Am I the only one here who still firmly believes that communism is inevitable and the final outcome of all previous...

Am I the only one here who still firmly believes that communism is inevitable and the final outcome of all previous historical events?
Sure there may be horrific disasters, wars, famines, betrayals and subversions ahead of us, but I seriously cant think how communism isnt inevitable finally.

Woah, great picture OP.

If only more people READ, we wouldn't have so many dumb people in this world

You know what you're saying user. Fucking MARX wrote all about it in his BOOKS. But people just don't want to READ

Dat Perma Salt.

that sounds so idealistic and pre-determinant

do u even read, bro?

Either we have communism or this world will burn. I will make this idea a reality.

Especially Holla Forums comr8s houses because they're full of BOOKS

It's more likely that the ruling class and the enslaved masses diverge genetically to the point where reproduction will be impossible.

Wow, insightful comment comr8

The difference between bourgoisie and the proletariat are so fucking wide that they'll become a different fucking species

You should write a BOOK about it

Your not as funny and witty as you think you are.

Communism or extinction


Only radical feminism can save us now.

I think you'd find it funnier if you read a bit more, tbqfh famalam

How many books have you read? 20-30? I've read thousands. Get on my level, fascist.

I doubt it. In my view, if things keep going as they are, the natural world will be degraded or destroyed to the extent that humanity will be unable to survive. That, or the state will be able maintain the status quo, and, through advanced technology, become so powerful and secure, that any resistance or subversion would be simply impossible.

Communism can happen only if it's forced to, through massive violence and a total elimination of the institutions and persons preventing it. There needs to be a war.

30? Try 300. We have all the time in this world.

I disagree with this apocalyptic mindset people have. Human population will never cross 13 billion, new technologies like nuclear fusion, hydroponics, GM plants and older ones like desalination will ensure near limitless supply of food, energy and water. I believe human society will continue on for millions of years and somewhere along the line, we will have communism.

You sound like a pre-Khrushchev stalinist when they proclaimed that the triumph of socialism and the USSR was inevitable due to the "historical necessity" of communism as the final stage in history.

I don't know about you, but as a human I have a finite lifespan.

only insofar as automation and technology adanvance in the long-term + private property = dystopian future unless overthrown


Why is communism inevitable?

because of the compounding contradictions of capitalism which already make it unstable will lead to its ultimate collapse, and so the working class will either have to seize control of the economy to see that its needs are met or allow itself to be exterminated at the hands of the bourgeoisie

either way technological progress will have rendered material wealth in such abundance that there will be no need for capitalism, and the hollowed-out remains of the planet won't be able to support it anyway

I'm pessimistic too, though only in relation to the world's population as it is today. If massive conflagrations, wars or pandemics indiscriminately kill off a few billion people and destroy the old social orders without completely annihilating the environment, the survivors might be able to cobble together a post-scarcity communist society.
As it is now, I only see the First World labor aristocracies becoming deeply reactionary as they seek to protect their muh privileged and unsustainable way of life from those desperate and displaced by neoliberalism and climate-induced natural disasters.

It's not inevitable if there's a nuclear apocalypse. Posadaists pls fuck off.

Technological advancement and machine intelligence. In the long run humans will be the equivalent of pets or small children - provided for and protected, but incapable of contributing to the upkeep or advancement of civilisation.

Either we'll get communism or we'll get extinction.

it isn't
of course you can stick to capitalism and cause misery for the coming decades and centuries until the last man drops dead, we have the capabilities to do that, no doubt

communism is only inevitable in a sense that if you were to successfully overthrow the reactionary forces of history it's the only next possible step as capitalism is the peak form of class antagonism that cannot result in yet another form of class society but only in its abolition

On the contrary, you are another one in a sea of people who believe in the holy doctrine of Capitalism falling due to its inherent contradictions

Spooks, ideologues, all of you, you are more than welcome to rip me if you will

rip in piece dirtbag

Capitalism will turn itself into communism through the pursuit of individual profit. Once it is cheaper to buy a machine than to employ a person, the employer-employee mode of production will disappear. Whoever survives that transition will be forced to implement something akin to communism in order to provide for future generations. Even if they attempt to maintain a concept of property, it will become meaningless as we move into a post-scarcity world.

some of you guys are alright. dont go to wall street tonight

that's undialectic and makes no sense whatsoever
capitalism can't outgrow class antagonism by no matter what assumed development of means of production.
please, i don't even. that's like basic marx. i can't even be arsed to read up again and quote. someone else? i'm too depressed and annoyed by this as to being able to give educative replies.

please deliver