How do we exterminate the Jew meme? It is not their genetics that makes them evil, it's their fucking religion...

How do we exterminate the Jew meme? It is not their genetics that makes them evil, it's their fucking religion. It is a meme that makes them evil.
Their genetics help, since they are prone to schizophrenia, but that alone is not enough to make a jew the evil that it is

We are supposed to be the masters of memes, there must be a way to delete a meme.

Gassing them all works, but it would take a fucking long time to convince normalfags that this is a good thing
And I am a softy, I'd rather castrate them all rather than actually killing anyone

Is there a non violent way to delete the jew meme?

fucking hell can't post

You sir are cancer.
They kikes, culture and genetics must be exterminated.


more than anything it is the jewish soul, which infects even members of our own race

No, it is their genetics, they were genetically engineered as agents of the parasitical forces, their religion is just the rule book by which they play. Evil is in their veins.

are you implying that genetics can make you evil?
are you implying that their rotten culture is not old as fuck?

although I would gladly turn a blind eye to it, I wouldn't want to be the one to do it

next you are going to say that they are also evil wizards with mind control powers. That's a culture, not some sort of evil ghost

sure you can scientifically prove that it's possible to transmit set of values through genetics

oh look a thread full of (1)s

what do you hate most about (((them)))
is it the overwhelming greed?
or is it the total disregard for anything but (((themselves)))?
both stem from a lack of empathy and you simply cannot force that emotion into some breeds, (((they))) lack the capacity for it.

So… there is NO non-violent measure that will solve the (((merchant))) meme problem all by itself. Isolating them all to one area so they can all jew themselves and each other to death is a start. Since our way is better, it should be simple to lead by example and the differences in our societies will be quite obvious to all.

There are fucking 7 posts int the fucking thread you retard, what else do you expect? Should I also note that you are a fucking (1) too? Are you a shill now because you only made a single post?

That sounds contradictory

it wouldn't be voluntary isolation

even modern day (((psychology))) points in that direction, you dishonest piece of shit.

about what?
you just echoed (((psychology))). Why would you trust what someone you don't trust says?

when 0abba6 says
shows a lack of understanding the difference between (((psychology))) and biology / genetics
The russian fox experiment has shown that a few generations of selective breeding can change the disposition of an entire population.

Blow your brains out.

Except that's the opposite of what is being said. If it's their genetics then they're just following their nature, evil as it may be. But if it's their religion, then they're guilty of wilfully being servants of the Devil.
Most "jews" in modern times are Khazarian Turks anyway.

That said, the current pack of kikes are a stubborn bunch. What modern Judaism consists of is the hard core of kikes that has resisted almost two thousand years of conversion attempts. They didn't mend their ways then, why do you think they'll give up their synagogue of satan now that things are finally going their way? Plus there's the danger of cryptos. So no, there's not likely to be a way to get rid of Judaism aside from a full-on Inquisition or genocide.

The only good jew is a dead jew

Newfag detected, people like Soros and Zuckerberg don't actually practice the religion and neither do most Israelis.


Gas yourself.

Be ashamed

Partially correct.

Incorrect, considering that Jewish identity is ethnic, cultural and religious. It's 3 in 1.

So long as Jew can ask himself: "Will Europeans fuck me (or my family) up should they ever figure out what is going on", and think that there's even 1% chance of answer being yes - he will work to lessen that chance by any means necessary.

Imagine if you or your family member did something in the past and if it's ever found out you'll likely be goners (and you have example of this/Holocaust parallel) - you'd most likely lie, destroy evidence, stifle investigation and remove witnesses - were that in your power.

So, I do not blame the Jew as he is - but he's getting out of this hole on top, or not at all.

why not both

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