Redpilling is a waste of time

Redpilling is a waste of time
Debating is a waste of time
Why is that so hard to see?
Maybe you're all really just in your early 20s. People eventually become hardwired.
What you need is good old fashion {{{tactics}}}

I don't know why pol exists… For ppl to vent? I expected so much more from you all.

Other urls found in this thread:

cool blogpost. shill.

If redpilling was a waste of time, then how the fuck we are making various government officials in various countries including america to fear us?

Nationalists are rising. And they are rising against the jews and mudslimes. It won't be too long to critically change this generation thinking.


very non-white way of typing.

As a fellow white male, I wholeheartedly agree

OP is a waste of skin
He should gas himself

If redpilling is a waste of time then I wouldn't be here. Yes, not all people will abandon the propaganda they were fed but enough will that our base is growing year over year.

Or you could just try to force the blue pill on them so hard that they see the red pill as the only sane choice - like SJWs inadvertently and stupidly do for us.



remember to report faggot OP

nice high effort post OP, this thread will surely stimulate some high level discussion

←– Donate your processing power, there's a huge need for it.

Awareness isn't worth shit.
The people that you think you're "turning over" already agree with you. Your ability to connect with them is too slow and is visible enough to a data extraction techniques to be controlled and "dealt" with.

Pfft ahahahaha



I know OP. and OP is 100% about

Random acts of kindness "are a terrible thing to waste", but the real key is in a firm grasp of S.T.E.M. which Holla Forums severely neglects.

Defeatist post, clearly a shill.


you could have just written that. go back to plebbit nigger.

it's easier said than

How is someone that's getting something done being a defeatist?

I understand now what mage was doing.
Your awareness will do nothing. The sheer oversight of the corrupt will always be 100's of steps ahead of you.

To get done what needs to be done truly is the path of the few among the fellowship.
There are not words to ready the souls in this world. You either know what you have to do, or you're unable to know anything.


8ch. net/n/res/474130.html#q474270

They are cowards who cannot get anything done so they wank on the internet and pretend they are doing something.

It's not perfect but it's better than what you're doing, kike.

Can't defend your position coward? Censorship is a Jewish method of debate.

There never was a high level of discussion here. Cowardly White men brood in their fake Nazi safe space while the Jews destroy the world in real life.

better than creating robots built from swarms of nanites?
better than being the majority stake holder of a genetic scanning tech company so that said bots can interface with nature and be gentle with it while rektifying all that is corrupt?

I've got my shit lined up and ready to fire. The only thing I need to do now is create a "popular" —something— that I can seed onto MILLIONS of processing computers.
Why would anyone allow for that? because of the rushing crypto currency age.
You all have no idea what capability we have

and yes, we know what the "something" is

Fuck off OP, just because you have no imagination or ability to change does not mean others can't uncuck themselves.

You a defeatist, it is unbecoming.


You're insane if you think the Gov or Jews fear play Nazis on the internet.

I understand where you're coming from.
But redpilling and debating aren't wastes of time.

In fact, to debate someone has to disagree with your view. Then, you present evidence you're right, and they present evidence you're wrong. But if you're right, then the opponent must concede defeat, at which time he/she is fully redpilled (they acknowledge you're right, that what they thought was a lie, and now they're waking up).

This process repeats until the majority of normies are awake.

The problem, however, is how to debate normies in such a way that you actually redpill them, instead of making them think you're pompous and arrogant.

the people you're trying to redpill are already hardwired.

Bad shilling! No shekels for you

        ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       (;´Д`)< I'm right behind you OP  -=≡  /    ヽ  \______________.      /| |   |. | -=≡ /. \ヽ/\\_    /    ヽ⌒)==ヽ_)= ∧_∧-=   / /⌒\.\ ||  ||  (´・ω・`) ←OP  / /    > ) ||   || ( つ旦O / /     / /_||_ || と_)_) _. し'     (_つ ̄(_)) ̄ (.)) ̄ (_)) ̄(.))             oノ             |  三 _,,..-―'"⌒"~⌒"~ ゙゙̄"'''ョ  ミ゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ    L____T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |      ゚ ゚,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/  


What did you expect, a billion dollar university think tank?
it's Holla Forums, not /ivyleague/.

What did he mean by this?


missing the point?

Far more than the tame neonazis.

you're seriously fucking retarded if you think your awareness is threatening the mainstream.


Repilling is easy as fuck if you're not retarded. Literally all it is, is planting little seeds of doubt and questions in peoples minds regarding the status quo.

Also, try harder next time shill.

everyone is literally annoying the call to action.
fuck everyone in Holla Forums they are obviously only seeing what they want to see


I like how you all correctly identified what OP is, and yet NONE OF YOU FUCKING SAGED.

Good job dumbfucks, you're the people keeping shit threads like this clogging the catalog.


Then why are you here?

Only one of the people you quoted didnt sage, newfag

kill yourself!

you're clearly instigating. do you even know who you're talking to?

Holla Forums is nothing more than a distraction.

You have to go back (to the oven).


This thread is getting shilled to hell and back.

That's why I made a new one.

Obviously my message was misinterpreted.
But I think that's someone's intent


thanks for correcting the record

There are several desperate threads, sad!

found a picture of op

Found a pic of op's kids

Good thing they censored the crotch, really makes this pic family friendly

Yeah, let's just ban the internet since it is useless.

I disagree.