
Why is polygamy looked down upon in modern society?


polygamy is fucking lame

polygamy is fine
just dont call it that
America has no problem with a guy having 5 baby mamas as long as they are all "single"

Once you tie those women down to that man via marriage it goes against her woman rights or some bullshit

lets just forget the fact that women are apparently in control of their own bodies and can make their own decisions

oops….only when government says otherwise

The only reason polygamy went out of fashion is because the Mormons co-opted it as their main distinguishing characteristic.

because betafags get jelly and feel entitled to pussy.


Two words OP:
Ok, maybe that's one word. Or maybe three, but you get the point. It's certainly not a Biblical paradigm or more.

I dunno about you, but the majority of modern society look up to the example of the prophet Mohamed

We need to reduce the male population by 75% percent.

Civilization and Polygamy are mutually exclusive. The most dangerous thing in the world is an unsexed man, and you only make that man more dangerous by creating a monopoly over society's supply of females, which outright inhibits unsexed men from even having a chance.

Because puritans grouped up with SJW's to force the laws. This was re-enforced by Neopuritan Christians

Horseshit. >>>/tumblr/ pls go.

Perhaps. But the Bible doesn't require and in fact has many great men of God with multiple wives. God hasn't changed between then and now user. If anything, as a Christian, my view is that men of God have literally capitulated to the feminism movement on this and many other topics. Nothing new under the Sun, it's the same old Jezebel spirit that was active even back in Elijah's day tbh.

There is nothing more satisfying than knowing every girl you take is one last chance for love and happiness to find a beta male.

Mormons were breeding to become the master race.

Because Polygamy is degenerate and destroys traditional family values. It also fucks the gender balance over more than it already is.

you're wrong, elliot rodger was caused by defacto polygamy

Historical religious reasons probably.
Also, this is just a hunch, but I don't think they would be the healthiest or most stable relationships today.

People had much less of a choice of who to enter a relationship back in the day. There was less opportunity to leave said relationship, no birth control, and it was disadvantageous for women to divorce men. Basically, women just had less socioeconomic power.
In the current year + 2, mariage is already fucked, partly because people (women) have much more choice. Polygamy + feminism + birth control + divorce rates + child custody laws would be a nightmare to deal with. The left is already pushing for polyamorous and open relationships, so get ready to see marriage get fucked even more.

Degeneracy is relative, if anything humans are evolved for Polygamy as they do not share the same monogamous traits as wolves do.

true story. for more info, see: mudslimes
anyone got the pic showing the disparity between monogamy and polygamy? i thought i had it saved, but apparently not