We need to have a serious discussion about Trump. Now...

We need to have a serious discussion about Trump. Now, there are certain elements on this board that don't want us doing that. Some are genuinely blind supporters, but I believe the majority of them are shills who want us to be blindsided and confused when we're confronted with these realities right before we go to the polls.

We need to stop acting as if Trump is some god emperor that's going to save the white race. "Dude, just wait for Hitler" Not an argument. "He's better than Hillary." Not an argument. "You're probably a Jew!/JIDF/Neocohen/chaim/other freech D&C buzzword meant to end discussion they don't want happening" NOT A FUCKING ARGUMENT. Trump's fucking grandkids are all Jews.

I'm not arguing that we should not vote for Trump, I'm saying we need to apply some serious pressure on him to stop him from changing his previously stated positions, WHICH HE IS IN THE PROCESS OF DOING RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

I know a lot of the Trump supporters on here are sociopaths who actively say they want to vote for him because they want to "burn it all down" I know half the people who say this don't live in the US and are fine watching this place descend into anarchy from a distance. I know yet others are just braindead frothing retards who say "Look, I know he's weak on every single issue, but he said he'd build a wall! MUH OVERTON WINDOW!" pretending that Cruz and various other Republicans weren't talking about building the wall years ago. For fuck's sake, building a wall was one of Bush's talking points SIXTEEN YEARS AGO.

But to those people who say they're voting for Trump because illegal immigration is the only issue that matters to them, Trump just went back on his promise to deport the 11 million immigrants.

Did you watch his fucking Immigration Town Hall on Hannity? I found the specific clip. He polls the audience, he first says they all agree they'll kick out the gang members, but then he polls them saying "what about the millions who have lived here for over 20 years, they have families, they're not committing crimes, should we kick them out?"

Repeatedly the audience tells him yes, that they ALL need to go, so he just keeps asking again and again, pretending they're confused. Later Hannity joins in and they try to pretend it's just one guy saying they all have to go back. Trump is explicitly stating, not all 11 million are getting deported.

-When his campaign manager was asked if he was still going to have a 'deportation force' she responded "To be determined."
-With Hannity Trump also said there "could" be a "softening" on his immigration policy.
-One of the Hispanic leaders he met with last week claims Trump said in the meeting that deporting 11 million people was "neither possible nor humane".

Now I get that you slack-jawed faggots don't give a fuck about the supreme court picks, abortion, gun rights, or any of the other issues conservatives have been pulling their hair out over with Trump, but this is Trump clearly testing the waters to go back on all his immigration promises. All I'm saying is,since this is the ONE issue you supposedly DO give a shit about, are you going to start putting pressure on him now so this election doesn't become Hillary vs. Hillary with a peace shirt vs. Hillary with personality?

Other urls found in this thread:



Honestly, that really makes my heart sink. I thought about adding a line that "tl;dr" was going to be the response if you had no response to all that information and were just going to keep burying your head in the sand, but I thought "That'll just make it even longer. Better to leave it out so I'll know for certain if they just don't have a response of an answer right away."

You don't really give a shit about this election, who wins, or what any of their positions are, do you?

Trump is Obama for conservatives. "Make America Great Again" is the new "Hope & Change". The Zionist kikes control everything and every election is a sham. Nothing will change. Obama pissed off lefties when he went back on a ton of his promises and opted instead to be a typical warhawk for Israel's interests.

I can't wait for Trump to be appointed president and then promptly renege on all of his promises so that white people finally wake the fuck up and realize their country has been hijacked a long time ago.

To soften his image for normies. No one likes Hillary, and they're only voting for her because they dislike Trump's image even more. Anyone who isn't a retard knows this implicitly, dumbass.

When did he mention this? Once in a blue moon? This is just like Trump occasionally mouthing support for Israel. It's empty lip service. He's the most anti-Israel person with any influence and he's already done more damage to Zionist interests than all the ropecucks ever have in their entire lives.

As are you.

It doesn't need to be an argument. It's a simple statement of fact.

Yeah, and deporting niggers was your policy few centuries ago. We are up against today, not what once was.

That is the whole meaning of the overton window. It's a non-argument.



Jews control everything and there is nothing you will ever be able to do to stop it. Everything that ever happens has been carefully planned out and masterfully orchestrated by the jews. The Trumptards need to be reminded and made to submit to Holla Forums's old ways, wherein we exalt the jew by seeing him in all things and worshipping his power through our impotent hate.

Hello CTR, what brings you here?

Hi freech.

This is like 8 years ago when I heard liberals claim Obama was lying about being against gay marriage to appeal to the majority. If your only defense is "he's full of shit" then you have no principles.

ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean it wasn't happening you fucking moron. Right here, any credibility you could have had is gone, so just fuck off back to freech you ignorant fuckwit.

There's not a drop of Jewish blood in my body, the fucking point of me mentioning that was that saying "You must be a Jew!" is a non-starter, particularly when you consider all of Trump's offspring are.


Or, we make sure this cult of personality will actually fucking hold him responsible so he'll have no choice but to live up to his promises.



I'm pretty sure I saw this post, word for word, maybe two days ago. Try a little harder, shlomo.


Tell him you want them all to go back. Get on it.

but i'm not

Oh boy hillary gave her speech on the spooky "alt right"
and now the shills come here thinking they can change our ways


we have alot of dank memes


not only is that not an argument, it's a false claim and misrepresentation

Yeah, no insults there.

This is what freech posters actually believe counts as an argument.

you don't actually believe a person who won't even name the jew is eligible for the status of god emperor, do you?

you're right, wait for hitler

are you, perhaps, female?


So, please explain to me how "Vote for Trump, but actually hold him responsible and make sure he keeps his promises instead of blindly following him" is shilling?

The entire point was that it wasn't an argument. That was literally why I said it. I mean, I can pull up Ivanka Trump's family photos and post the articles about her being "proud" her husband is Jewish, but the entire point was "If you're going to post a non-argument like that about anyone criticizing Trump, the same shady shit can be drudged up about Trump himself." I can get the MAGA yamacha pictures too, if you like.

Okay, here's an argument:

No he didn't.

Put yourself in my shoes for a second. You copy and paste a post from a few days ago and ignore information that's been floating around all week. Do you understand why someone might think you're a shill?


Did you watch OP's video?

>I can get the MAGA yamacha pictures too, if you like.
At least you proved you're not Jewish

You're linking to a separate interview to what, ignore completely what he said and did here?

Who gives a fuck if there's no path to citizenship if he's going to let them stay in the country reproducing? It's right in the fucking video.

And I didn't post this a couple days ago, I replied with some of the other points to a ridiculous "anti-trump shills btfo" thread, but I hadn't seen this particular clip until today. Again, it was a topic of discussion at the top of the show on Glenn Beck (who, incidentally namedropped that he's getting to meet Mel Gibson today, apparently Mel's a big fan.)

You're a real moron if this is what you took from what he's been saying. It's obvious that he's simply not sure himself what should be done with the illegals, except that the bad ones have to get out, no one gets citizenship and no more should be let in.

He's leaning towards showing compassion towards some of them, which is a good thing to emphasize now because he has to win the general but what does it matter? It's either him or The Cunt, who plans on full amnesty.

Who the fuck is even pretending he's a God Emperor who's literally perfect? 99% of that is light-hearted screwing around.

People are excited about him because he's an incredible force against the left, against political correctness, against globalism. He's fucking up all our enemies and he's already assfucked the GOP establishment and forced them to take positions on several issues that benefit us.

He's not "clearly testing the waters to go back" on his promises, you fucking retard. You're either an idiot or a D&C shill.

I think I see your problem

So to boil down your response,

I'm linking to a separate interview to clear up some of the ambiguity that your post has (intentionally) created.

So long as we continue to outnumber them, in addition to at least sending most of them back and keeping new ones from coming in, we'll be fine. That's even assuming that this is what his "official" immigration plan, which he's yet to unveil, actually includes.

I have to admit I hate the whole Jew grandkids thing and it scares the hell out of me because it basically guarantees more American Jewish elites ruling over my kids. But backing away from anything other than total deportation of all illegals is a complete deal breaker. We are already demographically doomed as is even if we deport 100% of them. I would honestly rather vote Clinton knowing she'll fuck up the country as much as possible because maybe we will get lucky and win a chunk of land for whites in the civil war / ww3 that ensues.

Accelerationism is a shit-tier idea. You don't realize how bad things can get, look at the Soviet Union for an example of how bad things can get without the general public doing jack shit even then.

More to the point, have you even bothered to do ?

A slow demographic decline ending in death sounds pretty fucking bad. I don't see any way around the birthrate problem either. Plus it would be better for the collapse to happen under both liberal and female leadership so we can kill that meme forever.

Honestly is Trump even going to give a fuck if we spam his inbox realisticly? No matter what he does he can't solve our demographic problem so what the fuck are we really banking on here? A slower decline?

I don't know.

It's clear to me that Trump doesn't think he can win by promising to deport them all, and is jettisoning that plan for that reason. The problem is most of the population are fucking cucks, but those cucks vote.

We need to have a serious discussion about this
*grabs dick*

To add: There remains the possibility that Trump still wants to do it and may just do it anyway using quieter tactics.

I just hope he starts WW3 and we all get to see the fire rise above a mountain of skulls.

fuck everything.

Maybe but unless he starts a shooting war in Mexico there's no way we can get rid of our legal spics here. We're fucked in a generation from demographics and birth rates alone. We need a war or we are dead.

>Some are genuinely blind supporters, but I believe the majority of them are shills

Yawn. It's that thread again. Can you please tell me where the Trump campaign equivalent of Correct The Record is? Because I would apply immediately. Thanks in advance.

Yes OK that's a good idead but you didn't need to do your concern trolling and say Trump defenders must be paid shills.

>I know a lot of the Trump supporters on here are sociopaths who actively say they want to vote for him because they want to "burn it all down"

Sociopaths or paid shills? Make up your mind.

"burn it all down"

It's funny, I don't remember reading that. Except those who said that were the 'accelerationists' who said we should vote for Hillary, not the Trump supporters.

The last time there was a mass deportation operation it was done in the 1950s when Eisenhower was President and it was done in collaboration with the Mexican government. Operation Wetback. Today, the Mexican government will not collaborate with President Trump to deport mexicans back to Mexico and there's more illegals now than in the 1950s.

I'm not an expert on logistics but it seems clear to me that deporting illegals today will be more complicated than in the 1950s. So I expect Trump to be somewhat vague about what he'll do, how he will do it and how many will be deported. Even if he wants to deports them all it's not going to be done overnight, it's going to take a few years at least.

And Trump said he wants to end birthright citizenship too.

>-One of the Hispanic leaders he met with last week claims Trump said in the meeting that deporting 11 million people was "neither possible nor humane".

Jacob Monty is an immigration lawyer and the chairman of something called the Latino-Jewish alliance and his comments were contradicted by a RNC official:

RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists


>Now I get that you slack-jawed faggots don't give a fuck about the supreme court picks, abortion, gun rights, or any of the other issues conservatives have been pulling their hair out over with Trump,

What are you insinuating? Those Ted Cruz talking points were just talking points to try to paint Trump as a Democrat.

Are you working for Applied Memetics? Is that you Dan?

I'm with you, OP, and have been fighting the good fight on this for a while now.

First off, what you said earlier needs to be highlighted:

I'm not arguing that we should not vote for Trump

That comment is so important. If people want to vote for Trump, fine. If people want to support Trump or argue we should all be supporting Trump, great.

But drop the fucking cult shit! Stop trashing threads that discuss him critically and you will get blowback on this, whether it's your own threads trashed or people leaving 8/pol He's not a racialist, he's not even close. Trump is in favor of affirmative action, which even Jeb Bush actively opposed. He is a populist candidate who gravitates to controversial issues and statements because he likes to manipulate media attention. It is what he has been doing all of his life, and he's pretty good at it, although he seems to be waking up to the fact that the pressure a presidential nominee goes under is nothing compared to what a typical celebrity does.

In terms of widening the Overton window, even if a little unintentionally, Trump is 10/10. That is what we should be taking advantage of and talking about, not have long threads on every meaningless speech he gives.

Also, David Duke's candidacy should be getting 100x the attention it gets on Holla Forums.

Found a video of you on youtube.

There is no evidence that he wants to deport them all. Trump criticized Romney 4 years ago for being too hard on illegals.


Since you reference Ted Cruz talking points, there is nothing to make us believe that Trump is not doing the same thing, but in a different way from almost all contemporary politicians. He likes to make provocative statements that get the media riled up and talking about him, rather than safe statements immune from criticism.

In 6 months, you will have people on Holla Forums argue that it was only Redditors or Trump campaigners that were involved in Trump worship, starting meaningless Trump threads with OP's like this

And then that thread gets 600 replies about Trump the Savior.

No thanks.

He could be a phony and his election could be a huge political fraud, that's a possibility I'm not blind to that but this thread could have been useful only if OP hadn't been a concern troll.

if you think I'm being a edgy faggot, you haven't lurked enough.

being so fed up with the state of the world that you look forward to total nuclear disintegration is the final red pill.

Let me stop you right there. It is an argument that he is better than Shillary Clinton. She is a completely corrupt career politician that is involved in scandal after scandal in politics and internationally. Her clear corruption is one hundred percent an argument for voting for Donald Trump. So kindly take your Stefan Molyjew tier rebuttals and fuck off.

Come on, man. We can all agree that Sinead is a loser, but right here you are holding David Duke to a standard that nobody here would even think of holding Trump to. The man is running for Senate, is a household name, and has a surprisingly good history of getting votes during the decades when it was harder than today to hold his views.

The OP was pretty accurate, the concern troll is your label.

I don't know what you consider fraud. Trump is an outspoken populist leader, which is surprisingly rare today. He is not a strongly ideological candidate. He wants to be in the forefront of a popular movement. He is extremely vain, though a little bit even of that is probably a manufactured persona. Anyway, he shifts his positions on a dime, and that is what you can expect from him.

It is an argument for voting for Trump, it is not an argument for hero worship. Hillary is a horrible human being, and being better than her doesn't carry a lot of weight. Even Barack Obama is probably better than Hillary.

Fair enough. In all reality anyone who is totally behind any candidate is either a shill or someone too young to understand the world. I have never agreed in full with any politician and I never will.

However Trump is hated by liberals to a degree unheard of, and to see the crying, butthurt and unprecedented salt generation from his election is enough to gloss over any doubts I would have about his candidacy.

The only true position to take in this election is

TRUMP 2016

Having doubts and reservations is completely normal, but is a purely academic exercise.

No fuck you. I'm going to meme him into reality and bring the 1980's futurism back


Hey OP stop using the exact same thread over and over again it's really fucking annoying

Also, fuck you, you faggot

You must be new here.
Election cycles are always cancer. Every Holla Forumsack who is not in complete denial knows what is up.
There is no point in trying to debate them. They would always come up with some dumb explaination to rationalise their insanity.
Just wait it out like always.

Half of those Trumpfags will leave and the other half will stay and be mad about them being wrong.

spot on

We're hitting a lot of common ground.

They also hated Bush/Cheney.

Trump is not an ideological candidate, he is a populist one. He goes back and forth on different positions, and has been doing so for years. Trump will do what he thinks is reasonable based on what is put in front of him he seems to do virtually no research on his own and is surprisingly lacking in knowledge of policy so the people surrounding him are important, and most of them aren't any friends of ours. He also act in terms of what he thinks there is broad popular support, and mostly ignore the media. That is both good and bad, as the current population is still mostly brainwashed.

By contrast, someone like Pat Buchanan was very ideological. His paleoconservatism falls short of being completely redpilled in areas like race, but at least you know Pat's positions now, next week, and a year from now.

Again, no problem at all if people vote for Trump, comparing platforms he is in most respects light years ahead of Hillary. Just don't assume that you know who Trump is or what he will actually do when he gets into office.


Thanks for correcting the record, OP :^)

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself

Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban

Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East

Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds

Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'

ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’

Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

Attacked by Trump, Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help

Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s

Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content

Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?

Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump

Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not

Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

The clan leader of white Americans: Conservative David Frum perfectly explains how the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump

ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

Not saying that "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" when we suggest gassing the kikes and the degenerates but in the case of Trump it's a win/less win situation. We can hope that Trump will live up to a small part of our expectations and even if he doesn't we still lose nothing compared to the other candidates, we still make the lefties mad to the point of immigration to Canada and we still move the Overton Window to our side and there's always also Pascal's Wager and the slight chance that we will inaugurate him into God Emperor through the seer arcane powers of mememagics. If you are taking all those comments about the "Saviour of the hWhite Race", "The New Fuhrer" and "God Emperor of Whitekind" in face value then you should really get off the internet for a while and reevaluate your perceptions.

There is no other vote but for Trump.


Dude just wait for hitler

Who are you voting for?

Get the fuck out OP. He is leagues better than Hillary. We can't vote for nobody to be president, or dig up the corpse of Andrew Jackson for president.

I hope you honestly don't believe there was a better republican or democratic nominee we ignored due to memes. They're all shit. Trump is just less shit and might prolong this country another 8 miserable years.

Holy Christ can the mods do their jobs and clean this shit up? The whole catalog looks like one of brit/pol/'s threads.

The elections haven't mattered for a long time. It's always just been voting for either Kodos or Kang. This is the first time I've ever bothered with registering to vote and many other people will be voting for the first time in November. Trump may be a bit of a buffoon, but he's a fucking useful one. The United States needs a resurgence of nationalism. We need to uncuck ourselves quickly and Trump is the fastest route to that. He's anti-establishment and anti-corruption. He's less of a war hawk than Hillary.

Yes it fucking is. Explain why it's not.
The Supreme Court nominee is more important than the next 5 presidents combined. If shilldawg wins, we get a liberal Supreme Court for a generation. Goodbye right to bear arms, goodbye privacy.

wtf i hate Trump now

sage goes in all field.

So are you saying we should all vote for Vermin Supreme?
Because that would be funny.

But Trump would also be funny. The democraps standard tactics just dont work against trump the way they would against any of the other republican candidates. Its amusing to watch them flail around with no clue how what to do.

Wow OP you convinced me, I'm voting for Hillary now

You actually have a lot to lose, but you don't realize it. Maybe you haven't been into politics that long.

Go back 10 years, and the lefties were the cool kids because doctrinaire conservatism was represented by George W. Bush. The libertarians were the most conservative "other cool kids" because they managed to distance themselves from Bush. Trump is already linked to the broader movement of which Holla Forums is a part of. They call it the Alt Right, I don't really care much about the labels.

By doing 600 post threads on the latest Trump speech in random city? No, that is just fall-flat-on-your-face adulation, which backfires and makes you look dumb, much like the Tea Party, OWS, the Bernie Sanders Revolution, and other embarrassments that involved masses of people believing in something that was quickly subverted or poorly defined to begin with.

I'm pretty aware of internet humor, so maybe you could explain it to this guy who shits up threads. Do you think he's a normal, well-adjusted individual who views the Trump campaign objectively?

there's a thread about this every fucking day you aren't making any new arguments kill yourself faggot