Explain to me exactly how capitalism creates useless jobs

Sup. Im a conservative black guy in the USA who has works in fast food and retail for almost 12 years now. I think it is fuckin retarded that every job I've worked should not exist (in my opinion). Recently it has made me really really angry, since I realize I wasted my youth in wage slavery for mcamerica.

I know, you think that, I want to how, specially this situation is created cuz of capitalism. I asked this to a conservative dude and he said that everyone decided that they would work so they can have shitty fast food and overpriced trash from China rather than not work, and not have it. So the free market delivered. But it seems like bull to me

Other urls found in this thread:


Also I should add I don't have the most clearest idea as to what capitalism actually is

It does so, so they have an excuse to give you shitty sub-prime loans so you can buy their cheap shit and they can gamble on the debt.

Meanwhile, you waste your precious life in nothing.

It's that thing when you don't have democracy in the workplace and some shareholder is making all the desicions that may put you out of a way to provide for yourself and you get to have no say in it.

It's that what happens when the boss takes the product of your labour, gives you a wage for the muh privilege and then sells it off for much more, pocketing the difference.

I don't know, can you say it in a more substantial way?

Maybe for a construction worker. As for me, I have never made a product of labor that helps anyone.

read this. There's a much longer explanation i could try to give you but i'm falling asleep standing up right now.

They make bullshit jobs because the economy would crash without them as people would have no money to buy stuff, and then the capitalists wouldnt be able to get even richer.

You provide a service that is integral to the productive process, therefore, in the end, that service is stolen from you and you're given back less than you're worth.

Holy shit, this is exactly what my thoughts are. And even more cuz I happen to work at long john silvers right now

I guess you are right. Its tragedic that everyone does not realize this. It is so depressing. I'm never getting my youth back. And my wife left me two years back cuz of money. At least I didn't birth a kid cuz I know he would go through I same bull shit I did

It's never too late buddy.
There's always a time to rise up and fight back.
Sure it's a long a weary road ahead, but it's something to strive for. Something to keep you going.
We're here for you.

Can I interst you in any kind of literature?

As long as its not much too complicated

This is an introduction to anarchism.
Now, before you go "wtf" in the beginning, I want to clarify that when he writes "government" he doesn't mean all societal organization. But he clarifies that later.


what brought you to conservatism?

You might enjoy this OP.


you guys are really shitty at answering questions ngl.

Capitalism creates useless jobs through creation of jobs that are used to mediate taking wages, competition with other businesses cuz muh free market, and lots of things that workers can do themselves.

Accountants for example, are used largely to avoid tax. I know this because my mother is an accountant (but for the NHS not rich people who want to evade), and she always used to tell me that this is what accountants do. She was proved right over and over again: minimum wage in the 90's. all tax hikes, Panama, but whatever.

Point is that these accountants for example aren't necessary. Same goes for a lot of managerial positions. Workers can do these themselves in a lot of times.



exhibit A

You know OP is probably from Holla Forums pretending to be a black dude.

I personally never watched one of his video, but a lot of people do and for them he provides entertainment. If he is a youtuber then you can watch all of his content for free on his youtube channel. What's the problem if people want to give him money for his services(in this case entertainment)?

are you OP?
If you're actually convinced that property rights can exist without the state, you should read that section of the anarchist FAQ an user linked above.

Fellow Black guy here, former Conservative turned Left Libertarian

Thomas Sankara got me onto socialism and why capitalism is detrimental

Hmu on Skype if ya want breh, i'll be more than happy to introduce you to a few leftist brothers who know more than me: abu_luqman_afriki

He's a brand advertiser who benefits from the profit of a company owned by tech industry monopoly, Google.

His videos are also shit.

Are you referring to this link?
All it says is that private property is capitalistic and thus exploitive and must be abolished. Even he is not sure if after the revolution there will be private property of collective property.

It says nothing about how private property can't exist after an anarchist revolution. All it says is that him as a communist considers the abolishment of private property a good thing, but he doesn't know how the world will be after an anarchist revolution. So please tell me where does it say that private property can't exist without a state.

I thought all he did was let's plays with a camera directed at his face so that the audience can see how he reacts.
Out of curiosity I went to his channel and it seems that all his recent videos have over 1 million views, some even reaching 5 million. Does that mean that he is not shit? Probably not, but you can't deny that over a million people like and watch his videos. Again, if I wanted I could watch any of his videos for free, so what's the problem, besides the fact that you don't like him?

tbh i fail to see how this would be solved under communism since communism still has "forced" labour

How would private property be enforced without a state?

Why does communism have forced labor?

No I mean this one

And this one

He's absorbing money from corporations which they only got by stealing the excess product of either their or someone else's employees. You can think whatever you want about his videos or their "value" but every dollar he has made on the backs of his literally worthless videos is a dollar taken from the pocket of someone that worked to make it.

Pewdiepie is emblematic of a corrupt system that rewards the profitable at the expense of the productive.

It is indeed depressing , but once you see how it's all an illusion propped up by empty consumerism and corporate scams I think it is also liberating. You live for tomorrow instead of being this miserable sheepish idiot that gains pleasure only through consumerism, money loses it's allure and you start living for other things. Of course I'm not saying wage slavery is good, but the outlook in knowing that you are a slave and looking for ways out, is better than to live and to die as a willfully ignorant slave.

But in any case, Capitalism cannot function without bullshit jobs, a fundamental aspect of it's allure and in enslaving people and convincing them to buy shit that are not necessary for their survival is what Marx called "product fetishism", people start worshiping a value in the object that never existed in the first place.

Under communism your survival is guaranteed by society, there's no "forced" labour.

Don't you have to work to earn your labour vouchers?



Now show me a moral job capitalism has created


(not the same poster you were talking to)
Critique of the Gotha programme.

do you enjoy watching commericals OP? Remember, you should watch them or you are a filthy anti-captialist commie.

Yeah, and you need the rest of the quote

>Hence, equal right here is still in principle – bourgeois right, although principle and practice are no longer at loggerheads, while the exchange of equivalents in commodity exchange exists only on the average and not in the individual case.

>In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly – only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!

There's "communism" or the lower intermediate stage of socialism where there are still vestiges of capitalist thought and processes, and then there's fully developed communism where you give what you are able and take what is needed as your share of the common ownership of production.

Let's Plays are brand advertisement.

Is essentially your question.