Brit/pol/ #1178: Have A Comfy & Moral Bank Holiday Edition



Notting Hill Horror: Police descend on Carnival after four people stabbed and 105 arrested

Brexit may send EU 'down the drain' - German vice chancellor

Pro-EU former ministers finally admit they were WRONG about migrants during EU debate

Calais chief wants new migrant border deal with UK

BREXIT BACKLASH: Hammond tries to slam brakes on Prime Minister's exit strategy

Ed Balls describes Corbyn leadership as 'leftist fantasy'

Other urls found in this thread:

first for placentas

more like cuck/pol/



How? Do you live in the north?

American humour at its best




Peter's inner aspie coming out



Wew lad, checked.


There was a bombing in Brussels last night or arson as the BBC like to call it
There have been five arrests


He goes all out in the first minute, gave me a modest kek.

Someone must have put semi-skimmed in his morning brew.


Pastor Anderson is such a rube.

And you should go to church and talk about how it is capitulating to materialism.
This is what we all do at my church and our clergy totally agree with us.


Is purging the communists irony or hypocrasy?
either way, it's going to be fun.

i'm in Birmingham lol

Are you Anglican, lad?

That host is an absolute whiny cunt.

Hypocrisy if you are a filthy commie.

My condolences, but at least you have a nice church.

No, Peter.
YOU are the communist.



Throw eggs at them

play Schubert out of your window

potato in the exhaust pipe, tbh lad

You're lucky

My window is next to an alley way it's always full of pakis standing around their cars speaking their gibberish.

Since we're talking about Madjam Nittyboi taking on Morality Man, I feel it's obligatory to post this.

I wonder if his circumcision has healed since his conversion

Kebabs who claim to be just as much victims of ISIS are delusional. Once you realize that the world is made up of different groups you`ll see how the kebabs gain while we lose.
Sure many kebabs don`t like ISIS, yet come to our lands and settle here. They defile our lands with their broods and threaten our existence. Thought the inbreeding they are walking
heaps of defective genetic material. White children are being/going to be denied medical care because off the lack of resources, resources which are being used to save achmed the retarded kebab!
A kebab bred to either die at birth or to be a blight on this world, a low IQ combined with islam makes for a effective zerg rush against an docile opponent.
(Read up on the genetic defects the kebabs have because they fuck their nieces for generations upon generations).
We don`t want kebabs on our lands, we don`t need kebabs on our lands. If it was not for kebabs we would have reached the stars by now.
We don`t have a righteous hatred for kebabs because of ISIS, our hatred stems from the fact that these decrepit creatures are an insult to all that is good and just in this world.
Whites suffer and we are denied birthright of being the masters of this planet, and for what? For this multiculturalism in which there is no equivalent exchange, in which we Whites only give.
We granted the niggers freedom from slavery, now they kill us on the streets we let them roam on. We let kebabs settle in our ancestral homelands, and now they kill, maim and rape us.
We gain nothing, we are being punished for letting the weak run amok. Punishment for letting in the kikes, punishment for showing mercy to the lesser races. If they had any sense of who they
where dealing with they would tremble in fear for our wrath, and our wrath will come. Maybe sooner than later, if sooner be a beast and show no mercy. If later then prepare by being better everyday,
there are enough free courses to follow Anons.
Now prepare for war Anons,
This time the world,



I honestly can't stand these fucking Catholic LARPers on youtube

They all have to shout out to the world that theyre Catholic + Autistic and how traditional they are



Say what you want about GLR, he had a good ear for slogans


ah fucking hell this kid is riding his scooter right along the walkway and it makes a deep vibrating(?) sound

end my suffering




what does nip meaning?

Not sure how I feel about this tbh. Can't help but feel Anglicanism is anathema to our beliefs.


All I ever get when I load a page is the word "nip" in 12pt Times New Roman, and nothing else,






Better get rid of female vicars and especially bishops as well tbh

I like the look of these Finngolians tbh

I always wanted to be a Saruman style wizard tbh. Have my own little Kingdom of skeletons and manservants.


You will be a cuckhold instead
t. Rabbi Shekel I'llfuckupyourlifestein

That film was surprisingly accurate of stormfags.

Do it lad.

seriously, it's been like that for the last two weeks.

makes it lose all impact tbh

Instinctively I have no issue with female vicars and bishops, then I look at female voters…

Please do it, show you won't be cucked by the London centric Anglican church anymore. Do it lads, I'll be proud of you.

I'm still following through with going to entire way to Orthodoxy though, I lost my hope for the Anglican church a long time ago. The Catholic church and it's Muslim loving Pope is worse though.

They were picked out of a hat, goy!

I kekked tbh



Hmmm apart from that it is pretty good

They need more credit tbh



top kek, he truly is a madman


Anderson sounds a bit gay tbh, it might just be the yank accent though.

LOL he does not belong on Sunday Politics god damn…


joyous tbh

I think he looks like Chris Evans (Captain America one).


Alex Jones is a showman. It's how he gets viral.


Here's the best thing he's done

Fuck Piers


Serves you right lad

Clinton's economic plan is far superior to trump's.

Trump made an economic plan that merely tries to sell rethorics to the public, rather then a plan that is actually practical.

Clinton's plan in the other hand, is a result of 24 years of experience, a well crafted plan that is approved by most economists.

Trump's plan will lead to recession.

OH AND BTW, just in case you still did not realize that other then rethorics trump's economic policy is empty of substance or connection with reality:


Baptists are corrupts of Anglicans
Thinking God doesn't go to children is moronic

sounds like a typical yank

wew lad

filtered for yank


Sorry mr CTR, none of us can actually vote in American elections so there's no point shilling here

It's great to see Andrew Neil enjoying himself

wtf I hate Trump now

wtf I can't vote in US elections because I'm British








Wrong thread shill


lol why are you trying to shill clinton here none of us can vote

All those gosh darn Europeans, going around and killing like that, them ruddy Europeans are disgraceful!

No-one is going to use this information for halo polishing points with their mates, mate.

Alex interviewed him once

What's a bank holiday?

banks have the day off, yank









fuck off cunt.

u wot m8, who do u fink u are, comin in ere wiv dem forrin squiggles.

pay denbts

The fuck are you on? I crafted this meme myself, I don't visit lefty/pol/.

Looks like you do though.

Tell it to plebbit. You're on the wrong fucking board Hillary

Sy þis gebeterunge?

w0t? You mean getting a priet's todger rammed down your throat? Are you some kind of Catholic user?


what are the arguments against homosexuality that aren't based on christianity/god?

I don't mean that Gay Culture is disgusting, because that is more a criticism of how homosexuality manifests rather homosexuality itself.

Is there an argument that 'homosexuality is wrong' even if it is practiced by people who behave themselves and are monogomous, etc?

No you didn't, it's used by lefty/pol/ when we raid them.



What you're asking for is how is homosexuality immoral if you take it out of a moral framework.

By that point you're a lost cause.

Do we bother to raid lefty/pol/ it seems entirely pointless.

Best one I got against gay adoption is that kids should be raised by role models of both genders

Hitchens was angry about drugs this morning. Won't stop me smoking it though.

I'm going to mute him on Twitter again if he doesn't get a life tbh.

I'm trying to discuss things with my family and waving the bible won't cut it

I was thinking more that it is a sign of a sterile and dying society.
And that it is often a manifestation of abuse so should be understood not glorified

they are bullies tbh

Is there a bigger waste of time and money than drugs?

You sure are trying hard to fit in. If anything the "bunker" thing was used on Holla Forums during the cuckening, they certainly didn't use the air raid siren, that's the reason I used 'bunker' to fit with the siren webm.

No, we never do. At least not brit/pol/.



prostitutes and vidya

Masterbating to anime.

Wew lad.

He's a loser


tfw mdma user tbh ngl

They're equal if anything and one is more damaging than the other

confirmed for newfag.

yes, but that is criticising "gay lifestyle" not "homosexuality"

Thanks though.
I think the answer is the inherent passions of man needing women to temper them

How's the autism treating you user?

Yeah anime will permamntly dmamge you.

I want Scots to leave

compared to who?


Yeah drugs are harmless xd

Look in the mirror.

You seem to be grasping at anything to blame drugs for, that's just sad mate.

Good goys


Not really? You seem to be grasping at anything to defend drugs, that's just sad mate

Whinging moralists go home tbh.


Wheree have I defended my drug use once?


At least fat people admit their lifestyle is damaging, the cognitive dissonance of drug users is nauseating. Next you'll tell me legalisation will boost the economy

It'll cure cancer too.



Thank you.

weed grows braincells!!!

Loving this autistic rage lads.

You're more than 20% of this thread. Kek.
Get a job you NEET faggot.

And you just gave him a (You) overload that wil probably kill him

It's bank holiday you know?


get a proper job ladpiazinho

Bank holiday, yank

Lads, why are you all so pathetic?

No wonder he's so deadly serious in all his posts, yanks out tbh

Are you hoping that if you keep repeating that ad hom I'll respond?


Just showing what you're doing, don't need your response

You're projecting

I thought I left those people behind after university

Wow your mind must be so open to be know that

waste of trips.

I'm fully black pill today. I'm going to grass the little cunt up when I see his mum coming back home later and I'm going to enjoy his girly little screams. His sobbing will be my early night lullaby.

It's not his fault you had a shit time as a teenager

do it, lad

He's getting his arse whooped royally and you can't save him.

Maybe the music will get permanently lowered in volume as well.

Can someone explain why I'm supposed to hate this man or how he wasn't based as fuck again?

Do they own the house? if not contact their landlord and throw the book at them

wew lad enjoy your skiffle

ebil waycis dat kept da black man down!

He was always based, never let anyone tell you otherwise

Because he was a colonialist and ppost-colonialism teaches us that colonialists, white people and mercantilism was bad.

Because he worked with Jews once

The locals are worse than he is, they constantly throw one another around the house but never invite him back to theirs.

Stupid cunt, I hope they break his shit.

Rent lad, landlord's fucking useless. His mum's not though, she's ruthless with a slipper.

Sure thing lad.

He was the only Englishman to have a country named after him.
They they changed it to Zimbabwe.
Thank god that shithole won't tarnish his name

I want to edit this to be chinese not japanese and put it in my office

Financed by N M Rothschild & Sons

there will be no mercy

Waaaaaay, top bants.

I'm not even a Christian and this triggered the fucking shit out of me.


Good goy

Sad times we live in really lad.

You're the problem tbh

Qatari's are basically like us tbh

You know when we talk about how just being genetically white isn't enough, this is one of the reasons why.

Excuse me?

Alright lad.

Now I know why they have to keep their women locked up

whats the best broadband provider lads that's

I think they're all shit tbh lad, just use a VPN with some custom DNS addresses

If this country was strongly Christian muslims wouldn't be able to try and dominate and convert us. The destruction of our religion makes it easy for muzzies and also easier for kikes to push their immoral hedonistic garbage.

Talktalk is alright

That you don't even see it is sad
They organise, we scatter
They join institutions, we tear them down

3 million can't beat 60 million
But 3 million will beat 1 person 60 million times
I can't be mad at muslims for being muslims
You need to participate in our institutions

In your opinion why did the British lose their faith in the Christianity and when do you think it started?

Christianity's rapid decline started after the Second World War. The innovations of the 50s, 60s and 70s were most damagin


The advent of every home having a colour television.

I think it started in the 60's with the degeneracy that brought, why, not too sure, probably was to rebel at first and cast off this archaic belief because it's oppressive or something like that and people would be free to do whatever they like free of guilt, it just happened to line up with the chosen's plans perfectly and they also pushed to kill Christianity so they could brainwash people easier if they didn't believe in God, moral values, and hold traditions

Any specific innovations?

I'm thinking like this guy:

That TV has reduced dialogue between family members so things like spirituality aren't discussed. Whenever I spend prolonged periods talking to friends and family about spirituality they tend to really open up to it as the conversation goes on, I imagine that if you took all that TV time and put into developing these ideas you would have a lot more spiritual nation.

Not sure what the fuck that's all about, was just looking to have a discussion about the spiritual decline of the British people but if you want to be a cunt about it then whatever.

We've reached new heights of degeneracy tbh

Not true, church attendance was already declining by the interwar period from what it had been before

by the interwar period


Yeh, makes sense to me. I guess as the degenerate culture grew it just kept accelerating towards the kind of shit show we see today. Kind of a feedback loop of degeneracy.

Ah, well according to that both churches started to decline in the 60s

No, it shows the CoE started dropping in 1930. Even then, I expect Church attendance as a percentage of the popluation was dropping faster/earlier since that graph only shows absolute numbers and the population was growing throughout that period

Kill me tbh

Do what the faithful do and you will find faith soon enough.

Any ideas why the decline for C of E starts then? Any specific events or changes?

Christianity's dead.
Unless you're going out with a civic girl, to the average white god means nothing.

World War One and the hundreds of thousands sent to die in a pointless "holy war" against a manufactured threat.

A generation who'd seen horrors so unspeakable they wouldn't talk about the war for decades.
Meanwhile the church had been proclaiming it was a godly and just war.
Made people realise it was bullshit I guess.

Do you know why? Did the wars and decline of Empire make people have less faith? That could make sense, they must have felt betrayed

Delete this goy.

The graph is pretty shitty, tbh.

The first thing you have to do when thinking about causes of decline is think generationally.

What sorts of people came of age in the 1920s and 1930s? People who had witnessed the horrors of WWI as children. Existentialism and hedonistic materialism flourished in the post-WWI world.

WWI shattered every popular idea of providence and goodness in the universe. Faithlessness followed quickly.

Embed related.

It's not dead, it is sick


I'm in a similar boat to you, I found a lot of connection in reading about various religious ideas in pre-Christian Europe and how the intellectuals of the time viewed their religion in a more metaphorical sense so that it became pretty much pantheism to them.

The underlying concepts of pantheism speak much more to me than any kind of monotheism or deism. Check it out and see what you think, dogmatic religions might not be the right approach for the intelligent mind while I feel they are right for masses.

Suggested reading: The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans by Hans Gunther

He was being ironic, you spazz.

If Britain hadn't won WW1 there would have been a communist revolution in this country.

Of course its dead.
Whole European countries like the Czech Republic and Estonia are almost entirely atheist.

Christianity's alive in Latin America, Africa and Asia. To whites it's seen as something for stupid no whites to follow.

You need to buy YOUR OWN DD=WRT router and find out WHY you need to do this exactly tbh

Great argument.

So was I Achmed

Are you actually thick?

Cheers lad, shall do

I could see how this could start a sense materialism within the population and then perhaps this was perpetuated through the mass media of television. As all things like this I imagine there are many different elements at play that all add together until we get the level of degeneracy we see today and I'm sure that now with advent of social media it will continue to accelerate. It certainly seems to be getting worse at an increasingly faster pace.

Bullshit. Look at Poland.

It's been over two decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Christianity continues to flounder there.

Catholic Poland's doing well.
So is swarthy pseudo spic Romania.

Otherwise elsewhere its dead and dying.
The fastest growing religious perspective in every European country is atheism.
Pretty soon most of England's churches will either be demolished or refurbished as quirky housing for yuppies.

“Great to welcome Pakistan’s Shaykh Muhammad Naqib ur Rehman at [Lambeth Palace] today”, tweeted the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby last month.

Its not like this is a particularly novel development though. Christianity had floundered across Europe many different times, it always bounces back.

Are you getting angry on the interwebs?
Thing is there are autistic 13 year olds reading this Tibetan grass sock weavers forum who don't get irony m8
If you tell them we're basically "the same as Qataris" they will end up believing it
Tone your subliminal irony down jewboy or I'll sling you in the oven at Gas Mark 6 million
t. The worst Nazi on t'internet

This isn't surprising. Same with Eastern Germany.

For the moment. In the long term there are serious concerns about whether atheism can propagate itself. Unsurprisingly, the atheists have statistically far lower birthrates than the religious.

Anyone /vapourwave/ here?

I agree with you, far too much time is just spent sitting in front of the box, watching until the brain melts. Most people don't even remember the what they watched the day previous, that's how hypnotising the television is.
Don't forget too, people stopped worshipping God, and replaced him with celebrity worship. Footballers, Hollywood, any person who has been in front of the television for five minutes. It's disgusting.

Atheism is nihilism tbh

Name me a single point in the history of European civilisation where Christianity has become this completely irrelevant and unnoticed.
Face it, there is no bounce back.

Even your point about atheists having low birthrates means sweet FA.
So do protestants. So do all white people.

If you really honestly wanted to LARP as a christian and go through all the procedures and have a bunch of kids, statistically your best chance of doing so are being with a non white girl.
Apart from the fact that whites hate Christianity, they also hate kids.
Best you might get with a white wife is two or three if you're lucky.

European ethno religious civilisation or whatever the hell you guys call it is dead.

Every university should be destroyed tbh

Why lad?

Universities are no longer places of knowledge, of learning, of wisdom. They are places of indoctrination.


Everything man made should be destroyed tbcauh.

France after the French revolution.

BTW, the broader point that you're making is that white civilization is dead, not merely that Christianity is dead.

LOL go back to int

aaaaaaaand there it is.

Therefore we should change them rather than destroy them

Not only can Athiesm not reproduce itself physically, it cannot do so socially.

Athiesm is a moral and ethical vacuum which provides no help in allowing people to live fufilled and meaningful lives. Athiesm leaves a vacuum that needs to be filled, I just hope it is not by Islam in the brave new world of the English Caliphate,

I honestly believe your ilk's constant use of the word "larp" shows you fear of the possibility of actual faithfullness.

Even so, it is true perhaps that Christianity hasn't been so weak in government and institutions but that has a lot more to do with the horrors of modernity than anything

I'm still not sure about Nawaz and his motivations in what he does now but Miscegenation Man was being a bit rude here tbh.

Do atheists believe in magic?

Nah Nawaz got triggered and went ballistic. If Pete was rude then he looked like a maniac.


I'm pretty sick of the term larp applied to anyone except actual larpers these days, even bagan fedoras. The notion seems to get used to resign any social movement like Christianity or paganism completely to the dustbin of history with no chance of revival or reconstruction. It's nonsense tbh. It's complete blackpill nonsense.

Not in any phony magic.

Exactly, I think that the void left by a lack of spirituality has been stuffed with materialistic bullshit, people are treating brands like the new religion think of the queues for Apple products, etc. People are trying to fill this hole with degenerate crap and they will never be satisfied they constantly need something new and novel because what they are lacking is a belief in something greater than just themselves.

Currently they are filling that vacuum with latest phone, binge drinking and whatever celebrity bullshit is on TV.

It's a proper JIDF tactic

Destroy them, then rebuild a new.

I've met faithful people.
They have brown skin, go to church every day, live in tiny houses and have 4 or 5 kids.
Whites make fun of them.

And for the record, its LARPing because you know in your heart the church is bullshit.
If you didn't you wouldn't be on here, you'd be out on the street every day warning the world about the sky falling in.

Who here hopeful for a trump/brexit year?

Real magic, like wizards and shit.

You're trying way to hard to fit in.

I missed the last minute because I was switching tabs and reading stuff. I have just listened to it.

I know because I've heard Hitchen's arguments before that Nawaz misinterpreted him and cut him off at the end but I don't think the reaction was that bad.

We need normies to be aware of Islam's conquests. Islam is the borg they only take and never create

source this YHYH

Commie pls, destruction isn't the only way

kek dat vid been waiting for something like that, saw loads of it's a Trump rally on the video for that song

The Protocols


There are other examples of actual LARP groups

Because when Oxford-educated historians look like this and do nothing but churn out film reviews for the Grauniad, something has gone horribly wrong

Uncle Ted did nothing wrong tbh

I've actually got a non white girlfriend tbh
She gets super excited when we talk about having kids.
She wants them to have blue eyes like me. Wants to have lots.
She dresses like an actual woman and behaves like one.
She's got a better attitude than 99.9% of white women I've ever met.
She knows I'm very right wing.

Sorry lads. I love her.


My girlfriend is greek and has a bit of civic in her but she's lovely.


What race lad? Please at least be half white half oriental

Hoe non white is she?

Lol classic mate

He's lying lads they always use that one

>not half white half Indian

They're the top tier of half-castes

I honestly think they'll make the first move, we'll end up put putting a gun to their heads as they put guns to the average plebs head.

How much bait?!?!

t. the brit/pol/ half-caste

Go away Reality Calls.

As long as they aren't sluts like Charlie XCX

Better not be a gook m8

Still can't believe this happened.

Half white Hispanic half oriental.

You can't tell she's part oriental though. Without a tan she just looks like a whiter than average Latina.

The purpose of sex is to have children with better genes, by being attracted to whites they are showing to anyone with any understanding of the natural world that their own bodies are telling them that whites are inherently superior.

Why live?

This is the closest picture I can get to how she looks.

Honestly lads, looking for a good Christian gf has been really hard. Doesn't help I am social inept myself.

Honestly tempted just to join a monestary tbh

Do you go to Church?

Its better to be alone than get a gf and end up hating her, while being tied to her economically. Be alone is far better.

No it isn't you mgtow sperg

Work on finding just a regular gf, beggars can't be choosers.


Well there goes my hobby. Didn't want to play warhammer any way… faggots.

Fuck off nerd.

Yeah those people are faggots tbh


Gordon either found out and complained to the mods and they deleted it or he's confirmed too disgusting even for that board.

LAd you should have known, most people who play tabletop are nu-male cucks.

I think even the most degenerate people don't want Gordo.

I ain't hiding my power level mate. We don't get any fucking where ignoring the cancer eating us.

lad, marry her

Homosexuality is a sin, lad, you have been misguided


And you shouldn't lad, just saying you rpobably should have known that could happen.

He's saying that he wanted to see if even the degenerates on that board would like him.

The poster himself is not a faggot (at least just going off that post.

I was 99% sure it would, but I wanted to vent.

A bit of truly feminine penis is okay from time to time I fod yn onest.

no one wants to wank to Gords

Someone actually needs to shoot him.


Not even memeing, we could learn a thing or two from them. At a distance of course, all the blacks we deport will need somewhere to go for moral guidance

Did anyone find out what his boyfriend looked like?

Does he still have a micropenis?

he should be a monk
they have women monks now
which is fine i guess
i don't really understand monks tbh

fucking ree lads, gotta alter my siege machine plans.

>In late August and early September 1958, the Notting Hill race riots occurred. The series of disturbances are thought to have started on 30 August when a gang of white youths attacked a Swedish woman, Majbritt Morrison, who was married to a West Indian man (Raymond Morrison), following a previous incident in Latimer Road tube station..[19]

Every single person on that fucking Sweden account is getting progressively worse.

there is nothing you can do about micropenis

We used to be so based


You did well mate. Every dent in their conditioning will finally break it apart.

Doctors hate him!


Based toll collectors.

What did you expect?

Never understood it tbh

The left wing will lead them to their fantasy world.


I don't think they even know themselves. I'll just have to try and set up a new group.


I'm sure theres more, but thats more than enough reason to consider it a mental illness requiring immediate sectioning and forced therapy.

Why are you watching this mate?

I'm saying be sure before you commit, not don't commit you autist.

I honestly don't get the attraction.

I'm not a woman though.

Did he have his balls cut off?


They have to say "white youths" because if they had said just "youths" the readers would think it was tarbabies.

because I can entertain a range of ideas in my head without believing them

you might like it tbh. he's saying he thought he was a girl when he was 6 but really it was just a phase so we probably shouldn't put children on hormone blockers

I wonder if the Brexit vote has anything to do with TTIP collapsing, since the UK is the only sincerely pro-US voice in the EU

Same with the @Ireland one.
It's being done on purpose.

He's got a pretty sick fit tbf.

Than being with someone you hate? Yes, it is. Have you ever been stuck with a gf you hate?

At least this time, it's not a nigger running Ireland, just a numale.

It seems that the half-chink who died in Australia was the product of a WW/AM relationship


you shouldn't be so comfortable with being a loser tbh.


What's the point in saying it in relation to this? You're basically saying give up

Not again no, but once is enough.


The UAE is one of the more tolerant ones but what was this freak expecting?

nude qt tbh


Doesn't sound like he's comfortable.


Women do not love the same way men do. Women do not have true love, they have "This is the best I can get, so I'll trick myself into believing I'm in love" love instead.

The voice lad, the voice.

Don't ruin my comfy Monday with your happiness.

Who died?


If you want to take part of what I say then apply your perceived meaning from it regardless of context then just post responses to your own comments.

I said it is better to be alone than be with someone you hate. Nowhere did i say give up. Thats your interpretation.


Try roll20, my group is all Holla Forums tbh.

my autism is flaring up again,


Bono meets "the Bill Gates of Africa" to urge help for Nigeria's starving child refugees

We're gonna need more gas

who /thinking/ here?


just wow

Typical Arsenal supporter.

Ones that start with "OK lets be clear" trigger me the most.

I hope these people get enriched by kebab.

How can people believe this cognitive dissonance?

Taigs are nearly black
Here's proof

Progressively becoming more and more of a problem.

WARNING: -I want players to bring characters with them NOT create them during the first session.
-If you find heavy debate of politics or religion off-putting then you might not like the campaign.
-If you find heavy use of scientific concepts and a heavy grounding in real science off-putting or annoying then you might not like the campaign.
-Cursing is not encouraged but allowed.
-Any instance of out-of-character racism, sexism, nationalism, patriotism and abuse will result in the instantaneous ban of the abuser.

You came out with that randomly after an user saying it's hard to find a Christian girlfriend, then you said oh it's better to be alone than with someone you hate. Why?



I don't even know what you mean by this image, are these the developers of roll20? No one outside of my roll20 games have had any say on what goes on in them.

Sounds like you have some shit games

Because its true, if you are trying to find a gf and are having trouble then its probably because the people you are looking at are shit people. Being christian is by no means an indication of being a good person or a viable gf.

Insert various images of Christians supporting diversity and having mixed race kids,

no idea who this is but assuming she is a jewish lesbian?

Check the blog, it's fucking amazing.

Seems likely.

lol wtf

UK’s dopiest burglar caged for two years after falling asleep in victim’s house and being woken by cops

Fucking hell. I wondered why i kept rolling under ten every game. Glad I don't give them any money.


This is why varg made myfarog

I assumed that was just a setting and lore, is it a website with text/board/dice?

…in memory of Godfrey Bloom

Yes. She is also disappointed in her daughter for not being lesbian.


I fucking hate liking tabletop games when I have to deal with this shit.

Trips of truth

Is it normal to taste a little bit of blood when you cough?

Ex-security service agent claimed member of his team shot president in astonishing deathbed confession to director Oliver Stone

dude libertarian lmao

I don't know, man. When people do that in movies it often means they are close to dying tbh.

God I hate yanks


Praying for you.


Don't forget their love for that Evalion train wreck.

This why I always say, being genetically white isn't enough.

please tell me he is getting fired
the present is a foreign country

Wha ya mean when u say alf caste?

True, I'd rather not be dying.

do you even Alt-Right?

Pastor Anderson is a fundie pro-racemixing cuck.The only thing good about him is how he hates kikes.

she's a girl who pretends to be right wing
that's it

Imagine you were campaigning for something you cared about. You were then invited on a national broadcasted discussion which the presenter tasked with moderating introduces by spending a long uninterrupted period stating all the slogans and factally-disputed propaganda from the other side.

Then he comes to get your response and in the first 30 seconds he's interrupted you mid-flow to ask a question. As soon as you question his knowledge of the subject he accuses you of being abusive, claiming you of said something you haven't said as you say you didn't say it and then cuts you off the line.

Then the news station cuts out the introduction and uploads it online so people who don't like you regardless can call your behaviour rude.

He's a bad preacher tbh

Should get it checked lad. You've got a high post count so I assume you're one of the good lads.

But yeah of course there is a lot of white scum

thanks big tor user


Sorry lad I'm too racist to be alt-right :/

This tbh, not a homosexual either.

Hierarchy mate, it works.


tbh more white people are gonna die on the day of the rope than xenos

Moved up on the watchlist there lads.

Yea I'll probably go soon thanks

Milo is trying to define what the Alt-right is and what it isn't and this is one of the reasons a lot of people have been against him and the term "alt-right" for so long.

Milo has denied being part of the Alt right repeatedly.



Yet Holla Forums loves him apparantly

Probably because he isn't part of the alt-right.

>"I suck a dozen dicks a day yet I'm totally a conservative and a Christian, trust me goyimguys!!"

if it's any concession, I was calling those altistic-right faggots to stop sucking off "le based nigger XDXD" cock.

He has? He's pretty much the spoke-person for it in the media, and then he implies all the anti-semitism, racism and nationalism is just jokes.

I mean, I do want to remove the non whites/jews/communists/sjws from the country, thats fine. The issue i have it that they stop before saying remove homosexuals and tranny freaks.

Combine Christian values (not the liberal interpretation being spewed out in the last 70 years) with ethnic nationalism and free market capitalism that stops at a nations borders and I think we're onto a winner.

Niggers tbh

The media trying to misrepresent one of their opponents? WHY I NEVER!

If Milo says "They really are neo Nazis" then it's raid time mother fucker. Milo might be a raging faggot who deserves to hang but he gave us a loop hole to get out of hate speech laws. We're just memers XD is a fine excuse for us.

Who is this based nigger?


He's not a real Police officer.

It's from that TrollStation "It's just a prank bro" channel.

If Milo put the Trump campaign over his own career the best thing he could have done is told the media that the alt right doesn't qualify to be a movement and is just a label for a group of uncensored and politically incorrect internet forums that has been legitimised by the media in a desperate attempt to make Hillary appear less paranoid.

Then they'd be forced to promote people like Jared Taylor to justify her alarmism.

Who is Huma?

dozen black dicks**


I wonder who's behind this post.

should be arrest then tbh

Hillary's lesbian lover.

Some Arab that kikebart loves to piss and moan about

Whos the pickle supposed to be?



why? Putin didn't need a caption. Ruins a perfectly good sketch

Nige looks like Mr Rogers

Hillary's Saudi Arabian handler. I think she is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.


She opened a jar on TV to prove her robust health

Garrison is a hack, he writes a novel on all his drawings.

Not sure how they get away with it, they do it quite frequently too.

Nuke London from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Because they're not all as recognisable or well known as Putin. I think the names are mostly for people unfamiliar with them.


he doesn't exist. Cuckolds just suck off niggers that mildly support their views.


Yeah but it ruins the alliteration….

As said.


I really wish Ben Garrison wouldn't put that greasy kike nigger-loving faggot Milo in there.

The more you post this the more I have faith in their economic model tbh …


Did Hillary mention Milo at all in her speech?


Fuck sake, everything is cucked.



His optimism and nice neighbour attitude really makes me feel sad. It's so naive. Imagine a show like that being aired today? No chance.

I'm a bit fucked off that InfoWars is now being connected to places like Holla Forums. As if the faggot Milo wasn't bad enough we have the screaming anti-Racist autist that is Alex.


How about "I suck a dozen dark dicks a day"?

Oh, I know they're cucked, i'm just sad that its the case.


The Paracum fanbase has no one to blame but themselves, they're endlessly fucking bitching about why there just has to be more content to represent island #123123 of brown shitters (in games with names like "Europa Universalis" and "Crusader Kings" no less)

Go to their boards and ctrl +f for "ROTW"

No wonder you gave up arguing that he was "rude"

Breitbart, I think. Not Milo

Alongside no swastika in HOI4

That's why I don't feel ashamed for torrenting their stuff




All he fucking wanted was for children to have a show free from degeneracy and filth that he saw them watching, I mean look at Nickelodeon and that show written by an actual cuckold called "something and the bulldogs" so he dedicated the rest of his life to hosting the nicest most educational kids show ever. It really makes me sad watching his stuff.


Nice for Garrison to make a brit/pol/ banner

The same reason Amren isn't in there.

Ben Garrison is a CIVIC.

Redo without cutting the flag off, lad.

Muslim is CK2's unofficial easy mode.

No they aren't.
People have wanted more depth since the release of all their games.
Paracucks just do breadth because its easier than coding new and fun mechanics that work.

Germany bans games if they show a swastika in them.
Germany's a big market for autism simulators so the company has to comply.

I think sometimes they just use it as an excuse though since there should be nothing stopping them doing what valve did with L4D2.

Quads demands it

You better not be a Tory from cuckchan lad.

Did they seriously make a game with Germany in WW2 without swastikas?


h4h4h4 yeah remember when Britain had segregation? h4h4h4 me neither


the Wehrmacht were good boys who dindu nuffin, dey didnt suybscribe to dah nashinaal soshalizim





new tbh



That Tripkike has contributed more to this thread than you ever will.

red text and caps lock is not cruise control for cool

Don't rate that clock tbh.

I just thought that was to form massive empires, not to be inclusive. Oh well.

Victoria 2 was very good, especially with the timeline mod. Its basically a better eu4.

tbh if you can beat the muslims once in a holy war you can keep attacking them and take all their stuff easily. Levee + Retinues + Mercs first time and focus on killing their men, then retinue + mercs for sieging down all their stuff in successive wars one after the other.


no bully lad

This is why you fucking redditcucks. Need to hang. Of course you'd defend your attention-whoring pals


Top lad.

thats a feel lad, thats a feel that makes me want to go and stare out at some bleak sea-scape and listen to gulls cry in the din tbh


I shouldn't have clicked on the programme tbh. I skipped to the black guy in the clip (I think about 14 minutes in) and now I can't stop watching. The girl right after him is just talking about being a lower class skank with no education because of our awful comprehensives and how lonely she is. And they're laughing. Or the laugh tracks are being played at the punch lines, I can't quite tell.


Almost every strategy game with Germany in WW2 has no swastika.


Disgusting. This should be knocked down for being so old and rebuilt as a mosque like the French do.


Sit down and have a cuppa lad.


Don't feed him (you)'s, lad.

For her to support muslims moving to her area to rape white children. She fucking deserved it. They we're sent down the next day.


I shouldn't have had any expectations.


How many of these Muslims were drug dealers or suppliers?



New desktop background, top quality work fam.

Mexican pls go.




Lads, don't feed him the (you)'s, it's what he wants.



You're right that was the last one I'm donating to him

Satan is a heavy shitposter lad

pick one, britnigger


you can't own a cat Laurie you scumbag, ree humanity.

good digits

That was the original intention of the rest of the world. Back in EU2/Vicky1 it was borderline impossible to play non-Euro nations unless they were scripted (like Persia) or you abused a lot of semi-intentional mechanics.

Depth has always been fulfilled by modders.

Paracummies does breadth because of a) laziness and b) pandering.

Rangers and Celtic fans are fucking retards


Satan pls…

Sci-Fi is dead tbh

Video related


Threadly reminder not to fall for false messages of "friendship" between Great Britain and germany and disregard all who shout "D&C!" when confronted with the truth.
Nothing good has ever come out of that country.
It has only created war, tyranny and despair, over and over again.
Marxism was a German invention, and with their invasion of the USSR they enabled Communism to enslave half of Europe.
They are barbarians wearing the cloak of a civilization.

Prepare to be thrown in jail for misgendering someone


I have no lungs and I must reee.



>>>Holla Forums

what is kraut rock?


didn't know ttpw was a councillor

Fuck off


Someone ought to create a "who said it" quiz for Gordon and Laurie.

top kek lad

top kek "lad"

Who /makingesotericgains/ here?

>"heh heh…. you goyiguys, I was only bantering… you know, banter? that stuff that you alt-righters are into, right?…."


The thread gets a lot better after you ID+ filter ac9

Make Pint glasses great again



Props to him for actually trying to better himself, although I have a feeling he'll use them once for a video, after which he'll be suffering DOMS for days and never use them again.

If you fuckers stop stealing glasses from pubs they might get nicer ones.

I hope he uses a routine. Seems like he just decides to do some curls and shoulder presses now and then.


that is nice but not perfect. i haven't found a picture of a perfect one yet

Lad you can get the one I posted at poundland.

It's the tranny councilor's twitter btw.

Everyone should harass him over this tbh.

My granddad's glass's are all nice old pint glasses, he used ot be a barman tbh.

Vic 2 had it right imo
Playing as a non euro was hard but not impossible.

In Vicky 2 only a select few uncivilised nations have the potential to become great powers and only one can do so with relative ease (Japan).
Meanwhile the only blobbing you can do is in the completely baron and empty continent of Africa.

The global tension mechanic was fun as hell too and pops made the game so much better than EU or HOI.

Paracucks know Vicky has the potential to be the most un-PC IP they've got.
It's probably one of the reasons why they'll never release Vicky 3. That or they'll remove pop nationality completely and just have a global human bean nationality with three political party allegiances.


chalice master race


So? They don't have them in pubs any more.

My mates got a cupboard full of weird ones, no handles though.

Fucking pricks. This is why Reddit r/altright is the true home of the alt right.

Well he certainly has adopted a bitchy attitude.

I've been to a few pubs where they still serve in those.

Oh, I forgot the biggest reason why they'll never release Victoria 3:

The very concept of dividing the world into civilised and uncivilised nations is unthinkable to the average Paracuck employee and their new nu male audience.

Another reason they won't ever make a vicky 3 is because the bloke who wrote the code for the economical system in vicky 2 left after the game was finished.


Wew lads, some libertarian faggot posted an article about the Alt-Right.

"Despite the presence at some level of dissonance and incongruence in the multitude of ‘Alt-Right’ beliefs, which can cause division within the movement – often with harsh criticism and trolling of other ‘sections’ of the Alternative Right, with the more National Socialist inclined elements calling the Libertarians ‘lolbertarians’, and in return the National Socialists are called ‘Stormweenies’[1] – it is generally agreed that there are certain overarching ideals that all on the ‘Alt-Right’ subscribe to. These include: the disgust with politically correct culture; the recognition of cultural Marxism’s effect on western society; and the continued destruction of Occidental civilisation. This is what unites the various factions into the Alt-Right.

Indeed, the philosophical incompatibility between the separate groups seems to be disappearing, with the libertarians of the Alt-Right appropriating certain elements of fascism via the embracing of the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and twisting Hoppean thought. These libertarians enjoy making memes about ‘physical removal, so to speak’ (A reference to Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s statement about the necessity to separate and remove ‘communists and democrats’ from a libertarian society), ‘free helicopter rides’ (Pinochet’s preferred method of executing communists), and ‘unleash the cops’ (a reference to Rothbards piece on ‘Right-Wing Populism’ where he proposes radical social and economic reforms). Alternatively, there are some libertarians who adopt more traditionalist Catholic beliefs: distributism, monarchism and aristocratic ideals."

"The truth is, that, the Alternative Right is simply a less intellectual counterpart of its lesser-known ‘Neoreactionary’ and European New Right forerunners. I will largely pass over the European New Right as this article is describing the Alt-Right in relation to Trump. The neoreaction, its adherents being known as part of the ‘reactosphere’, is a body of thought that is largely based on the rejection of Enlightenment principles (hence its alternative name the ‘Dark Enlightenment’) and on the endorsement of anti-Enlightenment principles; namely:"

I don't know how to archive so here's the article:


It's a metal wine glass you nonce.

He even fucking quoted Woes.

"Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different. The sexes are different. Morality matters and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters, and civilisation is precious. This is the Alt-Right."

– Millennial Woes


I still laugh at this



Jesus Christ you couldn't be more GCHQ if you literally tripped under the name.

Neoreactionary and the Alt right are the same thing. We intermingle you fucks.

yank corruptio of language tbh

Except being the most fuckable MP doesn't make her the leader of the party funny enough.

And? Do you also think that UKIP is irrelevant then?

They're completely different. Nrx people weren't even nationalists


Figured this deserves it's own thread tbh.

Fucking lel

I can't imagine how much of a faggot you'd need to be to take this.


kek based

I can't take it, I'm going. See you later lads.



"Exactly how the neoreaction managed to transform itself into the Alt-Right is something of a mystery, currents of it existed much prior to the actual coining of the term, with similar thoughts being put forward by the American Renaissance, Taki Mag and the Old Conservative Monday Club which later morphed into the Traditional Britain Group. However, the popular surge only came about as a result of the internet, therefore, In brief, I will try to describe how this happened: Neoreactionary thought began as a series of online blogs and journals, this thought spread to Youtube and began being evangelised to 4chan, an infamous online imageboard, when it added a new sub-forum called ‘Politically Incorrect’ – a safe haven for all politically-dissident opinions; libertarianism, traditionalism, national socialism, fascism, white nationalism etc. Afterwards, began the creation and evolution of memes which furthered the ideas of the proto-Alt-Right, the perfect example of which is Pepe. Pepe is probably the most famous Alt-Right meme, it has become not only the symbol of the Alt-Right – it is the movement’s spiritual embodiment. The smug amphibian has come to epitomise their defiance of the dominant liberal-left dogma. Afterwards, many denizens of the ‘Politically Incorrect’ forum migrated to Holla Forums in fear of censorship. Meanwhile, Youtubers like Millennial Woes, RamZPaul, Murdoch Murdoch, Black Pigeon Speaks, Morrakiu, Walt Bismarck, and arguably, Davis Aurini, among others, began widening the philosophy through the video medium. Then came the culmination, Trump announced his candidacy, immediately, memes were being made in his homage, Pepe was overhauled into a Trump meme, ‘Can’t Stump The Trump’ and other slogans were made to deride his opponents. We have now reached the present day, the neoreactionary geist still lurks behind the façade of the ‘Alt-Right’ and the term enters the mainstream lexicon, Jared Taylor and his ilk are reported on in The Guardian – pandemonium!"

His face to head ratio triggers me.

He's married too

If the Warhammer lad from earlier is still about this is probably of interest to you.

Pretty awesome work.

This was so funny I almost pissed myself.

Looks and sounds like he has brain damage.

ask the court for a DNA test for confirmation

We're anonymoose at this point.

For the same reason state actors and unknown basement dwellers escape blame for cyber terrorism, we're almost definitely going to end up being blamed for every act of online hate crime and racial harassment from this point on.

Why are our service medals so based?


Because we are the best



fucking hell he's growing up

Ebola epidemic as if the armed forces should be involved


he needs to work on his posture during the lift

Decimal day worst day of my life


OY VEY!!!!



Facebook reaches out to right wingers with vow to stamp out ‘alleged political bias’

checkmate motherfuckers


This is basically all the social engineering the kike media has done to her subconscious coming to the fore.



at least my children can be based jews…


What the fuck is wrong with Yank kids?

I had my wisdom teeth out and the anaesthetic was just local and had none of these symptoms.



I am but thanks for thinking of me.

Lip sync is terrible, but other than that it's pretty cool tbh lad.

would she want a circumcised white cock?

based xenoestrogens pushing back and minimising male puberty

Why does he look like the aspergers man lads?

Not just the right nowadays.

I went on Holla Forums to troll.
All of them are anarcho-capitalists just about (basically a liberalized version of facism without moral direction and the basic structure humanity can't break from at the moment)
Even the left is joining this "movement" or "awoovement" sorry I had to

lol gtfo yank

Ancaps are the best

They're commies mate. Ancaps don't exist any more in anarchism, they got consumed by social justice and became fashy like us.

I don't know why they did it, but I assume it made my dick surgeries easier somehow.


Dear god.

Please hurry up with that final solution.

Dick Van Kyke more lyke

requesting the tactical thumb nuke one

Yeah the cocky young inquisitor doesn't really fit but the scene of the parade was pretty awesome.

fucking lel post more


need more ancap memes, tbh lad

Even the commies had an anti jew thread.

The movement started by jews had an anti jew thread.

That's what "meme magic" does to the way of the world.

No wonder the government plays close attention.. this shit is unbelievable.

Yer I know.


Yeah no, he just sounds like a fag. No American accent makes you sound like a homo by default.

They came here until they lost the debate and instead of adapting they made a hug box.


I think the author of that article also wrote about some leftist who had his own reason for allying with the Alt-Right. Let me check it over. Yep, his name is Keith Preston.



What is wrong with you fucking mongoloids?

have this instead


She's being domesticated

Record corrected. 0.05p deposited in your account.


How do I get super powers, lads?

She opened a can.

no fap

When did it become acceptable for people in their late 20s to act like children?

top kek, the "alt-right" is a fabricated strawman for reactionary larpers to attach to and for the MSM to demonise.

When it became acceptable for people in general to act like children.



america was a mistake



Obviously this video is going to be considered racist so it doesn't matter what they did


It all started when children were allowed to act like children.

Why do a lot of rifles have so much wood on them? I get the stock and grip for both hands, but why have wood beyond that and on top?

To protect the barrel

This tbh.

Children become savage without guidance.
They become self-destructive

Wood is light

What else were they going to use? Plastics weren't developed enough and metal would be too heavy.

It helps them float if you dropped them in water

Started in the 60's with the infantilising of that generation mate.


From what?

What is the purpose of it?

Is that it? You'd think that would be a lot of extra weight just to avoid it sinking. It's not like they'd spend a lot of time in water, right?

Why isn’t there something akin to the ‘Alt-Right’ in Britian and Europe?

There is, it’s just the Beeb and Grauniad haven’t reported on it. The Traditional Britain Group is the British equivalent of the American Renaissance but the current relative shortfall of the TBG in comparison to their American counterparts is not due to any kind of fault of the organisation itself, but rather, that Britain itself is not yet primed for the return of the real right. Arguably, the Traditional Britain Group, (many of whom are also part or affiliated with the Libertarian Alliance) and its members do not consider themselves part of the ‘Alt-Right’ – and rightly so; the Alternative Right is an almost exclusively American idea, while the Neoreaction is not. Nevertheless, there have been numerous ‘Alt-Right’ volk who attended the conferences or even gave speeches (think: Richard Spencer), and there should be no shame on the side of the TBG for associating or even affiliating with a growing popular crowd which espouses many of its tenets. Moreover, there are many other Britons who openly espouse Neoreactionary views, one such notable person is the Youtuber Millennial Woes, who is considered to be the hearth fire of the British Alt-Right, having recorded many commentaries on the movement and its beliefs. Let us also not forget that the milquetoast interpretation of the Alt-Right was largely being popularised by the infamous Breitbart journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, who should not entirely be shunned by the more radical elements on the Alt-Right. Indeed, he provides an outlet for the more down-to-earth Alt-Right and Trump sympathisers, whether it be through his university tours, the creation of the Young British Heritage Society which aims to fight leftism on campus and promote free speech, or through his constant mockery of feminism and the left.


He's handing away our secrets.

It gives you something to hold on to that isn't too small to grip and boiling hot.

Mean't to reply to this.


The TBG isn't similar at all at least in terms of its style, don't think I've ever seen them post any pictures of smug anime girls or pepes

I forgot

Don't think so

Protip: It doesn't exist.

I suppose that's the more likely reason.

I want off the ride

Worst of all, is the fact that the author is a fucking POLE.

Found this on FB.

I don't ever remember being allowed to act like a child tbh. Everything felt so forced and unnatural around me and the days were so grating I used to count minutes in schools, daycare and afterschool clubs because I was a poorfag and the government threatens people who leave their kids at home while at work. Even the instructed "fun" activities were so fucking awful and soul crushing. Couldn't do anything like climb trees because of muh health and safety, and everything being "fair" with the indoor toys was about passing things between each kid (whether they wanted it or not) and playing for a set few minutes then having it pulled away. Literal playtime bureaucracy. Countless times me and my one friend I had were chastised for using our imagination and playing together at the breaktimes in the afterschool club, because it was "silly" and triggered the fat dyke who watched everyone. More and more when I look back on my childhood do I think I wasn't being whiny, I was literally being softly but deliberately tortured to go insane. It just wasn't natural.

That rifle looks a bit evil, lad


can anyone recommend me an entry level book on economics?




A chequebook


u wot

I bought into your mum mate

Man, Economy & State

Also, anything by Bastiat >>>/pdf/4


I didn't even notice before:

the kikes argue that there was no palestinian arab national identity until recent times
i can't really be bothered anymore who really is correct they need to just fuck off

Isn't that the same for Israel? Most jews are Ashkenazi who come from east ukraine.

Do you know where you are?

Either way, How could you say that when our patron state was a native of that very Country nearly 1000 years ago?

nearly 2000*

Is it worth reading Evola?


They'll just cite the Torah saying there was an Israel thousands of years ago so there should be one now… it's fucking stupid, nations rise and nations fall

Are you into traditionalism?


It depends on whether you want to reverse anything or retreat into the ivory tower of inevitable decline smugness tbh

It was a tribal society, which obv. is more splintered, but they have a shared ancestry, a shared history, and a shared culture.

Evola is a meme lad

yes as there was no israeli identity before 1948

i didn't say i agreed with them, just what they argue when they say there's no such thing as palestine

It's part of preserving culture


He's a meme philosopher who criticised young westerners for appropriating eastern religions, yet believed in esoteric hitlerism and some tiger god.

u fuckin' w0t m8?

Police officers 'should be allowed to have tattoos on their faces'


It's mostly mystical nonsense.

You'd spend your time much better reading history or actual philosophy.

Countercurrents have republished most of his worthwhile parts if you must read him;

every time :)))))))))

the police force has been shit ever since they got rid of the height requirement

According to the article it is.

"Radical Traditionalism
An idea developed by Italian philosopher Julius Evola, French traditionalist Alain de Benoist, theoretician of the French New Right Guillame Faye and American Hitlerite-sympathiser Francis Parker Yockey. This involves the complete rejection of modernity in all its forms: from the industrialised society, degenerate lifestyles, all forms of egalitarianism, to democracy; followed by the patronage of the rebirth of a ‘natural order’ within society, a thought penned originally by Edmund Burke (see his Vindication of Natural Society), but expanded on by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and Hans-Hermann Hoppe among others. To some of these thinkers, this would mean the revival of full social Darwinism and the adoption of Nietzschean virtues of heroism, strength, and hierarchy, a subject often touched upon by Jonathan Bowden. Commonly, this also means the rejection of capitalism and socialism, although only in so far as they are of the globalist kind which are at present embed within the state and which the reactosphere believes acts as a corrosive agent to traditional cultures.

“The present dominant values (xenophilia, cosmopolitanism, narcissistic individualism, humanitarianism, bourgeois economism, hedonism, homophilia, permissivenes, etc.) are actually anti-values – values of devirilising weakness, since they deplete a civilization’s vital energies and weaken its defensive or affirmative capacities.”

― Guillaume Faye, Why We Fight"

Can we just smash all unions already???

They're completely cancerous voting blocks for Labour that constantly shill to have the workers replaced with shitheads from Eastern Europe

Fair enough lad

u wot

Anyone with face tats is unlikely to have many useful talents.

Guillaume Faye is a meme

is it safe to say he was a defeatist?

Thanks for the list of other people who aren't worth reading apart from Faye's articles and maybe Yockey. Bowden's speeches are good too.

That is the idea of 'Ride the Tiger'

Anyone with face tats is either a spastic or a Maori

In fact why don't they just turn law enforcement over to the Hells Angels tbh


Police are little more than enforcement officers of the corporations with a little bit of crowd marshalling thrown in. Might as well let them have tattoos plastered everywhere, they aren't supposed to make you feel safe, rather the opposite.

Hells angels would probably do a better job.



I think they'd do a fucking better job, imagine how many pakis and wogs we'd have left after they've been around for a month.

Just talked to a German who thinks that Merkel's 1,000,000 refugees are going to be sent back when the war in Syria ends, and that Germany doesn't have a refugee problem. They also brought up "demographic collapse" that Germany will experience without immigration. This guy says he's "involved in the political establishment" too. He said that economically Britain will be fucked outside the EU.

Whenever I brought up that these refugees are hostile invaders raping German women and killing people, and completely hostile to their society, he just said "Lol you fell for the Holla Forums memes didn't you?"

Germans are so autistic and analytical, they fail to see the truth right before their eyes. If the news says Immigrants are a net benefit economically their robotic little cashier brain will say "Benefit = Good" and they'll bend over and accept it.

I want their nation to burn tbh. I want them all to feel the scimitar, and their women to be raped. I want them to understand their folly. I tried to warn them. I really did lads.

Cutting it fine lads…


Nah I'm no "AM I BEING DETAINED" faggot but I don't trust police at fucking all after Rotherham and the treatment that they've given "Far-Right" Brits

They're simply an arm of Sharia May and a tool for lefties these days tbh

That's the only thing that will change a lefties mind.

Some people can't learn, don't give up on a country from a small selection of people. Even if the majority of people are pozzed nations can still rise again in glory

So you hope that will happen to Britain then?

I don't. I just feel an extreme outpouring of rage when I see the very embodiment of Spenglerian cyclical destruction of civilisation. I just want them to feel the downfall, to truly see what they will no other way. It was written in the heat of the moment tbh. Also I don't like Germans tbh. They're so fucking autistic. Those Krautchan memes exist for a reason. It makes them wealthy but makes them insufferable.

The English eccentric spirit is superior tbh.

top lel


Demographic "collapse" is bullshit
Country is over populated anyway
We shouldn't be breading at replacement levels
We just need to limits immigration

This tbh.

Let Milo be the lightening rod and tell everyone how 'these 17 year old kids are just looking for a rise out of the media'. Meanwhile we can push our memes further into the mainstream and recieve exposure that would have been impossible a year ago.














