The mayor of Cannes in France has banned women from wearing swimsuits that cover too much skin on local public beaches. Targeted specifically are the burkinis, a play on “burqa” and “bikini,” a hijab-friendly wetsuit that is commonly worn in the water by Muslim women who observe the headscarf.

This comes soon after an attack that killed French celebrators on Bastille Day in Nice and nearby its site, on the tourist-friendly French Riviera near the Mediterranean coastline. So far, five French towns have banned the Burkini and three more are considering bans.

“If a woman goes swimming in a burkini, that could draw a crowd and disrupt public order,” David Lisnard, the mayor of Cannes, told a French newspaper. “It is precisely to protect these women that I took this decision. The burkini is the uniform of extremist Islamism, not of the Muslim religion.”

However, it seems that the ban has more to do with underlying Islamophobia than it does with public safety. Not only is the burkini unaffiliated with Islamic extremism, but the ordinance also states, “Access to beaches and for swimming is banned to anyone who does not have [bathing apparel] which respects good customs and secularism,” suggesting that Lisnard and his supporters believe wearing the a modest headscarf instead of a pseudo underwear and bra is disrespectful to the country’s moral and secular foundation.

Rather than having the intention to protect the public or the safety of Muslim women—historically, a similar burqa ban in 2010 resulted in an explosion of hate and violent crimes — the legislation means to restrict the exact virtues, secularism and good customs, that it boasts.

Good custom would suggest a tolerance of religion and secularism would allow all people of faith to peacefully express their religion without fear of penalty, rather than allowing religious prejudice taint political discourse.

It is known that France is no stranger to Islamic prejudice and today’s policies are only the tip of an iceberg that is entrenched deep in the Muslim-French divide. The initial expulsion of Muslims from Europe began long before this century, tracing as far back as 732 A.D., when Frankish leader Charles Martel defeated Abdur-rahman and his Umayyad Caliphate in a battle over the Iberian Peninsula, now part of southern France, which was then owned by the Muslims.

Since then, France’s colonization of Algeria and its eager involvement in the Syrian crisis have exacerbated the already fragile relations between the two groups.

Recent “Islamist” attacks, which may be the backlash of France’s increasing ignorant policies and “holier than thou” attitude, have left politicians such as Lisnard unhinged and susceptible to making rash decisions in an attempt to placate its citizens.

What is lost in the process is the awareness that Muslims are not the criminals—if anything, they bear the brunt of both “Islamist” terrorist attacks and the resulting Islamophobic policies that restrict their rights in the name of liberation.


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But the burkini is haram since it's form fitting.

For fuck's sake I hate this shit goddammit we have EUROPEAN LAWS NOT FUCKING SHARIA FUCK OFF.

Has the entire western world gone #MentallyHill?

Why do they dance around the issue, clearly they want to kick muds out, just straight up ban muds and if they kill people because of it then it further justifies the ban as it clearly shows that muds are not human.

Tours is in central France, not Iberia. Iberia is not "part of southern France." The Muslims were evicted from modern-day France by Charlemagne, two generations later.

This is your reminder that the moon cultists regard all territory that has ever been conquered by their predecessors as theirs in perpetuity.

Collective punishment is the only realistic option. It doesn't matter how; they have to not exist in our countries.

Banning the fucking burkini isn't deporting the millions of vermin men who have invaded your nation Froggos, It's mildly inconveniencing some powerless babby factories.

Utterly toothless.

That would be racist and Islamophobic. The veil is banned in France because it's an overt display of religiosity and France is a secular multicultural multiracial paradise, not because Western women don't wear that shit.

Is that a satire website?

This has to be a joke, right?

If they call them that then they should embrace it because its true.

Muslims *are* the criminals, they perpetuate this fucked up shitshow of a religion that compels it's psychotically inclined members to kill indiscriminately and the quarter-sane ones to just not say anything or pretend to be against it for show.

Islam promotes violence and Islamism, Muslims are the ones committing these acts of outrageous horror in our lands they are to blame. They should never have been allowed here, our cultures clash too fundamentally for there to be any meaningful integration.

Actual real reprisal is on the way, this limp-wristed faggotry is laughable.

Yes, good. We should have a conversation about the Battle of Tours. Normies have no idea about it.

The plutocrats in mainland Yrop are utterly shitting themselves that they're all for the chop when the next elections roll around, which they are. The EU and their power is crumbling before their eyes as the tide of hating the muslim cunts rises ever higher.

This is *the* issue that will see nationalism make a resurgence all over our countries and put a stop to that fucking insane Kraut cunt and her cronies disgusting ideas.

The ban was the Snail Scoffer elite rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic to try and look like they're doing anything other than continuing to fuck us all over.

France is gonna be the first European country to fall to Islamic rule. When it does, this bitch will proclaim that it was justified all along, for 1300 years of prejudice.

These Muslims are even more blindly prejudicial than the Jews.

Instant world war if that happens. Nothing will stop it.

Well, yeah. There's a lot of kike brainwashing to cut through on the way, though.

Muslims believe the southern half of France belongs to them and the rest just hasn't been conquered yet. They're on a holy mission.

The hypocrisy is making my blood boil. How can you whine about muh prejudice while also being clear about their imperialist intentions?

The website appears not to be satire.


user, you can't just have a nuclear power "fall to Islamic rule". That could be world-ending.

That's what "anti-imperialism" is. It's a third-worldist perspective that sees the conquest of whites by browns as an absolute good because it's basically revenge for muh oppression.



We need to purge the invaders. They come into our lands, take advantage of our hospitality, make DEMANDS that we change our was, in OUR homes, and disrespect our women!


martel confirmed for huge troll


Fuck off kike, the moon is not ruled by any but Mannaz, for whom the race of Man was named.

like La Raza faggots?

STFU Mahound worshiper!

… And what is wrong about being islamophobic ?

Fuck off jew worshiper
Mannaz is the true god of Central Europe and progenitors of all whites.

The initial expulsion of Muslims from Europe began long before this century, tracing as far back as 732 A.D., when Frankish leader Charles Martel defeated Abdur-rahman and his Umayyad Caliphate in a battle over the Iberian Peninsula, now part of southern France, which was then owned by the Muslims.

The Muslims were only in charge of Iberia because they violently conquered it; they were rightly evicted. If the Franks hadn't stood up to them they would have conquered well into Central Europe, although she would have preferred that obviously.

That wasn't "anti-European?"
I know that logic and morality aren't exactly feminine values, or even islamic, but God damn.

more shit that will make them look stupid

This is written by a FN member right?

At least in Poland, there's a vodka called Sobieski.
Imagine a wine called CHARLES MARTEL in France.

I sometimes drink Sobieski

I've had worse

Whether it's good or not isn't the issue here, the fact that Sobieksi is remembered kindly would be totally outrageous in Frogland.

I've tasted it too, user. It's slav alcohol, don't expect much.


I just mix it when I am drinking it; it's cheap and does the job, and it isn't bottom shelf tier
To be honest, I like Tito's

meanwhile in Italy..

Meanwhile in America…

I've only had the Cru; it ain't bad



Fuck off Eurosnob

Don't you know? Condemning terrorism makes you a racist radical right-wing extremist! Start promoting terrorism today and don't forget to vote socialist/greens/commies and don't forget to let your dark horde of new neighbours rape and murder as many children, women, and law enforcement agents as possible!

You mean "someone with the basic standards of quality"?

Agreed. That wine in particular comes from Commiefornia.

Trump's are made in Virginia.

Well, I already knew that's what they think, but for her to say it so bluntly…


dunno if it's a joke site, but it's not french
the bio from op's archive says the author is a mudslime student in murica
she's either disingenuous as a shekel-smelling jew rat, or burkini-on-head retartedly moronic

the arabs invaded all of north africa after momo(piss be upon him)'s death, then invaded spain and attacked france

the "which was then owned by the Muslims" part is a bit like if some filthy sandnigger complained that you stole the bike he was riding, after you kick his ass for riding your own bike that just got stolen by a sandnigger

this cunt has no clue about the situation in france
what she doesn't realize is that if she went to a beach where mudslime assholes require their wifes to wear a burkini, she would be threatened with rape or with an acid bath if she kept being a slut by showing flesh to arabs unable to contain their dicks
I so fucking hate them, omfg


You bring this to our attention, why OP? You might as well have taken a photo of a dog turd on the sidewalk and said; you guys see this shit? And we reply with, yes OP as it's a picture of shit.

Just stop with "ISLAMOPHOBIC". It's a belief system.



They don't want to kick them out, since they're welfare-guzzling voting cattle that enables the leftist traitors to win elections.

the meritage is actually really good, its dry and bitter, just like the emperor.

Also, Mudslimes wouldn't be such a problem if people actually would throw punches back. An army of 300 took on 180,000 Muslims and won at the Battle Of Covadonga, these cunts can fight for shit.


Who the fuck cares.


A California champagne?

Someone let this bitch know what the fuck a diver looks like. Muslims want to wear a wetsuit? Fine, then they have to be 30 miles off the coast, scuba optional, and will be required to swim back to Africa and the Middle East or else will be shot by gunpoint.

This post made me piss myself
and I loved it

It's ethnocentrism and group competition. The muslim religion being part of her ethnic identity that cunt defends it because muh racism.

Remember: no matter how politically correct you are, if you're white you'll always be considered white by all the non-whites. Rejecting your own group identity doesn't make you an enlightened individual, it just makes you a sucker.

phobic is the new scaredy-cat

The arrogance is palpable. Muslims believe all the world is theirs already, and the rest of us just don't know it yet.

It's not just stupidity that causes the conflation of "Islamophobia" and "racism" - it's because people intrinsically know that belief is tied to racial feeling. Muslims know this.

Come on Francucks, where's your next Martel? Is there a Charlemagne among you?

Are you some frog that's still fucked off by the PNW producing better wines?

You're a fucking rube. I bet you buy that gutter oil that passes for extra virgin olive oil too.

Reminder to you that Jews helped the Muslims invade Spain giving them intel in weaknesses in fortifications or just outright opening entrances for them.

He let in the Kikes and used them to practice usury.

There's so many times that disgusting race of semites could have been firmly eradicated from this planet yet they still linger like cockroaches.

They can't be serious the Carolingians wiped out the Muslims from greater France because the Muslims did the same in Spain, they finally woke up, still Southern Spain is corrupted in its blood and its roots diseased. France will have the same fate if a country North of it will have to liberate it someday. At a certain point the blood cannot be regained, only replaced.

The Franks are more holy whole than any Arab, they created an empire from nothing and through the power of rich Kings were able to marshal out something which the forces of nature could not destroy.

All Muslims are criminals because how they look, they cannot change that in themselves.
They are pawns to the Semetic god of conquering and will do his command where ever the Arab race stays.

Why not? It's actually quite affordable and they ship to the US:


You can choose from a plethora of Hitler labels, most of which are available on a wide variety of wines, so you can pick your favorite wine and have the Fuhrer grace the bottle. And it seriously costs like $10 a bottle, plus s/h. According to reviews, while it's not the best, it's actually supposed to be pretty good wine, particularly if you hold onto it for a few years to let it age.

Buy a bottle to show off, and buy a couple more to stow away in the basement and save for a special occasion, like when the DotR finally happens.

The best part is, this winery just started out doing bottles with pictures of famous historical figures, including Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, etc. Nobody ever heard of them until a bunch of kikes started screeching about their new Hitler wine and demanding that they stop selling bottles of wine with Hitler on them; the company made a press release that basically amounted to "fuck you" and expanded their line of Hitler wines to literally dozens of different labels and a dozen different vintages. This winery would have been small and unknown if it weren't for the publicity of Jews attacking them in the media, and their Hitler wine is now their best seller.


they dont want them gone lol

this burkini fiasco is just a pressure valve


Trump is a civic nationalist faggot and his daughter sucks jew dick.


how's hell?
