It’s No Surprise That Young Men Are Getting Fed Up With Women Faster Than Any Other Group Of Men

"Thanks for mentioning us younger guys. As a under 30 millennial, I will tell you exactly why most of us have this outlook.

We are the divorce generation. Even if we grew up in families that weren’t divorced we were still latch key kids.

Not only did I, a little over a decade ago, have more friends with single mothers by choice but also with divorced parents than intact families I also went to school with girls and came of age during the grrl power of the 90s.

This idea of women as victims falls on deaf ears when you spend year after year dealing with fucking cunts.

Team vagina can tell me all day long about how women would never lie about birth control or use men for child support and so on.

But, I know better. The high school I went to, a little over a decade ago, had a Teen Mom(watch that show on MTV if you want a realistic look) or two in almost every single class I had.

I literally only had one class in high school that didn’t have a pregnant girl in it. Several had two or three, out of 30 or 35 students and not enough book. Gotta love shitty high schools in the south.

That is just high school. If you look at reddit and the mens rights section in particular you will see that most of the guy are about my age(maybe a few years older) or younger.

Even the guys that aren’t in the MRA section on reddit have a very warped view of women and relationships. I think this is due to being born in the divorce generation.

Who needs to burn their own hand to find out that fire is hot when you can watch dozens upon dozens of older men burn their hands and scream in pain? Who needs that, so to speak?

This doesn’t even begin to talk about growing up in a feminized education system or the entitlement issues run rampant that most young women have or all the other issues.

To put it simply: You can’t kick a dog and not expect it to eventually bite the hand that feeds.

Guys of my generation have been kicked since we were puppies, and we were kicked constantly and from everyone who supposedly loved and cared for us.


Other urls found in this thread:

There is a groundswell of MRAism and misogyny and just a lot of pissed off guys for one reason or another.

I haven’t, for example, met a single guy in his 20s who hasn’t had alteast one or more psycho bitch crazy ex gfs.

There is a reason that guys on reddit have a saying that goes like this: “dont stick your dick in crazy.”

There is also a reason that feminists have gotten so angry over young men and what young men say that they have created a very hostile troll group on reddit called Shit Reddit Says, or SRS. This SRS group exists to do nothing more than attack MRAs and other young men and mock them.

I suggest you don’t spend too much time looking at their shit, but if you haven’t heard about them before then I do suggest you head to reddit and search for them and take a look at their subreddits. They are a perfect example of the crazy cunts that guys like me have had to deal with growing up. They have no argument or abilit to even discuss topics, they simply mock and jeer.

As far as this article goes, I agree. Not only that but the MRM is making headway as far as getting out message out.

This article is full of female projection and female hope but it also uses the term hypergamy, which I first read about in Devlins work and the MRM.

Marriage Suits Educated Women:

The comments are interesting to say the least. All sorts of older single women complaining about how the article isn’t true, cause men are afraid of educated women(lol). I suggest you all check it out.

The simple truth is that I, and I suspect most guys (especially of my generation), simply get tired of the constant competitiveness and bitchy demeanor of western women. Especially the hyper educated (with liberal arts masters) who want to rub it into our faces constantly.

Unlike men of older generations I have had more girlfriends than most older guys had in their entire lives before I turned 21. I can honestly say that women do not add any value, outside of the value of pussy and sex, to a mans life.

Even with great sex it gets fucken old, it wears you down and makes you tired, having to constantly deal with the power struggles in modern relationships.

I haven’t even lived with a girl and I am sick of it. After I got out of my longest LTR a few years back, it only lasted about 3 yrs, I was just drained. It felt like my soul had been sucked out or something.

Women aren’t companions these days. They are ruthless competitors at work, at school, and even in our relationships.

Why would I or any other guy, especially us younger guys who learned this the hard way, give one fuckin shit about women?

In the last three weeks I have had three times where a group of young women, college girls from the University down the stree, asked me for help while I was driving. Each time I told them to fuck off.

One of those times was last night. I was at a drive through and it was cold and raining out. This hot blonde chick tapped on my window and asked me if I would give her and her friends a ride down the street so they wouldn’t have to walk home in the cold rain. I told them to fuck off. I am not a limo or taxi service. They could have offered to give me a group blowjob and the most that would have happened would have been me jizzing on their face and then riding off. TBH, I wouldn’t have even done that. Last thing I want to deal with is a false rape claim.



Women have pissed away any good will guys my age used to have towards them. If you don’t believe me then simply look at markets and see what sells to young men and see how young men view women.

Go and look at online forums based around video games and you will see young men talking shit about girls their age. Hell, get on some feminist sites and you will see feminists complaining about young guys, teenage guys, talking constant shit about women. Look at reddit and you will see it too. Look at any male oriented areas and you will see it.

Look at rap music or the proliferation of the word gold digger. Women are worthless these days, especially after or before sex. I think they are realizing it too. There is no happy ever after. There is no ’till death do us part’, cause we all know that women are branch swingers or monkeys. They won’t let go of one branch until their hands are firmly planted on another branch.

Oh and Branch = cock. Females tend to call it serial monogamy.

Fuck that shit. They won’t love you. They will just treat you as a utility object. A fucking ATM or sperm donor or human shield or emotional tampon/shrink or a dildo or a rock to lean on and so on.

My point is this. What do women have any more??? Pussy is cheaper to come by, especially if you know some game, than candy on halloween. They can’t cook or clean worth shit. They are honest. They aren’t equal to any degree, especially 99% of them.

What do women have to offer besides a funhole to play with for 45 minutes? They suck as friends, shit they give their own friends eating disorders and call them frenemies.

WTF do women have to offer? I think it is very little and I think young men are figureing this out every day.

I think women are realizing that their gravy train is coming off the tracks and are scared shitless. I think many, if not most, young men wouldn’t allow a woman to go back to the kitchen and be barefoot even if the women begged for them to be allowed to be kept. I think women know this and I think that is why they are getting even more bitchy.

I think this will only backfire for women as a whole and I am looking forward to seeing it all fall apart. This comment is long enough, so I will just say nice article.


sauce on that pic?

I am not going to greentext all the text you crazy nigger.

From Holla Forums

Holy shit thanks!

I'm not reading all that shit but I assume the gist of it is "don't breed goyim, hehehehehe"


More of how millennial men are perceiving women now that all the degeneracy has taken hold through out their lives. It is a good article.

That isn't just reddit faggot. I suggest you go back if you need to bring it up.

That's part of the post from "troll king". I didn't write it.

It looks like "don't breed" propaganda.

I posted it because it had some nuggets like this:

I was like.. goddamn that's some heavy shit I can relate to. Maybe Holla Forums may like. Or at least some of Holla Forums under 30.

disregard the faggots tbh

thanks fams

I'd breed if I could find a good woman. Problem is most women are shitty degenerates.
Maybe if we got our women to be not be degenerate, the problem would fix itself.

To me the other thing that stuck out the most was
Women have acted the however they have wanted since the 60s/70s, and we've seen the damage that has caused.
It might be time to step up and fix everything within the next few years.

It's some pretty bad writing and states the bloody obvious. If you're just figuring this out you have a long road ahead.

This is particularly noticeable if you have traveled outside of the West. The minute you pass through customs back into the States you realize you're surrounded by 90% bottom of the barrel hags. 4's and 5's acting like they're fucking supermodels is always a shock to see.

With this, I think you guys should treat weebs a little better, growing up in modern society it is easy to see why anime girls would be superior in every way, pure, innocent, beautiful no matter what the type, it is basically the unattainable perfect woman.

That still doesn't mean you should resign yourself to fantasy.
I say, enjoy your circuses for now, on the condition that you only hold out until the world is reasonably less fucked.

It's one dude's view on western women today. It's the same discourse we see on /r9k/ day after day. At this point, the consencus has been made, which is that women add nothing beyond sex to a man's lives.

Was this the case before? The classical view of women is of ternure and warmth has ceased to exist, because they are being trimmed by the school system and the media to go against their instincts and desires, instead pursuing higher education (often in useless degrees) and entering the ranks of a big company, propelled by aformative action.

This strategy has been of incledible value in (((their))) struggle, as white fertility rates continue to drop.

How can this be reverted? It's not hard to influence a woman's opinions, especially in one of the core male roles in their lives (the father, brother, boyfriend and educators). Now the problem, as I've said, are the media, taking part of the educator role, and the teachers, taking the other part. At the point which women get to settling down, it has been drilled into their minds that their lives will have value if only they have a career.

At this point, I believe it is too late. Unless somehow they all collectively realise that they are miserable cunts and attemp to turn 180 degrees in their lives, our hope is to shape young white girls as young as we can.

tl;dr - good women exist. but be a good man first.

under the guise of 'progressive' thought that undermines eternal truths as 'old-fashioned', men and women are discouraged from accentuating their physiological and behavioural traits unique to their sex.
it's only natural they find each other less attractive. all they see are girls who aren't women, boys who aren't men. unfit mates.

feminism is guilty of ==encouraging women to be so enthusiastically disgusting, obnoxious and worst of all useless==. is it any wonder young men are repulsed, some even reduced to inventing their own fictional ideal women ('waifus') or importing wives from other countries?

it's becoming less about good husband or wife material
less about good father of my children, mother of my children, material.
less about being a good man or woman.

families and greater civilizations aren't built on the backs of nihilists and hedonists.

here's more stats, less anecdotes.

I wonder, should Holla Forums anons bring back the idea of arranged marriages? I mean it may sound sill initially, but grooming your kid with a kid who's parents are on your level may not sound so odd after all.

There is no need, and no point in doing so if most women are like those of today. If women are more traditional there is no need because every women is so.

We already have a tradition of the father's approval, that's all we need.

Don't worry. Islam will fix women.

At this point? Go read a history book.


It seems we have a hopeful man here. They're not going against their instincts, the media brainwashing works well because it appeals to your instinct. It's why muslims dont believe western media, it does not appeal to their survival strategy. Its why muslim women still try to be loyal to their men, because man has power over her and she must obey or fail to survive. Before civilization woman competed with men via manipulation of other men. Branch swinging helped keep previous kids alive when her man was killed off by a stronger tribe. Her true nature is that of a whore. Woman is a whore because it is how she originally survived and still survives. The only difference between then and now is how open we are about it. Women are allowed to show their true nature, and in return we act logically and disavow the whores for the few who realize they need a real man to be happy.

Their strategy is that of allowing women to be themselves. Their true selves.

You must change society to shame whores. The problem is that its near irreversible, virgins are the best for marriage, even just one previous partner is enough to drastically up your chances for divorce, so even if we did away with divorce you'd have a wife that doesnt want you or is simply not suitable to be a wife due to lack of civility, submissiveness, femininity and care. These are traits that are practiced and developed, but her instinct is to fuck her way to the best position possible, including cucking a beta husband.

This. All you can do is find women who can actually appreciate their man for they are aware of the same circumstances. I exclusively date women from USSR countries, they know what life is without a man and some still have feminine and traditional qualities.

That is one advantage we have as men; time and biology is on our side.

We can outlast this generation of women and wait for something better to present itself - hoover up good-quality women in their 20's totally disillusioned with their mother's worldviews, seeking stability and tradition - in our 40's and 50's and raise children then.

That also gives us 20+ years free of female interference to build a better world - create businesses, educate ourselves, become successful.

Here's to the future.

Another MGTOW faggot with no real solution except "go your own way, goy, and don't have kids because women are bad".

If somebody posts demoralizing shit without offering a solution, then you know who you're dealing with. Why don't you go back to reddit where you came from, and shitpost there together with your foreskinless fellows. Your shit doesn't fly here. If you were legit you'd discuss ways to dismantle the marxist power structure, but you didn't so just fuck off.


So instead of whining like the women you bemoan, why don't you act like a man and do something about it? You just sound like a sexually frustrated tweener.

Have ideas about that? Sometimes one can build on ideas already floating around. The dude above you already provided a good plan. Just skip over the fucked generation and marry the younger generation.

It is incredibly difficult to convince a woman that she is wrong, especially in a belief she has held for most of her life.

It is an ego thing, they are the strong empowered wymen who don't need no man, and they have built their entire personality around this cliched bullshit.

They can't admit they were wrong without completely dismantling their entire personality, and having to deal with the fact that they are not strong, they are far from independant, and as much as they hate to admit it, even if they don't "Need" a man for financial support, they WANT a man/family/children/white picket fence/etc…

I think a great deal of womens "Compeditaveness" with men is a result of the bullshit advice they get from (((womens magazines))), that is designed to SOUND like good advice, but has them perusing strategies that virtually guarantee that they will never be in a fulfilling long term relationship.

"Find out if he is a keeper; stab him while he sleeps with a knife!"

"27 simple tests that will be sure to send him FAR, FAR away from your crazy, dumb ass"

"Want him to propose? Sleep with his coworkers!"

etc, etc, etc…

I'm thinking we should really start looking into these (((womens magazines))) to find these little advice tidbits, just to compile them into a list of enemy strategies.

Some men have been conditioned by women to see women as an extant threat to their survival, ya know.

And that is not exactly an incorrect view.

I have had MANY friends and family whose lives were utterly RUINED by a woman, all in exchange for some sloppy sex.

These days, women are more of a liability than an asset/companion.

It really reminds me of a line from the remake of "The Stepford Wives"

long story short, the stepford wives is about a little community that brainwashes their women with little microchip implants to be perfect 1950's esque home makers.

The "Protagonist" sees what is going on, and at first goes along with it, until his wife [Nicole Kidman] says to him "I didn't think you wanted an obedient housewife, I thought you wanted a companion who would challenge you"

It was this phrase that really stuck in my mind… and I think may be part of the problem.

Women believe they are supposed to be competing with their men, instead of cooperating and assisting each-other.

Women no longer see a relationship with a man as a partnership, they see it as a contest…. something that they can "Win" by browbeating their men into submission…

And when they succeed at their goal of turning their guy into a pussy whipped beta orbiter, instead of feeling the satisfaction of victory, they feel disgust, and they leave for "greener" pastures.

Womens media constantly tells women that men are useless for anything other than financing her desire to keep up with her friends in terms of clothing, money, house, car, etc….

Basically, dehumanizing men in the eyes of women until women see men as little more than animals to be broken.

The reason these strategies are not immediately rebuffed by men, is because men for the most part will give women attention because of how she looks, despite how she acts.

And if there is ONE THING that will reinforce a womans behavior, it is for her to see it as successful in gaining male attention.

But the men are not paying attention to the woman because her behavior is desirable to the man….

They are paying attention to her DESPITE her behavior, because she is physically attractive.

Women love to say that men have "Trouble commiting" to a relationship… and that is a spurious lie…

Men don't have problems commiting, they have nothing to commit TO, except a self hating devil-harpy, whose personality flaws have been reinforced and even strengthened by all of the male attention they received because of their looks.

And then, once their looks fade and no longer bring them the male attention they so desire, they learn, to their horror, that their personalities are a powerful (and possibly weaponized) form of male repellent.

Thus, they become bitter in their old age, their youth squandered in constant hook-ups of little emotional value, their personalities degraded to the point of no return, and faced with a truth too horrible for them to internalize…

Their entire personality, their ego, their behaviors, are essentially a castle built upon sand.

And the psychological trauma of re-examining their own choices and behaviors is too much for them to bear, lest it rend their ego asunder…..

That their personalities are absolute shit, and the literal ONLY reason they got male attention (their looks) are rapidly fading, and they aren't decent enough people (personality wise) to attract a mate without being young.

I have noticed with many swedish and some other scandi/ germanic girls visiting london as tourists, they have a fairly fierce hostility towards white men lurking just below the surface.
To make matters worse, this hostility does not seem to apply to brown men, only white.
The (((education system))) brainwashing is very powerful, but, on the plus side, when people like us are in power, we can brainwash women back to the way they should be.

this is why so many men turn to and into traps tbh.