run for its money, and its all true.

So we all died in 2012, right? And this is some crazy afterlife dream thing?

is this barenstain universe now

if Trump win i guess it is okay

Based B. Garrison

Hillary is a lesbian. Huma is her "personal assistant".

It's probably her dildo.


Pepe represents us.

Jesus, Ben. This is great.

Everything I ever wanted.

1) She's a lesbo
2) She "proved she's in good health" by opening an already opened pickle jar
3) Harambe, get your dicks out
4) See nazi frogs

It was foretold!

Ya know, even if she was in good health, there is no way a woman her age who has been sitting her fat ass at a comfortable desk for decades could open a pickle jar. My grandma is about her age and she worked in a restaraunt all her life and even she cant do it.

Goddamn insulting my intelligence with smiles on their faces is like salting the wound and its SO FUCKING JEWISH

I believe its a nod to Hanabe. Hanabe was shot to save a boy's life. The BLM types connected their narritive with him (he dindu nuffin, got shot over a whity), until the identity of the child was revealed to be black. The narrative flipped to guns are bad.

Anyway, since BLM elevated Hanabe to manhood, twitter has been joking about what the story of Hanabe meant and what he stood for. Since, without getting shot, no one would know about Hanabe anyway.


I believe you have been subtly, succesfully rused, friend.


I don't understand why so many Russian drink themselves to death every year, but I stopped asking when I watched a video of Russians jumping from a four-story building into the snow.

never change russia, constantinople soon


Holy shit. Is it possible? Can any one man meme that strong? Are we now destined to conquer the globe as nazi death cult wizards?

She has/had a lesbian relationship before, one of her leaked emails showed
2) what does pickle in jar means
No idea
3) who is Maga in Trump-supporter baseball cap ?
4) Is Pepe just a fan-service for readers, between whom Pepe meme is widely knowed, or it is something more ?
Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison probably browses the chans and he is aware of pepe and it's meaning on the (((alt-right))) we supposedly are

Hillary's a lesbian degenerate. She's slept with all of her higher-up female staff members.
Hillary tried to prove that she was healthy and not dying of a dozen diseases by opening a jar of pickles. But the pickle jar was pre-opened and they added in the pop sound afterwards; she couldn't actually open a jar of pickles due to how sick she is.
Maga is short for Make America Great Again. The guy wearing the hat is just supposed to be some kind of monster.
Pepe has sort of morphed into a symbol of the far right.


He chatted with HW here, proven by the drawing of HW, it is in stickied thread.



That wall didn't turn out right.

This is it, the absolute best post I have ever read.

One thing I want to know and I probably missed it somewhere, but what the hell is Hilary's gripe with Russia?
Did Putin do something years before that nobody approved of?
What does she hope to gain from starting shit with Russia again? I'm pretty nobody wants to get into some fucking war with them.

Last try.

This is hilarious


Nope. Read more faggot

We have a rule here. When you are new, you are supposed to lurk for a long time before your first post. That way, you see, we dont have to deal with retarded questions like the one you just asked.

Lrk more fgt

1. Hillary's a traitor, the phrase is "in bed with the enemy". huma is a islamic infiltrator

2. hillary's an old lady whose had all sorts of bad health problems. when people started talking about it she thought it would prove them wrong to go on a comedy show and open a pickle jar

3. it's harambe, a gorilla who was shot by zookeepers when a boy fell into the cage. he represents the black vote in america and the MAGA hat shows that they're migrating to trump and away from hillary's failed party

4. pepe represents the "memetic warriors" and is a threat to the establishment because its a symbol of guerilla memetic warfare to counter the media's brainwashing tactics

This sums it up pretty well.

Ahh what the hell. Why not?

Tell me, Holla Forums, where is peeping pepe going to peep from next?

Ben has been in 8ch Holla Forums, and has answered questions. See his hotwheels picture and 'welcome to Montana' pepe.


Not really. He forgot to mention that our founder was a paraplegic dwarf with bones of glass.

Russia refuses to join the West as a globalist nation and pave the way for a one world government. The Western globalist elites do not like this. Not one bit.

Dont give the dwarf too much credit. We are the monster to his Dr. Frankenstein

Now it makes sense.

I hope you will jump off the building too.



Jimmies status:
[ ] not rustled
[x] rustled

Hatambe frowns at your lack of composure, user

alright, straya, come again and shitpost.

Because you touch yourself at night… for freedom

Ivan pls

reaction to her talking about the "alt right".

Change "Alex Jones" to "Water filter man" and it's set



he died for our sins.

oh lol

Weak Benny G. Really weak

Huma is Clinton's aide/lesbian fuckbuddy
No idea about the pickle jar tbh
The ape Harambe. Its a normie meme

so basically

and people think America wont elect Trump?

BEnny G needs to do one of Sam Hyde

I still don't get this normalfag meme.

At least post the uncensored webm.

You mean to complete the "alt-right" shills' gallery?

I think it works as both a Jimmy Kimmel reference, and as a Bill reference.

Normies value a great ape over an african child

Its nihilist absurdity and underlying dismantling of establishment politicking makes it one of the much more chan-like normalfag memes. Either you're entirely unfamiliar with the details of the event or you're new as fuck.

On a side note, Harambe has somewhat exposed normals to a hint of the power of meme magic as their joke "memorial" raids resulted in memeing Harambe into something far bigger than they imagined. Some took note and generated a new meme, where they wanted to officially rename fire ants to "spicy boys," and they begun raiding Clinton's instagram with the demand. For a period, nearly every comment on every one of her posts were like pic related. This resulted in many meme sharing instagrams that instigated the meme to get taken down, resulting in a streishand effect martyrdom. The meme only picked up more steam, but to avoid further censorship but without capitulating, the normals changed the spicy boys demand to spamming Hilldog's ig with copypasta of the opening quote from pawn shops. All 3 have their roots in "RIP Harambe" and stem from a certain shared solidarity found in the comfort of kek's embrace, a shared exit from non-memetic normality.

Don't hate the normalfags. Their idols are misguided and their spirituality faded, but they share the same lord.

Sorry, Pawn Stars*

Another interesting thing to note is that normalfag meme groups, especially the facebook ones (compared to IG), have become sliding increasingly right. I believe due to influence of pages like Counter-Signalling Memes for Fashy Goys (he's the one producing those comics with poorly drawn faces and self contradicting leftist flip flopping), Disdain for Plebs, etc. I know they're not pilled enough just yet, but those pages have been getting increasingly radicalized and taking their audience with it.

On the other hand, you have the ironic meme pages discovering multi layered irony. They've been sort of forced to push towards increasing obscurity and counter signalling due to the same reasons 4chan did: newfag cancer coming in and dragging down quality, censorship from up above, bluepill thinkstops. Recall our drift from trollface, to the 'le troll face', to bait. The ironic meme pages have gotten increasingly radical in the sense of their descent into total nihilism, one that naturally coaligns with right wing cynicism and realism and allows for the same kind of crypto redpilling the Sam Hyde specializes in.

Lately I've been keeping a closer eye on this stuff. I think it would be benenficial to develop a hip new meme page that would break down the increasingly fragile overton 'window' with fully "hardcore" right wing sentiments by embracing our hardened cynicism. Not dropping red pills or naming Holla Forums or anything retarded, but things like pic related. A prominent place in a FB feed would've heavily undermined the entire narrative for the hip meme kiddies who already fairly well exposed to FB/IG/Twitter censorship and left wing coordination.


My cock, nigga, suck it!

Can someone edit Milo to a happy merchant face?


Fuck off. Holla Forums loves Milo.

Honest Q?
What ever happened to hotwheelz?
Did he die?
Coke overdose?


The stress of running an internet h8 machine was literally killing him. As far as I know Jim and codemonkey are the new masters of this gulag.

Milo isn't Jewish you fucking idiot. He's Greek.



Interesting and well-thought-out analysis. From what I've seen, I have to agree. Of course there's still plenty of bluepills and cancer, but overall there seems to be more good stuff, with a gradual drift towards more right-wing sensibilities.

He was raised a catholic and has a jewish mother.

who is the kid sitting on dead dune?

Milo and reddit loves Milo, Holla Forums doesn't.

No, he is a kike who happens to have a Greek father.

Great job man. I've noticed this too but you put it much more succinctly than I could. We need to become archbishops in the church of Kek and grind up red pills and put them in normies free range waters.



pic related:
What happened when psyops(((?))) exposed normalfags to a miniscule fraction of the fact that Africa is a shithole full of warlords, religious extremism, rape and child soldiers.
The difference is that though normalfags idols and false-prophets are as meaningless and temporary as their lives are, our power is eternal and we are growing stronger every day.
pic related: normalfag's [CURRENT YEAR] lasted less than a fewof months

Oh look its the (((alt-right))) at it again.

You aren't going to control us, cry about it and take your nigger loving homo kike with you.

He must be really popular in Greece…


New mene

Why do you have to be such an attention whore, Milo?



Funny, but I think some kind of spook to Hillary would be more hilarious than her greatest ally. Some sort of Benny G. perhaps? Label had to be removed, however.
A merchant would be more fitting to sleep in the bed I think, but I think it's getting old, jewy and uncreative.
Ben's work is absolutely great these days! I'd appreciate less labels, however. Except for Nigel everyone is easy to recognize. If Nigel had a UKIP button for example it wouldn't be too hard either. I mean Alex even has a megaphone with 'info wars' on it ffs.

If the One Man Klan himself is reading this then I'd like to thank you for your great work. It has been truly a ride since you posted with us in that thread.

I just changed Milo because user requested it. Yea, the excessive labelling is a bit strange, wonder why he felt the need to do that.

1. Huma Abedin is Clinton's top aide, there are lesbianism rumors floating around about them.

2. A few days ago, Clinton was on Jimmy Kimmel show and did a publicity stunt by opening a pickle jar to show she was healthy. Rumors are floating around that the jar was pre-opened because there was no "pop!" sound of the vacuum seal on the jar being broken.

3. Could be interpreted a number of ways. That could be the average Trump supporter, or could represent any number of Trump "bullies" who have criticized Clinton recently. I'm not completely sure myself.

4. I believe Clinton mentioned "Nazi frogs" in her anti-Alt-Right speech but I could be wrong. Whether she mentioned them or not, Pepe is inalterably linked with the far right now, so it's more than fan service.

It's fine, user. Just saying.

Yes, feels pretty annoying after a comparison without labels.

here is a alternative version.
can be posted on facekike and twatter.


wtf is the pickle jar referring to? figured it had to be some lesbo shit, but only lesbo shit on urban dictionary is this

The act of sticking a Cucumber in a woman's vagina and waiting a period of time to allow it to pickle in vagina brine. Usually followed by eating said pickle or putting it in someone else's salad.

oh duh, the pickle jar on tv

Anyway, the ben g cartoon needs more lesbian shit around the room

Wtf. Can't wait to send these degenerates to the chambers.

here i did my own. that label shit was pissing me off.

there's some others:

When one pulls the cover's over their significant other's head when cover puller has not showered in a few days and their balls are giving off a particularly vinegary scent. Similar to a dutch oven

The act of sticking two or more penises in a woman's mouth at the same time.

Thanks m8. Much better.


I think it might double as a reference to Bill.

Hello Russia


Did Putin un-ban Holla Forums? How are you posting here?

so close but so far away

it would be labeled "Bill Clinton Pickle" if it were.

some russian ISP's still allow posting from russia i think.

Ben made a poll asking who to add in his next drawing: Putin, Harambe, Alex Jones and Pepe.
He ended up putting them all in the comic and also added Milo & Farage.

It's beautiful.

And a smug pickle. Based Ben.

pepe, putin and Leslie Jones isn't ladled…

Same shit in Russia: carbon copied messages spammed by bots trying to set the people quiet and pro-status-quo (Putin etc).

I don't see the difference.


look at the file name you fucking idiots

Yeah it's a jpg, so what?

Somebody tweet this to Trump.

Irrelevant, we're here for the new Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv cartoon

No, we hate that faggot kike attentionwhore.



The renglish was so over the top that i read the whole thing in a russian accent.


best one ITT

There can be only one Pepe!

I sure had a weird night on 12/21/12
Went to the beach, saw a bunch of weird circles around the moon(this was either a mass hallucination with everyone else around me or it was real), then some creepy fuck in a pickup truck with a bunch of sketchy looking wires and packets in the bed covered by a tarp chased everyone off the beach. we all thought he had a bomb until we saw him repeat the process down the road a bit and get v&.

Why isn't Ben the Trump campaign's official cartoonist? No, seriously he should be. His cartoons are far more effective at red-pilling sheeple than any speech will ever be.

Yeah Ben shilled hard for him for basically nothing and his patreon donors. Trump ought to open up his billionaire wallet and give his most staunch supporter some monetary support.

I'm indifferent to Milo.

I just don't see him as my leader or anything of sorts.
Just as spokeperson spreading normie friendly soft redpills.
Who likes attention too much to be a proper Anonymous.

Just according to keikaku….

That's a surprisingly accurate prediction of greekjewfag's role I must admit…

Some things never change.

I saw an article saying that Japanese people will be extinct in 700 years because their birth rates are so low. Have to admit it makes me sad to think we won't have anime in the future.

Milo is a double kike. He is a Jew, but also a sexual Jew (i.e. homosexual).

Faggots have been completely dropped like that cute looking loser chick after getting gang banged by the varsity football team. The left has moved on in their perpetual Trotskyist perpetual revolution. Libs only care about trannies and Muslims now. The fact that they rip everything from gays to pander to men in dresses and women with butch haircuts and fake kicks really rubs them raw. They are also scared shitless of Muslims. It is the faggots who will be first on the chopping block. Faggots have been trying to worm into the right and has only accelerated after Orlando.

Homos are now nomads looking for a group that will protect them so they can continue pozzing one another. Whether or not it is worth it to use them as our own shock troops or make them crawl back to the left and be subservient slaves to them, I think that is up for debate.

Kek. That is just jew drivel.

The japanese will be fine. Some population reduction will do good for their overpopulated island.

Here in the west however…well it's going to get rough. Japan tier birth rates coupled with millions of fighting age invaders and government going full rogue and orwellian. Gott mit uns.

Their legacy will by far outlive whatever harm comes to their biological lineage.

Japan will forever be remembered in the whole White world as the wise-sensei that saved Mother Europa through his guidance and superior robotics made of steel folded over 6 million times at her darkest hour.

what is this glorious bldg user?

k thx

Das Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations) in Leipzig, Germany

Some controlled immigration of strictly-lightly pigmented individuals could also help them make anime real.

It's not about importing foreigners. Japanese will still go extinct even if they don't import anyone, because each generation is half the size of the last.

120 million becomes 60 million
60 million becomes 30 million
30 million becomes 15 million
15 million becomes 7.5 million

And eventually it drops to zero.

Actually the limit of f(x) = 1/2^x has y approach 0 as x approaches infinity so it will never reach 0

Do you think that number of attractive blue/green-eyed blonde/ginger/light brown weeaboos per generation would be able to fill the gap?

Oh who am I kidding? There are no attractive weeaboos.

Kill yourself.


also, there is an expression in english language

If you are in a pickle, you are in a difficult position, or have a problem to which no easy answer can be found.

The word ‘pickle’ comes from the Dutch word ‘pekel’, meaning ‘something piquant’, and originally referred to a spiced, salted vinegar that was used as a preservative.

In the seventeenth century, vegetables like cucumbers or gherkins that were preserved took the name.

The ‘in difficulty’ meaning of the expression alludes to the idea of being as mixed up and disoriented as the pickled vegetables in the jar!

And then real estate prices drop so low that anyone can afford property. People buy houses and have tons of spare cash from the high demand of labor giving lots of jobs and high wages that are not being taken by shitskin hordes. Meaning lots more to have and raise kids with. Nice try kike.

Huma comes from a muslim terrorist organization. Hillary converted to Islam. They don't hide that they are lesbian lovers; they hope this makes people less likely to suspect they are muslim terrorism backers. Hillary plays the long game. You can tell how furious Hillary was about Monica, because Hillary and Monica were actually lovers.

True, many anime characters probably are inspired by european aesthetics, however it's mostly the Jomon ideal I think. Japanese descend from two people. The probably indigene Jomon and the korean like yayoi gooks. Jomon are linked to the native Ainu people. Jomon are kinda european looking people, but most probably not that much related.

That is too much fixation on statistics, because a lot can happen with time. It's the same in europe, but unlike the japanese who can easily recover from their dwindling population by fucking, we have a ticking bomb of shitskins over here.
I don't think that they will just fade away like in your example and if they do, then they deserve it. It's a bit like these HUUGE african population growth expectations. 4.2 billions in 2100. Well, guess what, africans will die like flies once the 'charity' and food supplies of the west stop. This will happen rather sooner than later judging by how things are currently developing in the west.

Ah and here. This should be interesting to you.
Overpopulation is not just a meme and dwindling reproduction levels are more or less a healthy response to it.
More resources, property, higher wages etc. for everyone in theory.

Yet another reason why kikes are flooding us with shitskin hordes.

All the main characters in death note were brits living in nipland though
father emigrated to nipland, married nip, became cop, has hapa light
grew up in GATE program, ran by brit who exclusively selected other brits.
some model that's "visiting" for way too long, clearly USA or EU
Misora, Matsuda and all the other goof characters were all asian though.


Not really fam. Like I said. It's more or less the Jomon ideal, which is objectively more beautiful than gooks.

Pepe is all things Ivanasimov Piotrovcik Simonotrovicivic, surely this is clear no

This. Like every Western country. 700 years, is this a joke? more like 100.

Kinda irrelevant though given that most anime present exclusively Japanese people while maintaining European pigmentation diversity and quite obviously European facial structures ripped off from old Disney.

Case in point, in this pinoy pictogram blue-eyed blondes might be presented as of exclusively European ancestry (with one of them being a hapa, not sure if it's even possible with a pure Japanese parent) but the tall red haired one looks way more Europoid than mongoloid.

Some interesting HAPA's for you race connoisseurs.
Brandon Lee is 5/8 white european, because the mother of his father Bruce Lee was a HAPA herself.
Cary Fukunaga's father is japanese and his mother white european.

That's one excellent pepe, user. Saved

this fucking card game man, its been haunting me for so long now even the really wacky ones have for the most part happened, fucking milo too jesus K christ

You have to remember that the rate of decline slows with each generation because of proportions. I'll use Italy as an example.

Italy has a brith rate of 1.4 and a population of 60 million. Meaning that each generation of Italian is 1/3 smaller than the last. So assuming birth rates don't change, this is the future population of Italy:

Assuming that one generation is approximately 25 years:

60 million
39.6 million
26.136 million
17.249 million
11.384 million
7.513 million
4.959 million
3.273 million
2.16 million
1.42 million

If present birth rates continue, Italian people will be completely extinct from the earth in 1050 years.

Pickle in jar is probably for dildoing



Kill every last kike. Im sick of hearing their fucking blasphemies against nature.

The decreasing of birthrates is natures way of balancing a population that occupies more space than is available. Like in Japan. It doesnt mean they are going extinct.. It means that the population density required for the kike economy to continue is unfeasible, except with the cockroach races that seem to be completely unaffected by such instinctual/genetic failsafes.

yes, this. it's all so very obvious. if Trump was going to win by 55% than it would be no sweat to rig the election to match the polls and people would accept that.

but he's going to win by 65 to 75%(88%). they know they can't get away with stealing it. unfortunately it means that the mask is going to come off and the death and suffering will begin

will it be a false-flag nuke? project blue-beam? chyna? who knows lol

To hell with your dumb statistics already. They aren't taking any other circumstances like shitskin immigration into account.
Yes, we are fucked for good if we aren't getting rid of the jewish choke soon enough.

Get rid of jews and see your people prosper again.

Notice the 68'ers?

That was just a rough estimate. I assume birth rates will eventually rise back above replacement level in a few generations, we just have to take a breather for a while. Populations rise and fall all the time. Unfortunately the kikes are flooding white countries with shitskins and Europe has open borders. Also, once we perfect human cloning population is no longer a problem since people will probably be able to just clone themselves infinitely in the future.



This is reducing demographics to a child pressing "=" on a calculator over and over again and is not at all realistic.

The lower the native population becomes, the faster it is destroyed due to admixture.

1.4 fertility rate includes the masses of immigrants who are having 4,5,6,7,8 children each. Ethnic Italian fertility rate is lower.

Mean age of first childbirth of Italian women is already over 30.

Also replacement level is 2.1, not 2.0 as might be expected.

Why would you assume that when no population has ever recovered from below replacement fertility?

It's not population that matters, it's fertility rate. Fertility rates have not dropped below replacement levels in historical times like that do today, without the society becoming extinct.

More power to you for your nonchalance though.

Saved. Really detailed post.

That is wrong. See the third Reich. See Ireland.

Because Hillary is a cunning linguist, I can discern it.

Hillary showed how healthy she is by opening a pre-opened pickle jar on a television show for adult children.

Harambe the Fallen Kang

It is something more.

Kek wills it.

What's the point being handsome if you are into NTR?

Yeah well, it's still a pretty funny picture regardless.

Holy fuck. Has this been discussed yet? The absolute madman.


I'm disappointed that the pickle and the jar aren't labeled. Took me a while to tell what they were.

Yeah, Ben's cartoons are rather hard to decipher these days. He really should add some explanation about the symbolism and meaning for each of his cartoons. Labels were a big progression in the meantime, though.

Jimmy admits the pickle jar was pre-opened

The Japanese aren't special in this regard. Their declining birthrates are due to the exact same forces afflicting white westerners: a stagnant economy, women joining the workforce and preferring their careers to starting a family, women in the workforce competing with men to lower wages for everyone, widespread real or fantasized sexual hedonism amongst women and men undermining the value of real relationships, the general castration of the boys. The only difference is that in the west, kikes don't even bother to cover up the declining birthrates with shitskin immigrants. They have the audacity to celebrate our downfall and demonize the whites that do breed beyond the replacement rate. If things keep going the way they have, Japan will have a brighter future than us, because at least their leadership is made of race realists and not ZOG puppets.

The fuck ever happened to that user that was uploading HQ scans of the cards?


Putin doesnt take orders from (((them)))



that guy is horrifyingly unfunny.

I suspect the labelling is because, as Trump said, "nobody knows what the Alt Right is". Ben's cartoons are still seen by a lot of normalfags, they won't know who half these people are, but after reading the labels, they might go a-googlin' (how long before the search results for these terms are made more (((relevant)))?) and find out.
And, whatever we think of Milo, he's a great entry-level redpill. Normies will like what he says and vote Trump, thinking if a jewish queer said it's okay, they can't possibly be bigots. We can give them the deeper red pills about jews and queers later.

Alex Jones has to be controlled opposition. He's perfect for these smug fucks, with his "pickle can" and his babby-tier attempt to explain the mechanics of lid opening.

Anyway Kimmel's shtick is "haha, look at the uncool guy spending 7 minutes talking about a detail, we cool people just breeze through life."

And normalfags buy it, because they don't realize everything on TV took a lot of man hours and planning to create.

For example, there's no visible label on this jar. Ever see commercially packaged pickles without a label? I assume they delabel anything like that to avoid pissing off sponsors who might be competing. But it illustrates that this is a planned entertainment product, not hanging out with your fun friend Jimmy.

I reckon a lot more than 7 minutes went into writing this bit.

Normalfags are so fucking stupid it didn't even occur to me this could be the takeaway. I hope it's only the dumbest of normalfags who watch Kimmel.

someone should explain OP's filename.


Hate to be the downer, but, by the looks of things, gonna be the old saying :
It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes.

Even if Trump supporters are the majority, given how ostracized public display of support of Trump is, they don't know it. If you're a lone wolf who voted for Trump and lost, you won't be asking any questions. Neither 100 million of you will. After all, you were alone.

1) "in bed with" is means colluding/conspiring with

2) I don't remember what the pickle is about, probably the jar she opened like other anons said

3)Jimmy Rustle the gorilla, or something like that, it's a meme, we make memes like that

4)Pepe is one of our memes, Ben Garrison knows who we are, this has been established in the past
he knows us because we put his name on everything and we sometimes buy his shit

Trumpstaffel was a left wing false flag concoction.


"jimmy" can also be harambe, the other memest gorrila on the internet

He absolutely is, there has been some effort to make Alex "I am a Jew" Jones palatable here but it will not take off and I am glad for it.

didn't know it was possible to be less funny than Jay Leno

the process of pickling and preserving vegetables is very often called "canning" but I guess them city folk wouldn't know that.

could be

Huh? that dude has a face like an elbow.
He's also sucking in and looks like he's holding his breath to look all puffed up.
Weebs are shit. No exceptions.
Even the ones who "lift"
That's not an insult. That's just a fact of life my friend.



The memes are converging.

Dude we just don't give a fuck.
Seriously like all of us are ready and willing to die

Many of the chosen chars to say "anime is western" end up being euroasians. In the comparisons, they pick up a western very good looking girl and an fat jap.

Of course in the mixed chars only the 100% pure aryan card will be pulled and no Elliot Rogers mention done.

This has a subversive memetic intent. Be careful.