Oh, would you look at that. We're getting D+C'd the fuck out and the mods ain't doing shit about it

Oh, would you look at that. We're getting D+C'd the fuck out and the mods ain't doing shit about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off christkike


I made one aswell for an other thread.

I count 10 overall.


You sure are smart, OP

This is what happened in halfchan. Soon we'll have 'how can white men even compete' threads.

get mad no one likes your semetic desert god anymore, you still have not provided an argument for how christianity is non inherently anti white

Luckily Anons are filling the threads with sage posts telling the OP to go fuck himself, but the threads still remain. Mods get your shit together.

You see where we can go from here?

It's you're fault for wanting to be le super sekrit cloooob.

The day Holla Forums is dead ismthe day we have fucking won. I haven't browsed here for weeks and can't believe people still browse this shithole everyday.

There is literally a world out there to be taken and yet you waste it on here? Fucking losers. Things have changed dramatically to the point of casual 'racism' among our people and yet people still come on here?

Whatever you say. But when people are begging other anons to stay here, is the time we know who the real shills are.

I'll prob be back in a few weeks times, but I loath this place now. Less and less will I frequent it and more am I enjoying life where I should be: back in MY Nation and society.

Good going, asshole.

Your logic is shit and you should feel like shit.


We fucked rach up last night.
All if us reported that shit and it stayed up while other threads were being anchored.


We hit the fucking bump limit and then our posts were wiped so the thread could continue.

We have all the proof in the world that the board needs to be attacked. You know what kind. I just don’t know how or I’d do it myself.

You got to be fucking kidding me.
I got out after it hit the limit and didn't pay it any more attention after that.

Maybe you're just an assblasted kike worshiper and this board genuinely doesn't like Christianity. Ever consider that possibility? Its not exactly hard to grasp. How many young white dudes are Christians these days?

+1 shekel

board for several months has nothing about christianity except for things like this


which is mostly negative towards it. New shilling attempt enters the arena and tries its usual tricks again.

Truly nothing new under the sun.

I called them out on this shit months ago and got told, by regular posters trying to be edgy, that I should stop being a Christcuck - I'm not even religious, I just see the obvious Jewry behind the hatred of Christianity.

jesus fuck, this level of shilling. I leave this board for a week and then have to come back to this angle. Why the fuck cant you fucks deal with these mongoloid CRT faggets on your own?

The three things the troll hate are.

So we know that is what we need to be and focus on.

I'm not a Christian and I'm never going to be. Saying we all have to be Christian and calling non-Christians kikes is kind of a fucking problem. Who's doing the dividing here?

You can leave any time.

The door is over there.

Here's a little trick I learned to make my catalog experience much more enjoyable:

Hold the Shift key while clicking the offending thread and VOILA D&C is gone!
One trick to remember, click on the text of the thread, not the picture of the thread.

Go ahead, you'll thank me later.


Fc off with your slide threads.

Looks like my efforts weren't in vain, I'll have to keep making new threads constantly before the Holla Forums shills come back and make anti-white threads again

Great - you can also bump the earlier one on the exact same subject and the later one on the exact same subject there's three of them and and because you're a fucking asshole niggerfaggot.


How the fuck do I become a mod? This board needs a serious ethnic cleansing. Someone should just say fuck it and remove the mods by force. I would have done it a long time ago but I'm not that good with computers.

The mods and admins are literally a bunch a cum guzzling faggots who are on the payroll, they have been banning users posting topics to politically incorrect for the supposed politically incorrect board, they are too dumb to learn how to set up i2p and on top of all of this they are either jewish or masons.

They told us they would infiltrate and take over.

Just how many brit/pol/ threads are they allowed to have per day? They're filled up with shitposts, content that's not allowed in regular threads, and 3-word "that's right mate" content-free posts.

Just because they can shitpost 1400 posts a day, they deserve to have constant general threads that break the rules and shit up the catalog? No other group gets to have as many threads as those worthless cunts do. Fuck Brit/pol/.

It's the faggot mods behind this. Soon they'll ban you OP because muh >>>/polmeta/

From your picture you'll spend all your time you aren't spending here on Tumblr. Make sure to give us your page.

There are multiple factions within the mods and vols that are fighting the tavistock/freech/int/ backed mods as we speak, specifically imkampfy.

These factions are based on atheism, paganism, and Christianity, mirroring what comprises the majority of the board's users. I won't mention the sole jewish mod because nobody on this board even knows that he's a kike and I don't want to spoil the surprise.

The ensuing battle will be fought over the dominant religion of the board, one which Jim has always despised: Christianity. Ever since Jim proposed making Christians pay a fee to remove porn off their board, the userbase has fragmented and now seems to have scattered to such an extent that it is now threatening this board. Couple this with Josh's goons making their way back here after the utter failure that was 16ch.pl, and you have a recipe for the most inane yet pure chaos the board has ever experienced. And finally, the recent ban of rachposter aka learningchode, has resulted in a new botnet that deploys for every christian post so that it spams the thread to the top of the velocious boards feature.

It's looking like one hell of a fight tbh.

I just wish the mods were capable of accommodating all religions, yet know this is a pipe dream.

Good luck to all in the upcoming weeks.

What the hell does dc mean anyways. Distracted and confused?

Divide and conqeur