Actually met libtards IRL

Yesterday I met two people of a type I only thought existed on the internet or other places: The hysterical libtard.

I was with my friends, and two girls one of them knew tagged along. I made a joke about ISIS and Taliban. Libtards immediately interpreted this as me making fun of victims of terrorism and that I supported ISIS and Taliban.They went full bleeding heart offended retard. After trying to debate them I found out a few things: They are "socialists" but they favor a capitalist economic system because it's not a problem as long as it's "controlled". Apparently the parents of one of them were members of a communist party (apparently this relates to her not being an idiot), knowing how averse libtards are to guns and violence I asked if these parents supported a forced revolution, they did not, apparently these communist parents want "revolution" through revision because "violence is never an answer". These two girls also showed sympathy towards the Charlie Hebdo gunmen, as they thought Charlie Hebdo was a right wing racist magazine, and they defended attacks on on people who draw charicatures of muhammed because they "hurt a lot of people".

I tried to explain concepts of irony, sarcasm, and satire and how I see humor as a tool to highlight absurdities and to socially disarm certain ideas. They claimed to understand but they clearly didn't. It was the most uncomfortable social situation I had ever experienced; I was presented as the offender and the real offenders claimed to be deeply offended.

Leftypol, what are your personal, IRL experiences with libtard shrieklords?

Wow OP, touching story, comr8

I just wish more fucking libtard read BOOKS like we all on Holla Forums do. Then they would stop being so retarded

Never met anyone that plainly retarded but I meet a lot of liberals. The stereotype that exists in on the internet is of course exaggerated; most of these people have some bad ideas, sure, but if you yourself are not retarded and a decent communicator you can usually make them say "yeah, I suppose you're right" after a ten minute conversation.

I go to a community college so I don't have to put up with bourgeois idiots like that for now.

Sounds pretty Holla Forums to me

I see you've never lurked here before

I think they have a hard time reading anything that doesn't come in blog format.

Holla Forums plz, plus that's more something you people would say.

I think you spelled "/r/socialism" wrong.



terrorism is an act of violence meant to spread terror.

Revolution is an organised overthrowing of regime/state.

Get your definitions right.

Well I mean if you wanna get really abstract, then sure. If you want to call death "hurt feelings" then you could, I suppose. Do you think it makes sense to use "hurt feelings" to describe those things though?

During my time in college (a computing course if you're curious) I came across a RadFem. Our interaction goes like this

I was in college sitting at a table verbally shitposting with my friends and having a jolly time when suddenly this rainbow haired harpy comes up to us. -2/10 would purge.

"have you heard about the pay gap?" she says, offering us a leaflet. Me and my m8s look at each other. We know what to do, on a friend's laptop and me and the other guy's tablet, we summon some evidence that it's bullshit.

Needless to say, a temper tantrum ensued, muh patriarchy etc. Every point she brings up we concisely refute like a street thug attacking a cadre of Kung Fu masters.

Eventually, she starts crying and pisses off, we fistbump and go back to class. She tried to report us for bullying and harrassment but witnesses there said she was antagonising us and got the tables turned.

It was a good day.

Violent revolutions - at least the good kind - are caused by material exploitation, not hurt feelings. Reals, not feels.

If you have a "revolution" over feelings it ends up being Fascist, Islamist, or some other right-wing ideology.

wow great story, user

i bet you went and read a hundred books after that and she read none

Shootings bring out the best in people.

These people are seriously mentally ill , I'm starting to become more in favor of Stalinist re-education camps after hearing more cases like this.


OP here. Funny you should mention mental illness. I literally just got a text from my mother asking if I had gone around harassing people. These two bitches literally went and told on me to my parents. We're all thirty years old FFS!

… wtf? I can understand 15yo SJWs because kids are stupid, but 30yo? Some nasty shit right there…

This has to be pasta.

woot, millenials are so childish


Their thinking seems to go something like this: Terrorists are bad. BUT if you offend a large group of people, specifically muslims, you are kind of responsible for what happens to you and it is really just your own fault for being racist.

Like I said: I thought these kinds of people only existed on the internet, like trolls trolling for the lulz or whatever.

I would love for some WIFEs to call my mother to complain about me. She would get a real laugh out of it.

I find it easier to deal with and convince liberals than anyone from Holla Forums, if I'm being honest.
Most of their more vacuous ideas come from ignorance. People further to the right can be a bit more willfully ignorant.


For normal liberals I agree. But this was the first time I've met full blown stereotypical libtards.

That's actually a commonish SJW tactic. In their way of seeing things everyone who disagrees with them is a straight white male who lives with his parents. They were going for punishment or at least embarrassment, because in their view they're 100% right and the person they dislike doesn't want that kind of info going around.

this thread is Holla Forums tier shit


This is why I feel a small sense of joy every time someone shoots up the place in the USA.

Interesting, the woman in that image has chosen to wear a monastic tonsure…

I love this meme


I was conversing with a liberal friend of mine who supported Hillary. About ten minutes later she admitted that she was probably with her purely because she was a woman, and that her policy positions didn't line up with her own.

Yeah I had a sociology teacher that was a sjw. She basically tried to turn the class into some kind of pseudo gender studies course. We didn't learn any of the basic of sociology. The classes were just her ranting and raving about how much of a woman hating patriarchy we live in. The men in the class never dared to argue with her but a lot of the women did. Including people you'd expect to support that stuff like a stereotypical dyed hair hipster chick.
Which I now know isn't really unusual. Their ideas are not very popular outside of their echo chamber and some liberal colleges on the east and west coast. I don't even know where the Tumblrinas on the internet come from. I've know plenty of women browse tumblr. They're almost always shy and they're more interested in talking about TV shows and vidya then social justice. I don't know maybe it's just where I live.

From my university, for one. They live in clusters.

What state or country is your university in?

That's harsh, man. All lecturers and professors I've had in sociology have been very keen on a theory and statistics focus, though the revolutionary parts of Marx is often overlooked. There are no SJW types in any of my classes either. The two mentioned are the first I've ever actually met.


Yeah she was the only professor I've had that was just a stereotypical social justice warrior. My next sociology professor was a leftist that focused almost entirely on the material conditions and class dynamics. I've had other feminist professors too and they've never been that bad. She was actual like something that walked out of an alt-right meme. Long story short, she somehow expected us to pass department exams without ever assigning us any pages from the text book to read. So I ended up dropping the class just in time to get a refund.

Kind of a milder one, but whatevs:

Someone accused me of appropriating Hawaiian culture by saying "hang loose, bruddah".

She refused to believe me when I told her that I was born in Hawaii, saying "white Hawaiians are tourists or land developers".

I have this friend who I always saw as more educated and farther left than most of my other friends. He's also gotten really anti-SJW recently, getting to the point where he literally thinks SJW's are fascists and Milo has some "decent points". I basically didn't give a shit about this stuff since its retarded to discuss. I was talking to him and a few other friends about politics and socialism and shit, when he just goes on about how we need "a real liberal as a president again". I casually explained how liberalism is fucking retarded and for him to get his head out of the ideological trash can. I probably lost a friend that day, but at least I dont have a liberal friend

Can we have gulags now?

Didn't you promise you'd fuck off in the Feminism thread?

shit like that is why we need to be as anti-liberal as possible.
also, Holla Forums gained 51 points yesterday


He says that but he keeps coming back. I don't get it. Maybe he likes being abused.

Probably true.
Acting is a masochistic form of exhibitionism, like pretending to leave. It is not quite the occupation of a mature poster. Maybe one day they'll be as sadistic and ponderous as me :^)

We all know a red blooded bully like you can't resist picking on us innocent leftypolers. It's obvious that's why you stay here.


So you admit it.

Nah, I side with the semen demons in that pic.

I love Mako

Call them reactionaries and watch them get upset. No point actually engaging with mongoloids.

Why are you so butthurt over books?

I hear this BS all the time from liberals and conservatives alike.

I guess George Washington should've just written a strongly worded letter to the King.

is this pasta

He did. It didn't work.

just looked at that place now, and I thought r/anarchism was bad, the fuq

This whole thread is.


Um, next time, try "sorry, it was just a joke" and not "I, an enlightened individual, will explain to you what a joke is, because obviously if you are offended you must not know what a joke is".

Seriously, the sargon-of-akkad shtick doesn't work with real people.
