Praise Hacksaw ridge for having cannibal holocaust levels of violence

For a guy who loves to shit on Christians. Brad Jones probably the biggest religious zealot on channel awesome.

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Oh shit it's been almost year since I've seen Brad

Why is he so based bros?

Who is this retard?

Social justice has ruined being faithless now. I cannot even say that I don't believe in god because I risk associating myself with these nutjob sjws. I don't believe in god but I love this movie and I can relate to Doss's strong beliefs that he defended.

But SJW are very respectful of religions (that are not white)

webm bls

I am not respectful in religion as in being thankful that they exist, I do believe we'd be better off without them. What I do hate is everyone picking on christianity now that it's a peaceful religion and doesn't burn witches or scientists or censor people. Yet all the gays, faggots, and other freaks defend islam to death despite the fact that muslims would throw them all off a cliff. This sort of cuck behavior is just causing me too much rage. There's nothing more humiliating that defending your enemy.

Biggest irony with Brad jones. In proofing religious films. He accidentally made the atheist equivalent of God not dead without even realizing it. Not even kidding. Jesus bro probably the most cringeworthy movie that came outta channel awesome.

I bet the fag, or any atheists at channel awesome, would not do the same sketch but about islam.

Didn't Brad Jones on Facebook said making fun of Islam should Be a hate crime or was that Doug walker?

I don't know, don't follow their autistic shit. But I want to know their reasons. I want to see them saying that making fun of islam is "hate speech" but making fun of christianity is completely fine. What a bunch of idiots. If you wanna make fun of a religion now, make fun of the one that's killing your race, culture, and financial wellness.

Hollywood hate Catholics for being a white religion. Yet their More brown and black Catholics than whites. They love Islam cause it isn't white. Yet the founder of Islam was a white mean.

OOps I mean white man

His friends have been turning SJW for a long time. Even that one guy who was known as the racist has come down to point out sexism in movies. Sara probably being the worst. She complained about the hotpants of harley in suicide squad. She complained about the Fate of the Furious for killing a female character after she had her baby. In the recent midnight screening for Drop Dead Gorgeous, she complained about the transphobic nature of Crocodile Dundee.

And Brad has the gall to call out his audience for dumb shit when bitch is triggered that he based entire sketches about it. He'd probably be better off killing himself.

I swear everything was fine until they started midnight screenings. His reviews were usually at least watchable, though lets' be real here, some of them were always pretty shit, but then he started broadcasting his actual self and relationships with midnight screenings and revealed his cuck power level to boot and everything has just gone down hill from there.

Because Islam isn't a "white" religion. Anti-white bigotry is the last acceptable form of bigotry.

Also, Islam is race when it needs to be.

I thought the fedora tippers ruined it already?

My theory on why they defend it is because they think Islam is practiced by arabs and black people there fore they dindu nuffin and need to be defended. Even though in reality there are Asians that practice Islam and even whites.

As opposed to everyone else who did this because they had no reason to believe witches didn't exist.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Knowing fedoras you're talking about Galileo. You know the guy who was put under house arrest. House arrest where he left his house constantly.

This plus the fact that it isn't their parents religion and they were mad that they had to go to Church for 1 hour out of their week instead of playing videos games.

Kind of makes we wish that those people who wanted to be edgy against their parents just go to Wicca like they did in the 90's.

Michael Servetus

He was killed for political reasons, as he got between Calvin and the Swiss authorities during a power struggle. His unpoppular opinions as expressed in letters to Calvin and political rabble rousing are what did him in as it was an excuse to have he executed, though legally he was subject only to exile. Also he was killed by secular government for being a "threat to the public well-being" on the pretense of his theology, which was entirely metaphysical.

This practice as a physician had no import on his trial, conviction, or execution.

Man it's like politics is dirty business or something.

It never really did, Charlemange had to pass laws on the pagan Saxxons which forbade buring witches on pain of death. Pre-christian Rome burned witches, they drowing was preferred. Witchcraft really wasn't an issue again until the early modern period, ie after secularization. And even then it was mostly confined to populations which would later give rise to libtard atheists(Roundheads, Calvinists, Puritians, ect). In antiquity and other places accusing someobody of being a witch was just saying "we suspect you are a murderer but cannot prove it so fuck you." Also given the ritualism and habitual behavior of serial killers(especially the statistically more common kike serial killers which may be way they were accused of blood libel so much) its not hard to believe that they were interpretted as witches or considered themselves to be witches.

Finally there is the fact that in the middle ages "witch" was legally synonymous with "poisoner".

The issue is genetic. The bloodlines which are libtards today have always been pussies who care about social signalling, hence why they actually engage in moral panics while the rightists they claim do so never appear in the historical regards regarding these panics. As for Islam, it is religion created and seen through the lens of the shitskin mind. What do you expect? Saracens gonna saracen.

The be frank you should support brutal secular and religious white institutions which protect and faciliate your biologic interests irrespective of your aggreement with theif philosophical or metaphysical tenets. Fascists never purged libertarians despite finding them disgusting, leftists purge their own ranks constantly.

They burned a couple of dozen proto-feminists, literally nothing wrong with that. Getting their history rewritten first by enlightmuhnt queers and then marxists seems to have made some people start believing in the white devil myth when the fact is that the West always have been more civilised than their contemporary barbarians. At this point it doesn't matter if it was kikes, freemasons, the Frankfurt School or the KGB, most of the West has gone full retard and especially America.

That's back when Brad Jones didn't walk out of movies because it told the truth about the KKK was founded by the democrat party.

WHEW glad I didnt waste my bandwidth on this one

christianity has never been a peaceful religion.

you sound 100% cucked.

But he was white check the sources


that's a lotta projection, cuck.

That was Holla Forums's consensus two years ago.


WHAT kind of cuck haircut is that?

How does a man turn out like that glasses wearing cancer patient in the middle?

It's called being a nu-male. If I'm not mistaken I think that's the puppet show guy from Chez Apocalypse who tried to post loli-con here and get people arrested because he's from Canada and in Canada loli-con = child porn for some dumb reason.

I think the "based Brad" shit was pushed by LordKat posting here, I listened to one of those super long compilations of the times he talked about his time TGWTG and he mentioned he posted his dick on a message board so it could have been him. But he was always shilling for Brad all the time, trying to get #freeBrad trending on twitter and shit like that.

I didn't know he posted here.


He never officially posted here but I believe that he did in the past. He's a member of Kiwifarms which has an 8ch connection too. Overall he's a nobody and just another forgettable TGWTG faggot if he

Oh shit I didn't know he was that bad.

Its confirmed

Yep, that's Dan 'Foldable Human' Olson.

Though the children's pictures were posted by Laurelai Bailey on /hebe/. So Danny-Boy, Israel Galvez, Peter Coffin and a fourth guy I can't remember right now decided to ddos Holla Forums as an act of measurement. Plus him downloading the pics and writing a long-winded article on called 'The mods are always asleep' with the children pics blurred but very descriptive.
Kicker is he never got legally reprimanded for that shit. I really hate this guy. And to think Brad associates with these peopleā€¦