Hi leftypol, I feel more at home here now than Holla Forums take that as you may

Hi leftypol, I feel more at home here now than Holla Forums take that as you may.

I know exactly my ancestry and extended family members and national compatriots are a spectrum that extends into race. First and foremost comes myself and my direct family and then my extended family and my nation. I also support activities for my race that do not hinder the primary ones.

Being anti government but pro my family, people, race, I don't get much agreeable discussions with Holla Forums. It is hard to tell how many of the users are just here to spam pro trump posts during his campaign. Holla Forums and Holla Forums used to agree that all modern governments are garbage and need to be massively reduced before being reformed functionally.

Now Holla Forums is an echo chamber for pro government pro trump jingoism and any discussions otherwise are spammed or moderated indiscriminately.

The only proper way to stand up for your beliefs and ideas is to be willing and capable of being aggressive when needed. Words to the wise and pain to the dull. You must be able to communicate to everyone to get your message across.

Other urls found in this thread:


Race is a spook, it does not exist. Whites, Arabs and Asians are all mutated niggers.

You can be as nationalist as you want as long as you do your nation-building on your own time. All we care about is workers owning the means of production. Forcibly changing the material base of society will make life better for everyone.

We will not have patience if nationalism gets in the way, though.

You are basically an anarchist but you don't know it yet.

But to transition to left-wing anarchism you must realize that labor is linked by workers , and that worker solidarity can only be achieved if you forego the primary interest of your family,people, race. In fact the only way to really help the people you care about is to stop the exploitation enforced by capitalism and the corporate state. Realizing that we are all in this together, is the only real path to overturning the corrupt regime of Capitalism. Also you should know that it is Capitalism that is eroding all of the traditions a society has by putting a price to them and de-linking them from their original values, effectively making consumerism the only acceptable regime. Things that were "the old christian values" which is solidarity and assistance to the poor and downtrodden are all now gone in the name of profit.

The threds about genetics are a banned topic here, however you are wrong and that is all that needs to be said about that in this thread.

Nationalism agrees completely with your goals. The right to assembly means you can work with who you work. Now owning the means of producton is more efficient than having some fat guys in suits haphazardly decide that they want more profits now because they'll be dead in 10 years. Through shares and boards of executives both sustainable profit and worker fulfillment are stifled.

I know what I am but I do not allow labels to define me. I define the world.
I know my genes are important.

This would be death. Ideas are accepted and propagated due to predispositions in the brain which come from genes. Islam or crony capitalism are based in genetics.

Accutely aware of this. Authoritarian results of both capitalism and communism are the same death from different swords.


What's your opinion on Black Nationalism (i.e. early Black Panthers)?

lol fuck you m8

If that was true then we are all biological robots with no free will or any sense autonomy. Religions are a value system meant to alleviate suffering through metaphysical dogma and Capitalism is a system of economic exchange. Converting to a religion or being a capitalist has nothing to do with race, as you have Arab Christians and Indian capitalists.

Communism has not being achieved yet, if you mean socialism then you would be right that many solutions enacted were wrong and authoritarian. But you have to remember that Capitalism is a contradictory system, that fosters widespread conflict and sometimes even economic stagnation, it cannot change unless a violent overturning of those who hold capital can be made.

I hate liberals as much as the next Marxist but DAMN are anti-Liberal memes cringeworthy.

This doesn't even make any sense from a very fringe theoretical perspective.

You are nothing but a mutated nigger my friend.

I'm willing to bet you have little to no actual knowledge of genetics. Even from spending 15 minutes reading a wikipedia page, you'd recognize that the idea that Islam or crony capitalism is genetically based makes no sense.


This is the last response I am giving to genetics in this thread until I see it isn't a banned topic. The way your brain functions, very generally in a human way, is much different than the brain of a dog. It is not because the dog has a better sense of smell than you alone taht you think so differently.

Free to pursue their goals so long as they do not threaten my livelihood.

Your sense of autonomy and free will are not endangered when you search for food because you have not eaten for several days, or very little in several weeks. Have you faced this dillema in your blank state leaning belief?

There are many ways to practice ideas and many ways to deceive. There are also benefits to not being part of the majority - like you said sometimes psychological.

True on all counts.

It is an interesting question though isn't it?

Go on.

I will not debate this until a non sagelocked thread appears on leftypol that does not result in bans and deletes.

image related

bitch please you don't know the first thing about race if you think "white" is a thing.
if you ever had studied race theory you'd know there's a dozen of races within europe alone, even within just germany. and that's not counting foreigners that moved in.

go fuck off with your wannabe racism back to your pretentious "white" nationalist faggot shithole.

as someone who actually studied that thing just for shit ang giggles and knowing my families history even backtraced to some extend reaching into cossack times the "racism" that you american morons are pulling out of your ass is a disgrace, i feel personally insulted for what you're doing to genuine racism, even though i oppose both.

Why does Holla Forums think we want retarded faggots here?

Since when have genetics threads been banned?

Shitposting gets banned, but if its a genuine debate then those threads hang around.

They're not


pro-trump =/= pro government

Nice try Moshe.

but what about the fact that household dogs are different from wild dogs? your very own example is rekting your idea here. how can a dog overcome "muh nature" but humans cant?

human nature is a spook.

So Holla Forums raid ,right.

Just ignore the retards and their coincidentally concurrent threads will silently slip by.

lmao your brain is a spook. why not admit youre a liberal and just say "social construct"
since we both know thats what you mean

define "workers". managing a company is hard, and you need to understand business, as well as invest loads of time in it. The reason company owners recieve the profit is because they take the risk and make the important decisions. Saying they do not do work because its not manual labor is a fallacy.

The workers who do nothing but a fixed ammount of work desreve a fixed ammount of money for it. they are contractors. If the company does not profit, their salary stays the same. They are not invested in it. To be invested in it they would have to get a say in the company's business decisions and management.

Most people dont have time for it, don't have the knowledge for it, and don't have the desire

Funny that you mention capitalism eroding traditions and values in the same paragraph as you encourage the destruction of the family and the nation. You forget that those things are the most important cornerstones of civilization, as well as the highest pillar of morality.


Doesn't surprise me tbh, this place seems to have a soft spot for syncretism.

implying it's them that make decisions and not the hordes of managers and advisors they employ

the workers take bigger risks by being employed in a company (like, will my wage be paid next month or are we going down the shitter?)

I'm not saying that they don't work, even if they actually don't, nor that manual labour is the "real work" while intellectual labour isn't (in the USSR writers and scientists had the biggest pay too). It's that the CEOs profit over someone's else work, they get their pay by selling products made by the workers. If they were to be paid on the behalf of what they concretely did, how much would it be? who would pay for their service? no one. that's why in order to survive they profit on someone's else labour, justifying it by "it's my private property", "job creator", "I own the factory", which is all spooky bullshit.

which it isn't, it's not fixed at all.

And this is the least! share holders do nothing but profit on workers' labour, I couldn't care the least if their dividendies plummet.

Not to mention most people also lack the capital

that family is gonna fuck disney up, hard.

And these managers and advisors can make a business of their own, but oh wait having a stable salary instead of relying on the mercy and frivolity of the market is much more stable and desirable.

I don't know about yours but in most countries you are owed for the ammount you worked for. It is not a risk. A business failing will leave the worker unemployed, yes. But then he is not producing any labor or value so its not the system at fault.
I agree this is not entirely fair, but anyone can do it if they decided to take the risk, and it is not exploitation. If that person buys a factory full of machines with money he has earned through honest labor, or if he builds it himself, then he is entitled to profit from it.

Lastly on this point, mutually owned businesses do exist(co-ops i believe they are called) and there is no reason for you to not go start one with a couple of your friends if you like it better as a system. They have each person owning stock in the company and with a high salary. On the other hand it is quite simply more risky than a contractor based business, so its not very popular.

I get payed an hourly wage, complete with some bonuses, so it technically is a fixed ammount of money per unit of labor, which I deem fair.

loans exist, and multiple people can pool resources. Only if you are super broke or with no business skills or friends you can't start up a business.

Why no answer to this?
Or this?

You're wrong and that is all that needs to be said. Almost everything posted on Holla Forums about "genetics" is right wing propaganda. Accept that and you can start to move on.

I don't get it, are you trying to refute Marx's criticism or agree with them? The rest of your post is about putting bandages on a broken system. You admit that exploitation exist in vast amounts and true fair labor exist in small amounts. Marx also addressed the social democracy fascist advocate for(highly regulated by state economy) and there is a contradiction in surprising the motive of the capitalist and expect him to produce as much, Rather than try and fix a car that keeps breaking down over and over, why not buy a new one?

You might need to reread OP.
I study science my comrade.

Why is this so important to you? Why do you feel as though you need to make it part of your identity?

Even family has *some* meaningful relation to you in that they raised you and took care of you and provided other kinds of support.

But people of your race and nation are merely strangers. You don't know them. Now if you cared for all strangers the same, regardless of their genetics, I would understand that, it's the practice of universal compassion. But why limit yourself to these genes? What do they offer you? They're only special to you because you share them.

It makes just as much sense as if you were only to care about bald people if you're bald, or blue eyed people if you're blue eyed, or people with Down's syndrome if you had Down's syndrome.


The only importance they have, just like anything in the world, is the importance you give to it. We tend to think things are important because others think they're important.

Meanwhile, you think your genes and body are important because you have identified with them. You cling to them, and for that you will suffer. This is a truth. The same goes for "your people", nation, race, and whatever else you might cling to and identify with.

Only suffering awaits you when you cling.

They are not. Guilt and shame are the protectors of moral conduct, not the family and the nation.

So, just like the Soviet Union then?

Never fails to amuse me.

You've clearly never read a book by Richard Lynn. The supposedly arbitrary Eurocentric intelligence tests we have now correlate highly with socio-economic success, crime, rape, teen abortion ect ect. All markers of success imply high IQ. All markers of failure imply low IQ such that IQ has PREDICTIVE value. I don't think IQ is a test of universal intelligence, but it is a test of western intelligence i.e. if you pass this test you'll probably do well in complex information-technological societies.

Jews being the Master race ==COMFIRMED!==

Lol, you Holla Forumsyps sure like to champion the most fringe disrespected academics in genetics.
What's next? Rushton?

No creationist says that evolution is a "social construct"; evolution is a process which has been observed. No creationist says that evolution "doesn't exist"; what creationists say is that evolution through natural selection does not adequately explain what humans are.

The issue with race is that races are fundamentally simplifications of collections of phenotypes that people observe in populations; that's how the concept originated, and that's what it is today.

Not everything that Darwin said constitutes Darwinism; Darwinism is the idea of evolution of species via natural selection, and as far as I know it has nothing to do with race. It's no surprise Darwin believed in the "reality" of race, as many of his contemporaries did. That doesn't prevent him from being wrong on the matter.

See the example of Marx and anti-Semitism or the Asiatic mode of production.


What is "succes" in this context? The ability to garner a lot of money?

Countless geneticists have been fired at this point for speaking about race & IQ. Obviously those who support perspectives contrary to the Leftist dogma will be pushed to the fringe. Why not actually read his work instead of dismissing his research based on ad hominem?

Teen abortion, crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, promiscuity ect are considered unsuccessful by Lyn and others in his books, in addition to socio-economic wealth and so forth. It's not just an economic criteria.

Yeah, because the research they do is by and large garbage.


pls Holla Forums just stop.stop.smart people are leftist.jews are white .you dont actually read books and you get all your education from shitty jpegs.

And what is considered succesful?

Have you read any contemporary works on genetics, race and IQ?

No I don't get my education from infographs, but it's easier to post them than open my copies of genetics books and post long excerpts to prove my point. Clearly if we've regressed to insulting one another's intelligence that type of effort would probably fall on deaf ears anyway.

Got some good replies, thank you comrades.

This is incorrect friend. Genes aren't things that you just happen to have. They make you everything that you are. From your passion for art to your persistence of denying some truths, genes compel you to act in these ways.


tl;dr human biological variation is real but race is not because it's not based on the former

Also, the average IQ of American blacks has actually increased substantially since 1990, despite predictions to the contrary. Many goalposts were moved, to some amusement.

Richard Lynn outright fudged his estimation of African black IQ by ignoring studies he didn't like. Actual estimates based on all available data are neatly within the range of non-genetic influence.


There is also the interesting fact that black African immigrants to the UK are actually starting to surpass the native whites, despite average IQ for white britbongs still very slowly going up from the Flynn effect.


Lynn is not a "fringe" voice on the matter as much as he just made a buttload of very reaching assumptions before we could challenge them with evidence, and they weren't technically unscientific because he knew we would be able to eventually. He personally believed that the modern world was heavily dysgenic in general, a view that has yet to find any evidence to back it up.

People like Nicholas Wade and JP Rushton are so commonly disregarded because they are retards that cannot into science anyway. Rushton didn't even understand basic evolutionary concepts like r/K theory and misapplied them to humans, even though humans are, by definition, the most K selected of species as a whole.
